MTL - God and Devil World-v9 Chapter 1157 1 palm shot dead!

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The two guards quickly responded: "Yes!"

The two guards who were next to Marus were the dead guards of the Helu family and were ready to die for the Lord. They will fully obey all orders of Marus.

The two guards flashed and jumped from the 2nd floor and flew straight toward the singing Dong Yuyao.

Yue Zhong looked at the two guards who had rushed to Dong Yuyao. In the eyes, the murderous machine flickered and the hand lifted slightly. He wanted to shoot the two guards directly.

On one side, George is reaching out and pressing, and smiles at Yue Zhong: "Yue Zhong, you don't have to shoot, you can watch a good show. This kind of thing will meet a lot every year. She will handle it herself."

Yue Zhong brows a loose, put his hand directly down, smirked: "Yes."

Just as the two guards were about to rush to Dong Yuyao’s body, Dong Yuyao looked up, his brows were slightly wrinkled, and a glimmer of cold light flashed through the beautiful, she instantly took out a silver handle carried by her waist. Soft sword, take a step forward. At the moment she pulled out the soft sword at the waist, her temperament completely changed. From a slightly weak temperamental emperor idol superstar, she became a swordsman with a sword-minded and sword-like mind.

A seven-order sturdy breath spread out from Dong Yuyao's **** petite body. Her eyes were cold and looked up at the sky. A sword spurted out of the sky, and the sword swelled into the sky, turning into countless channels that could be split. The sword is light, and the two masters around Marus are swallowed up.

In just one moment, the guards sent by the two Maruss disappeared into the sword light that was like a storm, and nothing was left by the countless swords that contained the strength of the heavens and the earth.

If it is in the ordinary sword, it will leave the body, but Dong Yuyao's sword is in the air, but the bones are not saved, even the blood is directly annihilated, nothing left.

Marus saw that the two fifth-order masters who were leaning against their confidants were smashed by Dong Yuyao, and they couldn’t help but flash a sigh of relief and anger: "Damn sly woman!!"

The fifth-order master is not a cabbage in the Sirus Empire, even in the Helu family, the number is not much. Two dead, and Marus is also very heartbroken.

After seeing Dong Yuyao killing the guards of the two Helu families, Fang Ming laughed wildly and looked at Dong Yuyao’s eyes full of greed: "A strong rouge horse, I like it. No. I thought, in this case, there is such a wonderful woman, it is really great. Haha! Fang Sheng, this rouge horse is the seventh-order powerhouse, these wastes are not her opponent, you go down and catch her Come over to me!"

"Yes! Gongzi!" A short-haired middle-aged man standing silently behind Fang Ming should have a faint sentence, stepping on the void, step by step with a horrible momentum toward Dong Yuyao in the center of the stage.

Fang Sheng’s footsteps stepped into the cold and threatened by Dong Yuyao’s body. “Miss Dong Yuyao, my son asks you to go up and talk.”

Dong Yuyao saw Fang Sheng flying out of the box of the Nahru family. There was a sigh of anger in the beauty, and the cold voice: "If I can't say it?"

Dong Yuyao traveled around the four emperors in these years. I don’t know how many embarrassing and ugly tricks I have seen. She knows very well what kind of humiliation she will suffer if she goes up. The other party did not treat her as an equal person, but as a fun toy.

"That's why you are not allowed!"

Fang Sheng’s eyes were cold, and the eight-stage primary terror of the body broke out instantly. In an instant, he extended his big hand and directly grabbed Dong Yuyao.

Star Sword!

Dong Yuyao's face is changed, his body is tight, his body's strength is running to the limit, and the soft sword in his hands is turned into an infinite sword light. Like countless meteors, he is stabbed toward Fang Sheng.

This esoteric star sword is the strongest archery that Dong Yuyao has mastered. A sword can be used to smash 30 times, and even the eighth-order power can stab.

"Yes, your swordsmanship is exquisite, and your talents are traversing. If you are also an eight-level powerhouse, I may be a little tricky to deal with you. But now, you can't be my opponent, let me break it!!"

Fang Sheng smiled coldly, and his right hand suddenly turned into a diamond color, full of mysterious breath, and directed a shot directly to the star sword Jian Jian of Dong Yuyao. That Dong Yuyao’s star Sword Light immediately collapsed without hurting Fang Sheng’s right hand.

In the desperate eyes of Dong Yuyao, Fang Shengyi smiled and reached out and directly grabbed Dong Yuyao.

Just as Fang Sheng was about to seize Dong Yuyao's moment, his face suddenly changed and he stepped back a few steps toward the back.

A horrible sword gas descended from the sky, directly squatting in front of Fang Sheng, and split the stage of the club directly into two.

In the horrible sword, Yue Zhong’s figure slowly appeared.

Fang Sheng swept Yue Zhong's eyes, and his eyes flashed a dignified, but still proud and proud: "Who is the Lord? I am the Fangsheng of the Daxing Empire. This woman is a woman in my family, please also You will let go. Otherwise, you will regret it."

George heard his face suddenly become very ugly: "The family of the Daxing Empire!! It turned out to be the party's family, **** it, this thing is troublesome. No wonder these guys dare to be so embarrassed, not to my Xilus Empire The law is in the eye."

The gap between the Daxing Empire and the Cyrus Empire is as great as that of the dragon and the ants. The Daxing Empire has a real ninth-order semi-god-level powerhouse. At the same time, there are dozens of semi-step and nine-order powerhouses. Hundreds of eight-order powerhouses command five hundred kingdoms. Every kingdom is much more powerful than the Cyrus Empire. If the offense is offended, the Cyrus Empire may be secretly destroyed at any time.

George quickly made a decision in his heart: "But fortunately, there is Yue Zhong who is holding it up. It seems that I can't come out."

I never provoke people who I can't afford, and make strong friends. This is how George can get from a civilian and eventually become the secret to rule the billions of human Siruel.

George secretly communicated to the Dong Yuyao who stood on the stage through secret secret techniques: "My daughter, the man in front of you is called Yue Zhong. From today, you are his person. I understand. ?"

Dong Yuyao heard George's message, the first glance, and then looked at Yue Zhong's eyes complex and said: "Yes, father."

Dong Yuyao received a strict education from an early age, and she is very clear that she will one day serve the appointed owner of George. The faith of being loyal to the owner has been engraved into her bones. Although she is not reconciled, she quickly adjusted her mentality.

Yue Zhong swept Fang Sheng and looked cold and smiled: "The house of Daxing Empire? What kind of **** thing? Now you and your son, climb out like a dog, I will spare you two lives, otherwise, all I am going to die."

Hearing that Yue Zhong was so insulting to his family, George was stunned and his scalp was numb: "It’s over, it’s over!! This Yue Zhong is too much too arrogant, but it is the party of the Daxing Empire, with the horror of a semi-god-level powerhouse. Empire. Even the strongmen who are half-step and nine-order have dozens of them. He dares to speak out arrogantly and let the people of Fang’s family be dogs. It’s too embarrassing.”

Fang Sheng heard the words, the body was also trembled with anger, and his eyes almost spurted out anger. Even if the party of the Daxing Empire is a small force in the holy heaven, no matter where you go, as long as the flag of the Fang family is revealed, everyone will shun the house and dare to insult the Fang family. It doesn't exist at all.

"Small beasts, dare to insult our family, today is your death!"

Fang Sheng’s anger was trembling, and he suddenly showed one of the strongest secrets of Fang’s family. Dajinang’s glass was suddenly expanded, and his body suddenly expanded to become a giant with a height of three meters and a body like a glass.

After becoming a glazed King Kong giant, Fang Sheng’s physical strength has suddenly increased tenfold, and he has an eight-level intermediate destructive power. At the same time, after becoming a glass diamond, his body is very hard, and even the bombardment of the c-class main gun can withstand a hair.

"Go to death!!"

After changing into a glass giant in the moment, Fang Sheng took a sneak peek, and the huge heaven and earth condensed to form a vital Locked Yue Zhong’s body, his feet were like a thunder. Disappeared from the original place, the burning air with tearing air appeared in front of Yue Zhong, and the punch was like a mountain in the mountains.

George looked at Yue Zhong quietly standing, as if standing in the field, a flash of regret in his eyes: "It's over!! Why don't he hide?"

When Fang Sheng had a blow, George also felt a shocked heart. If he changed to George himself, he would be hit hard if he blocked the blow.

Dong Yuyao, who stood on the stage, couldn’t help but say, “Be careful!!”

Fang Ming looked at Yue Zhong, who was still standing still. His eyes flashed a scorn: "I thought you had any skill? It turned out to be a waste of madness."

"The garbage that I didn't even realize in the field dared to punch me and give me broken!"

Yue Zhong did not return, and waved directly like a fly, and a slap on the abdomen.

A loud bang, the avatar became a fascinating color in Fang Sheng’s eyes, and the body was blown up, the blood splattered and turned into a pile of pieces.

Look at Fang Sheng was smashed, and Fang Ming brushed up and stood up, his face pale, his body trembled, and his heart stunned: "Fang Sheng is actually dead? How is it possible? His glazed gold body can resist the c3 master. With the bombardment of the artillery, even the eighth-order senior powerhouse is hard to break his defense. How could he be killed by the guy with a slap in the face? What kind of secret trick can the guy not show, how can he be so tyrannical?" To be continued.

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