MTL - God and Devil World-v9 Chapter 1170 Absorb the will!

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The true god-level powerhouse also looked cold and cold, pointing out, like a universe, generally rolling toward Yue Zhong.

The two universes collided with each other, collapsed, and the power of terror splashed around, and the weight of Yue was directly shattered.

The right arm of the true god-level powerhouse was also shattered and shattered, turning into a little bit of light, scattered in the sea of ​​Yue Zhong.

In that sea of ​​knowledge, Yue Zhong’s will occupies an absolute advantage, quickly absorbs the will of the true god-level powerhouse, and quickly re-aggregates.

The re-aggregation of Yue Zhong is more than a sacred, great majesty and a perseverance in the past.

After losing a right arm, the incarnation of the true god-level power is still sacred and inviolable, but its breath is much weaker. Within Yue Zhong’s knowledge of the sea, as long as Yue Zhong’s will is immortal, he can be reborn many times, but the true god-level powerhouse cannot recover, and if he consumes a little power, he will completely lose those powers.

"This time, crush me!!"

Yue Zhong’s eyes flashed a sense of self-confidence, pointing out, and evolving the stars of the universe, once again crushing toward the true god-level powerhouse.

The incarnation of the true god-level powerhouse lost its right arm, still flashing a strong light in the eye, using the left arm to focus on Yue, and transforming the universe, rolling toward Yue Zhong.

The impact of the two cosmic scorpions was together. This time, the universe of the true god-level powerhouse completely collapsed and shattered, and its body was directly smashed and shattered into the sea of ​​Yue Zhong.

When the incarnation of the true god-level power was annihilated by Yue Zhong, Yue Zhong’s will and mind once again received a baptism, and his will was honed and re-evolved.

Using the magical system imprint, Yue Zhong can absorb a lot of biological life. Get a rapid evolution, but above the exercise of the will, relying entirely on his will to kill the will of the numerous powerful. This rapid evolution has no problem before it is promoted to the ninth stage.

However, if you want to break through the ninth-order bottleneck and advance to the tenth-order world, you must have a strong will. No matter good or evil, only an absolutely strong will can forcibly break through the ninth-order bottleneck. Promoted to become the tenth-order true god-level powerhouse, surpassing the cage and truly controlling his own destiny.

Destroyed the will of the true god-level powerhouse, Yue Zhong opened his eyes, and his eyes immediately burst into the road. His mind was moved, and the blood on his face immediately evaporated and disappeared. From the underground station, he stood on the pressure of the will of the true god-level powerhouse and continued to move forward.

The will of the true god-level powerhouse has been annihilated by Yue Zhong. The surviving will is like the source of no roots. Although it is still powerful, it is not half the point.

Against that tyrannical will. Yue Zhong stepped toward the depths of the mountain and finally reached the end of the mountain.

At the end of the will of the true god-level powerhouse, there is a piece of stone that remains dark red, and one stock is unyielding. The mighty will spread from the stone and formed the will to pervade the true channel-level powerhouse.

Yue Zhong looked at the dark red stone and sighed in his heart: "This should be the blood of the true god-level powerhouse. The true god-level powerhouse, not old and not dead. With eternal youth, but still will be killed by others It seems that the true god-level powerhouse may not be the end of evolution."

Yue Zhong is among the holy heavens. I have also read the information on how to deal with the will of the true God-level power to maximize the benefits. He reached out and pressed the dark red stone.

Just after Yue Zhong’s right hand pressed the dark red stone in the middle, a powerful will immediately ran into his knowledge of the sea along his body, and once again formed a shape of a true god-level powerhouse.

The true god-level powerhouse with the golden vertical eyes appeared in a hurry and stunned Yue Zhong’s eyes, full of majestic orders: “Humble ants!! Your Majesty, surrender to me. I will give you eternal life and Endless glory!!"

This is only a residual will of the true god-level powerhouse, and it will only mechanically repeat the reaction that his master will make.

Yue Zhong’s eyes flashed a touch of cold light, once again in his knowledge of the sea, cohesive molding, showing the universe pointing to the real god-level powerhouse directly crushed away: "I have killed you once. Now, Let me kill you again."

The surviving will of the true god-level powerhouse is also expressionless, directly urging it to master the most powerful secret universe pointing to Yue Zhong.

In a short time, the will of the true god-level powerhouse was immediately smashed by Yue Zhong, who was transformed.

Just as the will of the true god-level power was crushed by Yue Zhong, the dark red stone in his right hand also directly cracked and shattered and became dust.

The dark red stone shattered, and the spiritual pressure of the true god-level powerhouse in the entire passage disappeared without a trace.

Marouf felt the will of the true God-level powerhouse who disappeared completely. The heart of Yue Zhong’s shackles became deeper: “He absorbed the core of the true God-level power, and hateful, the average person is half-step nine. It takes more than sixty years for the strongman of the order to fully absorb the core of the will of the true god-level powerhouse. How can he absorb the core of the will of the true god-level powerhouse in such a short time? It is a monster. !!!"

Anne looked at the distant Yue Zhong’s eyes and also flashed the shocking light: “The guy who can provoke the tiger’s screaming vision, all of them are monster-level enchantments. Even within a short day, they will be together. The will of the true god-level powerhouse is completely absorbed, and his future is simply limitless. The legend is really true. With his evolutionary speed, it is only a matter of time to evolve to the ninth-order. If you have enough chance, become a detachment. It’s not impossible for the true gods of the world to be strong.”

Originally, Anne was somewhat dissatisfied with Yue Zhong, who caused the vision of the Tigers and Dragons. She thought that Yue Zhong at this time may not be her opponent. But now, she clearly understands that the gap between her strength and Yue Zhong is extremely huge, and the gap between them will grow bigger and bigger.

The night-time ghost who stayed on the edge flew to Yue Zhong’s front and bowed down and complimented: “Congratulations to the master, He Xi’s master absorbs the will of this true god-level powerhouse, and the future cultivation will be smooth, only need to accumulate enough power. It will be able to advance to the half-step and nine-order world. Once you understand the laws of space, you will be able to break through and become the true ninth-order powerhouse, Megatron."

Yue Zhong suddenly opened his eyes, two brilliant light shot from his eyes, full of majesty and strength, so that the night check ghosts are somewhat afraid to look straight: "Night check ghosts, is the treasure in your mouth really true or false? What is the position? local?"

Night check ghosts bowed their heads and respectfully said: "Master, that treasure house is really true. According to the information I have in my hands, the position of the treasure house should be in this area. I don't know the specific location. But from my grasp In terms of intelligence, there should be a lot of entrances to that treasure house. In this place with true God-level will, it is very likely to have an entrance."

Yue Zhong’s heart moved slightly and began to look at this place: “Here?”

The place where the true god-level powerhouse stabilizes the will of the will is a flat land, and the naked eye does not see any abnormalities.

“It’s here!” Yue Zhongxin’s thoughts, a huge sense of consciousness immediately enveloped in the area, under the scan of his powerful perception, found in a corner, there is a strange space fluctuation .

Yue Zhong appeared in the corner with a flashing light. He rips hard and tears the corner directly out of a cave filled with space distortion.

Yue Zhong looked at the twisted space, the brows of the cave frowned, and ordered the ghost to check the night: "Check the ghost at night, you go in and try!"

In this Merlot battlefield, there are many dangers, and Yue Zhong does not dare to arbitrarily chase and arbitrarily. Someone needs to be a white mouse.

"Yes! Master!"

The night checker gloriously responded, and a flash of light flew into the distorted space cave.

After a few breaths, the night check ghosts flew out of the distorted space cave and reported to Yue Zhonghui: "Master, there is no abnormality on that side, and there are countless rich resources, it is a rare treasure. From me The information obtained shows that it should be the treasure house."

Yue Zhong heard a slight movement in his heart, and his body flashed directly into the distorted space cave.

Three people, such as Xiang Mahui, Maruf, and Anne, quickly flew into the distorted space cave.

The night check ghost is left in the place by Yue Zhong, acting as a guardian.

Yue Zhongyi entered the twisted space cave immediately across the space appeared in another place.

It was a vast world with a vast expanse of spiritual power and no hope of seeing the edge. The mountains followed one after another and became a large mountain range.

Above the land, you can see the exotic grasses that are full of spiritual power and can be reborn.

Xiang Mahui looked at a cluster of reddish red grass in the distance, flashing a flash of color in his eyes, quickly rushed over, carefully grabbed the cluster of red red grass and put it in her storage bag. Among them: "This is the blood of the gods. In the legend, only a large number of semi-god-level strongmen can absorb the essence of the grass, which can make the strongmen below the seventh order reborn. Even for the eighth-order strong, There are also some effects, a minimum of 10,000 merit points. There are so many here?"

Among the sacred heavens, masters are like clouds, strong ones are like rain, and they also have strong players who are proficient in the manufacture of space goods. Many of the strongest sons of the Son of God have space objects.

Marouf looked at a fruit tree in the distance, and his eyes flashed a smattering of glory. He rushed over to the other side: "That is the jewel of Leizhu, which is of great benefit to the strong person who cultivates the traits of the thunder." As a result, it’s scarce, I didn’t think there would be so much here?”

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