MTL - God Emperor-Chapter 3813 Reverse cutting business days

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, Update the Eternal God Emperor as soon as possible! Zhang Ruochen stepped on Qingyunque's divine body to pieces with one foot, then leaned forward, took out the gossip compass as a shield, and faced the demonic stone pillar that had flown in front of him.

On the Demon God Stone Pillar, a lifelike withered image of a chaotic ancient demon god, with a ferocious anger, vented out the monstrous divine power.

Driven by Zhang Ruochen's aura, the gossip compass rapidly rotated and spread out like a mirror, and eight doors of light opened in all directions of the compass.


The demon stone pillar hits the center of the Bagua compass.

The violent divine power poured out and flew out the blood slaughter that was sealing the silver wings of Qingyun Que in the distance, crashing into the interior of an ancient mountain.

The overwhelming power was transmitted to Zhang Ruochen through the gossip compass.

The field that Zhang Ruochen built in this area was shattered, his body fell back, and a 3,000-mile-long canyon was plowed on the ground, which resolved the impact of the Demon God Stone Pillar.

"Is this the power of immortality?"

Zhang Ruochen flew from the bottom of the canyon, summoned the spear of eternity, and the four images of Tai Chi scattered out layer by layer, locked his eyes in all directions, to be careful not to be attacked by Shang Tian.

Being successfully attacked by an immortal and immeasurable statue is not a joke, and there will be a risk of falling today.

Xuetu climbed out from the inside of the mountain, looked at Zhang Ruochen who was standing in the air, and looked at the dense forest from which the Demon God Stone Pillar flew out, his heart beating like thunder.

To actually drive back the senior brothers three thousand miles with one blow, what is the holy place?


Xuetu saw a knight of the heavens, shuttled through the forest, and was rushing towards the beast.

Senior brother is currently facing off against a transcendent enemy. Once he is distracted to save people, he will definitely be attacked.

What should we do now?

Zhang Ruochen naturally discovered the knight of the heavens, and with a thought, he planned to control the nearest Yu Ding to kill him.

However, Yu Ding was controlled by another unknown force, and his spiritual sense could not be controlled!

Zhang Ruochen was extremely resolute, crossed the space directly, appeared above Yu Ding, and stabbed a gun straight down.

The tip of the spear burst into a dazzling glow.

Shenxia rushed to the ground and turned into a sea of ​​​​time imprints, forcing the Shangtian demon corpse hidden not far from Yuding to appear.

The Shangtian Demon Corpse was bathed in the sea of ​​​​time light, standing proudly like an ancient pine, with fluttering robe sleeves, and said: "Through the second dimension, you will be doomed, you are indeed different! However, if you want to fight today, you must at least enter the five elements. The next step is to change. For now, it's not enough!"

Many ancient gods in the world have analyzed Zhang Ruochen's infinite divine way, and made various deductions based on the various battles after Zhang Ruochen became a god.

Tai Chi produces two yi, two yi gives birth to four images, and four images are connected to the five elements...

Obviously, it is a new path based on the Taoist line of understanding of heaven and earth.

When he was in the Space Temple, the Shangtian Demon Corpse broke Zhang Ruochen's way of space and brought him into his own divine world. He naturally knew Zhang Ruochen's way better than other gods.

Between the words, the Shangtian Demon Corpse struck out with a lightly written finger.

A majestic beam of light from his fingertips penetrated the sea of ​​time light, broke Zhang Ruochen's way of time, and collided with the spear of eternity that pierced.


The hair band on Zhang Ruochen's head was broken, his long hair flew upside down, and Shang Tian's "Tianhuang Liuguang Finger" fingered his cheeks, a deep blood mark was drawn, which could not be resisted by the immortal body.

Shangtian Demon Corpse was awe-inspiring, and it was hard to believe that Zhang Ruochen could not be severely injured by his own strength.

The strength of the two was consumed by the stalemate.

"As expected of the best in the world, it really has the power to cross the immeasurable realm."

It has been many years since the Shangtian Demon Corpse stepped into the immortal and immeasurable, with a deep cultivation base, the other hand formed a handprint and slapped Zhang Ruochen straight away.

Being able to make a handprint while using Tianhuang Liuguang Finger is undoubtedly proof that Shangtian did not use all his strength before.

"Compared with Shangtian, there is still a big gap."

At this time, Zhang Ruochen's only choice was to retreat.

If you don't retreat, you will not be able to bear the palm of Shang Tian's palm, and the immortal body will definitely not be able to carry it, and the soul may be scattered. He will definitely be killed here by Shang Tian's next attack.

To retreat, it is necessary to carry the Heavenly Wild Streamer Fingers hard, and the injury will be lighter. In this way, you can use the means of time and space to avoid Shang Tian's next ultimate move, so as to release the divine formation that Tai Shifu sacrificed.

At this point, Zhang Ruochen's body sank, avoiding the oncoming fingerprints.

And his shoulder was hit by the beam of Tianhuang Liuguang's finger, and the blood of the gods splattered.

Shang Tian seemed to have guessed that Zhang Ruochen would do this. After printing his fingerprint, he stepped forward and broke into Zhang Ruochen's ten feet.

Of course he knew that Zhang Ruochen had practiced the invincible method of close-quarters warfare, but he didn't care. Under the absolute advantage of cultivation, any spells, strategies, and soldiers are meaningless.

Zhang Ruochen had long known that fighting an old guy like Shang Tian was a life-and-death challenge, and his heart was always calm and clear, and the spear of eternity swept out like a stick.

At the same time, fully mobilize the two forces of space and time to suppress the speed of Shangtian.

However, Shang Tian's speed did not decrease, but instead increased, he swung out the Demon God Stone Pillar and collided with the Spear of Eternity.

"It's speed! His accomplishments in the way of flowing light are many times better than Qingcheng Yun. With speed, he broke the rules of time and space."

When this thought flashed through Zhang Ruochen's mind, the hand holding the spear of eternity had five broken fingers and blood flowed like a stream.

The spear of eternity flew out.

No way, the power gap is too big.

Shang Tian smiled coldly, the devil boy was full of fierceness and brilliance, and the stone pillar of the devil went straight to Zhang Ruochen's head at an unbelievable speed.

Zhang Ruochen could not avoid this pillar.

However, in the next moment, Shang Tian's smile froze.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Ruochen did not evade, but rushed forward, and the twenty-second immovable Ming Wang fist reached Shang Tian's chest in an instant.

The nine-colored divine light is dazzling, making the fists look like colored glass.

Obviously, this punch has mobilized the spirit of the ancestors and the rules of the ancestors, which can shatter the star and split the world and collapse the time and space.

At this time, Shang Tian was swinging out the Demon God Stone Pillar, and the empty door in front of him opened, and before he could change his moves to resist Zhang Ruochen's boxing, he shouted "Okay".

The internal organs in the chest roared together, and five kinds of thunder and lightning and six kinds of demonic fire gushed out.

Five thunders and six fires protect the body, relying on the demon body, to hold Zhang Ruochen's immovable Ming Wang fist.


Shang Tian was beaten upside down and flew out, and the robe on his chest became tattered, revealing a chest covered with chest hair.

His chest was bleeding, and there was a trace of blood from the corners of his mouth.

Obviously, Zhang Ruochen's immobile Ming Wang fist hurt his internal organs.

Zhang Ruochen was not happy at all, his brows furrowed even tighter!

The punch that he gave with all his strength was forcibly carried by Shang Tian with his physical body and demon body. How could he still fight?

The blood on Zhang Ruochen's face disappeared quickly.

The blood in Shang Tian's chest and the corners of his mouth also flowed back into his body.

The injuries on both of them recovered in a very short period of time.

"It's not indestructible, but it can hurt this day...follow...haha..."

The Shangtian Demon Corpse laughed with a long beard, and the smile was full of bitterness. In his mind, he couldn't help but recall the past. Since embarking on the road of cultivation, among his contemporaries, only the undead God of War can compete with him. In the same realm, it has never been defeated.

He believes that he is a talent chosen by heaven, who can prove the ancestor in the future.

But now, being injured by a rising star who has crossed a big realm, this psychological impact is too great, and the pride of a million years seems to be broken by a punch.

"Zhang Ruochen, you do have an immeasurable level of strength. In today's world, you can already be called a giant. However, there is still a big gap with today. You can't escape today." Shang Tian said.

Zhang Ruochen has discovered that in the previous fight, he was pulled into the world of gods by Shang Tian.

All around, it is not the scene of the white star, but the boundless Caixia.

In the world of the gods, there are all kinds of rules and **** patterns, and they flow around Zhang Ruochen with unique rules, like a cocoon, binding him in it.

Zhang Ruochen sensed the power of order.

It stands to reason that the monks in the early stage of immortality can only sense order and cannot use the power of order.

The fact that Shang Tian was able to use the power of order in the world of the gods undoubtedly showed that the cultivation base was infinitely close to the middle stage of immortality and immeasurable, and the realm was much better than those of Jingdao people and dragon masters.

The power of order exists. In the world of the gods, Zhang Ruochen and Shang Tian fight against each other, and it is impossible to fight back.

Shang Tiandao said: "If you use the five cauldrons, you may be able to break the order in the territory and escape. With the power of the five cauldrons, outside the world of the gods, you can't help you today. However, you use the five cauldrons to protect the white cangxing, It's like cutting off your hands and feet."

Zhang Ruochen Next page! Current 1 page/Total 2 pages

He smiled and said, "Could it be that Shang Tian forgot I can explode my own divine source? At that time, everyone will have to die."

Shang Tian was noncommittal and waved his sleeves.


A light curtain appeared in the world of the gods.

With this light curtain, you can see the dense forest of longevity blood on the surface of Bai Cangxing.

A knight of the heavens appeared beside the beast, and locked Xia Yu, Chi Kongle, and Yan Ying'er with foggy soul power chains, and looked at the world of the gods.

Shang Tiandao said, "I won't kill you today, I will only capture you. If you capture you without a hitch, they will live. You can trust today's promise, they are of no importance."

Zhang Ruochen nodded and said, "To Shangtian, they are indeed insignificant. But I have a doubt in my heart, and I hope Shangtian can help answer it."


"You are the fourth emperor of measurement, right? The emperor of measurement behind Xuan Yi and Venerable Yao? Or, is the corpse the emperor of measurement?"

Shang Tiandao: "Yes! It seems that you already know a lot, but it doesn't matter. After today, the pattern of the universe will change dramatically. Now you can bind yourself?"

Zhang Ruochen said: "No hurry! I still have a question, who is the one who wants to take me away?"

Shang Tian stared at Zhang Ruochen carefully, then his face changed, and he stared at the forest of longevity blood.

I saw that the knight of the heavens was pulled in by the circles of light ripples, and made a tragic roar.

The light ripples disappeared, and A Fuya's unparalleled figure appeared not far from the beast. The palm of the white jade-like palm pinched the knight of the heavens who had become the size of a fist.


The knight of the heavens turned into a cloud of soul fog.

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