MTL - Global Login: Only I Choose the Prehistoric World-Chapter 234

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It's just that there is still some distance from Xiqi City. In a land of mountains and ports, Jiang Ziya settled here with him.

At this time, Jichang, the Marquis of Xibo, was still in a coma, and did not know everything that was happening now.

Chapter 466

Jiang Ziya saw that he was still in a coma, and did not wake him up, so he put him on a stone.

Then Jiang Ziya thought of a plan, picked up the fishing rod, and dressed up as a fisherman.

Walked to the river, sat down, and started fishing.

After about one hour and three quarters, Ji Chang, the Marquis of Xibo, woke up from his sleep.

Everything he had experienced before was like a dream in his mind.

The first time he woke up, he looked around and saw that he was on a hill.

I was also very surprised. Why did he come here in the blink of an eye when he was still on the field just now.

Thinking of this, I was also inexplicably curious, so I looked around and saw the back of an old man.

A fisherman, with his back to him, was sitting on the riverbank fishing.

When Ji Chang, the Marquis of Xibo, saw such a situation, he was also very surprised, so he got up immediately and walked forward.

At this time, Jiang Ziya, using the Yuxu spell, has changed his face for himself, not Jiang Ziya's true appearance.

Therefore, Jichang, the Marquis of Xibo, did not realize that the old man who was fishing was Jiang Ziya.

After stepping forward, Ji Chang, the Marquis of Xibo, was respectful and saluted Jiang Ziya.

Then he asked, "Dare to ask, bro, where is this place?"

After Jiang Ziya heard the words of Jichang, the Marquis of Xibo, he nodded to him.

He said, "This is outside Xiqi City."

When Ji Chang, the Marquis of Xibo heard Jiang Ziya, when he said this, he felt very surprised in his heart.

He did not expect that he had just had a dream before, that he would return to his hometown Xiqi.

It was obvious that this time, he also had the help of a noble person, and rescued both their father and son.

But in this place, he was the only one who did not see his son Boyi Kao.

So he felt a trace of tension in his heart.

But then this nervous color was suppressed by himself.

Since he had the help of the immortals and rescued him, then his son Boyi Kao should have no problem.

When thinking of this, Xibo Hou Jichang felt relaxed.

Then he inquired carefully, the old man in front of him.

After checking it carefully, Ji Chang, the Hou of Xibo, laughed out loud.


Jiang Ziya hurriedly asked when he heard Xibo Hou Jichang laugh out loud.

"I don't know what makes you laugh."

When Ji Chang, the Marquis of Xibo, heard that Jiang Ziya was there, he said that when he asked such a question.

"This old man, I'm not laughing at you. Ordinary people fish with a curved hook, but you fish with a straight hook."


"In this way, you can't catch a single fish for decades or hundreds of years."

After Jiang Ziya heard the words of Xibo Hou Jichang, he also laughed at him.

He opened his mouth and replied, "Ordinary people catch fish, but I am not. As the so-called old man fishes, he who wishes to take the bait."

When Ji Chang, the Marquis of Xibo, heard the old man say such words, he immediately thought carefully.

After careful tasting, Ji Chang, the Marquis of Xibo, knew that this person should be regarded as a master of the world.

If Xiqi could, they would get the guidance of this expert.

Then he will definitely be able to fly into the sky, and this time, he will escape from Brother Chao.

King Zhou will definitely send troops to attack Xiqi.

Chapter 467

Then they must go all out to protect the entire Xiqi City.

So out of this idea, he must now find a capable person to help Xiqi overcome the difficulties here.

So when he thought of this, Ji Chang, the Marquis of Xibo, bowed respectfully to Jiang Ziya.

Then he said, "This old man, I am the Lord of Xiqi City, the Marquis of Xibo Jichang."

"Because of some things, "640" offended the King Zhou of the Yin Shang Dynasty and caused disaster for Xiqi."

"I see that you are not an extraordinary person, and you are also an expert in the mountains, so I hope you can give me some guidance."

"Being able to go out of the mountains, save Xiqi from water and fire, and save the people of Xiqi from disasters."

After speaking, Ji Chang, the Marquis of Xibo, respectfully saluted Jiang Ziya.

But Jiang Ziya saw this situation and did not help Jichang, the Marquis of Xibo.

Just concentrate, staring at the hook in your hand.

Then he lifted it up, and a big carp more than three feet long was caught.

When Ji Chang, the Marquis of Xibo, saw such a situation, he immediately felt very surprised.

It turns out that you can really catch a big fish. After seeing the old man in front of him, he caught this big fish.

Jiang Ziya turned around and said to Jichang, the Marquis of Xibo.

"I already know about you, but I have been fishing on the riverside for too long, old man, and I can't walk anymore."

"If you can carry me forward, maybe I can agree to your conditions."

When Ji Chang, the Marquis of Xibo, heard Jiang Ziya say this, he felt elated.

Obviously, the other party used a straight hook to fish, and actually caught a big fish three feet long.

It's really a miracle. Now the words spoken by the old man are all words of wisdom. It is obvious that this is a living immortal.

Now, Ji Chang, the Marquis of Xibo, was able to meet such a living fairy in this barren mountain.

It can be regarded as his good fortune, so he thought that he must seize this opportunity.

Now, only by asking this living **** to come out of the mountain can they solve their troubles in Xiqi.

It can also solve all his difficulties now. When thinking of this, Ji Chang, the Marquis of Xibo, said respectfully.

"This old fairy, if you don't dislike it, I can carry you forward."

"But you have to promise me that if I carry you on your back, you will go to Xiqi City with me..."

"Help me Xiqi from fire and water, save my Xiqi from danger."

After Jiang Ziya heard the words of Jichang, the Marquis of Xibo, he nodded to Jichang, the Marquis of Xibo.

Then he jumped and squatted on the back of Ji Chang, the Marquis of Xibo.

And Ji Chang, the Marquis of Xibo, also carried Jiang Ziya on his back step by step, walking towards the direction of Xiqi City.

After about half an hour, Ji Chang, the Marquis of Xibo, was finally there, and some couldn't hold on.

So he put Jiang Ziya on the ground and said.

"Old god, I really can't hold on anymore."

"The two of us, can we rest here for a while, and then I'll carry you into the city."

Jiang Ziya laughed when he heard what Xibo Hou Jichang and 3.2 said to him.

Then, with a wave of his hand, he removed all disguise and revealed his original face.

When Ji Chang, the Marquis of Xibo, saw the old man in front of him, when he showed his true colors, he immediately recognized the old man in front of him.

It was in Chaoge City, the fortune-telling living fairy Jiang Ziya.

In Chaoge City, the person who rescued him was Jiang Ziya.

Chapter 468 Help him to overthrow the Yin Shang Dynasty

He still had a fresh memory of what happened in Chaoge before.

Now he doesn't understand why Jiang Ziya wants to impersonate an old man and sit and fish side by side.

And in front of him, make such a game with him.

When thinking of this, Xibo Hou Jichang was also puzzled.

Then he glanced at Jiang Ziya and asked, "It turns out that this living fairy was transformed by Jiang Daochang."

"I don't know why, is the Taoist priest doing this to play tricks on me?"

When Jiang Ziya heard Xibo Hou Jichang's question, he didn't intend to hide it from him, so he said.

"It's not me that you are carrying, but the national fortune of your Great Zhou."

"Yin Shang has exhausted his arrogance. In 09, a new country will emerge from your Xiqi City, and it will be named Da Zhou."

"You carried me eight hundred steps on your back just now, and I will protect you for eight hundred years."

"From now on, you have Fengming Qishan in Da Zhou, and you can fight against Yin Shang from now on."

"And because of you, how can you have eight hundred years of national fortune in the Great Zhou Dynasty."

"Within these 800 years, you will be able to protect the peace and prosperity of the Great Zhou Kingdom."

When Ji Chang, the Marquis of Xibo heard Jiang Ziya, he was so serious and told him all these things.

Heart can not help but feel great admiration for it, but also feel very regretful.

If he knew this was the case before, then even if he died of exhaustion, he would have to carry Jiang Ziya for a long time.

Every step he takes represents that Jiang Ziya can protect his Great Zhou Kingdom and his luck for a year.

This is a huge profit. Thinking of this, Ji Chang, the Marquis of Xibo, begged Jiang Ziya again.

"Jiang Daochang, please come on my back again."

"Even if I, Jichang, the Marquis of Xibo, are exhausted, I have to carry a few more steps on your back."

Jiang Ziya laughed when he heard the words of Jichang, the Marquis of Xibo.

He shook his head and said.

"Since you put me down, from that moment on, it has been counted, so it is also God's will."

"Your Great Zhou's national fortune is only eight hundred years old, and successive dynasties have been replaced. Life and death depend on fate, and wealth and honor are in the sky."

"These things, I hope you don't mind too much."

After hearing Jiang Ziya's explanation, Jichang, the Marquis of Xibo, explained to him.

Then I understand that all this is God's will, since God's will tricks people, then he doesn't need to continue to entangle over this matter.

When thinking of this, he suddenly thought of his son Boyi Kao.

Previously, he and Boyi Kao were on the execution ground, but now he has returned to the territory of his hometown, Xiqi.

But his son, Boyi Kao, was nowhere to be found.

When he thought of his son, it made him feel very worried and worried.