MTL - Global Login: Only I Choose the Prehistoric World-Chapter 190

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There is also the master of Sun Wukong, the ancestor of Bodhi.

Now the master of Sun Wukong, the ancestor of Bodhi has not appeared for a long time.

It also made Tathagata Buddha feel a little uneasy.

The reason why he didn't make an instant shot now and kill Sun Wukong.

Just worried, Monkey King's master Bodhi Patriarch came here in an instant, and he couldn't let him go.

In this way, even with his magic power, he might not be able to compete with that Bodhi Patriarch.

Because of Bodhi's ability, he is also very understanding.

That Bodhi Patriarch himself is a saint, and even the people of the Western Heaven cannot compete with him.

And its status is comparable to that of Sanqing, so he also has some concerns.

Of course, Tathagata Buddha's current concerns, he definitely can't openly say.

Otherwise, it will definitely attract all the Buddhas in the Western Heaven, who are all shocked by this.


And Chu Feng also saw such a message in the eyes of Tathagata Buddha.

Although there was murder in the eyes of the Buddha, there was a trace of concern.

This trace of concern, Chu Feng also calculated, must be because of Monkey King's master, the ancestor of Bodhi.

Therefore, when thinking of this, Chu Feng took a step forward and said to the Tathagata Buddha.


"I've heard for a long time in the West, the Buddha Dharma is boundless, and all sentient beings are purified, but today it's really not that good when I see it."

"It's just one thing, I have some unknowns, and I hope Tathagata Buddha can answer my doubts for me."

Hearing that Chu Feng was in the Daleiyin Temple, he openly said such words.


The Tathagata Buddha also felt the extraordinaryness of Chu Feng, because he watched Chu Feng with his eyes.

Not fully discovering its foundation is enough to explain Chu Feng's realm.

Only above him, not below him.

At a time like this, Chu Feng still questioned him.

Especially in front of the Arhats, Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in the Western Heaven, he cannot lose his identity.

So when thinking of this, Tathagata Buddha opened his mouth and said.

Chapter 342 The question of Chu Feng

So when thinking of this, Tathagata Buddha opened his mouth and said to Chu Feng.

"I don't know if this expert in front of you has any doubts you can ask face-to-face. If I can answer it for you, I will answer one or two myself."

When Chu Feng saw Tathagata Buddha, he agreed so happily.

So he stepped forward and spoke to Tathagata Buddha.

"Tathagata Buddha, I know that Tang Seng is your eldest disciple, Jin Chanzi reincarnated "five or six"."

"It must have won your true inheritance, why do you still come to the Western Heaven to seek the true scriptures?"

"Could it be that the Buddhadharma of your Tathagata, even your eldest disciple, has not been deeply taught?"

Tathagata Buddha heard Chu Feng's tone, Chu Feng was so aggressive, and his heart was very unhappy.

But even so, he couldn't lower his stance.

So he opened his mouth and said to Chu Feng, "That Tang Seng's previous life, although it was my eldest disciple Jin Chanzi."

"He also won my Buddhist Dharma, but in this life, he was just a common man with a mortal body."

"If you want to obtain the true scriptures, you also need to go through ninety-nine-eighty-one hardships before you can get a positive result."

"You are not from my Buddhist family, so you have never known the mystery."

"This matter has nothing to do with today's affairs. Since I have answered your question, please stop meddling in my Buddhist affairs."

Chu Feng heard the Tathagata Buddha, after saying such words.

I also know that the Tathagata Buddha was very dissatisfied with Chu Feng in his heart.

If you want to come to this Buddha, you should have guessed that Chu Feng will ruin his plan.

Therefore, in the current Daleiyin Temple, it is also delaying time.

As for Chu Feng's identity, he could not find out.

Therefore, he felt that this Chu Feng might be the helper sent by Bodhi Patriarch to Sun Wukong.

Since Sun Wukong now has a helper.

Then, in the next step, he needs to be cautious about killing Sun Wukong.

Otherwise, once the matter is exposed, then his reputation in the West will also be ruined, and his face will be disgraced.

He did not expect that he had worked so hard to plan things for such a long time.

There is actually such a predicament now, I think everything has a cause and effect.

He has a very good understanding of the six-eared macaque, because these six-eared macaques were cultivated by him since childhood......

It is to be able to replace Sun Wukong, to protect Tang Seng all the way westward, to reach the Western Heaven to obtain the scriptures.

This was a very smooth thing, but I didn't expect to kill a Chu Feng halfway.

This made the Tathagata feel a little confused when he thought of this.

The Tathagata Buddha said, "This matter is the cause and effect of my West, and it is my West matter."

"I don't know why, but you have to contaminate this cause and effect and get involved in it."

After Chu Feng heard the Tathagata Buddha and said such words, he also smiled slightly at the Tathagata Buddha.

Then he said, "It's not me, I have to intervene in your Western affairs."

"It's just that I feel that there are many strange things in these 3.2 things. Presumably the Buddha also knew it."

"If the Tathagata Buddha can act impartially, then I am very willing to help."

"But if there is something going on here, then it is absolutely impossible for me to stand idly by."

Chu Feng said this, and after some words, even Guanyin Bodhisattva felt stunned.

Because it is obvious that what Chu Feng said is also something in his words.

Chapter 343 Fighting the Five Arhats

For the many Arhats in the Great Leiyin Temple in the West, Chu Feng's words were extremely insulting.

The Western Heaven has Buddha-nature, the light of Buddha pervades all sentient beings, and it has a heart of compassion.

But when I heard Chu Feng's words, there seemed to be some huge conspiracy.

If it was in the Great Leiyin Temple in the West Heaven, this matter would really spread.

Even if it is not aimed at them, these Arhats are aimed at the supreme Tathagata Buddha in their hearts.

Therefore, when thinking of this, five of the Arhats jumped out.

Facing Chu Feng, he said, "What kind of thing are you, you dare to come to my Daleiyin Temple and point fingers."

After finishing speaking, the Buddha's light with endless 09 diffused.

Afterwards, there was magic energy, and it attacked Chu Feng.

When Chu Feng saw the Arhats in the Western Heaven, he hit him hard because of his words.

In my heart, I laughed secretly, this Xitian is also incompetent.

Seeing that the several Arhats below made a rash move, the Tathagata Buddha did not stop it.

It can be seen that this matter is also the Tathagata Buddha instructing them.

Let them try the details of this Chu Feng, so when he thinks of this, Chu Feng is not used to them.

With a wave of the boundless glazed light, it flashed out.

Then, in his hand, a long sword was transformed.

In this long sword, there is a strong aura of the emperor gushing out.

And the pressure brought by it cut the Buddha's light all over the sky.

In the end, it turned into a little golden light and disappeared in the same place.

At this time, the Tathagata Buddha also felt a little stunned when he saw the divine sword in Chu Feng's hand.

Because he recognized this divine sword, it was the ancient Xuanyuan sword.

Although this sword is powerful among many magic weapons, it is not the strongest.

But it is a symbol of the emperor. The current emperor has disappeared for many years and has not appeared in the world.

He also hadn't found out for a long time that the real Human Sovereign once again dedicated himself, since Fuxi had an epiphany and became an emperor.

He has never seen it before, another human emperor can hold the Xuanyuan sword, so arrogant.

But even so, he knew that he also needed to deal with it next.

It was at this time that he was about to signal to the Arhats under his command to retire.

Chu Feng took the lead, and this time, Chu Feng did not hold back at all.

Because he also knew that, with his own power, fighting the Buddhas in the Western Heaven was the time for him to become famous. .

Since Tathagata Buddha, let these Arhats under him come out to test him.

Then you need to pay the corresponding price.

So when I thought of this, I saw Chu Feng waving the Xuanyuan sword in his hand.

So there is boundless sharpness 560, facing the few Arhats, attacking the past.

And the five Arhats did not dare to be careless when they saw such a situation.

The whole body is filled with Buddha light, and there is the blessing of Buddha Dharma behind him.

They also know that this Chu Feng's strength is very powerful, so this time they did not hold back.

It is to take out his own, the strongest ultimate move.

But even so, the tricks they resorted to did not support even a moment.

It was completely torn apart by the sword energy of the Xuanyuan Sword.

Then the five Arhats suffered heavy blows and fell to the ground one after another.

The bodhisattvas and the rest of the Arhats saw Chu Feng as a random move.

Chapter 344 Five Hundred Arhats Go into Battle

It instantly defeated the five Arhats in the Great Leiyin Temple in the Western World.

Even if he had been making noises all the time, the real and fake Monkey King stopped fighting when they saw such a situation.

They did not expect that beside the two of them, this seemingly extremely quiet person.

With such a powerful strength, even the two of them underestimate Chu Feng.

Seeing Chu Feng, he instantly defeated the five Arhats.