MTL - God Emperor-Chapter 3882 Sacred Musician

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When the door of death entered the body, Zhang Ruochen's sea of ​​consciousness, the annihilation of the great world, the burning of all beings, the sea of ​​blood, the towering bone mountain... and other death scenes, as if experiencing it personally, as if being in it.

The force of death, the impact on spiritual consciousness, made Zhang Ruochen have a splitting headache, his body was shaky, and his meridians were highlighted.

After several hours, Zhang Ruochen's various negative emotions subsided.

Fengtian has been guarding under the sword ancestor tree, the wind blows rustling, the red leaves fluttering.

Seeing Zhang Ruochen stand up from the ground again, she felt an inexplicable shock in her heart. According to her estimate, Zhang Ruochen will take at least several months to catch the impact of the door of death and the endless force of death.

After all, this is the power of her life-long practice of the way of death, and it has reached the level of immortality in the middle stage. And Zhang Ruochen's cultivation has not yet stepped into immortality.

Feng Tian's face was calm, and he said, "It's hard to carry, right? But, you must know that the power of the remnant soul of the ancestors may be far more terrifying than the gate of death, and it will test your spiritual will even more."

"For you, indestructible and immeasurable is the most important thing at the moment. Indestructible and immeasurable can make the strength of the soul jump in a short period of time to meet the next life and death challenges."

"I see!"

Why doesn't Zhang Ruochen want to destroy the immeasurable?

However, there is always something wrong. The condensed Xiaoyanzhong Palace is extremely unstable, and the yang energy is strong enough to burn the body.

Now that we have the door of death and the 50% profound meaning of death, we can try again, or we can suppress the burning yang energy.

Both Mu Lingxi and Xuetu had already left the White Impermanence Temple. Zhang Ruochen tidied up his sleeves, saluted together, and said, "Most of the monks in the world are selfish and self-interested. In this turbulent and crisis-ridden situation, Feng Tian can take this step. Ruochen is very grateful.

If you are offended, please Feng Tian Haihan. "

Feng Tian stood sideways, his red clothes fluttering in the wind, and said: "You are Di Chen, and I can't afford your worship today. You better not think that this is the reason why you do this because of your love for you. The **** of death. Venerable, ruthless and lustless." "Lending the door of death to you temporarily is selfish and not free. First, you have to help Ben Tian to refine Moli corpse ancestors and the strange blood springs in the impermanent ghost town, and help Ben Heaven raises blood energy and inextinguishable substances in the body, for shock

Prepare for the immortal peak. "

Zhang Ruochen said: "I myself would not allow the existence of Moli Corpse Ancestor and the strange blood spring. However, Feng Tian is afraid that there is no way to fully absorb these blood energy, right?" Feng Tian ignored it and continued: "Second, this What Tian wants to do is not the **** of death or the master of death, but the master of the hall of destiny, and what he pursues is the ancestral realm. The way of death is the only one, and the door of death is in the body, and it has always been in the ancestral realm.

The other eleven aspects that restrict this day's understanding of destiny. It can be stripped away, and I am worried that it will produce independent consciousness and will backlash in the future. "

"Giving it to you temporarily will undoubtedly solve a big problem today."

Zhang Ruochen said: "Fengtian is not afraid that I won't pay it back? If you absorb the door of death, you will be able to cultivate and make great progress. From now on, I will be the master of death."

"It's just a gate of death. If you, Zhang Ruochen, have only this little energy, you won't be able to step into the ancestral realm in the future." Feng Tian said.

Phoenix's mouth is undoubtedly the hardest part of his body.

But Zhang Ruochen understood her intention and was naturally moved.

In this world, if you can meet such a person, you can wholeheartedly consider your safety, it is a life worth living.

Of course, Feng Tian was not the only one Zhang Ruochen encountered.

This is also the reason why Zhang Ruochen loves this world, respects life more and more, and is willing to protect this world from destruction. Even if the world is not perfect, it is full of darkness and evil.

I don't know how long it was quiet. Feng Tian said: "I thought it would be safer to leave Tian and stay in the ghost town of Fengdu than to go elsewhere. Of course, if you want to take him away, you will first solve the hidden dangers of the impermanent ghost town for this day. In this way, this day or to the Temple of Destiny

An explanation from the gods. "

These words have been lingering in Feng Tian's heart for too long, and today he finally said them.

The Wolverine Lord is a high-ranking **** of the dead, with a human body, but with both wolf and badger heads at the same time. With his tower-like physique, he stood on a **** ship of white bones, heading towards the impermanent ghost town in the wind.

This white bone **** ship is made of three **** bones stacked on top of each other, with a total of six layers.

Beneath it are the bones of the undead blood race.

Among them is the dragon bone.

On it is the wolf **** bone.

This ship is magnificent, and compared to other ships on the Santu River, it is like a fishing boat.

A ghost lamp hangs on the bones, and the flag of death is displayed in the wind.

The Queer Emperor was sitting in an elegantly decorated hall on the sixth floor of the White Bone Ship, with calligraphy and paintings on the wall, beaded curtains, the incense burner producing haze, and the magic lamp dark blue.

Suddenly, the wind blows the candles.

On the curtain, a figure appeared out of thin air.

But looking closely, the back of the veil is empty, without any figure. I don't know where this shadow came from.

The King of Quebec suddenly opened his eyes, stood up immediately, clasped his fists and saluted the figures on the curtains respectfully: "Meet the ancestors!"

"Luo Shen, what are you doing in the ghost town of impermanence?" said the figure.

The king said: "Bal and the seventy-two rank lotus asked, when did the ancestor take Zhang Ruochen's life? Now is the best time to seize the house. If you don't do it again, when Tianmu returns, there will be no chance."

"They are even more anxious than this seat!"

The figure let out a deep laughter, and then said: "This seat is very curious. In your Luoshen's heart, who is the orthodox of the Temple of Destiny, this seat and Barr?"

Emperor Quliang lowered his head, turned his eyes slightly, and said without hesitation: "Ming Zu is the founder of the Temple of Destiny, and it is naturally orthodox. Barr and I are only descendants of the younger generation."

Then he said: "Although Barr's cultivation base is strong, but he was attached to the Great Demon God and blended fate with the devil's way, which turned the avenue into a trail, and cut his own way. It is destined to be impossible to achieve the first ancestor."

"Mingzu is different."

"Once the Ming ancestor seizes Zhang Ruochen, he will definitely combine the twelve fates into the first-grade Shinto, and the first ancestor can be expected. Luo Shenfei is a fool and knows how to choose. Mingzu does not need to doubt my loyalty."


The figure said: "But in today's world, only Baal has the opportunity to deal with Tianmu. Only when Tianmu falls can you take over the Rakshasa clan and make up for the unwillingness that has been accumulated in your heart."

"There's nothing to be unwilling to, I've long since been unwilling to be the emperor of the Tianluo Divine Kingdom. Following the ancestors, chasing a higher avenue of destiny, and recreating the glory of the Temple of Destiny is what Luoshen seeks." the way.

The curtain swayed, and the figures on it became strangely twisted. After a long silence, the figure said: "You go and tell Baal and the seventy-two lotus that the impermanent ghost city is now the core interest of this seat, and they are not allowed to interfere. At the same time, I also warned Emperor Huang Quan that this seat needs a stable next.

Santu River Basin. Only when the external environment is calm enough, will Zhang Ruochen and Feng Caiyi relax their vigilance, and they will be more calm when they seize the house. "

"Luo Shen takes orders!"

Kui Liang said: "It is dangerous to seize the house, and the conflict between life and death is fierce. Should the ancestors bring the lights of life and death?"

"Are you testing the reality of this seat?" said the figure.

The Queer Emperor hurriedly said, "There is absolutely no such intention! It's just that Zhang Ruochen is a prodigy. He started at the end of the day. After several life and death, his spiritual will is definitely not comparable to ordinary monks."

The figure snorted coldly: "There is Zhang Ruochen in the dormitory area, and I don't need the lights to turn on and off. Soul Eater, you are actually broken and inextinguishable, but I am impressed by this seat."

The Soul Eater is one of the twenty heavens in the **** world. It is shaped like a sedan chair, rounded up and down, with a strange picture on each side.

They are "Pine Forest and Ten Thousand Ghosts", "Axe Splitting the Sky", "Burning the Goddess in the Abyss", and "White Bones Sitting in the Wasteland".

Under the illumination of the interior lights, the four figures come to life.

The Soul Eater is about two meters high and is located in the northeast corner. Through the light and the picture scroll, you can faintly see the inner spirit condensed into a human shape, with a thin outline and a long beard.

An old voice came from the lamp: "The rules of heaven and earth have changed, and it has become easier to be destroyed.

Kuiliang said: "Phoenix Caiyi, Wulong God Emperor, Jiwang, and Dao Zun have all broken the immeasurable immortality one after another. It can be seen that the rules of heaven and earth are undergoing earth-shaking changes.

The figure on the veil said, "Although you have stepped into immortality, Zhang Ruochen is already perfect, and you can't hide from his perception. You follow Luoshen and go to Mingbaiguling, don't disturb the plan of this seat. "

"Follow the will of the ancestors."

The King of Quebec and the figure in the lamp bowed their heads and saluted at the same time.

After the figure on the curtain disappeared, the two raised their heads again.

The tone of the figure in the lamp was no longer as respectful as before, saying: "This ancestor is too suspicious!"

The Queer Emperor rekindled the lamp of life and extinction that had been extinguished due to the arrival of his ancestors, and said slowly: "Doubtful, it shows that he is not confident in his own strength. This just exposes his inner weakness!"

The figure in the lamp said: "But when I dealt with the Lord of the God of Death, I have seen his strength. When he activated the Soul Eater Lamp, with just one blow, the Island Lord of the God of Death was severely injured and turned into a spiritual power and soul fog. "Kui Liang Huang said: "At that time, you were just at the peak of immeasurable freedom. How much did you know about the power of the immortal and immeasurable realm? Besides, Huaying Cangjie arranged the starry sky array to block the Huangquan Galaxy, which was already mentally exhausted.

It's not difficult to hit him hard, and the emperor can do it too. "The third point is that the remnant soul of the ancestor has returned for too long, and it has already reached the deadline. The darker it is, the more power will decline. I guess he couldn't survive the next dimension disaster, so he trained Zhang

Ruochen's new body. "

"According to the time of his last crossing the Yuan tribulation, his next Yuan tribulation is not far away."

"If the emperor guesses correctly, when Yuan Hui Jie arrives, it will be the day he takes the house. In this way, Yuan Hui Jie destroys the old body, and he can hide from heaven and earth and gain a new life." The figure in the lamp said: " I think there is another reason why Mingzu never took Zhang Ruochen's house. He is guarding against us! If Zhang Ruochen is too weak, after he takes the house, his cultivation will naturally be weak, so we will deal with him.

Wouldn't it be easy? "

The Queer Emperor smiled and said: "It's not to guard against us, but to guard against you. You are the soul-devouring lamp. The soul you want to eat the most is naturally the soul of the ancestors. The master of the artifact spirit is the highest achievement."

The figure in the lamp was noncommittal and said: "Since the Yuanhui Tribulation of the remnant soul of the ancestors is about to come, this is definitely a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I really want to obey his orders and leave here?"

Emperor Kui Liang's eyes narrowed, and he said coldly, "You have a lot of courage. Without the help of the emperor, with your cultivation, would you be able to hide the perceptions of Mingzu, Zhang Ruochen, and Feng Caiyi?"

"Then ask the emperor to give you a talisman to cover up the secrets! If something major happens, there will be a big reward." The figure in the lamp said. The Queer Emperor was pacing in the hall, and suddenly, looking through the half-opened window, he saw a divine ship with a flag of "Stone" on the Santu River, saying: "With this emperor's ninety-two rank Spiritual power, refined talismans, can indeed

Help you hide from the sky and dive into the ghost town of impermanence. But this is not enough! "

Immediately, the divine light of fate on Emperor Quebec's body suddenly changed, and he suddenly became much younger, as if he was only in his forties.

The finger points to a point between the eyebrows, and a star light mark appears.

The black robe on his body turned into a moon-white robe, giving people a sense of immortality.

At the same time, a flute engraved with Dao patterns flew out of the space behind and fell into the right hand.

The owner of the "Stone" flag ship is Shi Axe Junyu Sanjie.

After Xiao Hei sent Zhang Chuanzong to the Stone Temple, he was drunk and foolish, and stole the ship.

However, at the moment, Xiao Hei was bound by the divine chain, hanging in the air five feet above the ground, with a fluffy owl head hanging down, looking at the ground with a lifeless expression.


The cell door was pushed open.

In Xiao Hei's sight, a pair of straight and snow-white jade legs stepped in first, holding an emerald spear in his hand, and stopped in front of him.

In the sound of the **** chain slamming, Xiao Hei was agitated, immediately raised his head, and said stiffly: "What are you going to do, after you use it, you will kill people? This emperor tells you, kill me, you will be a big deal. !"

The woman standing opposite him was wearing a dark blue martial robe with a ponytail. Her heroic spirit was cold and arrogant, but her eyes were clear and bright, like a young girl, which did not match her unfathomable cultivation.

The most obvious feature is that between her brows, which are as straight as willow leaves, there are four white starlight spots, like flowers.

In one corner of the cell, stood a tall man with a short head, more than two meters tall, also wearing a dark blue military uniform, with a black divine ring hanging from his back.

The big man said: "He has been scolding for three hours, and just stopped for a while."

The beautiful woman with a ponytail said, "How dare you lie to this emperor?"

"Cheat? Cheat... What are you cheating on?"

Xiao Hei felt that the woman's eyes were scary, her words were a little trembling, and she felt extremely uncomfortable. She secretly said, "Anyone dares to call themselves the emperor, and I don't know who named this emperor." "You said that Zhang Ruochen is in the ghost town of impermanence. , but the emperor just found out that Zhang Ruochen in the ghost city of impermanence is actually the transformation of the virtual sky of the temple of destiny. What do you want to do? You want to lead us to the ghost town of impermanence and take us

All at once? You don't have a word of truth in your mouth, it seems that this emperor can only search for his soul! ' she said.

"This is impossible!"

Xiao Hei immediately said: "This is absolutely impossible! The emperor went to confirm with Ale the news of Zhang Ruochen in the impermanent ghost town. You were also hiding in the dark at the time and heard it with your own ears."

"Besides, this emperor has no friendship with Xutian. Why should he save me? Why should he kill you?" "Besides, why do you need Xutian to kill you? Zhang Ruochen can also! This emperor wants to lead you to a dead end, directly Wouldn't it be more secure to lead Zhang Ruochen? Don't...don't...don't search for souls first, I'll ask you guys, this emperor is right

Doesn't make sense? "

"There's a misunderstanding here! Either Ale made a mistake, or something went wrong at Impermanence Ghost City."

"If you don't want to let go of this emperor first... no... don't dare to be emperor, you let me go first, anyway, I have half of my soul in your hands, and you can kill me with a single thought." "You let me go to the ghost town of impermanence. Investigation, I must have found out clearly, I also have acquaintances over there, Mu Lingxi, do you know, Feng Tian's disciple, but when she was young, this emperor... I pointed out more. Zhang Ruochen went to impermanence

Ghost town, hide from anyone, will not hide from her. "

The ponytail woman with the gun shrank her eyelids and hesitated.

Little Darkness breathed a sigh of relief and cautiously asked, "I haven't had time to ask, who is your holy guru? What kind of grievances do you have with Zhang Ruochen?"

The woman ignored Xiao Hei and said, "Cang Jue come in."

As the ghostly Cang Jue walked into the cell, Xiao Hei's eyes widened and he said, "Old ghost, you actually betrayed Zhang Ruochen?"

Cang Jue bowed to the beautiful woman carrying the jade spear, then looked at Xiao Hei with a smile, but said nothing.

This woman is Yuan Sheng, the clan emperor of the "Yuan Dao Clan" in the Twelve Primordial Ancient Clan of the Abyss of Darkness.

And the inch-headed man guarding the prison cell is the great freedom of the Yuan Dao clan, Yuan Jieyi.

Yuan Sheng instructed Cang Jue, "Let him down, take him to the ghost town of impermanence, and make sure to find out Zhang Ruochen's whereabouts. Also, don't let him walk!"

The chain on Xiao Hei's body was undone and fell to the ground. As he moved his wrist, his eyes twitched.

Suddenly, he made an unexpected move and played the eight methods of origin that he learned from the buried gold white tiger, Taiqing pushes the cloud hand.

With both hands out, palms are like pushing clouds, light as wind, but powerful enough to move mountains and seas.


Yuan Sheng stood still, and a flaming armor automatically appeared on his body, eliminating Xiao Hei's palms with all his strength.

"Vulcan Armor!"

Blackie exclaimed.


Xiao Hei was shocked by the power of the Vulcan armor and flew out, slammed into the formation in the cell, bleeding from his nose and mouth. However, the fear of Yuan Sheng in his heart disappeared, instead he laughed: "It turned out to be his own, let's say it earlier! You have to say the reason for looking for Zhang Ruochen earlier, this emperor will definitely cooperate fully, there are so many twists and turns. And you are old

Ghost, you have always been on this magical ship, and you only came to see the emperor today. "

When Xiao Hei saw Cang Jue, he probably guessed that Yuan Sheng might come from the abyss of darkness, but he could not confirm whether the other party was an enemy or a friend.

Knowing that he is still valuable now, Yuan Sheng would not kill him, so Xiao Hei took the risk and wanted to use the first battle to test whether she was an ancient creature.

But when he saw the Vulcan armor, Xiao Hei realized it immediately, and understood why Yuan Sheng only took half of his soul, but never searched his soul.

This woman is definitely Zhang Ruochen's concubine in the dark abyss!

At this moment, Cang Mang, the head of the "Shi" flag, was standing under the sounding battle flag, and controlled a high-ranking **** of the Stone Clan with his spiritual sense.

It is precisely because of this upper **** of the stone race that the world of the gods shrouds the ship and conceals the secrets, so they can move freely in the **** world.

Cangmang, Cang Jue's elder brother, is also a ghost and beast. When he was in the dark abyss, he was the one who brought Manizhu out of Daming Mountain and handed it over to Zhang Ruochen.

Suddenly, Cangmang noticed something abnormal, and his perception of the outside world disappeared!


Cangmang's arms became slender and his fingernails turned black. When he saw the person standing behind him, he immediately put away his divine power and knelt down on one knee: "Meet the holy musician!"

The holy musician wears a moon-white robe, with beards reaching his chest, with a starlight between his eyebrows, and holding a flute, giving people a sense of immortality.

It is the transformation of the Queer Emperor.

The three musicians of the Great Ming Mountain, the Kagura musician, the Xian musician, and the holy musician, all cultivated to the sky and the earth, and they were the strongest under the mountain master.

The mountain master rarely shows up, and all the decrees are informed by the three major musicians to the outside world.

Although Cangmang claimed to be the servant of the mountain master and considered him the master, but like Cang Jue, he had never seen the true face of the mountain master.

The holy musician in front of him is different from the Kagura musician and the fairy musician.

Legend has it that he is the direct descendant of the mountain master. He returned to Daming Mountain with the mountain master back then. He was not a member of the Hongmeng tribe, but he was given the status of a member of the Hongmeng tribe, which is a great honor.

"Get up!" The holy musician said gently. UU reading www.

After Cangmang got up, he asked: "The holy musician has come to the upper realm, so the old servant will go to inform the Yuandao Clan Emperor."

"Don't disturb her!" said the musician.

Cangmang was confused and said, "Why?"

"You don't need to ask more about this matter, and you can't tell anyone about this seat. The mountain master once asked you to hand over the mani beads to Zhang Ruochen, which shows that the mountain master trusts you very much, and you are a person who can keep secrets. "

Although Emperor Kui Liang said this, he knew it perfectly, knowing that the remnant soul of the ancestors handed over the Manizhu to Zhang Ruochen, but he was only cultivating the body.

Speaking of which, he was also the one who came forward and gave the Manizhu to Cangmang, and let Cangmang give it to Zhang Ruochen.

There is no other reason for choosing Cangmang, it is purely because of the urgency of time. Not wanting to disturb the Kagura musicians and Xian musicians in Daming Mountain, but also rushing back to the upper realm immediately to protect Zhang Ruochen from tribulation.

As for Qingtian and the temple master of the Dark Temple, they later took action to prevent Zhang Ruochen from becoming a god.

He didn't hope that the remnant soul of the ancestors would really cultivate a body that took the body, because the person who most coveted the remnant soul of the ancestors was him.

The holy musician took out the soul-eating lamp and handed it to Cangmang, saying: "Your trip is extremely dangerous. Bring this lamp with you. It may save your life at a critical moment. Hide it well and don't let anyone else. Find."

Cangmang took the Soul Eater lamp, which had become only the size of a walnut, with both hands, and said excitedly, "Thank you for your love." The Holy Musician waved his hands inexplicably and said: "This seat knows the purpose of your trip, in short, you must Remember, Zhang Ruochen has the blood of the Hongmeng family flowing in his body, which is the hope of our ancient creatures. You must respect it and not offend him. He will be the future master of the Great Ming Mountain!"

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