MTL - Go Back To 1980 and Enjoy It-Chapter 347 Director Zhu: My father-in-law, everyone has to give three points

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Chapter 347 Director Zhu: My father-in-law, everyone has to give three points

 Suifeng Hotel.

 Deng Yuntai, Zhang Xiuping, Deng Yunzhen, Deng Yunzhu and others were very happy when they heard the good news.

Old Mrs. Zhu sighed with emotion: "My dear, Yunheng is only 23 years old this year, right? He is already the deputy county magistrate, which is really amazing!"

“I’m already 24 years old, and the early promotions from their school are relatively fast.”

Having said this, Deng Shirong looked at his son-in-law and asked: "Ajie, you have to work hard. Originally, your corresponding level in the army was already deputy director. Now you have been training for so long in the place where you have been transferred. Fully qualified for promotion.”

Zhu Junjie nodded and said: "Dad, I know, there will indeed be an opportunity in the near future. I am also working hard. I can't say whether I can succeed or not."

 Deng Shirong asked: "What opportunity?"

In front of his father-in-law, Zhu Junjie did not hide anything and said: "Deputy County Magistrate Li is probably going to retire. Now many people are eyeing this position!"

Deng Shirong said immediately: "I'll invite the secretary and the county magistrate to a meal later to see if I can confirm your position."

Deng Shirong hummed and asked: "How is the training of supermarket employees?"

Before Bobaixi develops in Nanning on a large scale, Deng Shirong must have the power to protect his own industry and cannot let others come to collect protection fees. If he keeps being manipulated like this, it will be meaningless no matter how big the business is.

"That's good."

Zhang Xiuping nodded and said: "Don't worry, Dad, we are following your instructions. Even if we go to Nanning now, it will not affect the operation of Bobai Supermarket."

This will be handed down for at least a hundred years or even hundreds of years, for all the descendants of the Naye Deng family to look up to. Of course, Deng Yunheng does not want to be like his fourth brother who can only leave Songshan High School's academic qualifications on this conspicuous family merit monument. That's really It's so embarrassing.

Zhang Xiuping said: “The training has been completed and dozens of employees can be transferred to Nanning at any time.”

The main reason why he was able to get into Bogao with the lowest score in the high school entrance examination was that he was stimulated by the merit monument in the ancestral hall. After all, his father had made it clear to him that when the ancestral hall was completed, their family merit monument would be It is the most conspicuous first, recording the detailed resume of their family.

“Dad, Mom, although my father-in-law is not an official, his influence in our county is very great, so much so that even the secretary and county magistrate have to give him face.”

Deng Shirong said: "You also need to train the store manager well."

When the three members of the Zhu family walked back to the Public Security Bureau, Mrs. Zhu couldn't help but ask: "Xiaojie, I just heard the conversation between you and your father-in-law. It seems that as long as your father-in-law comes forward, you can be promoted to deputy county magistrate. , what is going on? Your father-in-law is not an official, how can he influence the secretary and the county magistrate? "

Having said this, Deng Shirong looked at his youngest son again and said: "Xiao Heng, you barely managed to get into Bogao this time. You have a better starting point. You have to start with your second and third brothers." Be a role model, study hard, and strive to be admitted to a good university in three years.

After all, the current social security has entered a well-known stage. In the next ten years, all parts of the country will really not be peaceful at all. Businessmen in many cities are facing a very big test. This test is not Others are just collecting protection fees from those who come out to fool around.

Old man Zhu echoed the words and said, "Yes, I feel strange when I hear this. What on earth is going on?"

Deng Shirong nodded and said, "Okay."

Therefore, over the past year, Deng Yunheng has indeed worked harder than before in his studies, and finally got admitted to the Bogao College as he wished.

After everyone chatted for a while, Mrs. Zhu said, "My dear, it's getting late, so let's go back first!"

This year he will go to Nanning to open a chain of supermarkets. After many considerations, Deng Shirong felt that it was necessary to lead a group of old supermarket employees to work in Nanning. Firstly, it can put Yongjia Supermarket in Nanning on the right track as soon as possible, and secondly, it can also provide a better environment for his children. The safety of the daughter-in-law is guaranteed.

Deng Yunzhen hummed and said, “Go!”

 At that time, whether you choose to be an official or do business, I believe you will be able to achieve great results. "

 Zhu Junjie looked at his wife and said, "Azhen, I will also go back to the bureau to arrange some work, and I will come to pick you up later."

Although he is not as good as the two academic masters, the second brother and the third brother, he is still much better than the fourth brother, a scumbag. Of course, he is not willing to be labeled as a Songshan High School student like the fourth brother.

Deng Shirong shook his head and said: "Forget it, I'm still the deputy now. When will I become the county magistrate, it won't be too late to go back to support Grandpa Grandfather."

 How to deal with these people is indeed a headache.

Deng Yunheng held back his energy and said, "Dad, I will definitely work hard."

 Deng Yunzhen nodded and said, "I understand, Dad."

Deng Yunzhen smiled and said: "My health is quite good and I go to the hospital for regular check-ups."

However, this is only temporary. As more and more Bobai people begin to develop in Nanning, in a few years, Bobai people will be something no one dares to provoke in Nanning.

Now, just when he was about to breathe a sigh of relief, it turned out that his second brother, who had just graduated two years ago, turned out to be the deputy county magistrate. This gave him a great stimulus. We are all brothers from the same mother, so we can't be too different no matter what. .

 Deng Shirong already had a plan in mind.

At this point, Zhu Junjie explained: "Mainly my two brothers-in-law, one from Peking University and the other from Tsinghua University. They have great potential to be officials. You just heard about it. How old is Yun Heng? He is already the deputy county magistrate. Yes, I will definitely be able to become a bigger official in the future.

 At present, Nanning is still an unfamiliar place, and everything has to start from scratch. If it is just the daughter-in-law who has worked hard in the past, she will be easily bullied.

Deng Shirong can foresee that when his son’s supermarket and daughter’s hot pot restaurant open, it won’t take long before they will encounter people who come to collect protection fees.

Deng Shirong said: "You should still remember what your sister-in-law ate when she was pregnant. In short, she should eat small meals frequently, and the types of food should be diversified. Eating more miscellaneous foods will provide more balanced nutrition, which is beneficial to the growth and development of the fetus. There are benefits.”

 Zhu Junjie was overjoyed when he heard this: "Thank you, Dad!"

 Because Nanning is different from Bobai. After so many years of operation, Bobai has to give face to both black and white, and there is no need to worry about the safety of the son, daughter-in-law.


His father-in-law is much more respectable in front of the secretary and county magistrate than he, the county police chief. If his father-in-law comes forward, as long as there are no airborne cadres to **** him, the existing competitors will definitely not be able to compete with him. , the position of deputy county magistrate is most likely his.

After the in-laws left, Deng Shirong looked at his eldest daughter and asked, "How is your health lately? Have you gone to the hospital for regular check-ups?"

 So, in these three years of high school, I can only work hard!

Deng Yuntai answered: "Dad, now that Yunheng has become the deputy county magistrate, should we go back to support Grandpa?"

Zhang Xiuping smiled and answered: "Dad, don't worry, I've been watching Azhen to make sure nothing goes wrong."

 As the director of the Public Security Bureau, I am also his son-in-law. In addition, my father-in-law is also the head of the Nayedeng clan, and I have great influence in the clan.

 Combining these aspects, everyone in the county has to give three points of face.

If the secretary and county magistrate were to forcefully promote me, then my father-in-law would not be able to do it no matter how generous he was. But now that I am competing for the deputy county magistrate, I have an advantage over others, and then the secretary and county magistrate will just naturally push me to the next level. Well, then they will definitely give my father-in-law this face. "

Old man Zhu and Mrs. Zhu were still a little confused, but they still understood the general meaning.

Mrs. Zhu sighed with emotion: "Xiaojie, the fact that you can marry Azhen is really a manifestation of our Zhu family's ancestors. You have to pay homage to your ancestors later."

Zhu Junjie smiled and said, "Okay, I'll pay homage to my ancestors when I get back."


 Three days later.

Deng Shirong invited the secretary and the county magistrate to have dinner respectively, and vaguely mentioned his son-in-law.

 Both leaders were relatively generous. Although they did not answer directly, Deng Shirong could naturally understand the meaning behind their words.

If nothing else, the position of Deputy County Magistrate Li must belong to his son-in-law.


a week later.

A train from Nanning to Beijing slowly stopped at Wuchang Station.

 Deng Shirong looked at this extremely popular Wuchang Station and thought about building an instant noodle factory here.

He is very confident that instant noodles, the flagship product of a food company, will become popular all over the country. He will definitely open branches across the country to facilitate delivery to dealers across the country.

If there was only one factory in Bobai County, it would be really troublesome to send goods to all parts of the country.

Bobai's factory can only cover a few nearby cities. If it is operated to the extreme, it can cover Guangdong and Guangxi. The transportation cost will be too high for further distances.

 If branch factories are established across the country, Wuhan, known as the "thorough of nine provinces", will definitely occupy a branch factory quota.

After all, Wuhan is the largest water, land and air transportation hub in inland my country and a shipping center in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River. Establishing a branch factory here can reach more than half of China. It is definitely the most important branch factory. Once the fruits in the system space are sold, we can Come here to find a suitable factory site, and when the instant noodles are made, you will come over and set up a branch factory as soon as possible.

While Deng Shirong was silently planning the development of the instant noodle factory, a man wearing a veteran cadre shirt (that kind of short-sleeved shirt with two pockets on the chest and a subtle V-neck) was very popular among workers in this era. The most common attire chosen by many leaders for attending government occasions). Carrying a suitcase in his right hand and a briefcase in his left hand, the middle-aged man, sweating profusely, squeezed onto the train and sat opposite Deng Shirong.

Deng Shirong seemed to have noticed Deng Shirong's gaze. The middle-aged man nodded towards him, smiled and said hello: "Hello, comrade." Deng Shirong also smiled and greeted: "Hello, comrade."

 The middle-aged man wiped the sweat from his forehead with the sleeves on his arms and complained: "The weather is really too hot."

Deng Shirong said with emotion: "Wuhan is one of the four major furnaces after all, and the weather is indeed much hotter than other places."

The Four Great Furnaces refers to the four cities with the hottest weather in China. They are the names given to the four major Chinese cities with the hottest summer weather. They are generally concentrated in the Yangtze River Basin in southern China and the Huanghuai area in northern China.

 It first started during the Republic of China. At that time, Chongqing, Wuhan, Nanchang and Changsha in the upper, middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River Basin had hot summers, so they were known as the "Four Furnaces".

The middle-aged man obviously knew this title, and nodded: "Yes, Wuhan is indeed one of the four hot stoves. Every summer, it is unbearably hot, not to mention it is the highest temperature in the daytime, even if it is I sleep with an electric fan blowing on at night, and the wind blowing out is also hot. Except for a little comfort from two or three in the morning until the sun comes out, it is really uncomfortable at other times. "

Deng Shirong said: "Living in a building should be the most uncomfortable, because the heat dissipation in the building is too slow. Living in it is almost like a steamer. To say that the heat dissipation is fast, it must be the mud brick houses in Guangdong and Guangxi. If Wuhan can build the mud brick houses we have over there. It shouldn’t be that uncomfortable in the summer.”

 The middle-aged man asked: "Brother, are you from Guangxi?"

Deng Shirong nodded and said, "Yes, from Guangxi. What about you? Are you from Wuhan?"

 The middle-aged man shook his head and said: "I am not from Wuhan, but from Jingzhou."

Deng Shirong immediately praised: "Jingzhou is really a good place. It is one of the oldest cities in the country. "When Yu conquered nine states, Jingzhou began to exist." The history of Jingzhou's founding is the history of civilization of our Chinese nation. It is at least 100 years old. Four or five thousand years ago?"

 The middle-aged man's eyes lit up: "I didn't expect that I know our Jingzhou quite well."

Deng Shirong smiled and said: "I can't say I understand him, I just know a little bit about it."

 The two chatted around Jingzhou for a while, and then exchanged names and jobs.

Deng Shirong couldn't help but feel moved when he heard that this middle-aged man named Liu Hongxing was the chief of the operations section of a certain machinery factory. In addition to selling fruits in the system space and finding a suitable site for the instant noodle factory, he also had other tasks. A very important thing is to purchase instant noodles production equipment.

Originally, Deng Shirong planned to sell the fruit before asking about it, but now he happened to meet someone from the machinery factory, and he asked: "Chief Liu, I would like to ask, what products does your machinery factory mainly deal with now? "

Liu Hongxing casually mentioned a few products, and finally introduced them emphatically: "There is also a batch of instant noodle production equipment newly produced by our factory. My business trip to Beijing this time is to promote this batch of new products."

Deng Shirong couldn't help laughing when he heard this. It was a coincidence that this machinery factory had the production equipment he wanted. He couldn't help but ask: "Section Chief Liu, how many packets of instant noodles can you produce per shift with your instant noodle production equipment? And what's more?" How much does a production line cost?”

“Brother Deng, you are really amazing. You even know the latest equipment we produce?”

Liu Hongxing said in surprise, and then replied: "The instant noodle production equipment developed by our factory has reached the level of 10,000 packs per shift, which is at the leading level in the country, although it is not as advanced as the production line in Xiaori. , but our prices are relatively cheap. One production line only costs 300,000 yuan, which is truly high quality and low price. ”

Deng Shirong smiled and said: "Chief Liu, what a coincidence, I came to Beijing this time with a very important task, which is to purchase instant noodle production equipment for our instant noodle factory. If the instant noodle production equipment developed by your factory If it meets our factory’s requirements, then it’s okay for me to purchase it from your factory.”

Hearing this, Liu Hongxing's eyes widened for a moment, and then he became excited. Unexpectedly, he met a customer whom he could chat with as soon as he got in the car. If he could get this customer's order, then their machinery factory would It's a good start.

Thinking of this, Liu Hongxing opened the briefcase he carried with him, took out a stack of documents from the bag, handed it to Deng Shirong and said: "Brother Deng, this is the information on the instant noodle production line. Take a look at it first. If you have any questions, you can ask me at any time." , I believe that the equipment of our factory will definitely meet the needs of your factory.”

“Okay, let me take a look first. If the production capacity and price are really suitable, then I don’t have to look far away and just order equipment from your factory.” After saying that, Deng Shirong carefully looked at the information in his hand.

Ten minutes later, Deng Shirong handed the information back to Liu Hongxing and said: "Chief Liu, the instant noodle production equipment developed by your factory looks really good to me. When I go to Beijing and other cities, if the cost-effectiveness is not comparable, If your factory is better, then I will purchase from your factory.”

Liu Hongxing was not anxious after hearing this, but asked: "Brother Deng, I would like to ask, does your factory plan to purchase one production line or multiple production lines?"

Deng Shirong said with a smile: "Of course we are purchasing multiple production lines. If the production capacity and price are indeed the best in the country, then the purchase volume of our instant noodle factory may surprise your factory!"

Liu Hongxing was very excited and said: "Brother Deng, we have hit it off. Let me give you the bottom line. The lowest price for a production line can be reduced to 280,000 yuan. I dare to give you a guarantee. Domestic instant noodle production lines have the same production capacity." Under the conditions, no other company’s production line can be sold at such a low price.”

Deng Shirong asked: "How much stock does your factory have in stock? If I place an order, how long will it take to get the goods?"

Liu Hongxing immediately replied: "Our factory has five production lines in stock. If there are not enough, we can start production at any time. I wonder how many production lines your factory needs?"

Deng Shirong said: "Our factory plans to purchase in batches. The first batch will have five production lines, which is enough. Then we may need dozens or even hundreds of production lines. We will discuss this details at that time."

Liu Hongxing understood clearly after hearing this, five instant noodle production lines, this is the other party’s true purchase volume.

As for the dozens or even hundreds of production lines at the back, that's just trying to make a big picture. If the instant noodle factory really starts to operate, and the instant noodles it produces sell well, then the instant noodle factory needs to expand, and maybe it will really need so many production lines in the future. .

 But if the instant noodle factory is not managed well and the products it produces fail to open up the market, then there is no need to talk about subsequent production line procurement.

 Liu Hongxing sees this very clearly.

However, even if the other party only plans to purchase five instant noodle production lines, it is still a major customer for their factory.

 Therefore, before arriving in the capital, Liu Hongxing still used his strength as the chief of the business section to try his best to win over this big customer.


 Two days later.

 Beijing Railway Station.

Liu Hongxing said politely: "Brother Deng, let's say goodbye here. I'll wait for you in the factory later."

Deng Shirong nodded slightly and said: "Chief Liu, we are talking about business. I will inspect several more instant noodle equipment manufacturers later. If the price/performance ratio is not better than yours, then I will definitely come to discuss cooperation with you.

  If I come across one that is more cost-effective, I may have to cooperate with other manufacturers. I hope you can understand. "

Liu Hongxing said confidently: "Brother Deng, I understand, but I am not boasting. The products of our factory are indeed the most advanced and cheapest in the country."

“Since you are so confident, Chief Liu, let’s see you later.”

 “Okay, see you later.”


 In the next twenty days, Deng Shirong sold goods in several cities such as Beijing, Tianjin, Jinan, and Taiyuan until all the wood pineapples, ground pineapples, and longans in the system space were sold.

 After this wave, he made a total of just over 5 million yuan. Adding in the 2.6 million yuan that Lizhi earned before, Deng Shirong made a total of just over 7.6 million yuan this summer.

 Compared to last year's profit of just over 6.42 million, he made about 1.18 million more this year, making his already bottomed out cash abundant again.

 After selling all the fruits, Deng Shirong started working on the instant noodle factory.



 Wuyue Square.

 The Wuyue Square now is completely different from before.

 The first is the exterior wall, which has been covered with a large area of ​​glass mosaic and partially covered with marble. It is really eye-catching from a distance. It is the most cutting-edge decoration in this era.

The first and second floors of the interior have also been renovated. The first floor is Yongjia Supermarket. The decoration is basically designed according to the Yongjia Supermarket in the county. However, the supermarket area in Wuyue Plaza is much larger than that in the county. There are many, so there will be some local changes.

 The hot pot restaurant on the second floor is very elegantly decorated, and the overall layout is similar to that of later generations of hot pot restaurants.

 The third and fourth floors have not yet been renovated.

 The fifth floor is still under renovation and is not expected to be completed until next year.

In this Wuyue Plaza, the stairs are designed to be divided into inside and outside. In addition, the location of the elevator is reserved, so that the elevator can be installed at any time when needed in the future.

At this time, although the gate of Wuyue Plaza has been installed, the three security guards headed by Li Weixiong are still dedicated to their duties and stick to their jobs every day to guard Wuyue Plaza.

On this day, it was Li Weixiong's turn to go to work. Since all the doors except the front door were locked, he only had to guard the front door when going to work. Except for the decoration workers, who could come and go at will, he would not let other strangers in.

 Deng Shirong came to Wuyue Plaza and immediately saw Li Weixiong who was sticking to his job, and nodded with great satisfaction.

When he walked over, Li Weixiong saw him for the first time and immediately greeted him respectfully: "Boss!"

"Thanks for your hard work!"

Deng Shirong praised him and then asked: "Do you have any comrades who have not joined the work?"

Li Weixiong's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he nodded repeatedly: "Yes, there are still four comrades who are unemployed."

Deng Shirong said: "Then ask your four comrades if they are willing to come to Wuyue Square to serve as security personnel."

Li Weixiong said in surprise: "Boss, I can agree for them first. They can't ask for such a good job. How can they be unwilling?"

 (End of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion