MTL - Global Login: Only I Choose the Prehistoric World-Chapter 222

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After Jiang Ziya got such an official position, he also felt very ridiculous.

But no matter what, he has now reached King Zhou's side.

Next, he also needs to complete the task entrusted to him by his master.

Chapter 431 Feeling the breath of Shen Gongbao

Because of the war in the palace just now, it also alarmed some ministers in the court.

At this time, Uncle Bigan walked into the palace.

When I saw the palace, in addition to King Zhou, there was also a Taoist priest.

Immediately, he felt very happy, because he was also acquainted with Jiang Ziya.

Previously, Jiang Ziya was in Chaoge City, divination and elephants for the people, and Jiang Ziya had helped him.

So when I saw Jiang Ziya at this time.

Uncle Bigan immediately moved forward respectfully and said to Jiang Ziya.

"It turns out that Jiang Daochang is here, it's really disrespectful."

"Now there are many monsters in Chaoge City, and I am also very surprised."

"I don't know why, at this time, these monsters are all coming out to make trouble-."

"When monsters run rampant, the world will not be peaceful."

"I also hope that Chief Daoist Jiang will be able to be a part of this Chaoge City in the future, slaying demons and slaying demons."

When Jiang Ziya heard Uncle Bigan, he said this.

Nodding to Bi Gan, he also had some thoughts on this matter.

So after dealing with these matters in the palace, Jiang Ziya returned to his mansion.

Chu Feng was beside him and saw everything that happened today in this palace of King Zhou.

The current Jiang Ziya has also held an official position in the country of Yin Shang.

Although this official position is not very big, at least it can play some role in it.

When he saw this, Chu Feng opened his mouth and said to Jiang Ziya.

"What you did today, although there are some benefits to King Zhou, you have also offended some monsters."

"I think these fox spirits should have something to do with the nine-tailed fox spirit."

"Today, you and Uncle Bi Gan participated in it."

"Presumably after the vixen finds out, it will definitely seek revenge for the two of you."

When Jiang Ziya heard Chu Feng, when he said this, he also nodded to him.

He said, "Anyway, we need to do this."

"These loyal ministers cannot be damaged in the hands of this monster."

"We can't save the famous people on the Conferred God List."


"But these unnamed people on the Conferred God List, we must do our best to rescue them."

"Don't let them be framed and murdered by these monsters."

When he heard Jiang Ziya say this, Chu Feng also expressed his approval.

This is also the main reason why he has always followed Jiang Ziya.


And this time, when entering the palace, Chu Feng discovered another thing.

That is, he felt the breath of Shen Gongbao, although this breath was very weak.

But it can be sure that this breath comes from Shen Gongbao.

If this Shen Gongbao has already sneaked in, King Zhou's side.

That Shen Gongbao should have his own purpose, obviously intending to target Jiang Ziya.

So this time, he must also remind Jiang Ziya that he must be careful in this matter.

Otherwise, once entered, Shen Gongbao's trap will be extremely troublesome.

After thinking of this, Chu Feng said.

"When I went to the palace just now, I discovered the aura of Shen Gongbao." Go.

Chapter 432: Crape Myrtle Star Moves in the Nine Heavens

"And with that breath, I feel that Shen Gongbao will definitely oppose you in the next thing."

"It is very likely that you will destroy the Conferred God plan and make King Zhou kill you."

Jiang Ziya only nodded slightly after hearing Chu Feng.

Obviously, Jiang Ziya also understands the meaning of what Chu Feng said, and he also knows Shen Gongbao's mind.

Now this Shen Gongbao, "623" is still not giving up on the mission of this god.

He wanted to **** Jiang Ziya away from Jiang Ziya's hands.

When he was in the palace before, he also felt this breath.

Although he knew that Shen Gongbao deliberately covered his breath, and was dodging him.

But he also knew that this Shen Gongbao was by the side of this King Zhou, and he definitely didn't do good things.

Including the monsters that appeared today, it is very likely that his junior brother Shen Gongbao did it.

The main purpose is to target him.

And now Jiang Ziya, his own practice is only forty years of Taoism.

Therefore, even in the palace, it cannot be compared with Shen Gongbao.

After thinking of this, Jiang Ziya felt extremely distressed, and then spoke to Chu Feng.

"It seems that the task of conferring the gods this time is not destined to be too smooth."

"My junior brother, if he makes trouble, if the master finds out, he will be furious."

"For this matter, my junior brother is too confused."

"Doing something like this will see how he ends up in the future."

When Chu Feng heard Jiang Ziya, he sighed secretly when he said this, Jiang Ziya's heart was too kind.

Now this Shen Gongbao has become the biggest obstacle for him to complete the task.

He is still concerned about the safety of Shen Gongbao.

But sometimes if people are too kind, the disasters they bring are extremely serious.

When thinking of this, Chu Feng sighed.

For Jiang Ziya, he must protect him properly and successfully complete the entire conferring **** plan.

When he thought of this, he looked towards Jiutian Shang, and his eyes revealed some deep meaning, which made it difficult to understand.

On the nine days at this time, many stars are shining, and they are arranged in an orderly manner.  …

Each has its own position, and each has its own function.

It was at this moment that Chu Feng saw Ziwei Xing, and there was a change, and there were signs of falling downwards.

After seeing this, Chu Feng was shocked and felt something in his heart.

It seems that the day of Boyi Kao's death is approaching, and looking at the direction of Ziwei Xing's fall, it should be in the east of Chaoge City.

This time, Chu Feng was also unable to help Boyi Kao to overcome such a difficulty.

But he also wanted to know the fall of Boyi Kao this time.

What kind of way will he experience, I hope this time he will not be too miserable.

So Chu Feng looked at Jiang Ziya and said to him.

"It seems that there has been a change in Ziweixing. Boyi Kao is doomed again this time. It's a blessing or a disaster. It's a disaster."

At this time, Jiang Ziya was standing beside Chu Feng, and when he heard Chu Feng say these words, he felt helpless and sighed deeply.

In the early morning of the second day in the palace, King Zhou sat on the throne, and all the ministers were paying homage below.

There is a peaceful scene in the palace, this day is the pilgrimage of the princes.

Chapter 433 The princes worship King Zhou

This is Ji Chang standing below, and his eldest son Boyi Kao.

And there are four princes from east, west, north and south, and these four princes, too, respectfully bow to King Zhou.

The surrender shown also made King Zhou feel very happy.

It was at this moment that the loud voice was transmitted to the entire hall.

Su Hu, the Hou of Jizhou, brought his beloved daughter Su Daji to meet the King.

Then he saw Su Hu and took Su Daji into the hall.

When King Zhou saw Su Hu, he came to his heart with awe and arrogance, and felt very happy.

He knows Su Hu very well, and is very loyal to him.

With Su Hu working for him over the years, he also saved a lot of heart.

Then he looked away from the Marquis of Jizhou, Su Hu, and looked at his beloved daughter beside him.

When King Zhou saw Su Daji beside Su Hu, it didn't matter what he saw, and he immediately set King Zhou's eyes on him.

Unable to turn his eyes away, he even froze there, his mind flying out.

Because Su Daji is really too beautiful, fresh and refined, and her manners are elegant.

It made King Zhou immediately feel that this woman was the best in the world, and she responded to the poem that only exists in the sky.

To be able to have such a woman by his side is simply the dream of any king.

After seeing this, King Zhou smiled and said at the same time.

"The Marquis of Jizhou has worked hard, and I was tired all the way. I am very happy to come here."

"Su Hu, is this next to you your daughter Su Daji?"

"It really is the beauty of the country, the country and the city."

Su Hu felt very happy when he heard King Zhou say this.

But he didn't care at all about King Zhou's praise.

He didn't think that King Zhou's thoughts were now on his daughter.

Because he had already made a decision with Ji Chang, the life-long event of his children, so he did not think of this.

He came here this time just to explain all the current situation in Jizhou to King Zhou one by one.

After years of fighting, Su Hu has now completely unified Jizhou.

And under his rule, Jizhou is now developing in an orderly manner.

What's more, this time, when I brought my daughter here, I also prayed to God.

To bless them, Jizhou will enjoy good weather and peace forever.

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