MTL - God Emperor-Chapter 3895 The identity of the 12 stone people

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Across the endless star field, pull Yan Zhexian into a dream

Of course it is a magic trick, but it also leaks

The secret is hidden, but it cannot be concealed from the people in the Santu River Basin.

Immortal perception.

The cultivation base has reached the level of Bone Yama

Characters, with this ray of mystery, can even push

It is calculated that the heavenly secret comes from the Bone Temple, which motivates the heavenly secret

It was Zhang Ruochen.

This is impossible!

Seventy-two lotus, Mingzu, bone Yama

Appearing one after another, based on Zhang Ruochen's current cultivation

and the forces of the Hell Realm in the Santu River Basin,

I can't handle it anymore, I have to ask for help.

The Suzaku Fire Dance absorbed the sacrificial Shenxia,

The cultivation base advanced greatly, and the spirit and spirit recovered.

After rendezvous with Yuan Sheng, Zhang Ruochen took the

The perfect spiritual field, with them

, immediately escape the territory where the Bone Temple is located,

Go to the sea of ​​hidden bones.

After they left, a man on the edge of the cave

In the Yellowstone Temple, the white-haired skeleton beats the bone

Stick Thigh, scolded: "Courageous,

Even the master of a hall was beheaded, and he dared to reveal the sky

Let the outside world know. Zhang Ruochen is dead,

He is dead!

The Kwan brothers hide in two skeletons with divine bones

Among the skulls, standing outside the temple, heard the white hair

The scolding of the skeleton immediately showed his head, and his heart


Zhang Ruochen killed the master of the Bone Temple?

This is going to be with the Bone Race

No, he is going to be with the whole **** world

go to war.

Xiao Hei stood under the temple, a little lost.

God, I didn't expect Zhang Ruochen to play so big.

It's just to save someone, so what?

There must be a secret in this, Zhang Ruo

Dust has always been measured. "Little Black is quite


I don't believe that Zhang Ruochen will do it for no reason

Kill the master of the Bone Temple.

Two groups of burning white-haired skulls

Gu Huo, glanced at Xiao Hei, naturally not

Tell him what you have in mind.

Originally, when Gu Yan Luo left, he was in the mood

Great, we can finally implement the plan to continue life.

He suspected that Zhang Ruochen was beheading him on purpose

The white jade and red-eyed lions bring back the bone Yama

Come. Is this to force him to show up?

Bone Yama may arrive at any time, then


Will definitely focus on the search for the Temple of Bone and Myriad Bones


Time for the white-haired skeleton to make a decision

Not much anymore.

The white-haired skeleton sat up straight again, showing

Showing the strength of a strong man, he said: "You are sure to find

To Zhang Ruochen?"

Xiao Hei asked cautiously: "

dare to ask

What are you doing, senior?"

What else can I do? Zhang Ruochen

Boy, overturned the table, use the bone

Yama forced the old man to show up, what else can the old man have

What to choose?

Xiao Hei didn't know that Gu Yanluo was there before.

The Bone Temple said, "This matter has something to do with Bone Yama.

what relationship?

The white-haired skeleton is slightly guilty and impatient

Dao: "Why do you ask so much? Just ask

Can you find Zhang Ruochen? I can't find it

He, everyone - up to death. found it, say no

We will definitely be able to discuss ways to break the situation one by one. ’

Xiao Hei can't guess the meaning of the white-haired skeleton

What do you want to do, worry about hurting Zhang Ruochen,


The white-haired skeleton knows that the bone Yama can be at any time

Being able to rush back, I was even more anxious, saying: '


Not to mention, the old man can only search for his soul!"

There is no direct "soul search"

this old bone

The head has some bottom lines.

Blackie knows he has no choice

room, said: "

Of course the emperor can't find it

Zhang Ruochen, he is perfect. but senior

The way of fate is highly accomplished, or I can rely on me

spirits, find them.

After thinking for a while, he added: "The emperor

Half of the soul is in Zhang Ruochen's concubine

hands. "

Bone Yama did not rush back to the Bone Temple, but

It appeared on the east bank of the Wangu Grotto.

Luo Ruo wears soft armor that shows her figure

Concave and convex graceful, blue long hair flowing light

The skin is creamy and snow-white, directly facing the bones


She said:

Don't you go back to the Temple of Bones

Don't you dare?"

Bone Yama stands in a cloud of black mist

fuzzy, says:


What's the point? Zhang

The best way for Ruochen to deal with me is not to

Leak the secret and hide it immediately. so

I can't figure out who killed the white jade red-eyed lion

Who is it, I'm really a bit afraid, dare not

Enter the Temple of Bones. "


He leaked the secret to the battlefield of the stars

Asking for help over there proves that Kong Fan is angry and the sky

Grandma was not with him. At this moment he,

must have fled. "


What about the seventy-two pinnacles? She was

With whom?"

Lawrence said:

I do not know!

Bone Yama sensed seventy-two before

Pin Lian fought with the monks and was defeated.

Yi Cai is certain that the God of Wrath has come to Santu River


Now, not so sure.

Seriously doubt the so-called Wrath God Venerable,

It was Zhang Ruochen's puzzle.

Gu Yan Luo said: "Since Zhang Ruochen has gone

Passing the Bone Temple and leaving in a hurry, then

When you leave, you will definitely leave traces

Can you keep track?"

Luo Luo stretched out two slender jade arms


, the space shook with forty-five stars

Appearing, arranged in the picture of "Luo Shu",



"Luo Shu" has infinite derivation, the first ancestor

Soul power is boundless. Although Zhang Ruochen is perfectly round,

But the time to leave is still short, but it can be chased

trace. But why should I help you?"

Gu Yanluo let out a low laugh: '

what do you want?"

Luo Qiluo said: "I want an impermanent ghost town


With the black hand held by Zhang Ruochen. "

Gu Yanluo understood it and said:

' your

The one who followed, was but a loser,

Even the flesh is divided, and even the half-ancestor can be

His fighting skills, how weak is this?

?Why do you pin your hopes on him?

Why don't you come to our side?"

Frost appeared in Luo Luo's eyes, and said:

If you don't want to cooperate, let Zhang Ruo

Run away! I can't deal with him alone


So give up!"

Gu Yanluo restrained his laughter: "Why is this?

Can it be done? Zhang Ruochen wants to court death, how can this seat

Can't fulfill him? Just as you said, it will be done

Afterwards, I personally go to the ghost town of impermanence,

Along the way, help Emperor Huangquan to take down the ghost town of Fengdu


The sea of ​​bones is boundless, and the earth is pitch black.

The sky is always covered with gray death


This is the perfect environment to escape, death breath

Can suppress the perception of spiritual power and soul,

Can corrode the secrets left by the monks after passing by

and traces.

However, Zhang Ruochen is well aware of the terrifying opponents

, I am afraid that the traces will not be completely corroded,

will catch up.

Yuan Sheng looked at Zhang Ruochen who was always wrinkled.

He raised his brows and said, "One Luo Xun Luo, one

Black and white Daoists are nothing to be afraid of.

No, not them, I sense it

Danger is approaching, should have been locked

. "

Zhang Ruochen looked back at the road he just walked,

Although I use my mental power to wipe as much as possible

Go to the secrets and traces, self-confidence even if it is not

Extinguishing Boundless can't find a flaw.

However, the power of fate is too terrifying.

On the road just now, there is still life

The rules of fortune are entangled, but not cleared up.

Yuan Sheng said: "In the Santu River Basin

There is no point in going around, going to the heavenly universe,

Go to Kunlun Realm. You Kunlun world are not masters

Like a cloud?"

Zhang Ruochen glanced at her and understood again.

It was the old man who was bragging about something to her.

Suzaku Huowu and Soul Qi became nervous,

Some worry that Zhang Ruochen will leave-

Once the existence of Zhang Ruochen flees

From the Santu River Basin, Luo Qiluo, Mingzu,

Huang Quan the Great and these people will be more unscrupulous


Impermanence Ghost Town and Fengdu Ghost Town must not be defended


The ghosts will be doomed


During this time, it was Zhang Ruochen who

Dealing with, displaying various strategies, and incarnation

Xu Tian, ​​incarnation of the God of Angry Heaven, is this

Contain those forbidden characters.

It can be said that Zhang Ruochen is a disaster

Ministry led to himself, in order to share the ghost clan's

side pressure. He is not a cultivator of hell

but there are not many in the whole **** world.

Such a big bearer!

However, the two of them could not speak

Keep Zhang Ruochen, because now the Santu River Basin


Indeed, the undercurrent is turbulent, the crisis four


Zhang Ruochen said: "The opponent's cultivation base is strong.


Now I just don't want to reveal whereabouts and breath


It was very slow.

If I flee to Tiantingyu

Zhou, or on the other side of the starry sky battlefield, with the sky

The cultivation of the honorable level will definitely be broken directly.

Sora appeared in front of me. "

Heavenly class?

Yuan Sheng and Hun Qi's expressions suddenly changed.

Zhang Ruochen nodded: "they don't

I am afraid of Tianma, and I am also afraid of falling into thunder and punishing Tianzun and He

Bexi's fate is so cautious

What! What kind of expressions do you have, you can bear it mentally

Is the strength so bad? If you are afraid, leave immediately

On, their target is me.

Suzaku Huowu and Soul Qi fell silent.

They know that if they stay by themselves, they can't help

No matter how busy you are, it is Zhang Ruochen's burden

Zhang Ruochen said:


'I was serious,

You two leave quickly. Difficult to deal with

Don't say anything like this, I'll tell you in the future

Ruochen Ruochen If the mountains and rivers are exhausted, you will

I would be very grateful if I could help one-two

Di Chen will not have that day! But

In the future, when I really need my soul seven,

Just a letter

Go, nine deaths and a lifetime to go. "Seven Souls.

Suzaku Fire Dance said: "White jade and red-eyed lion

death, I will report to the heavens of hell


I will leave when I see the two of them, Zhang Ruo

Chen thought of something and pulled it from Yuan Sheng's head—

Root Qingsi said: '

are you going to save

The thirteen gods of the ghost clan, right?

The order of the ghost emperor must be completed.

We are the gods and gods of the ghost race

shoulder the responsibility. rescue a family

God is our responsibility. "

Zhang Ruochen drew on the blue thread-

Dao rune, handed to Suzaku Huowu,

Said: "This talisman can cover you up.

breath! As long as it is not targeted, more than one

After a certain distance, the immortality and immeasurable cannot be sensed

your location.

After Suzaku Huowu and Soul Qi left, Yuan

Sheng gently rubbed his still aching scalp.



Yuan Xieyi sensed my hair

On them, nature will not deal with them

The thirteen gods of the ghost clan will be released! But

Zhang Ruochen, you are a good person, but also dangerous

This emperor is facing you together, should I give

a statement?


What do you say?" Zhang Ruochen said.

Yuan Sheng widened his eyes and said:

You do not

Is there a countermeasure? If not, the emperor

I also escaped, and I will not accompany you!"

Zhang Ruochen moved and stopped her

Before, said:

The old man entrusted you to me


Come to the upper realm, I will definitely be responsible for you

don't go,

Get down to business. I have here

Twelve stone men, should be with you in Taikoo ten

Two races are related.

Yuan Sheng suddenly stopped and immediately returned to Zhang

In front of Ruochen, in the black and white eyes

With strong joy, he said, "You mean,

Are the Twelve Stones on you?"

Zhang Ruochen knew Yuan Sheng's expression

She knew the origin of the Twelve Stones.

Hurry up and answer, the emperor asks you!

Yuan Sheng Road.

Zhang Ruochen touched his chin and said: "

If I'm not mistaken, you venture into the ground

prison world,

come to me,

for the ten

Two stone men, right? And the promise of Da Zun


Yuan Sheng was anxious and could not stand Zhang

Ruochen's face is obviously at the juncture of life and death

Not in a hurry or in a hurry, so I punched

On his chest, said:

Now the emperor is

Ask you, this may be our turn today

key to the plate.

Zhang Ruochen said:


Don't be in such a hurry, the more

Dangerous, the more you need to stay calm. twelve stone

What is the origin of man?

Yuan Sheng's eyes narrowed slightly, realizing that

Zhang Ruochen has a strong defense against ancient creatures

My heart, today I can't tell clearly what happened back then

I'm afraid I won't be able to see the Twelve Stone People.

She snorted: "The Twelve Stones,

They are the twelve old emperors of the Twelve Taikoo tribes.


Zhang Ruochen was mentally prepared, but he still

was shocked.

Yuan Sheng said: '

This secret, you are the fourth

one knows. "


Besides you, the other two are

Who?" Zhang Ruochen said.

Yuan Sheng looked at the sky and said, "Da Ming

The Kagura and Sage of the Mountain! If I were not

I have friendship with you, and was entrusted to find the twelve clans

There is no way for the emperor's heavy responsibility to know this.


Back then, the Great King of Fudo Ming entered the next

In the world, all the monks in the lower world thought that he killed him.

Killed the emperors of the twelve clans to forbid the covenants of Taikoo

The clan suppressed ten Yuanhui.

However, the fact is that the King of Fudo

The great master exhausted the white blood and soil of Daming Mountain,

God Stone, Chaos Crystal, Absolute Beginning Water, Hong

To be covered in mud, to display the great supernatural powers of the ancestors,

smelt out

One ~ furnace of colorful stone liquid, seal the emperor of the twelve clans

in it.

He told Kagura and Sage,

After ten Yuan meetings, the prohibition is over, and can be dispatched

The messenger went to the Kunlun Realm, looking for his descendants to take him back

Twelve Kings.

Zhang Ruochen's means to the ancestors, and

new cognition.

Sealed in stone skin, avoiding the rules of heaven and earth,

It's like crossing time and space and arriving after ten Yuanhui.

Save ten Yuanhui, it should already be

The messenger went to the Kunlun Realm, looking for his descendants to take him back

Twelve Kings.

Zhang Ruochen's means to the ancestors, and

new cognition.

Sealed in stone skin, avoiding the rules of heaven and earth,

Like crossing time and space, after ten yuan meeting

Save ten Yuanhui, it should already be

The limit cannot be sealed forever. ancestral

Power has boundaries.

Da Zun does this, it is definitely not to help Taikoo

Biological preservation of strength is so simple, it must be another


Zhang Ruochen said: "Since it's from the Great Zun

Promise, as his descendant, I will naturally

Help you bring back the twelve old clan The twelve stone men are not on you?"

Yuan Sheng was a little unconvinced.

Zhang Ruochen said solemnly: "

you should

There is a secret method to help the twelve old emperors break the stone skin

Let's go out? If all the twelve old clan emperors

Return, the strength of the ancient creatures will skyrocket

to a dire situation, you next

Will he sweep the **** world and Tiantingyu?


Twelve old emperors have not completely broken the stone

Out of the skin, together we can block the darkness and weirdness

attack, it can be seen how strong their cultivation base is


Ancient creatures vs. monks of all races in the upper realm

Zhang Ruochen can't imagine the hatred,

What will happen if the Twelve Stones are handed over to Yuan Sheng?

What kind of consequences.

The Great Senior was not clear at the time, ten

The situation of the universe after the Yuan meeting.

Yuan Sheng understood Zhang Ruochen's worries,

Said: "Zhang Ruochen, you are also flowing in your body.

The blood of the ancient creatures, even if the ancient twelve

The clan reigns again. In the upper realm, you can still live

well done. The Emperor can assure you that you

And everyone in the Zhang family in the Kunlun realm, are subject to Yuan Dao

Clan shelter, including the sword world you mentioned. "

Hearing what she said, Zhang Ruochen felt even more in his heart.

Plus bottomless.

Yuan Sheng added:

'Look at the upper bound now

How chaotic? Maybe before the ten Yuan meeting

foresaw all this, the purpose was to hope

The Twelve Taikoo tribes were born, rectifying the troubled times, should

Quantitative robbery?"

Zhang Ruochen said: "How about Lord Clan Emperor?

Tell me first, how can we make twelve old

The clan emperor broke the stone skin and emerged?"

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