MTL - Global Login: Only I Choose the Prehistoric World-Chapter 208

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"Master actually handed all this fine magic weapon into your hands."

"And you will also put such a big responsibility in charge of the Conferred God List on your shoulders."

"You came to Kunlun Mountain Yuxu Palace, and you have only practiced for decades."

"But the master, his old man, is so eccentric, saying that I am a man with hair and horns."

"Anywhere against me, you Jiang Ziya, He De He Neng, you can take on such an arduous task."

"If you are asked to do this, it will surely disturb the world, that's why Junior Brother will come up with this last resort."

"I hope senior brother can understand - the painstaking efforts of junior brother."

After speaking, Shen Gongbao planned to **** the Fengshen Bang from Jiang Ziya's hands.

And Jiang Ziya, seeing such a situation, will definitely not hand over the list of gods to Shen Gongbao.


After all, before going down the mountain, Yuanshi Tianzun had clearly said this.

Jiang Ziya was the only one who was able to expand the list of conferred gods and conferred gods.

After thinking of this, Jiang Ziya immediately began to cast Yuxu's spell.

Planning to escape Shen Gongbao, for his frame.

Shen Gongbao saw Jiang Ziya, and at this time, he was still struggling, and he also showed a gloomy smile.

When he came out with Jiang Ziya from the Yuxu Palace, he thought of such a countermeasure.

He didn't understand Yuanshi Tianzun's arrangement very much, and his Taoism was clearly higher than Jiang Ziya's.

Why did the master not listen to his words, so he felt very angry in his heart.

So I made this plan and planned to start halfway.

Take away Jiang Ziya's list of conferred gods and the magic weapon given to Jiang Ziya by Yuanshi Tianzun.

This will make all of his next plans much easier.

As for taking charge of Fengshen, he did not intend to let Jiang Ziya carry out this matter, but to do it himself.

And when Jiang Ziya saw such a situation, it was absolutely impossible to let Shen Gongbao go.


He robbed him of the list of conferred gods in his hand, and the various instruments handed over to him by his master.

Inner skirt: ⒉⒉0⑤23①49

So he used Yuxu's spell to fight against Shen Gongbao.

Shen Gongbao also laughed when he saw such a situation.

Because Jiang Ziya studied art in Kunlun Mountain, he only had decades of Taoism.

Therefore, Daoxing is far under Shen Gongbao, and it is very ridiculous to want to fight against him.


As for Shen Gongbao, he has practiced Taoism for thousands of years, plus Shen Gongbao's attainments in magic.

Much stronger than Jiang Ziya, now Jiang Ziya, resisting him is tantamount to hitting a stone with an egg.

In fact, as Shen Gongbao expected, after some fighting, Jiang Ziya was defeated.

Seeing that he was not his junior brother, Shen Gongbao's opponent, Jiang Ziya felt very angry in his heart.

At the same time, he planned to take out Yuanshi Tianzun's magic weapon and fight Shen Gongbao.

And Chu Feng was beside him, seeing this situation, he also knew that this **** list could not be lost now.

Because his mission this time is to help Jiang Ziya complete the mission of conferring the gods.

Chapter 392 Chu Feng made a timely move

So even for his own sake, he must take action to help Jiang Ziya stop Shen Gongbao and **** the Conferred God List.

He can see it clearly now, if he doesn't make a move, then Jiang Ziya will finish his loss to his junior brother Shen Gongbao.

If Jiang Ziya had just come out of the mountain now, there would be a mistake.

So this time the mission is very likely to lead to failure.

After thinking about this mission, it was a hell-level "five-nine-zero" difficulty, and Chu Feng sighed.

It is not easy to need him from the beginning.

It was at this moment that Shen Gongbao used his spell to stir up the water surface with turbulent waves.

And in the waves, there is also the sound of ghosts and wolves, which shows that Shen Gongbao is stronger than Jiang Ziya in terms of magic.

When Jiang Ziya saw such a situation, he immediately used the five-element shield technique of the Yuxu spell, intending to escape.

But what I didn't expect was that Shen Gongbao had already anticipated this matter, and Jiang Ziya was about to flee.

That Shen Gongbao started to stop it.

Then he pointed at Jiang Ziya, and a huge black leopard appeared behind Jiang Ziya.

Ready to deal a fatal blow to Jiang Ziya, while Jiang Ziya was performing the Five Elements Escape Technique earlier.

He was already staring at Shen Gongbao, but he didn't expect that behind him, there was a vicious black panther.

Such a situation occurs between the sparks of electric light.

If he was hit by that huge black panther, Jiang Ziya would be seriously injured even if he didn't fall.

This time, Shen Gongbao will take the lead, and at this critical moment, Chu Feng suddenly makes a move.

Behind Jiang Ziya, a glass-colored defense appeared.

Then came a heavy punch that hit the black panther in the head.

After the black panther was punched by Chu Feng, it was also seriously injured in an instant, and stood on the spot and did not continue to attack.

When Shen Gongbao saw such a situation, he naturally knew that there was a master who could make a move.

Otherwise, with Jiang Ziya's strength, it is impossible to reach such a state.

After seeing this, Shen Gongbao immediately roared, "I don't know which great **** made the shot."

"I also hope to give me Shen Gongbao a face and not participate in this matter."

Jiang Ziya was also very shocked by the previous attack.  …

He did not expect that at such a time, someone would actually help him.

So he also held a grateful heart and looked around to see who the master was.

In this time of crisis, step forward to save his life.

He also felt that he had a life-saving grace for him, so he respectfully bowed to the void.

Then he said, "I, Jiang Ziya, have been ordered by my master to go down the mountain to complete the task of conferring gods."

"I hope this great **** can make it easy and save me from my junior brother Shen Gongbao who framed me."

"I, Jiang Ziya, will definitely be grateful."

Hearing Jiang Ziya, when he said this, Chu Feng did not, and continued to hide his figure. 3.2

So it gradually manifested in front of them.

The current Chu Feng, stepping on the void, looks like a fairy.

The glazed light of the whole body blooms like a fairy, making people feel extremely respectful.

Seeing such a situation, Jiang Ziya and Shen Gongbao both showed different expressions.

Chapter 393 The identity of the fan

Obviously, the great **** who appeared this time was here to help Jiang Ziya.

Shen Gongbao glanced at Chu Feng's appearance, so he began to think carefully.

In the Yuxu Palace of Kunlun Mountain, among the twelve golden immortals of the teaching, there is no such person in the line.

And in the Kunlun Mountains, among the scattered immortals that he cultivated, he has never seen this person.

It can be seen that this immortal is not a person from Kunlun Mountain.

Seeing this, Shen Gongbao breathed a sigh of relief.

Because as long as it wasn't, the cultivation immortals of Kunlun Mountain would be easy to handle.

If it is really a person from the Kunlun Mountains, if this matter is passed on to the master's ears.

09 The master knew that he would definitely be punished, and then he didn't know what would happen.

Just now this great **** helped, I am afraid the more reason is that he coveted the list of gods in Jiang Ziya's hands.

It should be the same as his purpose, just to snatch.

So after seeing such a situation, Shen Gongbao took a step forward and said.

"This great **** came here, and I, Shen Gongbao, should treat each other with courtesy, but this matter involves a wider range."

"That Yuanshi Tianzun, with his old eyes dimmed, put these important tasks in the hands of this superficial person."

"It will definitely cause chaos in the world, and I, Shen Gongbao, should stick to this mission."

"I am also worried about the entire task of conferring the gods."

When Chu Feng heard Shen Gongbao, when he said this, he was also very contemptuous in his heart.

In the face of the great **** and the senior brother, the current Shen Gongbao can still be like this, and it is really shameless to say such a perfect reason.

It seems that his master, Yuanshi Tianzun, can't be forgiven for not looking down on him.

However, when he thought about it, what Shen Gongbao said did make some sense.

The task of conferring the gods this time is indeed very important.

But Yuanshi Tianzun let him take charge of the list of gods, and the person who made gods is such a shallow Jiang Ziya.

After only practicing in the Yuxu Palace of Kunlun Mountains for several decades, the Taoism is shallow and the foundation is very unstable.

Under such circumstances, holding the Conferred God List is very likely to be robbed by some loose immortals.

Now this matter, the situation that happened just after descending the mountain is the best explanation.

At this time, when Chu Feng heard Shen Gongbao, Chu Feng also smiled slightly at every word he said.

He has no good impression of Shen Gongbao.

Knowing that he is an extremely treacherous and jealous person, but what Shen Gongbao said is not wrong.

In terms of Daoxing, he is indeed better than Jiang Ziya, so he also believes that he is competent for this task.

But Yuanshi Tianzun didn't do this, naturally he had his reasons.

So now that he has taken over this task, he must help Jiang Ziya.

The task of conferring the gods this time can be successfully completed.

No matter how weak Jiang Ziya is, he must protect Jiang Ziya and complete the task of conferring the gods.

Although he is very sympathetic to Shen Gongbao, it is only limited to sympathy.

He had no way to give Shen Gongbao better help.

There is no way to let Shen Gongbao take the responsibility of conferring God on top of this matter.

Since Chu Feng's goal is very clear now, he needs to show his true attitude in his heart.

Jiang Ziya can't have any mistakes, and Fengshen Bang can't have any mistakes.