MTL - God Emperor-Chapter 3848 Bone Yama and Yan Jun

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Chapter 3848 Bone Yan Luo and Yan Jun

Seventh floor tower.

Zhang Ruochen carried his hands on his back, looking through the ancient sacred wood window lattice, looking at the Taishang Qingyun Temple emitting thousands of rays of light in the distance.

The outside world is calm. On the lakeside of the God of Life under the tower, there are still young men and women talking about the scriptures in laughter and laughter. No one knows that a demon **** who has been famous for thousands of years was suppressed not far from them.

And the Yama clan, known as the supreme clan, is experiencing turbulent dark tides, high winds and turbulent waves.

Wuyue said: "In the eyes of Tianzun, there are still several levels of gap between me and him, which is not enough for him to reveal everything.

The reason why he told me some of these secrets was because I was Di Chen's wife, with Tianmu and Wutian Shenzun standing behind me. "

"Husband, do you know who is the strongest of the Yanluo clan through the ages?"

Zhang Ruochen said: "Naturally it is Yama! Although the Great Demon God is the first ancestor, but it is difficult to defeat the demons, and he is not invincible in the world. If you want to achieve it, it is not as good as Yama."

Wuyue tapped her head and said, "The Lord of Lihentian Yan's Clan, known as Bone Yama, is the skeleton left by the ancestor Yan Luo, and Lingzhi was born at the bottom of the Santu River."

Zhang Ruochen said: "Bone body is born with wisdom, it is a complete new life, it belongs to the bone clan.

This kind of undead cultivator has no memory of his past life at all, and he cannot have any sense of belonging to the Yan Luo clan. How could the Yan Luo clan make him the master of the Yan clan in Lihentian? "

The reason why the ghost clan, the bone clan, and the corpse clan became the three major clans of the undead is because they have cut off their connection with the past and have no cause and effect.

Wuyue said: "It was the previous patriarch of the Yanluo clan, the father of Renhuantianzun and the Huanyu clan, who brought the newly born Bone Yanluo back to the Yanluo clan and sent him to the Yan Clan in Lihentian before ten Yuan meetings. practice."

"Before the ten yuan meeting."

Zhang Ruochen said lightly.

This time is too sensitive, and many things point directly to that time.

There is no doubt that the Great Senior was definitely not a silent disappearance back then, an unimaginable event must have happened, but most people don't know about it!

For more than a million years, all kinds of shocking things that happened to the world, after Zhang Ruochen learned the truth, found that it could be traced back ten years before the Yuan meeting.

There are too many clues, Zhang Ruochen can feel that there are one big hand after another invisibly laying out.

Zhang Ruochen said: "This matter is really strange. Did Tianzun tell you the reason why the previous patriarch did this?"

Wuyue shook her head and said: "I don't have enough weight in Tianzun. If my husband goes, Tianzun may speak."

"So, the remnant soul of the Great Demon God took away the bone Yama in Lihentian?

Or, is all this what the previous patriarch did?

Is it to use the bones of Yama and the remnant soul of the Great Demon God to cultivate a transcendent powerhouse for the Yama clan? "

Zhang Ruochen said.

Wuyue said: "Heavenly Venerate also speculates the same way."

Before learning all kinds of information from Wuyue, Tianzun obviously did not know that Gu Yanluo might be taken away by the remnant soul of the Great Demon God before ten Yuan meeting!

The heavens in the **** world can recognize Bone Yama, but it is absolutely impossible to accept the remnant soul of the Great Demon God.

During the chaos of ancient times, the demons were rampant, and the killing was ten times more cruel than the ten clans in hell.

No one will allow the Great Demon God to return.

When the Yama clan took office as the patriarch, he should be able to take this into account, so why would he do so?

Zhang Ruochen is even more determined, and he must go to see Renhuatian Zun to make things clear.

Otherwise, the most dangerous one will not be the Yan Luo clan, nor the **** world, but the Kunlun world.

How could the remnant soul of the Great Demon God not go to the Kunlun Realm?

Moreover, it has been ten Yuanhui, how high is his cultivation base?

Zhang Ruochen said with a solemn expression, "You said that besides using you and the Moon God to restrain the Nine Dead Emperor, Gu Yanluo has another preparation, what is it?"

"If the cultivation base reaches a certain level and there is a bottleneck, it is very likely that he will swallow the nine-generation cultivation base of the Emperor of Nine Deaths in order to impact the realm.

Currently, that also includes me and Luna. "

Wuyue said with a helpless and aggrieved look: "So, the husband still thinks that the concubine is doing something for him?

The reason why I didn't tell my husband before is entirely because everything is just my guess.

If a wrong judgment is made, wouldn't the husband want to have a bad relationship with the Yama tribe?

At that time, my weight in my husband's heart must have plummeted. "

Zhang Ruochen had all his doubts gone, looked at her clear profile, and said, "Do you remember when we first met?"

Wuyue said: "Why do you need to mention the past?"

"I want to say that Wuyue at that time left a deep impression on me."

Zhang Ruochen said.

Wuyue said: "When the Moon God and I absorbed the remnant soul of the ancient Moon God, some souls were exchanged, and it was naturally affected.

But, the most important reason is that the husband is talented enough and powerful enough.

If the husband is just a mediocre person, or a weak cultivation base, then most of what you see is still another me. "

"Women admire the strong, men cherish the weak.

This principle can never be wrong. "

Yan Zhexian's voice resounded in the world of the gods, saying: "You don't care about me anymore, we have to go to the Tianzun Temple immediately. If something happens to the Tianzun, we need to summon the gods of the Yan Luo tribe to attack the Temple of Enlightenment."

Chi Kongle told Yan Zhexian everything he knew.

After learning the truth, how could she not be in a hurry?

The temperament of Wuyue changed instantly, and there was no more weakness, showing the demeanor of strategizing: "Since the five-eyed golden worm knows that I am a chess piece of Gu Yanluo, it should not deal with me easily.

There is only one answer, they are about to make a big move.

It is very likely to seize the control of Yan Luotianwaitian! "

"Before, I have been thinking, who is the ancient **** of the school of seizing the house.

The appearance of the five-eye gold bug gave me the answer. "

Zhang Ruochen said: "The sixth pillar, Yan Jun."

"Sure enough, my husband also guessed it!"

Wuyue said: "During the chaos of ancient times, Yan Jun was the head of the Yanluo clan, and his cultivation level did not lose to the fifth pillar, Mengge.

After learning that the Great Demon God was born into the Yan Luo clan, I guessed that there must be an extraordinary relationship between Yan Jun and the Great Demon God.

So, when I came to the Yanluo clan, I focused on the information related to him, and I really found some clues.

It can be preliminarily concluded that Yan Jun is the son of the Great Demon God. "

"There is no doubt that the lineage of Taishang Yan Luo and the ancient **** of learning are the direct descendants of the Great Demon God and Yan Jun."

"In the battle of the Great Wall of Beize, Yan Jun woke up and was not killed, but came to the Yan Luo clan.

In order to make up for the shortcomings, he used the corpse transformation technique to integrate the ancient **** of learning, so that he was no longer excluded by the rules of heaven and earth. "

Yan Zhexian disliked Wuyue's eloquent talk, and said, "If it was Yan Jun, how could the Supreme Being allow him to smelt Grandpa?

In order for Yan Jun to quickly restore his cultivation, he must devour a large number of Yan Luo people. "

Wuyue said: "I can tell you at least two reasons.

First, Gu Yanluo and Yan Jun offered conditions that too high could not refuse, such as helping him break through his spiritual power. "

"Second, there is not much lifespan of the Supreme Being, once it falls.

Relying on Tianzun alone, how can you beat Gu Yanluo and Yan Jun?

At that time, Tianwaitianyan may be the calamity of extermination. "

"Under the combination of hard and soft, I think Taishang has a steel scale in his heart and will know how to choose."

Yan Zhexian was silent.

Wuyue knew that she was too strong, and was afraid that Zhang Ruochen would not like it, so she comforted: "You don't need to be so sad, Taishang should also be for the sake of the Yan Luo family, so he will reluctantly make concessions.

It is very possible that he did not know that Gu Yanluo and Yan Jun were conspiring to annex Tianwaitianyan. "

No longer talking to Yan Zhexian, Wuyue said: "Husband should not go to see Tianzun, you should immediately leave Tianwaitianyan, go to Kunlun Realm, and discuss with the island owner of the dead **** how to deal with Gu Yanluo."

"Do you think that the situation of the Yan family in Tianwaitian is irreversible?"

Zhang Ruochen said.


Wuyue continued: "The Tianzun Temple is guarded by unknown monks, and even the God of War cannot see Tianzun, which means that there is a high probability that Tianzun has had an accident, and it is very likely that he is not in the Tianzun Temple at all.

Yan Jun dared to do it at this time, which further illustrates this point. "

"What level does Gu Yanluo's cultivation have to reach to make Tianzun disappear silently?

Of course, it cannot be ruled out that he is teaming up with other powerhouses.

In short, this power, we can not deal with it! "

"Gu Yanluo and Yan Jun won the Yan Luotianwaitian, the next step must be to integrate the forces, attack the Kunlun Realm, and attack the nether dungeon."

It is not a secret that the Great Demon God was suppressed by the demon in the nether dungeon. It is not surprising that Wuyue was in charge of the intelligence agency of the Dark Temple.

Even if the Great Demon God is dead, his body and divine source are of great value to Gu Yanluo.

However, Zhang Ruochen knew that the ghost dungeon had overflowed with demonic energy in recent years, and the vision was terrifying, and the great demon might not be completely dead!

Zhang Ruochen has deeply realized that Shi Jie asked Tianjun why he thinks that the emperor of nine deaths is the biggest threat in the world.

The influence of the Great Demon God on this era is too great, leaving behind various backhands.

The closer the ancestor's era is to the present, the greater the influence.

In the realm of the gods, Yan Zhexian became nervous.

For Zhang Ruochen, the entire Yan Luo clan is worthy of his help, maybe only a few people such as Yan Zhexian and Yan Yu.

But for Yan Zhexian, this is her home, and she has many relatives, friends, classmates, and elders.

Of course, she also understands that Wuyue's words are very reasonable, and it is wise for Zhang Ruochen to leave immediately.

Wuyue said: "What are you hesitating about, husband?"

"It's not hesitation, it's waiting."

Zhang Ruochen stared at the night sky.

Wuyue said: "There are other variables?"

Zhang Ruochen nodded and said, "As soon as you leave, you can protect yourself.

But in this battle, if I don't fight, the Kunlun Realm will fight! When they have integrated Yama and Heaven, and the army will overwhelm the realm, the Kunlun Realm will inevitably suffer the catastrophe that was common 100,000 years ago.

Win, it's a rubble.

If you lose, you are in ruins. "

Chi Kongle's spirit was excited, he really felt his father's stature, and he admired him immensely, saying: "The higher the cultivation, the greater the responsibility.

My generation of monks is the backbone of all living beings, helping the great summer to fall, the sky will collapse in the last days, and the calamity will be smashed in the unfinished.

If the father fights, the daughter will definitely follow, without hesitation. "

Yan Zhexian, who was conflicted and distressed, was touched by Zhang Ruochen's father and daughter, and said, "We are not without the strength to fight.

Zhang Ruochen's heart moved, and he immediately knew Yan Jun's next plan.

If you want to control Yama, how can you not take the "Book of Life and Death"?

Zhang Ruochen stared at the starry sky and said, "It's finally here, the east wind has arrived."

Wuyue looked at the sky, and she was inexplicably shocked.

I saw that in the depths of the distant star sea, a large number of bright stars disappeared, strange and abnormal, causing a huge black spot to appear in the starry sky.

Using mental power to sense across space, it was discovered that in just a moment, at least hundreds of thousands of stars were destroyed, affecting countless trillions of miles of void.

Wuyue said: "One blow destroys a starry sky, what kind of power is this?"

"Maybe it's the power of the half-ancestor!"

Why is Zhang Ruochen not shocked?

I have long heard the legends of many powerhouses in with a sword like Chunyang Tianzun, the sea of ​​indeterminacy boiled, shocking the entire **** world into silence.

Another example, Xinghuan Tianzun used the Qianxing Lianzhu supernatural power, almost interrupting the entire Huangquan Galaxy with one blow.

Both Chunyang Tianzun and Xinghuan Tianzun are not the first ancestors, so they can cause such terrifying destructive power.

Now, the legend has come into reality, and there is a strong one who defies the sky and destroys the sea of ​​​​stars, and the stars and galaxies burst into hundreds of thousands of seats.

It will be a worldwide sensation.

It happened in the vicinity of the star field where the heavenly realm is located, and it is very likely that Haotian did it!


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