MTL - Go Back To 1980 and Enjoy It-Chapter 349 Where did my father get so much money?

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Chapter 349 Where did my father get so much money?

Deng Shirong never told his family about Wuyue Plaza in Nanning from the time he purchased the land to the time it was completed.

 This matter was not made public until the end of last year.

  However, his sons, daughters-in-law only knew that Deng Shirong bought land and built a building in Nanning, but they had no idea how much land he bought or what kind of building he built.

Now, standing in front of the magnificent Wuyue Square, Deng Yuntai and others were really stunned.

You must know that the Suifeng Hotel building in the county seat only covers an area of ​​more than 1,000 square meters and has only three floors; while the building in Wuyue Plaza covers an area of ​​more than 3,000 square meters, which is a total of three floors. times, the visual effect will naturally be different.

Paired with a large square, it looks really shocking.

Deng Yuntai asked in disbelief: "Dad, did you really buy the land and build this Wuyue Square?"

Deng Shirong smiled and said: "Of course it's true."

 In the past few years, Zhang Xiuping has been running the largest and most upscale hotel in the county, and then the first supermarket in the county. She has seen the world, but she was still shocked when she saw the huge Wuyue Plaza in front of her.

She looked at her father-in-law and asked, "Dad, how many acres of land are there in Wuyue Square?"

After looking at the first floor, several people walked up to the second floor.

Deng Yuntai said: "The purchase volume of this supermarket is much larger than that of the county. It seems that I have to renegotiate the price with those manufacturers to see if I can push the price down further."

Deng Shirong said: "Then go to the bus station to pick up your luggage, and then go to the train station to pick up people together!"

Deng Yuntai, Zhang Xiuping, and Zhu Junjie were also amazed. As the largest and most upscale hotel in Bobai County, the space of Suifeng Hotel is already large enough, but the space of this hot pot restaurant is larger than the three Suifeng Hotels combined. Be big.

“A total of 30 acres of land.”

At first glance, it is really huge and scary.

Deng Shirong said: "The third and fourth floors have not been decorated yet. They are reserved for Xiaohua and Xiaoheng to do business. Xiaohua will graduate from high school next year. Judging from his current grades, he is probably the same as Azhu. He is the one who studied in high school. The end of my career, so the decoration of the third floor has to be put on the agenda.

So the question is, where did my father get so much money?


 Nanning Railway Station.

Deng Shirong said: “A few dozen old employees are enough, and the rest can be recruited locally. The old employees will lead them and they will be able to get started quickly.”

 Zhang Xiuping said: “We have only trained dozens of employees, which is definitely not enough.”

Deng Yunzhu smiled happily and nodded repeatedly: "Satisfied, I am so satisfied!"

Deng Yuntai and others followed up with questions on their faces. How much would it cost to build such a beautiful building on such a large piece of land? You definitely need two to three million, right?

Some time ago, my father took the lead in setting up a food company in the family and invested another two million in it.

 “Squad leader!”

Entering through the entrance of the supermarket, Deng Yuntai and Zhang Xiuping immediately fell in love with this supermarket after seeing it with a larger area, better decoration and more reasonable layout.


 The most important thing is that his father did not take any income from the restaurant or supermarket, and simply let them keep it for themselves.

After looking around the hot pot restaurant, Deng Yuntai asked: "Dad, what's the business upstairs?"

 “Squad Leader Peng!”

 Everyone naturally had no objections when they heard this.

 Coupled with the previous donations to the ancestral hall, school, etc., as well as the renovation of the house of the Naye Deng family, my father did not know how much money he spent.

Deng Yuntai continued: "Even supermarkets in the county have dozens of employees. The area here is so large, it must have taken more than a hundred employees to be busy."

A few people walked around the hot pot restaurant. The decoration and layout were really amazing, especially the tables, which were perfectly inlaid with gas stoves. They looked very neat and beautiful. They had all eaten hot pot before, and they imagined It's really not too comfortable to sit at such a table and eat hot pot.

Deng Yuntai said: "Then let's go to the station to get our luggage and then settle down first!"

After seeing the decoration of the hot pot restaurant, Deng Yunzhu was stunned and said: "Dad, is this the hot pot restaurant you prepared for me?"

Before the fifth floor is renovated, you, together with the security personnel of Wuyue Plaza and the employees of the supermarket, will temporarily live in an abandoned factory not far from here. I have rented the dormitory building of this abandoned factory for the time being. It is no problem to accommodate a hundred or dozens of people. "

Deng Shirong looked at his eldest son-in-law and said, "Where are you and your old subordinates going to meet?"

Zhang Xiuping said: "With such a large area, we must have at least hundreds of employees to keep it busy!"

As for the fifth floor, it is currently being renovated and is used to house our family.

Peng Zhanping walked out of the station with his wife in an excited mood.

This income is indeed very high for others, but for a father with such a large expenditure, it is just a drop in the bucket. Even including the previous loan from the credit union, it cannot make up for this huge financial gap.

 “Old squad leader!”

Deng Shirong smiled and said, "Are you satisfied?"

Deng Shirong responded, briefly introduced both parties, and walked into the building with his children.

The more Deng Yunzhu watched, the more satisfied she became. The more she watched, the more she liked it. No matter how hard she pressed the corners of her mouth, she almost turned into the crooked-mouthed Dragon King of later generations.

After Deng Shirong and his party approached, the two security personnel guarding the door greeted them.

The only income that my father really had in hand was the dividends from the Cangtile Factory, Litchi Mountain and the Passenger Transport Company.

Zhu Junjie said: "Let's meet at the train station."

 Even in later generations, not many people have seen such a large hot pot restaurant, let alone in this day and age.

After entering the building, in addition to the reserved public areas, Deng Yuntai and others saw the decorated Yongjia Supermarket at a glance.

With that said, Deng Shirong took the lead and walked over, saying: "Don't stand still, let's go over and take a look!"

Peng Zhanping had just walked out of the station when he heard several very familiar voices.

He followed the sound and saw several familiar figures at a glance. He immediately put his luggage on the ground in surprise, walked up quickly and punched one of them, and greeted excitedly: "Squad Leader Chen, Lao Pao, Er Gouzi." "

 The four of them hugged each other.

Ergouzi asked: "Monitor, is that my sister-in-law?"

“Let me introduce to you, this is my lover Wang Yan.”

Peng Zhanping introduced his comrades with a smile, and then said to his wife: "Yanzi, these are all my comrades. This is Squad Leader Chen, this is Lao Pao, and this is Er Gouzi."

 “Hello, sister-in-law!”


After the two sides greeted each other, Lao Pao said: "Squad leader, Gangzi and Lao Sun are all in the square in front!"

 “Let’s go and meet them together.”

Soon, Peng Zhanping and his wife joined the large army.

Good guy, there are quite a lot of people here, including singles and people like Peng Zhanping with their families. There are dozens of people.

 Because Zhu Junjie summoned all his old subordinates, these comrades were either in the same squad, the same platoon, or the same company. Needless to say, those in the same class, and those in the same platoon or company, don’t say how familiar they are with each other, but just like alumni of the school, unless they really have no sense of existence, otherwise everyone Even if you can't call him by name, he still feels familiar.

 When comrades reunited after a long separation, naturally they had endless things to talk about.

 There is also no shortage of topics to talk about among family members.

I don’t know how long we chatted, but suddenly a comrade shouted: "Company Commander!"

The veterans present were all in the same company, and the company commander of their company was none other than Zhu Junjie, the company commander who called them together.

Now some comrades called out to the company commander. They all knew that the company commander had arrived, and they all looked in the same direction.

 After seeing a familiar figure, they all said hello excitedly:

 “Company Commander!”

 “Company Commander!”

 “Company Commander!”

 Seeing so many familiar old subordinates, Zhu Junjie was also a little excited and greeted them one by one.

 The movement here attracted the curious eyes of the people around.

Zhu Junjie introduced his father-in-law, uncle-in-law, uncle-in-law, and sister-in-law to these old subordinates, and then said: "Bring your luggage with you now. I will take you to settle down first, and then we will have dinner together."

 “Yes, company commander!”

Peng Zhanping and others agreed, then they each picked up their luggage and followed the company commander towards their residence.

 More than twenty minutes later.

Deng Shirong took everyone to the dormitory in the abandoned factory that he had rented before, as shown in the picture below:

 Although this factory has become an abandoned factory for various reasons, the dormitory building in the factory is still OK and not too dilapidated.

Moreover, after renting the factory dormitory, Deng Shirong also used his system space to clean up the factory dormitory. Now, except for some dust, everything is clean, which surprised everyone.

After everyone was settled, it was already getting late, and Deng Shirong took them to the hotel for a meal.

 While eating, Deng Shirong told these veterans about their work content and wages, which shocked them.

 The salary is 50 yuan per month, including room and board, and there is a year-end bonus for good work, and the salary increases at a rate of 20% every year. This treatment is really good.

As for the job content, it is to protect the personal safety of several small bosses, and to protect their businesses from the bad guys in society who come to collect protection fees and prevent others from coming to cause trouble. These are really simple for them. .

 After all, the boss has formed a platoon of security teams, all of which are veterans, and their combat effectiveness is definitely impressive.

It is no exaggeration to say that it is no problem for a platoon to defeat a hundred bad guys in society with bare hands. If they are armed with weapons such as sticks, a platoon can easily defeat two to three hundred ordinary people.

 Zhu Junjie directly named him and said: "Peng Zhanping, I will leave the security team to you to command. Is that okay?"

 The old leader had already told him in the letter, so Peng Zhanping responded without hesitation: "No problem, I will do my best to lead the team well."


After the security personnel were in place, Deng Shirong safely left his eldest son and eldest daughter-in-law in Nanning, and then took his younger daughter with him on the train to Sichuan.

 The eldest son and eldest daughter-in-law have been in business for many years. Now that the supermarket has been renovated for them, they can just let them do the rest by themselves without his intervention at all.

And the youngest daughter is just a rookie who has just stepped out of school. Naturally, Deng Shirong has to teach her step by step and open a hot pot restaurant from scratch.

 This trip to Sichuan and Chongqing has two main purposes:

 One, purchase goods.

The peppers in Sichuan are indeed much better than those in Guangxi, and the bean paste ordered last year is also going to be received. This is the soul of Sichuan cuisine and an indispensable ingredient for making spicy hot pot.

  Two, dig corners.

 The chefs in Sichuan and Chongqing are very good at making spicy hot pot. He plans to recruit ten or eight master chefs with high salaries.

On the train, Deng Yunzhu covered her nose with a handkerchief, and she understood deeply why the second brother and the third brother were "disloyal" when talking about the train. The smell of sweat on the train was too strong, and there were also other pickle smells, and even Smells like dead rat.

 In short, the smell is really unpleasant.

When an aunt sitting opposite saw this, she couldn't help but smile and asked: "Girl, is this your first time taking a train?"

Deng Yunzhu hummed and said, "This is my first time."

Auntie said: "Sit a few more times and you'll get used to it."

Deng Yunzhu took away the handkerchief and took a breath. She found that the smell was still so bad, so she quickly covered her nose with the handkerchief.

The aunt was happy when she saw this and said with a smile: "It did smell a bit bad when I first got in the car. After the car has been driven for a while, the wind blows in and disperses the smell, so it won't smell so bad."

Deng Yunzhu asked: "Auntie, I heard you have quite a lot of experience. Do you often take the train?"

“My son works in Sichuan. I basically take time to visit him every year. I have indeed taken the train many times.”

 At this point, the aunt asked: "Girl, where are you father and daughter going?"

Deng Yunzhu said: "We are also going to Sichuan."

Auntie asked: "Are you going to visit relatives or something else?"

Deng Shirong answered: "Go over there to do something. Biao, are you from Guangxi?"

Auntie said: "Yes, from Baise, Guangxi."

 “Baise is a good place…”

 The two of them chatted one sentence at a time.

Taking a train in this era is quite boring. Those who are prepared will bring a book to pass the time. Those who are illiterate or have no interest in reading can only chat with others to pass the time.

As the train started moving, gusts of wind blew in, finally blowing away the thick smell of sweat in the carriage.

Although the smell still lingers, at least Deng Yunzhu no longer has to cover her nose.

 Two days later.

 The train finally arrived in Chengdu, Sichuan.

After getting off the bus, Deng Yunzhu felt that her whole body came to life, and she couldn't help but ask: "Dad, I won't have to take the train here to buy goods from now on, right?"

Deng Shirong smiled and said: "That's not necessary. Just pick a suitable supplier this time, discuss the payment method, and then call the merchant to have the goods shipped directly."

Deng Yunzhu breathed a sigh of relief and said, "That's good."

 (End of this chapter)