MTL - God Emperor-Chapter 3795 self skeleton view

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Chapter 3795 Self-Bone View

The three of them stood by the shore of the sea of ​​light, looking far into the distance.

On the sea of ​​light, the rules of space are active, and the energy is between the virtual and the real, connecting another world.

"Lie hate heaven!"

Zhang Ruochen said.

Taishang nodded lightly and said: "This is the entrance connecting Kunlun Realm and Lihentian, which was opened by the ancestors of time and space in the ancient times.

The mountains we walked through just now are the ancestral land of the Shenyun family.

If the Netherworld Dungeon really can't be kept, it can only be taken to Lihentian! "

The Shenyun family is the descendant of the human ancestors of time and space.

On the sea of ​​light, the breeze blows, raising Taishang's white beard.

Taishang said slowly: "You once wrote to me and asked me what the ancestors of time and space left behind! In fact, except for the lack of a perfect seventy-two-story tower, sundial, and imprint of time and space, I'm afraid it's the only thing left!"

"The era of the ancient times is too far away from now, and many things have been corroded by time and cannot be preserved."

Zhang Ruochen considered it again and again and asked, "Does the great master really think that there is no immortality?"

This is not the first time Zhang Ruochen has discussed with Taishang.

But this time, Taishang was surprisingly solemn, silent for a long time, and said: "Ten thousand years ago, Tianzun told the place where the twenty-four heavens fought 300,000 years ago."

Seeing Zhang Ruochen and Chi Yao's breath stagnant, Taishang smiled slightly: "What's wrong with you two?

Can't stand the pressure? "

"Just take it easy! I just discovered the mutation of the nether dungeon, and the horror that is suspected to be the ancestor of the demon may be about to be born.

Now the Grand Master wants to tell us the great secret of the fall of the heavens 300,000 years ago, which really tests the ability of our hearts to bear.

We are just two young people! "

Zhang Ruochen said in a half-joking way.

Zhang Ruochen's feeling of crisis in his heart is actually stronger than anyone else, and he has never really relaxed.

Don't look at the peaceful situation in the universe now, in fact, the catastrophe of destroying the world and the family may break out at any time.

The life and death of one person seems too trivial.

The undercurrent is swift and daunting.

Taishang said: "The higher the cultivation, the greater the responsibility.

With your current cultivation base, it's time to know these secrets! But I only tell Chi Yao, not you. "

Chi Yao looked surprised.

Zhang Ruochen said, "What does Master Tai mean?"

Taishang said: "Your curiosity is too strong, and you are too courageous. I am worried that you will be unable to suppress your thoughts and rush to investigate."

Zhang Ruochen has nothing to say!

It should be noted that when Xu Tian got the Anti-God Monument, he had a conjecture in his heart that the heavens fought in the battlefield, but because he was afraid that he could not control the idea of ​​​​going to investigate, he finally returned the Anti-God Monument to Zhang Ruochen.

Xutian's cultivation is much stronger than Zhang Ruochen, and so on.

Taishang Miyin told Chi Yao something.

Chi Yao's eyes were amazed, and then she nodded slightly to Taishang, and said, "If that day comes, we will naturally follow the path that our predecessors have walked, without turning back."

Zhang Ruochen asked, "Which day are you talking about?"

"It is said that when the sky falls, there are people with high cultivation levels to support it. If one day, our generation can't hold it anymore, and they all die, you have to rise up.

At that time, you will have no way out. "

Said very meaningfully.

Zhang Ruochen could feel Taishang's pessimism.

After absorbing the Udumbara flower, although he extended his life for the old man for 300,000 years, his twilight energy has not diminished.

It's normal to think about it. The seventy-two rank lotus, Baer, ​​the nine-dead emperor, and the emperor of Kuiqing are enough to exhaust Taishang's energy. The world is pushed to the edge of the cliff.

And the unknown 300,000-year-old battle in the heavens might have crushed Haotian to the point where it was hard to breathe.

Haotian and Taishang's cultivation, although they stand at the top of the universe, the pressure they bear is unparalleled.

Taishang said: "Ruochen, you ask me if immortals really exist?

It was very difficult for Grand Master to answer your question in the past, but I have learned something from Tianzun. Grand Master can tell you clearly that behind this splendid galaxy, there should really be a monster who has lived for a long time.

Or maybe, more than one. "

Zhang Ruochen asked directly: "300,000 years ago, the monster that the heavens fought against was the ancestor Ming?"

Taishang narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "Why do you have such a guess?"

Zhang Ruochen said: "Fairy Cihang in the Western Buddhist world, told me a story called 'Buddha's Self-Bone View'."

"It is said that after Buddha Kasyapa attained enlightenment, he preached the world with the teachings of the Four Noble Truths, and saved suffering and calamities. His merits were immeasurable.

He has seen all kinds of human beings and all beings. He thinks that he understands the truth of everything and the source of all beings' suffering, but he only has doubts about himself, and suddenly finds that he doesn't understand himself at all. "

"So, the Buddha looked at himself."

"In this view, Kasyapa Buddha found that he was not a living thing, but a bone, but a undead.

It is the bones that gave birth to the wisdom and the realization of the Buddha's way. "

Chi Yao was obviously startled by this secret, and said, "Kasyapa Buddha is actually a undead bone race?"

Zhang Ruochen continued to speak: "After the Buddha's view of his own bones, he could no longer maintain a flawless Buddha's heart, and he almost fell into the devil.

As the saying goes, one thought is Buddha, and one thought is demon. "

"So, Kasyapa Buddha chose to separate the three bodies."

"Representing a body of merit and knowledge, I chose to be reincarnated."

"Representing the thousands of incarnations of the Buddha, he was killed by the Buddha Kasyapa. Only the incarnation of Vinayaka, because he carried the world of bliss on his body, escaped a catastrophe."

"And the Dharma body, which represents the true body of the Buddha and the body of life, disappears without a trace after the reincarnation of the body and the death of the body! Only the whirling world and the mani beads remain."

Taishang said: "Ruochen thinks that Buddha Kasyapa is related to Ancestor Ming?"

Zhang Ruochen said: "I'm not sure for the time being, I have to go to the Western Buddhist world for a trip in person.

However, Mingzu created a curse, and Manizhu can solve all curses, how can there be no causal connection between the two? "

"I have been to the soul world and the place where the ancestors of the underworld transformed into the underworld."

"Second Xuanyuan said that the ancestor of Ming was born by Emperor Xuanyuan Xuan who transformed himself into the underworld, and is the second generation of Emperor Xuanyuan.

But the Ming clan is transformed from the undead. If Emperor Xuan is still alive, how can he escape into the Ming clan? "

"Moreover, what is the difference between the era of Emperor Xuan and the era of Mingzu?"

"So after Emperor Xuan and before Ming Zu, there must be another life."

Chi Yao said: "Kasyapa Buddha is the spiritual wisdom born from the bones of Xuandi buried in the ground for hundreds of millions of years?

The dharma body of Buddha Kasyapa went to the soul realm and transformed into the underworld? "

Zhang Ruochen said: "All of this still needs to be verified in the Western Buddhist world."

Taishang shook his head gently and said, "I have never heard of such a secret.

This is really one thought to become a Buddha, one thought to become a devil! "

Chi Yao frowned and said, "Even the Grand Master doesn't know, why does Fairy Cihang know such secrets?"

Zhang Ruochen said: "Because she is the 10,000th reincarnation of Buddha Kasyapa, and awakened some memories."

Taishang reminded: "Ruochen, she can tell you such a secret out of great trust, and you must keep it secret for her.

The Buddha of all ages has ten thousand years of merit and virtue, and one bite of her flesh is enough to prolong the life of a monk for ten thousand years! "

Zhang Ruochen said, "If Master Tai and Yaoyao were the people I trusted most, I would never have told this secret."

The three left Guanghai and walked outside the ancestral land.

Seeing Zhang Ruochen hesitated several times, Tai Shang smiled and said, "Isn't Ruochen still a child?

If you want to ask anything, you can speak bluntly here at the Grand Master. "

"Ask Tianjun if he has returned?"

Zhang Ruochen asked.

Taishang nodded and answered in the affirmative.

Zhang Ruochen and Chi Yao were both in high spirits.

Asking Tianjun 100,000 years ago, he was known as the No. 1 powerhouse in the Kunlun Realm, and his strength was still above the Supreme.

There is such a strong person sitting in the town, which is enough to make people feel a lot more reassuring.

Of course, Zhang Ruochen was already 90% sure after knowing that Princess Shenru had inherited Murong Buhuo's divine heart, and it was only further confirmation at this time.

Back then, only when Wen Tianjun and Taishang joined forces could they silently leave behind a presence like Murong Buhu.

Taishang said: "Wen Tianjun has long wanted to see you, but he has been destroying Murong Buhuo's spiritual will, so I haven't been able to meet until now."

Zhang Ruochen said, "Is he in Kunlun Realm now?"

"He's a very busy man, and since he wiped out Murong Buhuo, he's been running around all the time.

When Dragon Nest was born, he was actually in the Heavenly Dragon Realm.

Baal wanted to kill the Dragon Lord, but he was secretly repelled by him.

This move should have frightened Barr and the others. They couldn't figure out the truth, and they couldn't guess who they were. Since then, they have never dared to act rashly! "

Too good.

Zhang Ruochen walked out of his heavy heart and smiled: "I thought it was Tianzun who shot."

Taishang stopped suddenly and said, "With Ruochen's current cultivation, are you planning to go to the Temple of Destiny to pick up your father?"

"I do plan to go to the Temple of Destiny.

I believe that with my current weight and some means, I can force Xutian to retreat. "

Zhang Ruochen said.

Taishang said: "The Temple of Destiny may be more terrifying than you think."

It is obvious that Tai Shang is not referring to Barr and the Queer Emperor, otherwise there is no need to say so.

Zhang Ruochen said, "What does the great master mean?"

"Soul Eater Lamp!"

Tai Shang continued: "Back then, the reason why your Tai Shifu was captured was that he was under attack by the Soul Eater Lamp.

However, with the cultivation base of the Soul Devouring Lamp, there is no such power at all.

Therefore, there must be an invisible person urging the Soul Eater! "

Zhang Ruochen said: "It is said that the soul-devouring lamp is an artifact refined by Mingzu.

Could it be that the remnant soul of Mingzu really came to this world long ago? "

Taishang said: "It is not easy to speculate on this matter.

However, Wen Tianjun has already gone to the Hell Realm to investigate this matter! "

"Ask Tianjun to the **** world?"

Taishang glanced at Zhang and said: "Because, when Wen Tianjun blood stained the starry sky, he was also attacked by a soul-devouring lamp and fled to the borderland universe to save his life."

"So, when Grand Master was detained in the Temple of Destiny, it has a lot to do with Soul Eater Lamp?"

Zhang Ruochen said.

Taishang nodded and said: "Behind the Soul Eater Lamp, there must be an extremely terrifying invisible man. In the past 100,000 years of being sealed in the Kunlun Realm, its projection has been active in the Kunlun Realm, and I don't know what the purpose is, fortunately You Dao Soul Platform can fight against it."

"If you want to go to the Temple of Destiny, you can bring the Dao Soul Platform with you. At a critical moment, it may save your life."


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