MTL - Global Login: Only I Choose the Prehistoric World-Chapter 204

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Then Sun Wukong, in the battle of the Western Heaven, will be shocked and killed by the purple-gold bowl of the Tathagata Buddha.

And the one alive now will be the six-eared macaque.

It was only because of Chu Feng's existence that the current situation had a chance to be salvaged.

His apprentice was standing here unharmed, which was considered a kind of kindness to him.

Therefore, when Old Ancestor Bodhi thought of all this, Old Ancestor Bodhi respectfully spoke to Chu Feng about the calamity.

"'" For this matter, I will thank you for my apprentice Sun Wukong."

"You can go to the Great Leiyin Temple in the West to rescue Sun Wukong without fear of life and death."

"This kind of behavior is not something that any immortal can do."

After he finished speaking, Patriarch Bodhi flicked his finger and saw a branch that was long or so long.

It appeared in the hands of Ancestor Bodhi (Li Zhaozhao), and then handed this piece of wood to Chu Feng.

Chu Feng checked carefully, and felt very excited after the wooden branch that Bodhi Patriarch handed him.

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Because he knew that this wood was not an ordinary thing, but a branch of the Seven Treasures Tree of Patriarch Bodhi.

It can also be said that the evolution of the congenital spiritual treasure is not an ordinary thing.

Seeing the sincerity of this Bodhi ancestor, Chu Feng was also very happy in his heart and said.

Chapter 380 Seven Treasures Wonderful Tree Divine Branch

"The ancestors don't have to be too polite, this thing is too precious, I can't accept it."

"I have my own reasons for helping Sun Wukong today."

"The most important thing is that there are some cause and effect, so I also ask Patriarch Bodhi not to mind."

After hearing Chu Feng's words, Ancestor Bodhi also looked at Chu Feng up and down with his smart eyes.

Seeing that the current state is at the peak of the mid-stage quasi-sage.

If there is some karma, you can completely break through to the late stage of Quasi-Saint.

This is of great benefit to Chu Feng, and he gave Chu Feng this piece of resin.

For Chu Feng, it has a great effect. Thinking of this, the ancestor Bodhi said.

"Since you have the opportunity of Tianda 577 to my apprentice, then I should also express something to you."

"This branch is not an ordinary branch, but evolved by innate magic."

"Use my Seven Treasures Wonderful Tree, a small piece of evolution."

"This thing can help you break through to the late stage of the quasi-sage, and even allow you to go straight to the great perfection of the quasi-sage."

"This will have great benefits for you to become a saint in the future, so don't shirk the blame any more."

Chu Feng heard Old Ancestor Bodhi, and when he said this, he also knew that this thing was extremely important to him.

After all, the things of saints are not ordinary (ajdc) things.

If you are too hypocritical now, you will miss a good opportunity.

The first aspect of the path of practice depends on one's own diligence and bravery, and the accumulation of merit through continuous practice.

On the other hand, what we need to rely on is the great opportunity.

Now what Chu Feng is facing, all this is a great opportunity.

The branch that Bodhi Patriarch gave him is not an ordinary thing, but a divine branch of the Seven Treasures evolved from the Seven Treasures Wonderful Tree.

Now it seems that after all, it is a kind of kindness, so Chu Feng took it from the hands of Bodhi Patriarch.

After receiving the Bodhi in the bag, the old ancestor saw Chu Feng, after taking the Seven Treasures Divine Branch from him.

In my heart, I felt very happy, and at the same time, I said goodbye to the three great Buddhas in the West.

Then, with a big wave of his hand, Sun Wukong and the others disappeared into the Western world.

Seeing the ancestors of Bodhi, Chu Feng, and Sun Wukong, the three of them left.

The three major Buddhas in the Western world also looked at each other in dismay.

This matter is too important for their Western Buddhism.

They did not expect that the plan that had been planned for hundreds of years would be destroyed because of Chu Feng alone.

I never thought that on top of this matter, the ancestor Bodhi, the master of Monkey King, was also recruited.

He is also a saint who came to his Western world in person.

Faced with the current situation, their Western world can be said to be the best consequence.

Otherwise, Patriarch Bodhi would be furious, and even if he could lead the saint out, it would be a great trauma to Xitian.

And that Chu Feng's strength is unfathomable, and all the artifacts he took out from his body were all extremely powerful.

Even the purple-gold bowl of the Tathagata Buddha could not suppress it.

With such a strong opponent, even if they were lucky, they could kill Sun Wukong.

Then the consequences are extremely serious.

So when they thought about it carefully, they smiled wryly at each other.

Then the ancient Buddha burned the lamp and returned to his dojo.

Maitreya Buddha also returned to his dojo.

Chapter 381 Sun Wukong's Epiphany

Only the Tathagata Buddha was left here, watching all the scenes in the world below with his eyes.

In the end, he gave a wry smile and disappeared into this space.

At this time, Chu Feng, Patriarch Bodhi and Sun Wukong stood tall in the void.

This space is a place outside the Western world.

After leaving Xitian, Ancestor Bodhi spoke again and said to Sun Wukong.

"This time, you are also infected with karma, and you have also benefited from misfortune."

"Not only did Tathagata Buddha remove the golden hoop on your head, but it also strengthened your body."

"Now you have the Buddha's light, even if the purple-gold bowl appears above your head, you will not suffer any harm."

"This is one reason why the six-eared macaque was not harmed by the Buddha's light."

"And this Buddha's light can also strengthen your body and hone all the magic in your body."

"For you, it is a great creation."

When Sun Wukong heard his master, Patriarch Bodhi also nodded to his master when he said this.

This time, he really got a lot. After thinking about it carefully, he glanced at Chu Feng next to him.

From Chu Feng's expression, he saw a hint of worry.

Therefore, when he thought of this, Sun Wukong opened his mouth and said to Chu Feng.

"The matter of the Great God has been satisfactorily resolved, why do you still have this trace of worry?"

After Chu Feng heard Sun Wukong's words, he answered truthfully.

"This time your catastrophe has been passed safely, but your master's catastrophe has not been completely overcome."

"After you go back, you must change all your previous qualities."

"Otherwise, when you are in trouble in the future, it will be impossible for me to appear in front of you again."

"Like your master, I can only protect you for a while, but not for the rest of your life. I hope you can understand this."

After Sun Wukong heard Chu Feng's words, he was also moved a lot in his heart.

On top of this matter, it was indeed because Chu Feng protected him that he was spared such a disaster.

There is also his master, who has destroyed the original promise to him and appeared in the Western world.


For him to save this, it is a great grace to him.

In the future, there will be a long way to learn, and neither his master nor Chu Feng will be able to accompany them all their lives.

Now his master, and Chu Feng will be separated from him.

When he saw this, there was a lot of reluctance in his heart.


He has been for many years, and he has never seen his master. Back then, he made a lot of trouble in the Heavenly Palace and was crushed by the Tathagata Buddha to the foot of the Five Elements Mountain.

Five hundred years ago, none of his masters came to the rescue.

It is enough to show that although the ancestor of Bodhi is powerful, he cannot show his true identity.

It should be regarded as having his own difficulties.

This time, the appearance of his master came to Western Heaven for his business.

It is very likely that it is not a good thing for the ancestors of Bodhi.

After all, there are more saints in this world than his master Bodhi Patriarch alone.

There is also Chu Feng, and it is impossible to accompany them on his journey of learning in the future.

The emotions and attitudes that Chu Feng showed before have made Sun Wukong understand everything.

Chapter 382 The rewards are very generous

After facing this incident, Sun Wukong quickly adjusted his emotions.

Now that the Tathagata Buddha can trust him so much, he removed the golden hoop for him.

Then when he returns to Tang Seng's side, he will naturally get rid of his inner demon.

Get rid of the anger in their hearts, since they are now going to the Western world to seek Buddha with one heart.

He just needs to orient his mind towards the Buddha.

In this way, the entire "May 77" West, the entire Xitian Daleiyin Temple, will take root in his heart.

And what he worships will not be the Tathagata, but the holy Buddha in his own heart.

Thinking of this, Sun Wukong has his fingers, and the golden light fills the top of his head.

A golden hoop was condensed, and this golden hoop was not the **** given to him by the Tathagata Buddha.

Nor is it the golden hoop that Guanyin Bodhisattva once used to bind him, but what he used to bind himself.

Now he is very relaxed and has no restrictions, but he now feels that he is restricted everywhere on his body, because now it is not others who are restricting him, but he is only truly in control of his own temperament. self. Only the Taoism in the heart can make oneself stronger. As the saying goes, those who know themselves are stronger than those who win. At this moment, Sun Wukong has a complete epiphany and completely understands the true meaning of learning scriptures.

It was only after Sun Wukong fully realized and understood the true meaning of learning scriptures and the value of self-survival.

The system beep will appear.

Ding dong, mission accomplished.

[Side quest: True and false Monkey King completed]

【Time: 120 minutes】

[Evaluation: SSS]

[Due to the "Infinite Amplification" talent, the reward is increased by 10 times]

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