MTL - Go Back To 1980 and Enjoy It-Chapter 5 First time doing matchmaking

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Chapter 5: Being a matchmaker for the first time

 After Deng Shirong and Deng Yungui partnered to contract the Gongwa Kiln, they could actually start construction at any time because everything was ready-made.

However, today is already the 18th day of the fifth lunar month, and there are still a few days left for the production team to cut the crops. This is the busiest and most difficult time of the year, and all members must participate in labor.

 At this time, the cylinder tile factory is obviously not suitable for opening.

Deng Shirong, who has experienced it, understands that this harvesting can be said to be the last collective labor of his Naye production team. After the harvesting is completed, the brigade cadres obeyed public opinion and began to divide the fields to households.

Seeing that the tile factory had not yet started working, and there were still several days before harvesting, Deng Shirong naturally did not waste this rare free time. After having breakfast, he walked to the home of his cousin Deng Yunqiang.

 Naye Village and several nearby natural villages are all inhabited by Deng surnames. Except for the married women, there is no one with a foreign surname in the village. Therefore, everyone has the same ancestor, it just depends on how many generations have passed.

When Deng Shirong came to Deng Yunqiang’s house, Deng Yunqiang was sitting at the door smoking hookah. In this era, because tobacco leaves were grown in various natural villages, affected by this environment, almost all men, women and children smoked.

After the two of them greeted each other, Deng Shirong went straight to the point and asked: "Yunqiang, your family Changfu is already twenty-one years old this year and it's time to marry. I think there is a pretty good girl in Sham Shui Tam Village. Do you want me to help guide her?" Pull the strings?”

In the rural areas of Bobai County, no matter in this era or in later generations, there are many people who are keen to be matchmakers for people they know well, not to make money from the matchmaker, but mainly to experience the experience of personally matching a couple. That sense of accomplishment.

So when Deng Shirong said this, Deng Yunqiang was not surprised at all. On the contrary, he felt refreshed.

"Uncle Jiu, whose girl are you talking about?" Shamshui Tam Village is not far from Naye Village. It takes about 20 minutes to walk there. Although it is impossible for Deng Yunqiang to know everyone in the village, he also knows some of them. Many people ask this question.

Deng Shirong smiled and said: "He is from the Guan Dewei family."

Deng Yunqiang held the chimney and thought for a while, then said: "I don't know Guan Dewei, but this name sounds familiar. I think I heard it from someone."

Deng Shirong reminded: "The official Dewu who works in the supply and marketing cooperative is his younger brother."

 “It turns out he is Guan Dewu’s brother!” Deng Yunqiang suddenly realized, and then his heart moved, and he really paid attention to the person introduced to his eldest son by Uncle Jiu.

Deng Shirong said: "Guan Dewei's eldest daughter is 19 years old this year. She graduated from high school. Although she is not pretty, she has a good personality and is hardworking and capable. She is a good hand in running the family. Who can marry someone like this? A woman can live a prosperous life. If you think it’s okay, I’ll go to her house to find out what her parents are like.”

 “Okay, then I’ll trouble Uncle Jiu.”

 People in this era get married relatively early, and his eldest son, who is 21 years old this year, has already reached the age suitable for marriage. Deng Yunqiang originally planned to ask a matchmaker to help his eldest son find a partner after the production team had some free time after cutting the crops.

 Now that Uncle Jiu has taken the initiative to come to introduce me, that would be the best thing.

Deng Shirong said: "Well, I'll go and ask in a moment. I guess it's no problem. Today happens to be the fair day. I'll ask your family to make preparations. If the girl has no objections, I will arrange it for them." Let’s meet up at Shuangwangwei.”

Hearing this, Deng Yunqiang was a little surprised by Uncle Jiu's speed, but he still readily agreed.

With his goal achieved, Deng Shirong went to the supply and marketing department of the brigade (the branch of the supply and marketing cooperative in each brigade) to buy some candies and biscuits, then borrowed a bicycle from the production team and rushed towards Shamshui Tiancun. This is Deng Shirong's first time as a matchmaker. The reason why he chose Deng Yunqiang's eldest son, Deng Changfu, is mainly because in his previous life, Deng Changfu and his wife were a well-known model couple in the village. They have been married for decades and have always been a husband and a wife. I never blushed once, and my little life was prosperous.

With such a marriage destined to be a happy one, Deng Shirong naturally wanted to actively help match it.

A few minutes later, Deng Shirong rode his bicycle to Sham Shui Tin Village, and arrived at Guan Dewei's house with a familiar familiarity. At a glance, he saw Guan Dewei sitting at the door, weaving cornflowers.

“Uncle Jiu!” Seeing Deng Shirong, Guan Dewei quickly put down what he was doing and stood up, greeting him enthusiastically: “Come in and have a bowl of porridge first.”

As the vat master of the vat kiln of the brigade, Deng Shirong is still very well-known in the entire Bangjie brigade. Most people know him. In addition, because of his seniority, even people who do not have the same surname will respectfully call him nine. uncle.

"I've eaten!"

Deng Shirong parked his bicycle with a smile, then reached into his pocket and took out the candy biscuits wrapped in straw paper, handed them to Guan Dewei and said, "These are candy biscuits for the children."

A look of surprise flashed in Guan Dewei's eyes. Although he and Deng Shirong knew each other, their relationship was not good enough to bring candy cookies around, and he didn't know what the other party meant by doing this.

With this thought in his mind, Guan Dewei said: "Uncle Jiu, you are so polite. If there is anything I can do to help, just ask."

While speaking, Guan Dewei reached out and took the candy cake. As for whether to accept it in the end, it all depends on what the other person came for.

Deng Shirong didn't mince words. After a few polite words, he said directly: "Ah Biao, it's like this. I heard that your eldest daughter is 19 years old this year and she hasn't found a partner yet. I want to help be a matchmaker. I don't know. Does your family have any intention in this regard? "

When Guan Dewei heard this, he immediately understood. He handed the chimney, tobacco and matches to Deng Shirong, and said: "As the saying goes, men should marry when they are young, and girls should marry when they are young. My Yongying has indeed reached the age where she should talk to her husband's family. If If there is a suitable candidate, then of course I have no problem with it.”

Deng Shirong held the hookah and stuffed tobacco into the cigarette holder while saying: "The person I want to introduce to your daughter is Deng Changfu, the eldest son of Deng Yunqiang from our village. He is 21 years old this year. He is tall and tall, about 1 meter tall." I'm about 78 and have a lot of strength. It's easy to get ten work points in our production team.

 He has a modest personality and a good nature, with almost no temper. His parents are also famously kind in our village. If your eldest daughter follows him, you don’t have to worry about being bullied. "

At this point, Deng Shirong lit a match, lit his tobacco, and took a few puffs of cigarette before continuing: "He has five brothers and sisters, two sisters below, and two brothers at the end. What does this mean to you?" You should understand, so I don’t need to say more.”

Guan Dewei naturally understands that if his daughter gets married and gives birth to a child, not only will her parents-in-law help to take care of the child, but her two sisters-in-law will also be able to help. It will be at least several years before the two brothers-in-law get married and have children. This is very important to the elders. For my sister-in-law, the benefits are very obvious.

Guan Dewei felt a little moved, but still asked: "Uncle Jiu, what are the conditions of their family?"

Deng Shirong continued to stuff tobacco into the cigarette holder and said: "Deng Yunqiang and his wife are both hard-working people. They are in good health and have plenty of labor at home. Naturally, the conditions are not much different. However, you know everyone's conditions now, so don't worry. Too high expectations.”

“I understand this, as long as their family’s conditions are not too bad.”

 At this point, Guan Dewei pondered for a moment, and then continued: "Uncle Jiu, then you should choose a time to arrange for them to meet!"

 (End of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion