MTL - God and Devil World-v9 Chapter 1160 Vision dragons and tigers!

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Yue Zhong did not say: "I came to join the Holy Kingdom. m."

Arcadia smiled and warmly invited: "Then I recommend you to join the Western Temple. In the Five Great Temples of the Holy Kingdom, our Western Temple is second only to the Central Temple, and it holds a huge resource. And you join After the Western Temple, I can help you too."

In this starry ship port, Arcadia is not good at it. However, as long as Yue Zhong joins the Western Temple, Arcadia does not need to use any violent means, there are countless ways to handle Yue Zhong. Relying on this method, he broke up a lot of couples.

Seeing Arcadia's enthusiasm towards Yue Zhong, the two beautiful girls who followed him flashed a sigh of sorrow and gloomy color, but they kept silent and didn't say much. These two beautiful girls are Acadia's lover, they naturally do not want to see Dong Yuyao get the hand of Arcadia, but Arcadia is the **** of the Western Temple, the status is respected, They simply can't defy him.

"No interest, let's go!" Yue Zhong did not look at Acadia, turned and took the person away.

One has a green hair, the skin is green, and looks very handsome. The man like a beautiful woman laughs and says: "Haha, Dia, this kid ignores you. It is arrogant, let him teach him well and let him know. The rules of the holy heaven."

Acadia’s eyes flashed with a sly glow: "Dieman, that guy is not simple. His strength, even I can not see through. He should have learned the secret of hiding strength. Do not hesitate to start Take it away. Let's go. In the initial door, a newcomer like him must pass the initial door test, and anyone can't escape the initial door test. After knowing his strength, do it again. intend."

Acadia’s companions also voiced: “Good!”

If you want to be jealous, you must have the capital. Among the sacred heavens, there are many tyrannical geniuses in the world of the gods, and Arcadia does not dare to provoke the human powers who do not know the details.

The reason why Fang Ming dared to sway in the Xirus Empire was because the Sirus Empire was equivalent to a small village for him. He can walk there completely.

If it is in the holy heaven, even Fang Ming will be careful, and dare not move anyone who does not know the details. Maybe an ordinary fifth-order powerhouse is the grandson of the nine-order old monster, and he is a heavy grandson. If he is a little careless, he will be blamed for killing himself.

The guide brought Yue Zhong to a height of 100 meters. The whole body was engraved with a mysterious rune, inlaid with numerous mutant beast nucleus, filled with the ancient, sacred atmosphere before the door: "This is the initial door, please Pass through this initial door for inspection."

Yue Zhong swept the initial door and strode into the initial door.

When Yue Zhong walked into the initial door, a golden light shone on him.

In an instant, a golden gas column rises from the body of Yue Zhong, condenses in the sky, forming a golden dragon and a golden tiger, intertwined with dragons and tigers, making a huge roar, the whole star The port of the ship is shaking.

Arcadia looked at the golden dragon and tiger in the sky, and he was stunned and stunned. His eyes were full of shock: "The golden dragon and tiger are intertwined, this is actually the legendary pure golden dragon. The tiger's intertwined vision. This guy, even less than 50 years old, has cultivated to the eighth-order high-level realm, full of enthusiasm, endless potential, as long as he is not dead, he will be able to advance to the nine-order demigod. Jody they are from Where do you find such a monster?"

When Acadia thought of the scene just now, the heart was afraid for a while: "Fortunately, my performance at that time was only a little frivolous, and did not attract this monster. Otherwise, he could kill me with a slap!!"

The guideman of Yue Zhong looked at the vision of the tiger and the dragon in the sky. His face was full of horror and his mouth grew very big. She did not think that she was led by such a big man. The ninth-order powerhouse of the future.

You must know that even in the sacred heaven, there are not many ninth-order powerhouses. Every ninth-order powerhouse is a big man. It is the leader of all major forces. The power is soaring, and the dragons are not seen at the end. You don't need to pass the initial door to get into the sacred star.

Jody looked at the golden dragon in the sky full of excitement and thought: "The dragon and tiger vision is turned into a dragon and tiger vision. If he does not die, he will be able to become a ninth-order powerhouse in the future. Great, we are west It’s great that the Russ Empire has made such a strong man!!"

On the one hand, Dong Yuyao, Lina, and Bisiya looked at the vision of the tiger and the dragon in the sky, and everyone’s eyes flashed with strange brilliance.

"The vision of the dragon and the tiger!! Who is the rare vision of the millennium? Who is the future peerless powerhouse?"

"The vision of the dragon and tiger intertwined, hateful, there is such a monster, I thought it was just a legend!"


Looking at the sky, the vision of the tiger-screaming dragon and the human power all over the mechanical ship port rushed toward this side.

Not long after, the initial door was crowded with people.

The vision of the Tiger Screaming Dragon continued for five minutes and then disappeared. From the sky, a golden card fell into the hands of Yue Zhong.

The golden card fell into the hands of Yue Zhong, and the message passed over, let Yue Zhong understand the use of the golden card. The golden card is Yue Zhong’s identity card, and he can use the golden card to make various transactions in the Holy Kingdom. At the same time, with this identity card that records all his information, he can walk in the holy heaven.

Once a person without an identity card appears in the sacred heaven, he will be directly killed by the sacred heaven. Under the joint efforts of many powerful people, even the strongest of the nine-step peaks and half-step true gods will be directly killed...

After receiving the identity card, Yue Zhong’s gaze swept toward the guide. The guide was only able to return to God, and quickly explained the role of the identity card to Yue Zhong. Yue Zhong and his entourage walked to a space portal.

In the Holy Kingdom, the main currency of the transaction is the merit point, using the merits to buy everything you want. One way to obtain merits is to sell all kinds of rare treasures to the official of the Holy Kingdom. One way is to complete the various missions released by the Holy Kingdom, and one way is to conduct commercial trade.

In the explanation of the guide, Yue Zhong and his entourage stepped into the space portal and disappeared directly.

When Yue Zhonggang left, a man rushed to the leader's body and asked in a loud voice: "What is the name of that person? Tell me, I will give you ten points."

Among the sacred heavens, the nucleus of a fourth-order mutant beast is a point of merit, and the ten-point merit is worth ten ten-order mutant beast nucleus. For this guide, it is already a great asset.

A man rushed to the leader's body and waved his identity card and shouted: "Exclusively tell me the intelligence of that person, I will give you a hundred points of merit."

"I have three hundred points of merit and buy the exclusive information of that person."


A famous human powerman squirmed over and asked the guide to purchase the exclusive information of Yue Zhong. This kind of enthusiasm made the guide a little overwhelmed and excited.

At this moment, a man in a golden robe walked slowly toward this side, with a powerful eight-order power press: "Let's let go!"

Under the powerful eight-order power, the surrounding human powers have changed their faces and retreated to one side: "Zhuo Nanshengzi."

Zhuo Nan Shengzi smiled and took out a sixth-order mutant beast nucleus and put it in the hands of the guide: "This lady, please sell me the exclusive information of that person. This is your reward." !"

"Thank you!" The guide lady's eyes flashed a flash of excitement, and quickly told the information of Yue Zhong and his party, secretly told Zhuo Nan Shengzi.

"It turns out!"

After the Zhuo Nan Shengzi got the information of Yue Zhong, his figure flashed and he took the guide directly into the space portal.

Before entering the space portal, Zhuo Nan's son waved a hand and formed a huge barrier directly before the space portal.

After Zhuonan Shengzi entered the space portal, a large number of strong men rushed toward the space portal.

"Damn, it's blocked!"

"Good hegemony!!"



Just when those strong people were about to enter the space portal, slammed into the huge barrier and flew out.

Those who were bombed out couldn’t help but yell.

Arcadia quickly took out a communicator and reported anxiously to the communicator: "Give me the Supreme Son of the Son of Silla!!"

In one corner, a strong force from various forces in the Holy Kingdom has picked up the communicator and reported the situation to their leader.

Among the central shrines, a large floating mountain above the crystal palace carved like a red crystal, came a rumbling voice: "What dragon and tiger vision? Zhuo Nan, what you said is true. ?"

Zhuo Nan respectfully said: "Master, it is true, that is what I saw with my own eyes. The young man named Yue Zhong, after entering the initial door, appeared the vision of the tiger screaming dragon. In the mechanical ship port, countless people saw it with their own eyes."

(To be continued) q