MTL - Go Back To 1980 and Enjoy It-Chapter 338 Damn it!

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Chapter 338 Damn it!

 Suifeng Hotel.

As the banquet started, the waiters in the hotel and the waiters temporarily invited to help began to serve the dishes in an orderly manner.

At the beginning, all the necessary dishes at local banquets were served, such as bamboo shoot threads, sweet lotus roots, yellow stir-fried pork, meatballs, egg rolls, etc. After all the common dishes at local banquets were served, the next step was Start serving seafood.

 Pan-fried prawns, shredded squid, stir-fried flower crabs, steamed mudworms, steamed scallops with garlic vermicelli…

 The delicious seafood was served one after another. Even the county leaders’ eyelids jumped when they saw it. As for other relatives and friends, it was even more eye-opening.

Moreover, whoever eats it really knows the taste. All the guests praised it while eating, and their mouths were really full of oil.

 Instead of worrying blindly, it is better to provide him with some opportunities to make his road go smoother.

 Because the gifts given by the Zhu family and relatives were all in the car, everyone took a bus to the Nayedeng Community.

 At this moment, Mrs. Zhu was extremely satisfied with her little daughter-in-law.

Moreover, if people live upstairs and do business downstairs, they don’t have to leave early and come back late every day like now, which is really convenient. "

Sister-in-law Zhu suddenly said: "No wonder this house is so big. It turns out to be composed of four houses!"

 Hence, they toasted to the distinguished guests in Box No. 1.

Zhang's father said: "Let's talk about it later. The house at home is newly built. Do we have to demolish it and rebuild it again? What a waste!"

This boss should be working in XX province now, and he will be in this province for a long time and never leave.

 Father Zhang shook his head and said, "Buying a house like this is too expensive."

To toast, it was naturally impossible to wear the white wedding dress before. It would be too inconvenient, so Deng Yunzhen took the time to change clothes, as shown below:

Wearing this dress is not only beautiful, but also convenient when toasting without being affected.

 To toast, naturally start with the county magistrate, and then toast in turn according to the order of seats, rather than jumping up and down according to the position. That would be too rude.

Each time you pay respect to a leader, both parties must briefly say a few words. It still takes a lot of time to complete the ceremony.

Zhang Xiuping and Yourong Yan said: "Everything is low-grade, only reading is good. This is not just a saying. No matter whose family can produce a Tsinghua University or a Peking University, the leaders of the whole county must give three points of respect.

Father Zhang was naturally moved after hearing this, but when he thought about how much money it would cost, he hesitated and said, "Let's wait until we make more money!"

After visiting the house and everyone was sitting on the soft leather sofa in the living room, Sister-in-law Zhu asked curiously: "Azhen, I heard that the sister who married your Ye Deng family in the village came back and said that your community All houses are 160 square meters, why is your house so big? How many square meters is it?”

Deng Yunsong asked: "Second brother, which county will you be assigned to work in? Do you have any goals?"

These leaders are all big shots that he has no contact with. Father Zhang was not interested in talking about such topics, but asked: "Xiuping, when will your house be renovated?"

 This is also the reason why many couples who have experienced wedding banquets in later generations are not only tired but also tired when they recall the wedding day.

Deng Shirong said inscrutably: "There is nothing special about XX Province, but there is a very special person in this province. I asked you to work in XX Province just because I want you to work hard. Once you catch his eye, you will become If you are his direct descendant, your future will be smooth."

Deng Shirong didn't know whether it was right or wrong to do so, but he now thought about it. Since his second son and third son had both embarked on the road of official career, unless they were just doing nothing and not seeking to make progress, all kinds of struggles would be Unavoidable.

Although my second son has a big gap in rank compared to this big boss, if he is sent to work in a county in XX Province, as long as he is upright, has excellent work ability, and has the same political philosophy, he may have a chance to win the favor of this big boss. , then the future of the second son will really be unlimited.

Zhang Xiuping said: "As my father-in-law said, the purpose of making money is to make yourself more comfortable. Dad, don't be reluctant to give up money. The business of the wooden clothespin factory is good now, and you make a lot of money every year. I really want to do something like this It’s not difficult to build a house. It doesn’t matter if the area is smaller.”

 After sending the leaders and comrades away, Zhu Junjie and his wife took his parents, relatives and friends back to the house in Naye Deng's community.

Originally, according to the marriage customs in Bobai, the groom’s family and the bride’s family should thank the matchmaker separately. Generally speaking, the bride’s family would thank the matchmaker the day before the wedding, while the groom’s family would thank the matchmaker after the wedding banquet.

 In other words, this house will belong to my brother-in-law from now on?

Old Mrs. Zhu also couldn't calm down for a long time. She was shocked when she found out that her daughter-in-law's dowry was a house in Suifeng Hotel and Naye Deng Community. Now she was shocked again. This house is really awesome. Forced!

The weather is cold now, so it won’t go bad if you leave it anywhere.

On the other side, other Zhu family members, relatives and friends also began to visit this indescribably beautiful house. The more they looked at it, the more surprised they became. It can be said that all kinds of luxurious appliances and furniture are readily available, which impressed all the Zhu family members. As well as relatives and friends, their hearts are a bit unbearable.

 Zhu Sigu then said: "20,000 yuan is just the money raised to build a house. This house is now so beautifully decorated, I'm afraid I spent a lot of money to get it in, right?"

Soon, the bus stopped at the downstairs of the ninth building. When everyone got off the bus, they took the gifts they bought with them, and then followed Deng Yunzhen upstairs.

Because you have no working experience at the grassroots level, even if you are promoted to the director level in the Planning Commission, when you are transferred to the county, you will not be directly offered key positions such as county magistrate or county magistrate. Transition as a deputy.

Zhang Xiuping reminded: "Dad, you can think about building a house slowly, but I remind you to buy the land on Longtan Street earlier. It is best to buy a few more pieces in different locations, so that you can decide which piece of land you want to build on in the future." A house, just build a house on that piece of land.

Deng Yunzhen took her mother-in-law's hand, took her to one of the master bedrooms, and said, "Mom, this will be your and dad's room from now on."

Deng Yunzhen smiled and said: "This house is actually composed of four houses, which add up to a total of 640 square meters."

He just wants to give his second son an opportunity, but whether he can seize this opportunity depends on his work ability. Only by hard work and achieving results can he have a chance to win the favor of the boss. If his work ability is insufficient, he wants to use other means. If you want to get in touch with or seek refuge with the other party, then give up this intention as soon as possible, lest the relationship is not established and the boss is disgusted, then the joke will be too big.

Deng Yunheng took a deep breath and asked, "Dad, are you so optimistic about the development of this leader?"


 So everyone who came to the wedding knew about the woman’s terrifying dowry, and they all felt unbelievable.

Hearing this, Deng Shirong suddenly thought of a certain big shot.

Second Sister-in-law Zhang also nodded repeatedly and said, "Me too. When I see so many leaders, I can't help but become nervous."

Old Mrs. Zhu sat on the sofa for a while and then said: "Xiaojie, A-Zhen, please get ready and remember to thank the matchmaker later."


 After the waiter finished clearing away the leftovers, Deng Shirong asked his sons to move the gifts that had been prepared to thank the matchmaker and put them away at the cashier, ready to be given to his daughter and son-in-law to thank the matchmaker.

However, the woman’s side does not publicize it, but the man’s side actively promotes it.

While the guests were full of praise for the wine and food, the bride and groom began to toast at the table, and their parents also followed.

 Zhu Sangu's expression changed slightly and she said, "If one apartment costs 5,000 yuan, wouldn't these four houses be worth 20,000 yuan?"

"I don't know about this either. It's all my father-in-law who makes the decision. He can decorate it whenever he wants."

Speaking of this, Deng Shirong immediately thought of the packaging issue and said thoughtfully: "In my hometown, we use bamboo shells to store this gray water deer. If you take it to the boss now, it would be inappropriate to use bamboo shells to store it." "On the one hand, it doesn't look good, and on the other hand, it's not convenient to carry. It seems that I need to contact the food company and ask them to help with packaging."

Zhang Xiuping smiled and said: "When the hotel was not handed over to my sister-in-law, I was always managing it. Almost all the leaders in the county have come to the hotel to have dinner. Naturally, the more leaders there are, the less nervous they will be."

The father and son chatted for a while, and then Deng Yunheng remembered that he wanted to bring gray water zhi to the leader, and said quickly: "Dad, when I go back to my hometown tomorrow to celebrate the New Year, you can help me make some delicious gray water zhi. I want to bring it to you." Go to the capital and give it to the leader.”

Mrs. Zhu looked at the extremely festively decorated room in front of her that was decorated with lanterns and colorful decorations, with big red letters on it. She couldn't help but nodded repeatedly and said: "It's really not worse than that room. This house is so beautiful. Our Xiaojie can marry Come on, the ancestors of the Zhu family are really here!"

Others also looked at Deng Yunzhen curiously, and they also wanted to know the answer.

 Zhu Junjie and Deng Yunzhen nodded together: "I know, Mom."

When the car drove into Naye Deng's community, except for Mr. Zhu and Mrs. Zhu, the other Zhu family members and relatives all expressed their admiration. This community was indeed as beautiful as the legend.

At this moment, the Zhu family, relatives and friends all clearly felt the terrifying financial resources of Deng Yunzhen’s natal family.

“The food and wine are so sumptuous, and the smell of the steamed mudworms really gets better the more you eat it!”

Deng Yunheng asked: "Dad, what advice do you have?"

 The wedding was not officially over until two o'clock in the afternoon, after the last table of guests had dispersed.

 Father Zhang nodded and said, "This is what we should do. Your sister-in-law has given you a lot of help."

The house is worth at least tens of thousands, and the value of the hotel is even more incalculable. It’s just to marry a daughter, so much money has been spent, and the bride has so many brothers. To say that the family has no money, I’m afraid no one can Will believe it.

The group of people entered the box and found that the atmosphere inside was lively!

  After all, they are all leaders of the county government. No matter how big the political differences are, everyone will still maintain superficial harmony in private. This is also a characteristic of our country's system. The kind of cadres who put everything on their faces can only exist at the lowest level. Generally, when they reach the county level and above, everyone will not be so reckless.

 Suifeng Hotel.

In later generations, their Ye Deng family's Huishui Zhi became famous, and the sales volume every year was very good. The most suitable thing for holding Huishui Zhi is the mooncake box. This thing is simply for measuring Gray Water Zhi. Tailor-made.

Of course, now is not the time to relax. Before sitting down and eating a few mouthfuls of food, the guests who had eaten and drank enough began to say goodbye one after another. As the bride and groom, they had to stand up to see off the guests. It can be said that from morning to After the wedding, the bride and groom have no chance to take a good rest.

At this point, Zhang Xiuping asked with a smile: "Dad, do you want to make your house as big and beautiful as this?"

Mother Zhang couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "Your sister-in-law's wedding today was so grand. All the leaders from the county came to attend. Your father-in-law and your sister-in-law's lover are so proud!"

Watching his daughter and son-in-law leave, Deng Shirong looked at his second and third sons and asked, "Have you gained anything from dealing with these leaders today?"

Brother Zhang answered: "Don't say it's you, even I, a grown man, feel uncomfortable when I see so many leaders."

Deng Yunzhen smiled and said: "I am lucky to be able to marry Brother Jie."

Everyone was not too surprised when they heard this. In fact, the decoration of this house is too high-end. Not only are the four major items such as air conditioners, washing machines, televisions, and tape recorders, but there are more than one or two, as well as beds, wardrobes, and sofas. All of them are high-end goods.


Hearing this, Zhang's mother was a little moved and said: "Xiuping, your idea is not bad. Now that your sister-in-law and others are doing business, the store is still a bit small. If you build your own house, the store must be bigger.

Now, the news that the woman’s dowry is an apartment in the Naye Deng Community and the Suifeng Hotel has spread among the Zhu family, relatives and friends. The shock caused by this has been said enough before, no need to say more.

Mrs. Zhu looked at this room that was so beautiful that she didn't know what words to use to describe it. She shook her head repeatedly and said, "Azhen, we can just live in the family building of the Public Security Bureau. You and Xiaojie live here, and we won't come over to join in the fun." ”

Deng Shirong named a name and briefly introduced his family background, and then said: "Of course, this is just an opportunity for you. Whether you can seize it depends on whether you have the ability. Anyway, I only have A piece of advice, you can only use upright means to win the favor of the other party based on your own strength, and don’t do anything wrong with me, do you understand?”

Deng Yunsong said: "Then we need to contact you earlier, otherwise they will be on holiday."

Deng Shirong hummed, pointed to the cashier, and said, "The gifts to thank the matchmaker are all placed there. Hurry up and take them to thank the matchmaker!"

Coupled with the fact that my sister-in-law's lover is actually the director of the County Public Security Bureau, all the leaders are naturally willing to come over for this wedding banquet. "

"Dad, Mom, on the second day of the Lunar New Year, my sister-in-law will come home. We will not go to Poxin Village on the second day of the Lunar New Year. We will go there on the fourth day of the Lunar New Year." Zhang Xiuping took her parents, brother and sister-in-law out for shopping. said.

“I regret eating too quickly. Now each of these seafood tastes better than the last. What should I do if I feel full after just a few bites?”


 After all the guests had finished paying respects, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhang Xiuping said: "Dad, I'm not asking you to demolish the house and rebuild it in your hometown. If you really want to build a new house, go to Longtan Street to buy a piece of land, then build the house, and leave a **** shop on the first floor for business, and people can live upstairs. , how good is this?”

The dishes at today's wedding banquet, both in terms of quantity and portion, are undoubtedly the first among all the wedding drinks that the guests have had. Even if the guests eat with open stomachs, there are still a lot of dishes left. Come down.

Deng Yunheng was surprised and said: "Dad, who is this person you are talking about?"

Thinking of this, Deng Shirong said: "Yunheng, if you want to be transferred to the county to work, I will give you a suggestion."

Deng Yunheng nodded and said: "I have indeed gained a lot. It seems that I can't stay in the Planning Commission for too long. After I am promoted to a higher level, I will find a way to work in the county. The working environment in the county should be very training." "Human."

Sister-in-law Zhu was so shocked that her jaw almost dropped. This extremely spacious and luxuriously decorated house in front of her was actually the bride's dowry?

 She would really die without regrets if she could see her youngest son marry such a good wife in her lifetime.

Deng Yunsong also couldn’t figure it out, so he looked at his father, waiting for his answer.


Deng Shirong said: “I don’t know much about officialdom, but I also understand that working experience at the grassroots level will be of great help in the future. When you reach the deputy director level, you will be transferred to the county to work. Starting as deputy county magistrate is really good.

Deng Yunheng shook his head and said: "How can there be a goal? If there are vacancies in any county, we will go to that county!"

Deng Yunzhen took her mother-in-law to the master bedroom where she and Zhu Junjie lived, and said with a smile: "Mom, you and dad can live in that room with peace of mind. You see, this is the room for Brother Jie and I. It is no worse than your room." ha."

Deng Yunheng smiled and said: "Dad, you have said this many times, I will not make a mistake on this."

"As long as you know, don't rush to make it when you go back tomorrow. When you are ready to leave, I will make it a day or two in advance, so that the taste will be better."


Of course, these dishes will definitely not go to waste, because there are still many relatives and friends on the man’s side and on the woman’s side who have not gone back. So many people, including hotel employees, have an extra meal in the afternoon. I'll probably have another meal tomorrow and that's about it.

Generally speaking, at Bobai's wedding banquet, the first person to serve is the table of wedding guests. This also means that the woman is valued. However, this wedding was jointly organized by the man and the woman, and the Suifeng Hotel belongs to the woman. At home, the rules are naturally a little different.

Mrs. Zhu waved her hand and said: "No, no, no, no, you and Xiaojie can live in such a nice room. Even if you want to keep a room, just leave us any one. It doesn't have to be so beautiful."

 In short, they estimated that the number of things that could be seen was far more than 20,000.

Deng Yunzhen said somewhat generally: "My father had the house renovated. I don't know how much it cost. I just know that the decoration is more expensive than the house."

Deng Yunheng nodded and said, "Okay, I understand. Once I get promoted, I'll put it into practice and see if there's any chance that I can be transferred to XX to save myself from work."

Deng Yunheng asked in confusion: "Dad, why is this? Is there anything special about this province?"

Deng Shirong said: “We must choose to decentralize to counties in XX province.”

Deng Shirong said: "I have nothing to do now, so I will go to the food company to check it out."

 After paying homage to Box 1, he went to Box 2 and Box 3. After paying homage to each box, he started to pay homage to the guests in the hall.

“Oh my god, today’s banquet opened my eyes. There are so many dishes, and they taste so good!”

 When the waiter collects the leftovers, he always puts similar dishes together.

 In fact, the woman did not publicize this matter. Unlike in later generations, if a daughter was married in such a prestigious manner, the dowry would have been written on the notice board for all relatives and friends to see.

Sister-in-law Zhang said: "Mei Ping, you are very good now. When I meet so many leaders, I get so nervous that I can hardly speak. But you can handle it very well and you are not nervous at all."

Going up to the second floor, when Deng Yunzhen opened the door, the Zhu family, relatives and friends saw the scene clearly, including Mr. Zhu and Mrs. Zhu, they were all stunned!

Deng Yunheng said with deep approval: "Well, if nothing else happens, I should be able to be successfully promoted to the deputy director level next year. After spending two or three months in the Planning Commission, I will find a way to work in the county."

 In this case, it is better to decentralize the position as soon as possible and accumulate more basic work experience. "

 The two of them greeted Deng Shirong together.

 If you wait to buy it later, the good land may be picked up by others. "

Deng Shirong said: "No problem, you can give away souvenirs like this. It's not something valuable anyway. If it's a high-value souvenir, don't give it away."

Deng Shirong grunted and said, "Anyway, you heard me right. You must pay attention to your propriety. It's best if you can lean on me. If you can't, don't force yourself. Let everything take its course."

However, today's banquet is a joint event between men and women. It is not suitable to follow the normal customs to thank the matchmaker. Instead, it is appropriate for the bride and groom to personally send the matchmaker gifts to the matchmaker. . Soon, Zhu Junjie and Deng Yunzhen arrived at the hotel.

 After all the guests left, the waiter began to collect the leftovers.

Deng Yunzhen smiled and said, "Mom, you can live wherever you like. Anyway, this room is reserved for you."

They really can't dream of such a beautiful house.

The two of them agreed, then loaded the matchmaker's gift, which was filled with a grain of roses, onto the bus and sent it to the matchmaker Zhang Guoan's home.

Now that his daughter is no longer what she used to be, Father Zhang can listen to her words. He nodded and said, "Okay, after the Chinese New Year, I will go to the street and ask around. If the price is right, I will pick out a few pieces of land and buy them." ”

When Zhang Xiuping saw this, she said no more and led them towards the People's Park.

 (End of this chapter)

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