MTL - Global Login: Only I Choose the Prehistoric World-Chapter 237

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"Then I'm not here, I've stayed too long, and now I'll go to the Conferred God Stage."

"If there's anything there, I'd better go to apply for help."

"After all, I am the first person on the Conferred God Ranking. There are some things that I still need to do."

Chu Feng, Jiang Ziya and the others were very happy after hearing it.

This Boyi Kao is indeed a valuable person, and he has a loyal heart.

Now that he heard such a remark, Chu Feng also nodded to him.

Then Chu Feng waved at Boyi Kao, and there was a stream of light in his hand, which did not enter the center of Boyi Kao's eyebrows.

After Boyi Kao was caught in the eyebrows by this stream of light, an instruction appeared in his brain in an instant.

This instruction is what he will do after going to the Conferred God Stage.

It was all instructed in his mind, so Chu Feng said to him.

"I have already put into your mind how to build the Conferred God Stage and what to do next."

"'"Then you just follow and do what I instruct."

Hearing what Chu Feng said, Boyi Kao also respectfully shouted at Chu Feng.

"Please rest assured, Shangxian, I will definitely follow your instructions, and I will definitely live up to the high expectations."

When all these things were said, Boyi Kao said goodbye to his old father.

And said goodbye to Chu Feng and Jiang Ziya.

(Wang's) The ray of light that Chu Feng put into Boyi Kao's eyebrows recorded the location of the Conferred God Platform.

And now Fengshentai, the people involved in the construction, all the things, all have not entered the eyebrows of Boyi Kao.

And this ray of light will also become the certificate for him to enter the Conferred God Stage in the future.

In this way, after he arrives at Qishan, he will be inspired by Fengshentai.

When the time comes, Boyi will be able to clearly find where he wants to go.

Chapter 475 The Day of Never Seeing Again

After doing all these things, Boyi Kao also turned around.

Facing Xibo Hou Jichang, he gave his last salute deeply.

Then it turned into a ray of light and flew away in the direction of Qishan.

Seeing Boyi Kao's departure, Ji Chang, the Marquis of Xibo, also had mixed feelings in his heart.

Previously, their father and son had already explained everything clearly.

But the separation in the human world may not be able to meet again in the future.

This kind of pain is also the pain of separation and death.

Since this matter is now unavoidable, their father and son can only open their hearts.

Xibo Hou Jichang restrained his emotions and knew that he had more important things to do next.

So he turned his attention to Chu Fengyi 640 and Jiang Ziya, the two of them.

Next, he also needs to take their two immortals to Xiqi City to prepare some follow-up things.

Then he led the way in front, along with Jiang Ziya and Chu Feng, they headed towards Xiqi City.

On this journey, Chu Feng and Jiang Ziya also saw a peaceful scene in this Xiqi territory.

The people live here safely, and there is no burning, killing, looting, and no robbers in power.

They are also very happy in their hearts. It seems that Jichang, the Marquis of Xibo, also has a unique way of governance.

And it can be seen from these aspects that he has kindness and kindness in his heart.

Therefore, God chose to celebrate his great week, and there is a reason for it, and it makes sense.

Soon the three of them entered Xiqi City.

When he came back and saw his hometown, Xibo Hou Jichang thought about his experience.

Almost lost his life in the song of the dynasty and was harmed by the faint king, and he was full of emotion in his heart.

Leaving his hometown this time, he did not expect that he would be able to come back in such a state.

Accompanied by Chu Feng and Jiang Ziya, Ji Chang, the Marquis of Xibo, soon returned to his mansion.

This is all the family members and servants in the mansion, and they are also worried about their mistress.

After going for such a long time, why haven't you come back?

And Ji Chang's (ajdc) wife was even more anxious and uneasy in her heart.

I don't know what happened to them, but they are also waiting for their father and son to return.

At this time, when Ji Chang, the Marquis of Xibo, returned, the servants and others in the mansion were even more excited.

Immediately ran forward and welcomed the three of them into the mansion.

So he immediately ran to report to Madam Yu about the return of Lord Hou.

Now the people in the house do not know about the death of Boyi Kao.

I don't know what happened this time when their father and son went to Chaoge City.

After simply settling them down, Ji Chang soon began to prepare for the next thing to do.

So he ordered his princes to come over.

At this time, his wife was very excited when he heard that Hou Ye came back, so she ran to see her husband with tears in her eyes.

At this time, the princes of Jichang, the Marquis of Xibo, also rushed over to pay homage.

Among them was his second son, Ji Fa, who came to pay homage this time.

Seeing his father returning safely, he felt very happy in his heart.

Afterwards, they respectfully faced each other, said Xibo Hou Jichang.

"It is my great honor to have my father come back safely. We have always thought about my father very much in our hearts."

Chapter 476 Chu Feng Takes Out the Resurrection Pill

Hearing Ji Fa say this, Ji Chang, the Marquis of Xibo, was also very emotional, and also had some special bitter feelings.

Then he told the princes and Ji Fa about what happened to him in the Chaoge.

When Ji Fa heard his father say these things, he felt very angry in his heart.

He didn't expect that because of a small incident, his eldest brother, Boyi Kao, would suffer such bad luck.

This kind of thing made them feel very hateful, and they didn't think of the King Zhou they had served for many years.

He was loyal to him, but he never wanted to exchange it back. This is the result.

Now they are actually a faint, and they can't stand it no matter what.

Just as they were talking about this, Ji Chang's wife also rushed over.

He just heard these things in his ears, and suddenly fell to the ground.

So when everyone saw this time, they quickly stepped forward and helped him up.

Madam asked Ji Chang with tears in her eyes, "Where is my son Boyi Kao, isn't he really here?"

When Ji Chang, the Marquis of Xibo, heard his wife's question, he nodded sadly.

Hearing this bad news, Madam was heartbroken and couldn't accept this reality.

Distraught, he passed out. Seeing such a situation, Ji Chang hurried forward and picked up his wife.

Ready to perform rescue, seeing his wife lose consciousness little by little.

About to die in front of him, Ji Chang and his princes were even more anxious.

Seeing such a situation, Ji Chang came to Jiang Ziya and Chu Feng.

Kneeling down on one knee, he spoke to the two of them.

"Today's incident is really unfortunate for my family, and now my wife is going to suffer this disaster again."

"I also ask the two high immortals to take action and save my wife from water and fire. I, Ji Chang, will be very grateful."

The two of them saw Ji Chang, knelt in front of them, and sincerely asked them for help.

Chu Feng and Jiang Ziya couldn't bear it either, they didn't want to see them getting old and suffering repeated blows.

So Chu Feng saw such a situation, and quickly stepped forward and helped him up.

Said to him, "If you are sincere in thinking of you, I will promise you."

After speaking, Chu Feng took Jiang Ziya and Ji Chang to his wife's bed.


Checking the wife's condition, it seems that she is too sad, and her heart can't bear such a blow.

Little by little there are signs of loss of life, if not rescued.

I am afraid that he will die on the spot, and then Chu Feng did not delay, and took out an elixir from his Qiankun bag.

Put it in the mouth of the lady, and used his own glass of glass.


Helping the lady with exercise therapy, after a while, the lady has a brighter complexion.

Breathing also began to calm down, and at this time everyone saw that the lady was rescued.

They were all very happy, so Ji Chang took everyone and bowed to Chu Feng to express his gratitude.

Seeing everyone like this, Chu Feng didn't care.

So he opened his mouth and said to Ji Chang, "I gave your wife the Rejuvenation Pill, and used magic to help him recover his strength."

"Resurrection Pill will also save his life. Next, you have to take good care of him, and don't let him be too sad."

Hearing what Chu Feng said, Ji Chang was even more grateful.

I thought in my heart that I was really fortunate to meet such a great god, it was a gift from God.

Chapter 477

So everyone was very shocked after hearing what Chu Feng said.

I was thinking in my heart, what kind of god-man this is, and he can actually have the power to bring people back to life.

And this person was born with a wonderful appearance, which was really admired by others, and everyone couldn't help but feel in awe of Chu Feng.

Since it was Ji Chang's princes, seeing what Chu Feng had done to them, he was even more grateful.

After a while, Ji "640" Chang's wife woke up.

And facing Ji Chang, he asked something about Chaoge.

Seeing that his wife was so sad, Ji Chang could only comfort her.

But he didn't say anything about Boyi's examination and being named a god.

It was also because of Chu Feng and Jiang Ziya's entrustment that they did not say these things.

After all, the Conferred God incident is a major event, but it is a secret, and the secret cannot be leaked.

Since his son, Boyi Kao has now obtained the first **** position on this list of gods.

Then they also need to keep this matter confidential.

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