MTL - Global Login: Only I Choose the Prehistoric World-Chapter 245

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After correcting his attitude and adjusting his emotions, he also leaned forward and walked quickly towards the master.

At this time, Jiang Ziya's expression was also seen by Yuanshi Tianzun.

So he repeated his beard and nodded happily.

For this apprentice, he is naturally very satisfied.

Chapter 497 Chu Feng went to the underworld

Otherwise, he would not have entrusted such an important responsibility of conferring gods to his hands.

Jiang Ziya followed him, although it was only forty years.

These 40 years, for him, were nothing but a fleeting glimpse, a drop in the ocean.

But for Jiang Ziya, this is half of his life.

Because Jiang Ziya is only a mortal, and the years of his life are only a hundred years old.

"Six Five Three" In the past 40 years, Jiang Ziya has not been deeply fortunate in magic.

However, in terms of his inner practice, the Dao and Dharma he taught, and his epiphany, he was very wonderful.

Even Shen Gongbao, who has practiced for a thousand years, is incomparable.

Although Shen Gongbao has practiced for thousands of years, it is in his heart.

There are also many evil thoughts and greed, which are the root of all evil.

If you can't abandon all of this, then Shen Gongbao will never be able to cultivate into a true fruit.

But Jiang Ziya is not the case, although he practiced, only forty years.

But during this period, he has always listened to the teachings of Yuanshi Tianzun.

Put the Master's Taoism in your heart, meditate often, and always remember to study, and dare not slack off.

Therefore, Yuanshi Tianzun is also very pleased with this.

Just when Jiang Ziya went to meet the World Honored One, Chu Feng was not idle either.

He calculates that Jiang Ziya has just arrived at Kunlun Mountain, and he has not done things yet.

I can't come back for a while, so it will take some time.

So during this time, he planned to go to the underworld.

After all, if you want to borrow troops from the underworld, you have to need the number token of the underworld before you can order a party of Yin soldiers.

Although based on his cultivation base and strength, as well as the previous skill rewards.

Chu Feng also knew that he would be able to cast spells from the sun and send orders to the underworld.

Therefore, the underworld soldiers can also come to the world, listen to his orders, and start a campaign to attack and kill.

But in this way, he also crossed the underworld boss Fengdu the Great.

Thinking about it, he and the Emperor Fengdu of the underworld had never had any intersection.

So I want to use this mission to meet him and meet him.

Let's see if this Emperor Fengdu is there or not, and his power is incomparable.

It is said that he is the No. 1 powerhouse in the underworld world, except for the Queen of Houtu.......

And he is also a quasi-sage-level figure, so I want to go to the underworld to meet him for a while.

Let's see if he, Chu Feng, is powerful, or if the Emperor Fengdu is even better.

When thinking of this, Chu Feng did not hesitate.

So he raised his finger, thought Yin Jue in his mouth, and turned to go to the underworld.

In the blink of an eye, Chu Feng came to the underworld.

At this time, Chu Feng was standing at the city gate, looking at the magnificent gate of the underworld.

There is also a lot of emotion in my heart, because he has passed by a lot here.

Every time I come here, I see how many wronged souls are suffering here.

I also feel extremely sad in my heart, because how many ghosts are stored in 3.2 here.

Although Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva once said that if **** is not empty, he vows not to become a Buddha.

But after so many years of hard work, there are still many souls suffering here and not getting settled.

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva is here to transcend all the ghosts of the underworld, how many mistakes they have made when they are alive.

But as long as they can be here, sincerely repent, and change their desires and sins in their hearts.

Chapter 498 Prepare to meet Emperor Fengdu

Then they can be saved from suffering, and people can be transcended, enter samsara, and be reincarnated as human beings.

When thinking of this, Chu Feng was also very emotional.

I hope that I can do some practical things for the common people in the world and give some strength.

Chu Feng's righteous heart can be learned from the world, and it is also touched by many other great gods.

At this time, Chu Feng was standing at the gate of the underworld, and the little ghost who guarded the gate of the underworld saw someone standing outside.

He was also carefully looking at who the comer was.

Looking at it like this, a pair of immortal bones, not mortals.

But he had never seen this god, and he was also muttering in his heart.

Who is it, who came to the underworld, presumably also has something to do.


So without the slightest scorn, he ran out respectfully.

He opened his mouth and said to Chu Feng, "This god, I don't know what kind of immortal he is, what is the important thing in coming to my underworld?"

At this moment, Chu Feng looked at a kid who came to meet him, and heard him questioning him so politely.

It also didn't put on the air of being a god, but its momentum was enough to crush these little devils.

Then he also opened his mouth and said to the kid who came to meet him.

"I am Chu Feng. I came here to find the Emperor Fengdu of your underworld."

"Go and spread the word, saying that I have something important to discuss, so I came here to find him."

At this time, Chu Feng did not, and went directly to meet Emperor Fengdu.

Because he also knew that when he came to the underworld to look for him, he also had important things on his body, and he wanted to discuss with him.

In this case, we must treat each other with courtesy, so we can't stop showing a arrogant attitude.

This will also arouse people's disgust, which is for a character of his level.

It is also a matter of etiquette and prestige, a very important thing.

After all, Emperor Fengdu was not an ordinary person, and he was in charge of everything in the underworld.

Although he also wanted to learn about his strength, he had to respect it.

And I hope to be able to make friends with him, if possible, without such trouble.

When he thought of this, Chu Feng didn't say anything, so he asked the little ghost below to pass the message.

In front of the gate of the underworld, the kid who came out to meet Chu Feng heard what Chu Feng said.

Immediately, his facial expression changed, and after hearing his words, he felt very shocked.

So he thought in his heart, who is the person who came here.

He even dared to call the emperor's name directly, and clamored to find him directly when he had something to do.

In this way, the person in front of him is also a person who cannot be offended.

Then he walked up to him with a smile on his face, and said respectfully to Chu Feng.

"God, I'm sorry, to tell you the truth, you really didn't come at the right time."

"The Great Emperor Fengdu is not in the underworld now. If there is anything important to God, I can tell you."

"When Emperor Fengdu returns, I will tell him."

Hearing that this little devil said that Emperor Fengdu was not in the underworld, Chu Feng was very puzzled.

At this time, where should he go if he is not here?

If I don't go to him at this time, I'm afraid it will delay the time.

So he asked, "Where did he go?"

Hearing Chu Feng's question, Xiao Gui replied very respectfully.

"Returning to God, some changes occurred in Fengdu City some time ago."

"There are some monsters appearing and making trouble there.".

Chapter 499

"Those monsters are said to be very powerful, and they absorbed a lot of yin there."

"Take this as a way to increase your own skills, and then go out to harm the world."

"The Great Emperor Fengdu also dispatched many elite soldiers to subdue him."

"Who knows that the monster has high mana, and the elite soldiers of the underworld took action, but they did not suppress it."

"That's why the Great Emperor Fengdu will personally go to Fengdu City to subdue the monster."

"So now the Great Emperor Fengdu is dealing with these things in Fengdu City."

"It must take some time to come back. If it is a matter of God, if it is very urgent, you can wait here."

"If not, you can go back first and come back in a while."

Hearing Xiao Gui say this, Chu Feng also thought about it at this time.

In a few days, the 100,000-strong army of Yin Shang will attack Xiqi.

Therefore, this matter is also imminent, and it cannot be sloppy.

Otherwise, once they fail, they are afraid of falling short, and this mission will also end in failure.

When thinking of this, Chu Feng also knew that he couldn't wait.

As for the borrowing of Yin soldiers from the underworld, he must arrange it properly in these two days. .

Otherwise, it will be bad if you miss a big event. When thinking of this, Chu Feng did not tangle here.

Since Emperor Fengdu is now, he also has important things to do.

It's not good to go to disturb, so I turned around and went to the dojo of Ksitigarbha King Bodhisattva.

At this time, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva was talking about his Dharma on the Dharma field.

And listening to the truth is still by his side, listening to his Dharma.

At this time, Di Ting also seemed to be very docile, without the hostility before.

Presumably after these days, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva taught him, and his wildness was also slightly restrained.

And while listening to the Dao Dharma, I also slowly abandoned all the evil thoughts in my body.

Goodness in the heart must be cultivated to achieve positive results.

Chu Feng also said that when Ksitigarbha King Bodhisattva came here, he opened his mouth and listened to the truth.

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