MTL - Go Back To 1980 and Enjoy It-Chapter 293 Deng Yunzhen looks after the house

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Chapter 293 Deng Yunzhen looks after the house

“It’s different if you read more books!”

“Yes, you can participate in such a grand National Day military parade. Yunheng is really proud of his ancestors!”

“Uncle Yunheng is also responsible for holding the banner. It is a banner to say hello to Duke Deng. It must be very important. It seems that Uncle Yunheng also has a high status among Peking University students!”

“So this is the National Day military parade, it’s so beautiful!”

 “Our country’s military is really powerful.”


As the grand National Day military parade officially ended, all the tribesmen started talking excitedly. Except for Deng Shirong, it was the first time for everyone present to see such a celebration. It was much more interesting than watching a movie or a play.

 Furthermore, normal people have a patriotic heart. The stronger the motherland, the prouder they will naturally be. Seeing these well-trained and murderous soldiers, a sense of security arises in their hearts.

Deng Yungui asked: "Uncle Jiu, is this National Day military parade held every year?"

 Others also looked at the clan leader after hearing this. Of course they want to see such a passionate National Day military parade every year.


 Soon, the door opened.

The student was so thoughtful, so Li Mei pointed the way: "The director lives on the third floor. Go up the stairs and turn right in the second room."

Poor poor student Deng Yunzhu, I’m afraid I never dreamed that giving a gift would also cause “trouble”!

After taking out all the gifts from Teacher Li, Deng Yunzhu said with a smile: "Teacher Li, I also prepared a bag of fruits and a bag of tea for Director Dai. I wonder which floor the director lives on? I will give them to him." past."

 “Deng Yunzhu!”

If Deng Yunzhu had given it out with the fruit from the beginning, then Li Mei might not have accepted it, but now that she has accepted the fruit, she can't just accept half of the gift, right?

There is no need to be so polite about fruits grown at home, so Li Mei nodded and said: "Okay, let's eat this fruit together."

 Therefore, the current sales price of a pound of longan meat is about 12 yuan.

Longan meat is processed from fresh longan. Generally speaking, it takes three to four pounds of fresh longan to make one pound of dried longan.

Deng Yunzhu put it on the desk for her and said with a smile: "Teacher Li, I will bother you here for two or three years, not to mention these are fruits grown by my family. If you don't accept them, I won't be able to live with you." ”

Hearing this, Deng Shi'an also felt the same and said: "Yes, we are all old. If this National Day military parade is held every few years, we may still have a chance to see it, but if it is held every 25 years like before, Then I guess we can’t see it!”

Seeing the fresh fruit in the net bag, Li Mei showed a surprised expression, and then declined: "Deng Yunzhu, I can't have this fruit, you can keep it for yourself!"

 In short, compared with the bag of fresh fruits, this bag of longan meat is more valuable.

It was only in 1960 that older people know that our country suffered a severe natural disaster, and then the National Day military parade was stopped. After all, every time such a grand celebration is held, it consumes a lot of manpower and material resources.

Deng Yunzhu took out another bag of longan meat from the sack, put it on the table and said, "Teacher Li, you can also keep this longan meat. My dad asked me to bring it to you."

Other elderly tribesmen also sighed. In this era, after the age of knowing destiny, it is time to start planning for the aftermath. It is not difficult to live for another ten or eight years, but who dares to say that they can live longer? Live 25 years?

Deng Yungui said with emotion: "I hope I still live to see the next National Day military parade."

"Teacher Li!"

Students in this era did not have as many holidays as students in later generations. In later generations, there was a National Day Golden Week, and they could take at least one week off, and sometimes even eight days off, but here we don’t even have weekends. In the age of realization, it is impossible to take a week off during the National Day.

Deng Shirong replied: “On October 1, 1949, our New China was founded, and the founding ceremony was held, which was also the first military parade. Then until 1959, the National Day military parade was held every year.

Deng Yunzhu carried the sack with gifts to the second floor of the teachers' dormitory building, identified Teacher Li Mei's dormitory, and knocked on the door.

 Therefore, this afternoon, siblings Deng Yunzhu, Deng Yunhua and Deng Yunheng will return to school.

This longan meat is a good nourishing food. It can be paired with the stew of adenophora, polygonatum odorifera and meat. It is an ideal meal. Boiling eggs with longan meat and brown sugar is the most ideal nourishing food for pregnant women or those who are weak after illness. ; Longan meat mixed with Chinese herbal medicine to make longan medicinal wine, which has obvious curative effect on neurasthenia and Qi and blood deficiency; Longan Cola prepared with longan meat is a popular health drink today.

As for longan meat, even the skin and core are removed, leaving only the meat, so it takes about ten kilograms of fresh longan to make one kilogram of longan meat.

After greeting each other, Deng Yunzhu went in with a sack, took out a bag of fruits from the sack, handed it to Li Mei and said, "Teacher Li, this is the fruit I brought for you."

Deng Shirong naturally cooked a sumptuous meal for them.

 After watching the National Day military parade, the tribesmen stayed and chatted about the shock the parade had brought to them, and then dispersed.

 Songshan High School.

 Attention, this is dried longan, not longan meat. Dried longan means that the skin and core are still there, but the water in the longan is dried or roasted.

After they had finished eating, Deng Shirong took out the gifts he had prepared and tied them to his younger daughter's bicycle, and warned: "Cycle slowly on the road and pay attention to safety."

Deng Yunzhu thanked him, and then went up with the sack to give gifts to the director, which naturally gained the director's favor.

 It has been suspended for 25 years, and the National Day military parade was not reopened until this year. As for when the next military parade will be, I don’t know. Anyway, it is definitely impossible to have a military parade once a year. It would be too wasteful of people and money. "

But all in all, Li Mei was very pleased with Deng Yunzhu's move. After all, what teacher wouldn't like such a grateful student?

So, Li Mei secretly made a decision. In the next three years, she would try her best to help Deng Yunzhu and improve her English scores.

The bag of longan meat that Deng Yunzhu brought over was not much different even if it was less than two kilograms. The price should not be less than twenty yuan. This is not to say that it is equivalent to her one month's salary, but it is equivalent to her half month's salary. More than enough.

Li Mei said with a helpless look: "You, you are trying to be cunning."


Deng Yunzhu responded: "I understand."

The current market price of fresh longan is about 6 cents per catty, ten catties is 6 yuan, plus labor and other production costs, the cost of a catty of longan meat alone is 7 or 8 yuan, and it will definitely cost more to sell. Profitable.

This is why she said Deng Yunzhu was slippery.

When growing lychees before, Deng Shirong reserved a lot of space for planting other fruits. Basically, Deng Shirong planted all the fruits available in Bobai. Although the quantity planted was not large, it was enough for his family. have eaten.

 The fruits are indeed grown at home.


 Shanxin Village.

 Zhu Junjie’s hometown.

 Old man Zhu and Mrs. Zhu are back together!

 After the two elders came back, they immediately called the eldest son’s family and the second son’s family over.

After everyone arrived, Mrs. Zhu was not in a hurry to talk. Instead, she asked the pregnant granddaughter-in-law with concern: "Mei Li, how are you doing recently?"

Ah Li Mei smiled and replied: "Grandma, I am in good health."

Mrs. Zhu warned: "You are going to give birth in more than a month, so you need to pay special attention during this period, you know?"

 A Li Mei nodded and said: "I understand, grandma."

Brother Zhu asked: "Mom, you called us all over. Is there something wrong?"

Mrs. Zhu said with a smile on her face: "I called you here because of Xiaojie's marriage. The person he is talking to is coming to visit the house this Saturday. All of you brothers and sisters-in-law have to help. You must bring the woman to the house." It’s taken care of over there!”

Sister-in-law Zhu was surprised and said: "Mom, when did Xiaojie find someone to talk to?"

Mrs. Zhu smiled and said, “We’ve been talking about it for almost half a year!”

"Uncle Man's speed is good. It only took him more than half a year after changing his career. Now he has been dating for half a year!" The person who spoke was Mrs. Zhu's eldest grandson Zhu Wang. He was only two years younger than Uncle Man Zhu Junjie, but he He got married last year, and he will be a father in just over a month.

Sister-in-law Zhu said with a smile: "Mom, you guys have done a really good job keeping it secret. We don't even know who Xiaojie has been talking to for so long."

Brother Zhu then asked: "Mom, where is the person Xiaojie is talking about from? Does he have a job?"

Mrs. Zhu said: "Xiaojie's partner is from Bangjie's side. Her father is a self-employed businessman. She mainly helps her elder brother and sister-in-law take care of the children."

Sister-in-law Zhu couldn't help curling her lips and said: "Mom, our Xiaojie is now the deputy director of the Public Security Bureau. We should find a partner who has a formal job in the company. How can this self-employed daughter be worthy of our Xiaojie? "

Second Brother Zhu echoed: "Mom, sister-in-law is right. With our Xiaojie's good conditions, we really should find someone with a formal job in the company. In that way, both husband and wife have a good job. I don't know how to live this life." How good it must be!”

 The smile on Mrs. Zhu's face remained unchanged and she asked: "Do you think self-employed people can't compare with people who work in the workplace?"

Brother Zhu said: "This is definitely incomparable. How can self-employed people compare with others who eat commercial grain?"

This is not true. In the eyes of most people, the status of self-employed people in this era is indeed inferior to those who work in the workplace.

Of course, what they think of as self-employed are those who run small businesses on the street, and those big bosses who open factories and companies are naturally not included in this category.

Mrs. Zhu shook her head and said: "You guys underestimate the self-employed. If you just set up a stall on the street to do a small business, it will be a little worse than those who work in the workplace, but it is different for people who do big business." "I can make more money in one year than I can in my whole life."

Sister-in-law Zhu was shocked and said: "Mom, what do you mean, Xiaojie's family is engaged in big business?"

Mrs. Zhu nodded and said: "The largest restaurant in the county is owned by her father. In her hometown, she also co-operated with others to open a tile factory and a passenger transportation company in the county. Her father is also the major shareholder. Her family earns a year's income. Calculated based on Xiaojie’s current salary, even if he earns it for a hundred years, he may not have that much money. Do you still think that self-employed people are not as good as those who work in the workplace? "

As soon as these words came out, everyone present was stunned and stunned.

 Sister-in-law Zhu immediately changed her attitude and said, "It turns out that the woman's family is in such a big business, so she and Xiaojie are really a good match."

Brother Zhu also nodded repeatedly and said: "I said that Xiaojie has such high vision, how could he fall in love with an ordinary self-employed daughter? It turns out that she is the daughter of a big boss, so there is no problem."

The change in their attitude was expected by Mrs. Zhu. She said proudly: "Not only that, her second brother is a Peking University student. Do you know how powerful this Peking University student is?" So, the woman's family wants money. If you have money, you need people. When people come to visit your house on Saturday, you have to entertain them, do you understand? "

These words immediately stunned all the Zhu family members present.

As for old man Zhu, he was holding a hookah and burning smoke from the beginning to the end, watching his wife show off.

Soon, everyone in the Zhu family came to their senses, and each one of them expressed that they would entertain the woman’s relatives and friends with the greatest enthusiasm.

 So, Mrs. Zhu assigned tasks to them one by one.

 Then the family takes action.


 In a blink of an eye, it’s Friday.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Bu Zhongshi drove a large truck to his uncle's house. Cousin Yunzhen wanted to visit the house, so he naturally wanted to come over and be the driver.

 Speaking of which, the two are still the same age, but Bu Zhongshi is more than three months older than Deng Yunzhen, so they are naturally cousins.

Seeing his nephew coming, Deng Shirong greeted him: "Zhongshi, there are melon rinds and sauerkraut. Let's have a bowl of porridge first."

Bu Zhongshi shook his head and said: "Uncle, I have already eaten."

Deng Shirong hummed and said, "It's getting late, so let's go and wait until we get to the county seat to eat."

 Speaking, he and his niece Bu Dafang got into the cab together.

Bu Zhongshi started the car and drove towards the county town.

"Zhongshi, your sugar cane will be cut soon. This is at least 1,800 tons of sugar cane, which is enough for you to haul for a long time. Plus there is Zhou Wang's white mud. I think you should buy two more large trucks. This is considered conservative, and there is no problem in buying two more, because not only your family grows sugar cane in the county, but many others also grow it. When you are bringing your own sugar cane, you can also contact other sugar cane farmers to help them. Pull the sugar cane to the sugar factory."

Since his nephew has chosen the freight route, Deng Shirong naturally hopes that he can grow up as soon as possible. Only when the scale is established can he receive more work.

Bu Zhongshi said while driving: "Uncle, actually I have thought about this too, but there are not enough drivers."

Deng Shirong said: "You can't decide that the driver will die in your village. You can recruit drivers from outside first. When the friends in your village have grown up, you can replace them. Anyway, set up your fleet as soon as possible, so that you can be qualified to receive the driver." More life.”

Bu Zhongshi nodded and said, "Okay, I'll do this later. It would be a pity to miss this sugar cane harvest season."

Deng Shirong said: "When the team develops, you will no longer be a driver and drive the car yourself. You can spend more time picking up jobs. When there are jobs, send your subordinates to run. This will be more efficient than running the car yourself." Much better.

 And in this way, you don’t have to go out and take risks yourself. This is a double benefit. "

Bu Zhongshi admired his uncle very much. When he heard his uncle's suggestion, he immediately agreed and said: "Okay, uncle, I will listen to you."

 After talking about the development of the nephew, they then talked about the eldest daughter's care of the house.

Deng Shirong said: "Your cousin's partner seems to have a pretty good character at the moment. He is serving as the deputy director of the Public Security Bureau at a young age and looks quite promising. However, their family's economic conditions are average. I heard that there are still some problems in my hometown. Don’t dislike the dilapidated mud-brick house after you go there, just treat it as a formality.”

Bu Dafang said: "What's so disgusting about this? Who didn't live in a mud-brick house a few years ago!"

Bu Zhongshi chuckled and said: "Uncle, my cousin is the leader of the Public Security Bureau. As a transportation worker, I will inevitably encounter problems that are difficult to solve in the future. I will probably have to ask others for help. How dare I dislike it! "

Deng Shirong laughed dumbly.


 The next day.

 After breakfast, Deng Yunzhen and his party were ready to set off.

This time, Deng Shirong, the father, will naturally not go to look after the house. Instead, Deng Yuntai, Zhang Xiuping, Bu Dafang, Bu Zhongshi, Chen Bangli, Chen Bangfeng, and Deng Yunzhu, who is studying at Songshan High School, will go.

Of course, Zhang Guoan, as the matchmaker, will also go with him.

 When everything was ready, Zhang Xiuping said: "Dad, let's go first!"

Deng Shirong nodded and said: "Go!"

Others also greeted Deng Shirong one by one.

Zhang Guoan, the matchmaker, sat in the driver's cab and guided the way, while the others sat on the bed of the car.

 Then, the car started and drove towards Shanxin Village.


 Shanxin Village.

 Zhu Junjie’s home.

The Zhu family paid great attention to housekeeping this time. They killed a big fat pig yesterday afternoon and made time-consuming dishes such as meatballs, egg rolls and pork belly overnight. All the relatives and friends who were invited this morning also started to do it. help.

 It was probably busy until about ten o'clock in the morning, everything was ready, just waiting for the woman's arrival.

 Today is the most glorious day in Mrs. Zhu’s life.

The relatives and friends present all know the origin of Zhu Junjie's partner. Good guy, once the family background is mentioned, everyone will be confused.

And Zhu Junjie himself is also very successful. The title of deputy director of the Public Security Bureau is definitely a well-known role in rural areas.

  The younger son is so outstanding, and the future daughter-in-law has an amazing background. As a mother, Mrs. Zhu is really very respectable in front of relatives and friends.

 At almost eleven o'clock, a brand new car slowly stopped at Zhu Junjie's house from far away.

 Seeing this scene, the Zhu family and all relatives and friends were shocked.

In this era, even bicycles have not yet become popular. Most people walk on two legs when going out, let alone something as valuable as a car. Except for public institutions or state-owned and collective enterprises, it can be said that private owners of cars can They are so rare that even one town cannot find three of them.

She is indeed the daughter of a big boss. She even comes by car to look after the house, which is really impressive.

Everyone was shocked, but everyone's reaction was not slow. After the car stopped, they all stepped forward to greet it.

 “Uncle Zhang!”

Zhu Junjie immediately greeted Uncle Zhang who was sitting in the cab. This was his matchmaker. Without Uncle Zhang's help in matchmaking, he might not have the fate to be able to talk to Deng Yunzhen about a partner, so for Uncle Zhang, a great matchmaker, he felt that Very grateful.

 Zhang Guoan smiled and nodded, and then introduced him: "This is Azhenmei's second cousin."

Zhu Junjie smiled and said hello: "Second cousin!"

Bu Zhongshi also greeted with a smile: "Director Zhu!"

After Zhu Junjie said hello, he left others to receive his second cousin. He quickly walked to the back of the carriage and greeted everyone who got off the carriage one by one.

He knew his eldest brother, sister-in-law and two cousins, but he had never met Bu Dafang and Deng Yunzhu.

Deng Yunzhen introduced him: "This is my cousin, and this is my older sister."

 Zhu Junjie greeted one by one, and his parents, eldest brother, sister-in-law, second brother and sister-in-law, and a group of relatives and friends also greeted him warmly.

Soon, Deng Yunzhen and his party were arranged to sit down at the table, and then candies, biscuits, melon seeds, peanuts, dried fruits and other items were served on the table. Tea was also indispensable.

Accompanying him are Zhu Junjie’s elder sister-in-law, second sister-in-law, third sister-in-law and fourth sister-in-law.

As the heroine who looks after the house, Deng Yunzhen is always under the observation of her husband's relatives and friends, and she is still quite stressed.

As someone who has experienced this, Zhang Xiuping understood the sister-in-law's mood at the moment very well, so she leaned into her ear and whispered: "Azhen, don't be nervous, just relax. If others want to see it, just show it to them openly. We will accompany you." Looking after you!"

Deng Yunzhen responded in a low voice: "Sister-in-law, I know, it's just that I'm not used to it at first, but I'll be fine after a while!"

 After the woman arrived, the master chef, who had been prepared long ago, started cooking.

After Sister-in-law Zhu, Second Sister-in-law Zhu, Third Sister Zhu, Fourth Sister Zhu and others chatted with the woman and her party for about ten minutes, Zhang Guoan, the matchmaker, offered to take a look at the house, which is also an essential step in looking at the house.

Although the dilapidated mud-brick houses in front of you are nothing to look at, you still have to follow the procedures that need to be followed.

So, Deng Yunzhen and her party, led by the man’s family, began to visit these mud-brick houses.

After knowing that the woman was the daughter of the big boss, the man also knew that these houses were unavailable, so there was nothing to introduce. Everyone casually went in to take a look, and after going through the process, the step ended with a tacit understanding.

  After sitting down at the table again and chatting for a few more minutes, the host started to serve the food.

The scene in the Zhu family was quite big today, with six tables set up.

The meals are all cooked by master chefs in the village. The taste is naturally not as good as that of Suifeng Restaurant, but it is still pretty good.

 After eating and resting for more than ten minutes, it was time to go home.

Then, the man’s family gave one person a five-flavored gift, and another person sent a red envelope. The housekeeping was over.

The two parties were polite, and Deng Yunzhen and his party got in the car and left under the watch of the man.

 (End of this chapter)