MTL - Go Back To 1980 and Enjoy It-Chapter 340 Guiding the country, unique

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Chapter 340 Guiding the country, unique


 Naye Village.

 After the sky darkened, people from all tribes began to gather at Deng Shirong’s house to watch TV.

 In fact, since the introduction of electricity, many TV sets have been added to the entire Nayedeng clan, but most of the clan members are accustomed to watching TV at the clan leader's home.

Before the Spring Festival Gala starts, everyone gets together to talk about family affairs, or listen to the clan leader’s instructions and talk about national affairs. This is a very interesting thing for the clan members.

While chatting about the family's shortcomings, the topic of Deng Shirong's eldest son-in-law inevitably came up. Deng Yungui said with emotion: "Uncle Jiu, I never knew before that your eldest son-in-law has been on the battlefield. I heard that he fought Bai Yannan." That’s when I achieved second-class merit, it’s really amazing!”

Deng Shirong smiled and said: "There are indeed a few soldiers who have been on the battlefield, and they are all good."

 Then it is filtered and left to settle to obtain clean gray water, which is then used to soak glutinous rice, as shown below:


  But Big Brother has turned against us now. No matter how powerful our country is, we cannot fight against two superpowers at the same time. We can only temporarily put aside the hatred of the past and unite to overcome the current difficulties first. "

 Whether the gray water rice tastes good or not, the key operation is here. The amount of plant ash and the soaking time of the glutinous rice need to be just right.

 When the eldest daughter-in-law went out, Deng Shirong refreshed the pot and asked, "Azhen, how are you doing at your husband's house?"

While watching the Spring Festival Gala with his tribe, Deng Shirong was silently thinking in his heart that the big brother in the north was not far away from disintegration. Should he fish in troubled waters and get some good things back then?

Although this big brother in the north has only existed for a short time, it is undeniable that it is indeed a pretty awesome country. It has many things that are far ahead of our country. If you just tinker with any good things and come back, it will have a great impact on the country's technological development. Very helpful.

And once both are controlled in place, the gray water zhi that is made will have a fragrant aroma. For example, if pine ash is used, the gray water zhi will have a pine fragrance, and the fragrance will be just right, and it will taste good. Very enjoyable.

Deng Yunfeng said: "This military strength cannot be divided according to the size of the country. Back then, it was just a big country, but their military strength was much stronger than ours back then, and they almost defeated us."

 The main reason why he doesn’t need help from others is that Deng Shirong has learned to use the system space to process ingredients.

Deng Shirong nodded and said: "That's true, but instead of sending it to the leaders, you can keep it for yourself. Anyway, we are doing it together, so it won't be troublesome to make more."

 Zhu Junjie praised while chewing: "Dad, your cooking skills are really amazing. I feel that even the master chefs at Suifeng Restaurant can't taste as good as yours."

Therefore, it is okay to regard Huishui Zhan as glutinous rice cake, but it is different from glutinous rice cakes in all places. It is a very unique local delicacy and unique.

Pour the steamed glutinous rice into the stone mortar and hit it with a pedal-driven pestle or a "T"-shaped mallet. Because glutinous rice is sticky and the rice is boiling hot, a basin of cold water and a bowl of water are needed next to the stone mortar. The person who "saves the glutinous rice cake".

“I can’t say for sure. Anyway, my guess is that it should be practiced until Bai Yannan and Big Brother can’t hold it anymore.”

Deng Yunzhen then said: "Dad, then you should make more. Although his family also makes gray water rice, the taste is not as good as yours."

Deng Shirong sighed: "With the development of the times, the market for cylinder tiles has gradually disappeared. It is estimated that in two to three years, the cylinder tile factory will not be able to continue operating."

In addition, the shells that are about to expire in the inventory can also be taken out and used to avoid waste. It can be said that it kills two birds with one stone. "

“I watched the Spring Festival Gala. I wonder what funny cross talk and sketches there will be in this year’s Spring Festival Gala.”

The next method of making glutinous rice is basically the same as glutinous rice cake. It is to hit with a "T" shaped mallet and beat the glutinous rice in the stone mortar until it is completely stuck together and no rice can be seen at all.

After chatting about the vat tile factory for a while, Deng Shirong looked at his eldest son-in-law and asked: "Ajie, tomorrow I am going to make some gray water rice for Yunheng to take to the capital to give to the leaders, and I will also give some to Yunsong to take to the school. Leaders and mentors, would you like to prepare some for you too?”


  Zhu Junjie nodded and said, "Okay dad, I will learn from Azhen after the Chinese New Year."

Deng Yunzhen increased the firepower and asked, "Dad, these beef bones don't even look like there's any meat on them. What are you going to eat out of them?"

In the past, Deng Shirong only regarded the system space as a storage space, which was used to store goods.

As soon as these words came out, the tribesmen present showed unexpected expressions.

If the amount of plant ash is too small, or the soaking time of glutinous rice is too short, the taste of the produced gray water rice will be mediocre and there will be no special aroma.

 Then, put it in a container, cool it and then vacuum pack it.

In addition, it will also invest a lot of money in the arms race.

The father and daughter were chatting while cooking, and then Xiao Donger ran in, threw herself at Deng Yunzhen and said, "Auntie, you are finally back. I miss you so much!"

Deng Yunzhen said proudly: "That's right, dad can do the best no matter what he does. He was the most famous vat master in our brigade at that time. The vats he made were light and strong. His skills are something that no one can do until now." Compare."

 The next day, Deng Shirong took his son, daughter-in-law and others together to make gray water rice cakes.

When short videos become popular in the future, I will look for opportunities to shoot some videos of making cylinder tiles and upload them to the Internet to pass on these cylinder tile techniques, lest these techniques that have been passed down in our country for thousands of years are gradually lost due to the death of the older generation. That would be too much. Pity.

 Then, Deng Shirong discovered that the system space can be used for cleaning. As long as it is within the coverage of the system space, all the dirty things can be collected into the space, making the items look brand new.

 The reason why it has been able to fight with us for so many years is because our country did this deliberately. "

Deng Shirong said: "This dish mainly eats the tendons and crispy bones, and you don't see much meat, but there is still some. This is a very good dish to go with wine, and it is very interesting to chew."

Zhu Junjie shook his head and said: "I don't need it. Gray water zhin is a rare thing in the capital. Those leaders probably haven't eaten it, but our leaders in Bobai definitely don't lack it. Giving gray water zhi is no different from giving ordinary fruits."

If too much plant ash is used, or the glutinous rice is soaked for too long, the resulting ash water rice will have an astringent taste.

Deng Shirong said: "Now that most of Baiyannan's troops have been restrained by our country, it has been trapped in the quagmire of war and cannot extricate itself. A large number of young and middle-aged labor forces have been lost in the war. After the war with our country is over, it is estimated that it will be half disabled." Even if you give it decades, it may not be able to recover.

Deng Yunzhen said: "He came on a bicycle."

 Then pour boiling water on the wood ash, and then collect the gray water that flows down.

Deng Yunqiang said with a smile on his face: "So, our country's combat effectiveness is still very strong."

Deng Yunzhen put her on his lap and sat down, and said with a smile: "Auntie misses you very much. Are you obedient at home?"

Deng Shirong smiled and said: "There is nothing we can do about it. The United States and the Soviet Union are the only two superpowers in the world today. When we had a good relationship with Big Brother before, we naturally had no contact with the United States and the United States until we were young. Kill them if you have the chance.

“In those small days, the military strength was indeed strong. There is no way to deny this. As for Bai Yannan…”

Now, my father says that the tile factory will not be able to continue operating in two or three years, so this is probably the same thing.

This vacuum packaging machine was borrowed by Deng Shirong from a food company.

Deng Shirong said: "It's quite troublesome to ride a bicycle. You should take time to learn motorcycles after the Chinese New Year. Buy a motorcycle by then and it will be convenient to go anywhere."

Zhu Junjie responded and went out.

Especially Deng Shirong’s skills in making large vats are very exquisite, and those key skills must be passed on.

The finished product of Huishuizhen is as shown below:

In Bobai, the most common way to eat Hui Shuizhi is to fry it. Whether it is salty or sweet, the taste is quite delicious.

As soon as Deng Yunzhen sat down and started to light the fire, Zhang Xiuping walked in and said with a smile: "Azhen, you are a guest today. I will help light the fire. You go out to drink tea and wait for food!" Deng Yunzhen couldn't help laughing and said: "Sister-in-law, why are you being polite to me? Ah, you go out to greet the guests. I'll be fine here. I just want to chat with Dad. "

Relatives will come today, and the eldest daughter will come back with her son-in-law. Naturally, Deng Shirong wants to prepare a sumptuous meal. He drove out on his motorcycle before dawn, and came back with a lot of good goods around nine o'clock in the morning. .

 So, Deng Shirong was still a little undecided about whether to go to this country or not.

 Half an hour later, relatives arrived one after another.

 Next, Deng Shirong stayed in the kitchen alone and started processing the ingredients.

At this time, the pot was hot. Deng Shirong used a spatula to shovel two large shovels of lard into the pot. When the oil melted, he added cinnamon, star anise, bay leaves, **** slices, garlic, dried chili peppers, and Sichuan peppercorns over low heat to release the aroma. Then add the bean paste brought back from Sichuan and stir-fry until it becomes red oil.

 The methods of making glutinous rice cakes are different in different places, and the finished products are also very strange, as shown below:

 The glutinous rice cakes in different places look completely different, and they are completely different foods.

No one can sustain such a huge economic consumption. Just watch. If we continue like this, our big brother should be close to death. "

Ingredients processed in this way are not only beautiful but also very clean, without any dirt at all.

The taste is so fragrant and delicious!

 After vacuum packaging, put each piece of gray water into the mooncake box.

Xiao Dong'er nodded seriously and said: "Be obedient. I didn't play in the water or dirty my clothes. I even finished eating. Mom praised me. Dongzi was disobedient and made his clothes dirty all day long. Mom I’m so angry that I want to spank him.”

Of course, this little income from the cylinder tile factory has long been ignored by Deng Yuntai. Mainly because of this incident, it once again proved how good his father's vision is.

 The specific production process is to wash the glutinous rice, rinse off the bran skin and impurities, soak it for more than 4 hours, drain the water, put it in a rice cooker and steam it until it is nine-mature.


“Dad, what delicious dishes have you prepared today? I’ll help you light the fire.”

Xiaodong'er also kissed her eldest aunt, smiled broadly and said, "Thank you, eldest aunt."

 At this point, Deng Yunzhen looked at Zhu Junjie and said, "You go out and drink tea and chat with the third aunt and uncle!"

And the big brother in the north is not much better. It is already stuck in the quagmire of the war in Afghanistan, and it still wants to provide military aid to the south. The amount of aid every year is as high as two billion US dollars.

 The making method of glutinous rice cake: soaking rice, steaming rice, beating, forming dough and mixing ingredients.

Naturally, these things were not bought today, but usually bought and stored in the system space. He drove his motorcycle out early just to find an excuse to take them out of the space. In fact, he did not go to the mountain pass, but I drove to the tile factory, took the bed out of the space, and slept for a while before driving home.

Although his son and daughter-in-law wanted to come in to help, they were all kicked out by Deng Shirong.

 After completing this whole process, Deng Shirong ordered: "The fire can be increased a little, and after the water is boiled, it can be simmered for an hour on low heat."

 One after another mouth-watering dishes were served on the table.

 Put in the beef bones that have been blanched before, and then pour in an appropriate amount of soy sauce and oyster sauce. Stir-fry until the color changes. Add a bottle of beer, add an appropriate amount of water, add salt, and then close the lid.

 The second day of the Lunar New Year.

Deng Shirong is naturally willing to contribute his share to the country, but his system space cannot be exposed, and he does not want to become the focus of the country. Even if he does get something good, he cannot contribute it to the country. .

Deng Shirong sneered and said: "Bai Yannan has a ridiculous military strength. They can bully countries that are weaker than them, but compared with our country, it is far behind. We were able to defeat all the Blitzkrieg in 1979." Their capital. If we hadn't taken the initiative to withdraw our troops, there would have been no chance for them to provoke us at the border. We would have beaten them to the point of running away.

At the beginning of the meal, the spicy and fragrant beef bones are especially popular.

Deng Yungui said with emotion: "We had such a good relationship with Big Brother in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China. I didn't expect that we would eventually turn against each other. What a pity!"

Although things like cylinder tiles are unlikely to be useful in the future, cylinder tiles can be said to be an indispensable item in our five thousand years of splendid Chinese civilization, and we must not let them be lost.

 “Stop talking, the Spring Festival Gala is about to begin!”

Thinking of this, Deng Yuntai responded: "If we can't continue to operate, we will close down. Anyway, our family is not short of this income now."

When the glutinous rice was steamed and poured into the stone mortar, an extremely rich fragrance hit the nostrils. This fragrance was unique to the glutinous rice soaked in gray water. Deng Shirong's daughters-in-law all knew that this taste was good, so they all Make a small ball and eat it.


 Everyone chatted about national affairs for a while, and it wasn't until the Spring Festival Gala started that they focused their attention on the TV.

 “Dad, Happy New Year!”

Brother Yungui said that although cylinder tiles can still be sold now, they have to constantly change places. Sometimes they have to go to two or three places to sell a truckload of goods. It is really incomparable with before. Demand is indeed slowly decreasing.

Hsheishui Zhi is called Ciba in some places, but in fact there is still a big difference between Huishui Zhi and Ciba.

 “Well, happy New Year!”

Deng Shirong said: "After Bai Yannan defeated the United States with the support of our country and Big Brother, he began to swell. He felt that he was the third oldest in the world after the United States and the Soviet Union. He didn't even take our country seriously. To be specific, It’s a long story, but it’s really following Big Brother now.”

“The second purpose is to bring down Bai Yannan and the big brother in the north.”

Deng Changdong asked: "Jiu Gong, what is the second purpose of our country?"

 Deng Shirong had dealt with the cylinder tile factory for decades in his previous life, and he had a very deep affection for the cylinder tile factory. In this life, he planned to take over the cylinder tile factory when it could no longer work and was about to close down.

Deng Changfu couldn't help but ask: "Jiu Gong, why does our country do this? What good does this do to us?"

Deng Changping said: "You are still very powerful, Mr. Jiu. You know everything. Like me, you don't understand the relationship between countries at all. Just like when we were still young with the United States, we fought to the death before. In the blink of an eye, everyone is fighting with each other again." Okay, I don’t understand it at all.”

Deng Shirong said: "It's nothing to regret. This big brother is not a good person. He only needs an obedient younger brother, but he doesn't regard us as real brothers. If we are obedient, then it will be good for you and me. Hello everyone, once If you don’t obey me, your face will change at a moment’s notice.”

 Deng Yunzhen and Zhu Junjie put down the gifts and went to the kitchen to greet their father.

Deng Yunzhen nodded and said, "Well, I plan to go back with him on the fifth day of the Lunar New Year, and then return to the county town on the sixth day of the Lunar New Year."

Deng Yuntai remembered that his father told him this a few years ago. At that time, he thought his father was worrying in vain. Unexpectedly, the market had really changed. The sales of the cylinder tile factory were no longer in short supply as they were a few years ago.

 At the same time, our country will also use various newly developed new weapons for experiments in this war to further enhance our country’s military strength.

There are flower crabs, prawns, mud worms, oysters, turtles, scallops, pork tripe, and beef skeletons, all of which are delicious.

Deng Shirong smiled and said: "Okay, then make more, and prepare some for your sister-in-law to take back to her parents' house."

Deng Yunzhen replied while lighting the fire: "It's okay. His parents are very good to me, but I'm just not used to it yet, and I'm not as comfortable as at home."

In today's era, information is closed, unlike later generations who can access all kinds of information by casually searching on the Internet. Therefore, the tribesmen have no idea what the fight between our country and Baiyannan is like. As for our country's strategic goals, It's even more impossible to know.

Deng Yunzhen kissed her on the cheek and praised: "Xiao Dong'er is so good. Auntie will reward you with a big red envelope later. If Dongzi disobeys, give him a small red envelope."

 Soaking glutinous rice in different alkaline water will produce different aromas in the gray water rice.

Deng Yunqiang said: "Speaking of Baiyan Yue, that country doesn't seem to be very big, but it looks a bit strong. It has been fighting with us for so many years and is still fighting."

Whether it was in his previous life or in this life, Deng Shirong has always made Huishuizi. With his culinary skills, he can handle it easily.

Deng Shirong smiled and said: "During the reunion dinner, Xiaodonger kept asking you why you haven't come back yet."

 Nowadays, the same is true for handling ingredients. When the ingredients are put into the space, one can control them with his thoughts in the space and separate the ingredients according to his ideas.

The biggest difference between gray water rice and glutinous rice cake is that the glutinous rice is soaked in alkaline water containing plant ash. This alkaline water is made from straw ash.

Later, he discovered that he could use the spatial perspective to observe all subtle changes. Deng Shirong had his eyes closed the whole time on the train, but when the two suspected traffickers and the unidentified girl competed with each other, they The changes in his expression could not escape his observation at all.

“Jiu Gong, how long do you think our country’s military training will last?”

Deng Shirong put down the ingredients in his hands, washed his hands, and asked, "Did you come by shuttle bus or by bicycle?"


Deng Shirong said: "Okay, let's go drink tea and chat with the third aunt and uncle first. I have almost processed all the ingredients and am ready to start cooking."

In Bangjie Village, materials such as peanut shells, soybean stalks, sesame stalks or pine wood are usually burned into ashes (not mixed together, but burned into ashes separately, and then only one of the ashes is used to make alkaline water), and then Use a sieve to remove coarse particles.

Others are also confused about this matter and have no idea what the current international situation is.

Deng Shirong said: "This is normal. When you come to a new family, there will definitely be a period of adaptation. Anyway, you will return to the county town soon. Even if you don't get used to it, it will only take a few days."

 At nearly ten o'clock, Deng Yunzhen also returned to her parents' home with Zhu Junjie.

Deng Shirong answered with a smile: "There are two main purposes for our country to do this. The first purpose is to train troops. Everyone knows that only troops that have been on the battlefield and seen blood can have real combat effectiveness. This kind of training Opportunities don’t come around all the time.

 Because the biggest feature of Huishui Zhai is the use of plant ash, local people call it Huishui Zhai.

Deng Changfu asked in surprise: "Jiu Gong, is that big brother from the north the same as Bai Yannan?"

 Zhang Xiuping heard this and said, "Okay, just call me if you need help."

Deng Yungui said with a look of surprise on his face: "No wonder Bai Yannan has been able to fight with our country for so long. He thought it was because they were strong. It turns out that our country is here to train troops!"

These mooncake boxes were purchased by Deng Shirong from a food company. From his perspective, they were naturally extremely ugly. They were incomparable to those mooncake boxes with high-end packaging in later generations, but they were already very high-end packaging in this era.

Originally, Deng Shirong wanted to thoughtfully write down the instructions for eating Huishui Zhen on a piece of paper and put it in the mooncake box, but then he thought that he couldn't do this. He asked his second son and third son to tell the leader the instructions personally, and he could talk more to the leader. Communicate!

 (End of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion