MTL - Go Back To 1980 and Enjoy It-Chapter 291 Deng Yunzhu: The second brother is so proud

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Chapter 291 Deng Yunzhu: The second brother is so proud


On the way back to the Public Security Bureau from Suifeng Hotel, Zhu Junjie looked at the girl he liked next to him and said, "Azhen, I want to discuss something with you."

Deng Yunzhen said: "What's the matter? Tell me!"

Zhu Junjie took a deep breath and said: "Azhen, we have known each other for almost half a year. You know my feelings for you. I want to invite you to come to my house to look after the house. I wonder if you are willing?" "

 After saying these words, Director Zhu’s heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

The meaning of this statement is similar to that of a marriage proposal in later generations. As long as the other party agrees to come and visit the house, the marriage is almost guaranteed.

Teacher Li Mei also smiled and said: "It's not troublesome."

Deng Yunzhen blushed and said, "Dad, sister-in-law, this is just a housekeeper, I'm not married yet!"

 Although Songshan Commune has been renamed Songwang Township, Songshan High School still uses its original name.

Deng Yunzhen: “…”

 With this largest and most upscale hotel in the county, as long as it can be managed well, the life of the eldest daughter will definitely not be much different.

 After sending Deng Yunzhen home, Zhu Junjie happily returned to the family building of the Public Security Bureau.

Old man Zhu and Mrs. Zhu were overjoyed when they heard this. They couldn't be more satisfied with their future daughter-in-law.

 Six o'clock in the morning.

Zhu Junjie smiled and said, "Mom, don't worry. Although I don't have much contact with Uncle Deng, I have heard A-Zhen tell a lot about him. He is a very reasonable person and will not embarrass us in this regard."

“The black and white TV we had before looked boring, so I bought a color TV. This one looks comfortable.”

 In a certain girls' dormitory, Deng Yunzhu opened her eyes immediately.

As the bell rang for the end of get out of class, Deng Yunzhu walked out of the classroom with anticipation and came to the director's office.

Deng Yunzhu chuckled and said: "Director Dai, the dormitory I live in now has 24 people. It is really inconvenient to live with too many people, so I wanted to ask you if you can arrange a dormitory for me with less people."

According to their youngest son, if students who graduate from this university choose to become officials, their starting level will not be lower than him, and they will be promoted many times faster than him. This is true. The future is bright.

 Her second brother is currently a student at Peking University, the top university in the country.

 “Director Dai, Teacher Li.”

Her third brother is a top student in Bogao, the best high school in the county. It is said that he won the first place in his grade in the final exam. As long as he can maintain his current results, there will probably be another Tsinghua student in her family. College students from top universities like Peking University.

Old Mrs. Zhu nodded and said: "Of course, we will handle it with the highest standards when the time comes, and we will definitely not embarrass the in-laws."

Seeing the change in Director Dai's attitude, Deng Yunzhu knew that this was the right move. Her second brother did have face in Songshan High School. She replied: "My name is Deng Yunzhu. My second brother didn't come back during the summer vacation. I heard it was National Day this year. His school also participated in the grand military parade, and he was selected to be a member of the Peking University parade, so he had no time to go home. "

However, after asking around, no one was willing to buy it in the end.

 Legislation Zhang Guoan, who was entrusted by the Zhu family, came to Deng Shirong to discuss the matter of looking after the family.

Mrs. Zhu nodded and said: "Yes, I will go and tell Lao Zhang about this tomorrow morning. However, according to our matchmaking rules, we usually have to negotiate the price in advance before looking at the house. I don't know what other people need." How much is it worth?”

Deng Shirong said with emotion: "You have been talking about it for almost half a year. Since you have agreed to it, I, as a father, will naturally not object."

But in this era, villagers don’t even know the concept of military parade. After all, the last military parade in our country was in 1959, and there has been no National Day military parade for 25 years. Not to mention rural people, even city people. Few people have actually seen the military parade.

 Old Mrs. Zhu said happily: "That's great!"

Director Dai was so excited when he heard this that he clapped his legs and said, "Hey, your brother didn't even write a letter to inform me about such a glorious thing."

Even though their understanding of Duke Deng is limited, unlike those who pay a little attention in later generations, they will know how great Duke Deng is, but the superficial history they have learned is enough for them to admire him.

 Zhang Xiuping echoed and said: "Dad is right. Director Zhu is able to marry our Azhen. It is really a blessing that has been cultivated in eight lifetimes."

Of course, whether it is a large dormitory or a small dormitory, there is no independent bathroom. If you want to use the toilet, you have to use the public toilet on each floor.

When Director Dai heard that it was such a trivial matter, he immediately responded and said, "Okay, you go to class first and I will make arrangements for you in a while. When school is over at noon, you come to my office again and I will give you the new dormitory." You arrange it.”

As the saying goes, wealth does not return to its hometown like a brocade parade at night. His second son was lucky enough to participate in this year’s National Day military parade. Of course, Deng Shirong wanted to take the color TV back home and then show it on TV on the National Day to let the villagers know about it.

If a camera had glanced at the second son that day, the scene would have definitely shocked the villagers.

Director Dai couldn't help but smile when he heard this and asked: "Classmate, who is your second brother? Which class of graduates are you from?"

 First of all, it is really inconvenient, and secondly, there are too many people in the dormitory, and people use daily necessities such as toothpaste and soap secretly, which makes Deng Yunzhu very uncomfortable.

Get up and get dressed, then go to the toilet to get a basin of water and come back to brush your teeth and wash your face. Due to the large number of people in the dormitory, this simple operation took more than ten minutes, which made Deng Yunzhu more determined to move out of the dormitory as soon as possible.


Such accommodation conditions are naturally quite difficult for Deng Yunzhu. At first, she thought that all students in the school had the same accommodation conditions. However, it has been almost a month since she enrolled in school, and she has gradually become familiar with the school. Naturally, she knows There are some special dormitories that don’t have that many people.

Watching Deng Yunzhu leave, Director Dai started to arrange this matter. This kind of thing was just a piece of cake for him. He was very happy to be able to use such small things to gain favor in front of Deng Yunheng, a student who was destined to have a bright future.

After getting the color TV back, Deng Shirong immediately changed the TV. He removed the black and white TV that had been in service for nearly two years and replaced it with a color TV that was 2 inches larger.

Seeing his happy look, Deng Yunzhen's mood was also infected, and she smiled.

 Each time you charge the battery, the charge is 2 yuan.

Then, I tried to play it, and when I saw the colorful pictures on the TV, the villagers who were watching the excitement were all talking about it.

Deng Yunzhen smiled and said, "Dad, why are you asking about me? The price of your life is determined by your parents, isn't it?"

The villagers shook their heads when they heard this. In such a remote mountain village where news is closed, who would pay attention to the National Day military parade?

 In later generations, due to the popularization of television and computers, almost everyone has watched the National Day military parade, so when it comes to the military parade, everyone knows what it is about.

While the three members of the Zhu family were discussing the matter of housekeeping, Deng Yunzhen also told her father, brother and sister-in-law about the matter.

 Among them, there are seven courtyard houses in the capital, and each of the seven children has one. This alone can make them guaranteed to become billionaires.


Old man Zhu reminded: "Even if people don't care about this, we still have to give what should be given."

Deng Shirong's eyes showed a touch of melancholy when he heard this. After looking after the house, the man and woman were equivalent to being engaged. Although there is still some time before getting married, the feeling is still a little different!

 “Well, I’m back!”

They want money, power, and people. In addition, A-Zhen has such a good personality. They really dream of marrying such a daughter-in-law as soon as possible.


Even if a battery is used sparingly, it can only last for a week. If it is used like Uncle Jiu's (gong) family, it can only last for about four days at most before being charged at Shuangwang.

 While Director Dai was thinking about where to arrange for Deng Yunzhu to live, he suddenly had a good idea in his mind.

 The dean’s surname is Dai, and his office door is open at this time.

"Yes, black and white TVs only have two colors: black and white. Nowadays, color TVs come in all colors, and they look and feel different."

Deng Yuntai said: "It is indeed difficult to find a good partner like Director Zhu here in the county. Since you think he is reliable, Zhen, it would be a good thing to make a decision early."

 You can do as much as you have the ability. This is the life experience summarized by Deng Shirong.

Director Dai said with a smile: "You're welcome. Your second brother has brought glory to our school. You are his sister, and we should take care of you."

 At noon the next day.

Deng Yunzhen did not answer immediately after hearing this. Instead, she recalled the two of them getting along in the past six months. The impression the other party had on her so far was still very good.

Director Dai did not show off and directly stated his arrangement: "Deng Yunzhu, you should go back to the dormitory to clean up now and move all your luggage to Teacher Li's dormitory. From now on, you will live with Teacher Li."

“No wonder color TVs are so much more expensive than black and white TVs. This picture is so comfortable to watch.”

As for his youngest daughter and three younger sons, Deng Shirong naturally has arrangements. Anyway, they will come one by one, so there is no rush.

“So this is a color TV set. I’ve only heard of it, but I haven’t seen it before!”

 There are three bunk beds on the left and right sides of the dormitory, and each bunk bed sleeps four people. In other words, one bed is suitable for two people.

  “…”  When Deng Shirong returned home with the color TV in his arms, the news of his purchase of the color TV spread throughout Naye Village in an instant. Villagers who heard the news quickly ran over to watch the excitement and open their eyes.

Such a steady stream of expenditures eventually discouraged families from buying a TV.

 Watching the discussion among the villagers, Deng Shirong said with a smile: "The National Day will be in a few days. This year, the country will hold a grand military parade to celebrate the 35th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. Did you know?"

Nowadays, the villagers of Naye Village are no longer as ignorant as before. They have long known that TV sets are available in black and white and color. They have even inquired about the price. After all, with the wave of income from watermelons this year, the village has a lot of money. The young family has become richer, so naturally they want to buy a TV set to watch like Uncle Jiu's (father-in-law) family did.

In addition to this fixed asset, his eldest son Deng Shirong has prepared a big killer for him, a chain of supermarkets, which is now in the preparatory stage. The renovation of the second and third floors of Suifeng Hotel will begin next year, and the 30 acres of land in Chaoyang Plaza in Nanning will start at the same time. Also build a building to match.

Li Mei also smiled and said: "Classmate Deng Yunzhu, I will wait for you at the teachers' dormitory building later."


After being reborn, Deng Shirong made life plans for his seven children.

 “Well, let’s go!”

It is difficult for people in later generations who have not experienced it to imagine what it is like to live in a dormitory with 24 people, but this was a very common phenomenon in junior high schools and high schools in the 1980s and 1990s.

After deciding on a date for his eldest daughter to look after the house, Deng Shirong returned to his hometown as the National Day was just a few days away.

As the dean of students, he is naturally aware of the conditions in the school dormitories. Even a stairwell with few people is actually quite inconvenient to live in.

So, do you want to agree to visit the house?

 Deng Yunzhen hesitated for about half a minute, until Zhu Junjie's heart almost jumped out of his throat, then he nodded and said: "Just look at the arrangement!"

"Anyway, it's just a formality. Just let the other party give you an auspicious number. It's really the Zhu family's eight lifetime blessing that this kid can marry you." Deng Shirong sighed with emotion. How heavy is the weight of these words? Only he himself knows.

In this regard, Deng Shirong didn't mention any conditions. He just asked the man to give him an auspicious number for his net worth. Other gifts were given according to normal standards, and the housekeeping time was set on September 12th of the lunar calendar, which was the National Day. The first Saturday after that.

Zhang Xiuping said: "Just think about it clearly."

Director Dai was shocked as soon as this name came out. This is the only student from Songshan High School who has been admitted to Peking University since the school was founded, and he also served as his chemistry teacher. He will never forget such an outstanding student in his life.

Once she got married, in order to protect her quality of life and improve her status in her husband's family, Deng Shirong planned to use Suifeng Hotel as a dowry for her.

But it is the first time for men to get married and for women to get married, and the person his daughter will meet in this life is a hundred times better than the one in her previous life, so naturally he will not stop it.

 If he chooses to go into politics, there is no need to arrange a career for him.

  After all, Liu and Deng’s army made great contributions to the liberation of the Chinese nation and the establishment of New China.

The dormitory where Deng Yunzhu lives is home to 24 people. All the female classmates in the class live in this dormitory. Needless to say, it is crowded.

Old man Zhu's face was also glowing and he said: "Old lady, tomorrow I will go say hello to Lao Zhang and ask him to discuss the housekeeping matter with Azhen's father."

If he chooses to go into business, then after he graduates, he will have to open up another business route for him, and the upper limit of this business route will definitely be higher than that of the eldest son, because the eldest son only graduated from high school and has the same ability as the second son who graduated from Peking University. There's no comparison.

 In the director's office, in addition to Director Dai, there is also English teacher Li Mei.

The second son still doesn’t know whether to choose to go into politics or business. We will have a good talk with him about this issue when he comes back from winter vacation this year for the New Year. Presumably, after more than a year of experience in the student union, he has already made a decision. .

Although he had already married a girl twice in his previous life, Deng Shirong was still a little reluctant to do it again.

 “Jiu Gong is back.”

Deng Yunzhen nodded and said: "Sister-in-law, I know this. After getting along with him for such a long time, I feel that he is quite reliable. It is not good to keep dragging people like this. So, let's look after the house first and give them reassurance. As for Let’s wait until next year or the year after to get married.”

Of course, Deng Shirong will not let them know about it in a short time, because he left this courtyard to his family to keep in mind.

In another thirty years, villagers who are still alive here will understand that in addition to making great contributions to the liberation of the Chinese nation and the founding of New China, Deng Gong also single-handedly created an economic miracle that stunned countless people and made the great people The Chinese nation has embarked on the road to rejuvenation.

 After breakfast, Deng Yunzhu did not rush to class, but found the office of the dean.

Although she is still a freshman, she also understands that the accommodation conditions in the teacher's dormitory are not comparable to those in the student dormitory. Not to mention anything else, the fact that the teacher's dormitory has independent bathrooms is a million miles away from the student dormitory. .

These words made all the villagers nod their heads.

Her father is the big boss of Suifeng Hotel and the major shareholder of Tenglong Passenger Transport Company. He also co-operated with others to open a tile factory in his hometown. He is a truly rich man, and his economic conditions are thousands of miles away from her family.

Zhang Xiuping asked: "Azhen, you have to think carefully. Before you look at the family, you can change whatever you want, and no one will say anything. But after you look at the family, the marriage is basically fixed, and you can't change it, otherwise it will Being laughed at.”

Deng Yunzhu had already made a draft before coming and said straight to the point: "Director Dai, I once heard my second brother say that you are his chemistry teacher. I am here today to get to know you and build a relationship with you."

 “The TV I just bought.”

Today is already Saturday, and there will be a holiday at noon. She wants to solve this problem before the holiday, so that when she comes back from the holiday, she doesn’t have to crowd into this big dormitory with so many classmates.

Deng Shirong said: "This year's National Day military parade can be seen by people all over the country on TV. After everyone has had breakfast, come and watch TV if you have nothing to do to see how powerful our country's military is, and it can also be seen on TV Seeing Mr. Deng, he is the greatest person in the history of our Deng family.”

Although Deng Yunzhu's grades in this year's high school entrance examination were extremely average, she hovered around the passing line in all subjects, which allowed her to successfully enter Songshan High School. Even if she was only in an ordinary class, she was better than many others.

Deng Yunzhu said proudly: "Director Dai, you must know my second brother. He is Deng Yunheng from Class 34."

To buy a TV set, you need a TV ticket, which is also expensive. In addition, the village does not have electricity yet, so you have to buy an additional battery to play the TV.

Deng Yunzhu’s goal is to move to these small dormitories and does not want to crowd into a large dormitory with so many people.

Now, Uncle Jiu (father) bought a color TV worth more than a thousand dollars even though he had a black and white TV at home. This move made the villagers marvel. He is worthy of being the richest man in Shuangwang. His financial resources are extraordinary. .

Although their youngest son’s conditions are not bad and he is the deputy director of the Public Security Bureau at a young age, what are the conditions at home?

Zhang Xiuping smiled and said: "We have agreed to look after the house, so marriage will happen sooner or later!"

 Zhu Junjie was instantly overjoyed and said excitedly: "Okay, then I will tell my parents when I get back and ask them to ask Uncle Zhang to discuss this matter with your dad."

 For example, the stairwells on each floor have been transformed into small dormitories by the school. There are only three or four people living in these small dormitories, and the conditions are much better than those in the large dormitories.

“Jiu Gong, what are you holding?”

  The wake-up bell of Songshan High School rang.


Deng Yunzhu came over and knocked on the door. Director Dai looked up and asked, "Classmate, what can I do for you?"

“Jiu Gong, don’t you already have a TV set? Why did you buy another one?”

“This color TV is a color TV, and it looks much better than a black and white TV!”

 Old Mrs. Zhu has been waiting for her son. When she saw him coming back, she couldn't wait to ask: "Xiaojie, how are you? Does Azhenmei agree?"

Deng Yunzhu was surprised and happy to know that she was going to move to the teacher's dormitory. She immediately thanked her and said, "Thank you, Director Dai, Teacher Li, for causing you trouble!"

Deng Yunzhu heard this and said happily: "Thank you, Director Dai, I will go to class first!"

 Zhu Junjie said with a smile on his face: "Azhen agreed!"

Deng Yunzhu was shocked when she heard this. She originally wanted Director Dai to do a favor and move her to live in a stairwell with few people. Unexpectedly, Director Dai immediately arranged for her to live with the teacher in the teacher's dormitory. This treatment was really good. It's great!


 As for the eldest daughter, there is no need to say much before she gets married.

Knowing that the female classmate in front of him turned out to be Deng Yunheng's sister, Director Dai showed a sincere smile and said, "So you are Deng Yunheng's sister, so what is your name? Has your second brother come back this summer? "

At the same time, her father is also the patriarch of the Nayedeng clan and has a very high prestige in the clan. It is not an exaggeration to say that one call can be answered by a hundred people.

Old Mrs. Zhu said: "That's right. With our family's economic conditions, even the money we scrape together by selling iron is probably just a small amount of money in the eyes of others. Those families who want to be rich are those with poor economic conditions." A good family, a family like Boss Deng wouldn’t care about this!”

Deng Shirong said: "Generally speaking, before looking at a house, one will discuss the price first. If I guess correctly, your uncle Zhang will come to talk to me about this matter tomorrow. Regarding the price, Zhen, what are your own requirements?" ?"

The two started chatting about Deng Yunheng. It wasn't until the bell rang for class that Director Dai smiled and asked: "Deng Yunzhu, just tell me, come to me today, is there anything you need my help with?"

Deng Yunzhu said a few polite words and happily went back to the dormitory to pack his luggage.

 At the same time, I was also filled with emotion. My second brother was in Songshan High School, so he was really prestigious.

 (End of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion