MTL - God Emperor-Chapter 3907 break through hell

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The return of Mingzu shocked the whole world.

The news spread quickly in the **** world, from the immeasurable **** kings and gods, to the great gods and ordinary true gods, and then to the holy monks.

The secular world in the heavenly court and the universe also heard the news.

In the realm of hell, there are many fanatical followers of fate, and they all bow to the starry sky, wanting to admire the heroic appearance of their ancestors.

The active flow of the rules of destiny has caused the auspicious lights of destiny to appear in all parts of the Huangquan Galaxy. Some rivers turn into twelve colors, some planets flow out of holy springs, and towering sacred trees grow in the starry sky.

As a low-level monk, I don't know what happened, let alone the danger.

"Boom! Boom..."

The Emperor Kuiliang has the God of Destiny, but he is suppressed by Gong Nanfeng's twelve-color Destiny God, and it is difficult to mobilize the spirit of the ancestor. His physical body has been blasted seven times until he is wiped out.

In front of Ming Zu, it was obviously a wrong decision to use Ming Zu Shenyuan.

Up to this moment, Emperor Kuiliang no longer has a flesh and blood body, only mental power and thoughts are left, just like the island master of the God of Destiny who was imprisoned in the Temple of Destiny back then.

Emperor Kuiliang was frightened and terrified, even better than when he encountered Haotian at Haishi Xingwu.

Mingzu made it clear that he wanted to take him to be buried with him when he wanted to make it temporary, and desperately wanted to take his life.

At other times, no matter how strong Mingzu is, it would not be easy to kill him completely. His spiritual thoughts are as numerous as the sands of the Ganges River, and they cannot be wiped out in a short time.

However, today is different.

Mingzu can drag him into Jieyun, and borrow Yuan Huijie to take him away.

Emperor Kuiliang was in a heavy heart, looking deep into the starry sky, as if he was expecting something, perhaps hoping that someone would show up to rescue him.

But, no.

"They are all selfish people, and they don't understand the principle that one prospers, one prospers, and the other loses. If I fall today, the people of Tianmu and Haotian will be able to spare more energy to deal with you. What will happen to you."

The spiritual power of Emperor Kuiliang spread to the ten directions of the star sea.

Then, he actively saved himself, repeated the old trick, and his body exploded, turning into twelve long rivers of spiritual power and thoughts, flying to all places in the world.

Which naturally includes Lihentian and Nihility World.

But Mingzu's perception of the power of fate is obviously far better than that of Haotian at the beginning, and since this sky is Tianshuzhen, Kuilianghuang's trick will not work at all.

"You're asking for your own death."

In just a split second, Ming Zu pinpointed the long river of spiritual power thoughts that contained the heart of the Emperor Kui Liang, ignored the other eleven long rivers of spiritual power thoughts that escaped, and went straight to catch up.

Once you lose your mind, no matter how many spiritual thoughts you leave behind, you will not be able to survive the next metaphysical catastrophe.

And Kuilianghuang, who took away a lot of mental power thoughts, naturally lost a lot of strength, how can he compete with Gong Nanfeng?

Zhang Ruochen followed closely behind the two of them. He looked at the eleven long rivers of mental power thoughts that had escaped, and found that Feng Tian had already shot and suppressed one of the long rivers. Then, she chased after the second long river of spiritual power thoughts.

Ninety-two-level spiritual power cultivators are comparable to the existence of the peak of immortality, and there is a long river of spiritual power ideas that can be separated. It can be said that each one contains infinite value.

Zhang Ruochen ignored these spiritual thoughts of Emperor Kuiliang's escape, and continued to look forward. After discovering that the body of Emperor Kuiliang contains the heart of God, he has fled to the edge of the Santu River Basin and entered Wangming Baigu Ridge.

"What an unscrupulous old fox, is he planning to drag Emperor Huangquan into the water?" Zhang Ruochen thought to himself.

Emperor Kuiliang knew very well that he had a way out.

The fourth Dao Yuan Hui Jie has fallen, and the next Jie Lei will only be stronger.

How could it be so easy for Mingzu to resist the robbery and kill him at the same time?

Now, more people can only be involved to delay the time as much as possible.

Emperor Kuiliang and Gong Nanfeng broke into Wangming Baigu Ridge one after another, the gray fog in the mountain was dispersed, the roar of battle sounded, and then the mountain collapsed.

The white bones deposited for hundreds of millions of years were lifted up into the sky and drifted in the void.


The roar of Emperor Huang Quan came out, and then, the double coffin of life and death flew out of the endless bones, rushing towards the black and boundless world of nothingness.

Obviously, he didn't dare to provoke Mingzu, let alone give back to Emperor Kuiliang.


Gong Nanfeng cut off the lines of order in the space with a palm, and landed on the double coffin of life and death, deforming the coffin and obliterating countless ghost energy.

He didn't continue to pursue the seriously injured Emperor Huangquan, he broke Wangming Baigu Ridge, and with overwhelming momentum, blocked the way of Emperor Kuiliang.

In a panic, Emperor Kuiliang beat the lights out.


The light of life and death lamp was extinguished by Gong Nanfeng's punch, and fell into the Santu River.

Then, exerting the virtual and real power of the twelve phases of destiny, he probed a hundred thousand li, and held Emperor Kuiliang in his hand from a distance, saying: "Come with me!"

No matter how powerful one's cultivation is, one cannot remain calm in the face of life and death.

Emperor Kuiliang was terrified in his eyes, and fought with all his strength, but his body was still quickly pulled by Gong Nanfeng.

"No, I'm not reconciled!"


The fifth tribulation thunder, bright and fiery, fell from the clouds and hit Gong Nanfeng.

Gong Nanfeng was submerged by the robbery thunder, and the Tianshu needle on its body made a slight crack.

The destructive power was so strong that the thunder light flooded the entire Wangming Baigu Ridge, almost razing this mountain that existed for hundreds of millions of years to the ground.

Since then, the **** world has lost an important forbidden land.

It is conceivable how tyrannical this tribulation thunder was.

The big invisible hand that was capable of grabbing Emperor Kuiliang was split open, causing him to escape and fly away.

"Haha! The sky will not stop me, the sky will not stop me, Mingzu, how do you fight against the sky? You think you have mastered your destiny, but in fact, you have been played by fate all the time."

Emperor Kuiliang laughed wildly in the void. At that time, it was a kind of rejoicing for the rest of his life after the catastrophe, and it was also a merciless mockery of Mingzu.

He felt that he must respect the land more and believe in destiny more in the future.

The reason why Wangming Baigu Ridge is called this name is because, standing on the top of the mountain, one can overlook the ghost purgatory in the distant starry sky.

Nether Purgatory, like eighteen overlapping large worlds, is shrouded in Nether Qi, like a giant tower in the starry sky. The lower you go, the wider the world, and the thicker the ghostly atmosphere.

The last two or three layers of worlds are almost merged with the space, becoming blurred, no matter how strong the cultivation base is, they can't see through it with the eyes of God.

The Santu River is divided into eighteen here.

The eighteen tributaries poured mightily into the eighteen layers of nether world and disappeared into the mist.

Here is the place where the monks of the three races of the middle clan transform into the underworld, the most important holy place for the underworld clan, and the sacred nest where the monks of the underworld clan are bred. Of course, this refers to the nine layers of nether world above.

The nine layers of netherworld below are full of unknowns and dangers.

Suddenly, Emperor Kuiliang noticed a pair of eyes staring at him, turned his head to look, and when the thunder and lightning cleared, Gong Nanfeng's figure reappeared.

He didn't die in the tribulation thunder.

"How is it possible, this can't kill you?"

Emperor Kuiliang didn't dare to laugh any more, and controlled the inscription pattern of Mantian Formation to escape to the Nether Purgatory.

Gong Nanfeng boarded the dilapidated ridge and looked at the majestic Eighteen Realms of Hell and Purgatory in the starry sky. His eyes were complicated and difficult to understand, and he said to himself: "Walking around for a lifetime, and finally, coming back here again. This is really destiny the fool?"


A bright arrow light flew out from the space.

At that moment, the space vibrated violently, and circles of energy ripples appeared, spreading hundreds of millions of miles away.

Zhang Ruochen could feel the destructive power contained in this arrow from the broken ridge of Wangming Baigu Ridge, as if it was the power of the heavens hitting the world to destroy this starry sky.

Many stars above the head are shaking, crumbling.

The Emperor Kui Liang, who flew towards the Nether Purgatory, secretly heaved a sigh of relief, knowing that it was Baer who made the move!

Ban Zu shot, invincible in the world.

How can a doomsday ancestor be able to stop the attack of the half-ancestor?

The Emperor Kuiliang stopped above the Nether Purgatory, revived his flag and drums, his beard and hair flying, and shouted: "Banzu helps me, and kills the ancestor's soul, and there will be great rewards in the future!"

However, the spirit of Emperor Kui Liang was quickly frightened away.

I saw that the arrow flying towards the sky below Jieyun was blocked by the selfless lamp. Lights and shadows from the Gate of Destiny flew out from Mingzu's palm, passed through the Wuwu Lantern, and collided with the arrow of the sky.

After a while, the power of the scorpion arrow was dispelled, and its spirit seemed to have fallen into a deep sleep.

Gong Nanfeng waved his hand lightly, and took it into his hand.

Take away the artifact of a half-ancestor, such means are enough to shock the world. The Wuwu Lamp is in the "Taibai Artifact Chapter", and it must be included in the first chapter because of this battle.

"Today I am at my limit, whoever comes to me will kill whom. Just ask the gods today, who has the courage?"

The voice of the ancestor **** resounded through the starry sky, and every word was like thunder.

In the depths of the starry sky, on a small green wooden boat, Empress Shiji released the aura of a half-ancestor, saying: "Today, Emperor Kui Liang must die, whoever dares to intervene will stop after killing all their souls."

The sea of ​​stars is completely silent, and the insects and birds of the myriad worlds dare not speak.

Only Jieyun, thunder and lightning.

The Emperor Kui Liang, who was suspended in the sky above the Nether Purgatory, obviously had no physical body, but felt the coldness of his vest, and his body was bitingly cold.

Gong Nanfeng glanced at Zhang Ruochen at the foot of the mountain, and his sharp eyes turned into a free and easy smile: "There is no need to continue to send, the road ahead is my own way! Let's go!"

Zhang Ruochen responded silently, took out a wine gourd, and threw it over.

Gong Nanfeng caught it, bit off the lid with his mouth, took a long sip, and threw it back to Zhang Ruochen.

He raised his hand and waved it above his head, stepped on the void, and without turning his head, he strode towards the nether purgatory: "I came from the ancient times of the Ming Dynasty, and I have traveled countless roads in this life, and I have seen all kinds of fireworks and customs in the world. Ten feet of soft red, floating through the ages, is just a pile of loess to bury this prosperous dream!"

"Don't dare to look back. Looking back is full of suffering. Once you meet the mirror, you will know who you are."


When the sixth tribulation thunder fell, Gong Nanfeng had already reached the sky above Nether Purgatory, grabbed Emperor Kui Liang by the neck, and lifted him above his head.

The lightning beam first blasted Kuilianghuang's spiritual body and mind, and then penetrated Gong Nanfeng's body.

The thunder and lightning fell to the ground, submerging the world of the first world of Nether Purgatory and turning it into a boundless sea of ​​thunder, filled with the energy of destruction.

While the sky was shaking, Zhang Ruochen carried the gourd and climbed up the ridge step by step, looking into the distance.

The Tianshu needle has been destroyed in the thunderstorm, turned into powder, and bloomed like fireworks, very gorgeous.

In the face of such a terrifying tribulation thunder, even the divine weapon could not stop it.

At this time, Gong Nanfeng condensed the broken soul body, and did not feel the slightest joy in killing Emperor Kuiliang. Glancing at Zhang Ruochen on the ridge in the distance, he gritted his teeth and smiled, then gathered all his divine power and slammed into the nether purgatory below.


His body turned into a beam of light, piercing through the first layer of the underworld, and the world collapsed accordingly.


Breaking through the second level of the underworld, dust and smoke clouds continued to flow out.


After he penetrates the ninth level of the underworld, above the sky, in the cloud of calamity, the seventh thunder of calamity chases down.


Amidst the sound of destruction one after another, Zhang Ruochen picked up the gourd and took a sip, but he couldn't taste the taste.

How could the parting wine of life and death have a taste?

Regardless of whether it tasted good or not, Zhang Ruochen gulped it down, and finally, spilled the rest of the wine on the ground, saying goodbye to Gong Nanfeng.

The farewell between men does not require tears or sensational words.

A pot of dirty wine toast for life!

The 18th floor of the Nether Purgatory was pierced through the 15th floor, and the 15th Great World of Nether Qi became dilapidated and fragmented, like a piece of broken earth suspended in a nebula.

The calamity clouds in the sky gradually dissipate, which means that the seventh tribulation thunder has wiped out

All the spirit and soul of Gong Nanfeng.

There is no ancestor in the world.

Of course Zhang Ruochen knew the dangers of the Nether Purgatory, and he never dared to set foot on it, but at this moment, he landed on a piece of broken ground in the first layer of Netherland.

He waved his sleeves to disperse the dust and smoke, but he couldn't detect any aura of Gong Nanfeng and Kui Liang Huang.

The world is ruthless, no matter how strong the cultivation base is, it will fall to the ground like grass and trees in the mountains and turn into mud.

Died in Yuan Hui robbery, not an inch of bone left behind.

In Zhang Ruochen's ears, the voice of "Chen" appeared unconsciously, and a bitter smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and no one would call him that again.

Tear off a piece of the robe, grab a handful of soil from the ground, and wrap it up.

The cold wind was blowing, and there was the sound of children crying.

Zhang Ruochen cast his eyes and saw that Wuwu Lantern was like a child who lost his mother, flying in the dust of the dark air, looking for Gong Nanfeng, and kept calling "Master".

It caught up with Zhang Ruochen who was about to leave, and said, "Where are you going? The master died because of you, so you just left?"

Zhang Ruochen said: "Those who have passed away will eventually pass away. The more you see, the calmer you will be! Don't worry, I know what he is unwilling to do, and what he wants to do. As a friend, I will help him fulfill his last wish. As Enemy, I will do it too.”

Wuwo Deng said: "The master said the same thing before, but I don't believe it. He said, if I don't believe it, I will follow you and see if you can do what you say. Zhang Ruochen, I will supervise you for the master!"

"what ever!"

Zhang Ruochen had more important things to do, so he didn't have time to entangle with a lamp, so he flew out of the nether purgatory at top speed.

"Wait for me, the master still has a few relics for you, to be precise, it's you, but you need to bring them to those people! Why are you so ruthless?"

Wuwo Deng chased all the way to the bank of the Santu River.

Zhang Ruochen unleashed his mental power and walked through various river but failed to find the life and death lamp.

In the distant starry sky, the shattered world of fifteen layers of underworld energy is rapidly re-condensing, being pulled by an unimaginable force.

"There is indeed a problem."

Even if there was a problem, Zhang Ruochen didn't dare to investigate right now, so he could only suppress his curiosity and said, "Emperor Kuiliang hasn't been completely killed yet, let's go, come with me, and cut off all his mental power and thoughts."

Every strand of Emperor Kuiliang's mental power and thoughts has terrifying power.

These mental power thoughts really won't be able to survive the next Yuanhui catastrophe. However, in this era, the rules of heaven and earth are loose, and Emperor Kuiliang can completely take away his direct descendants and gain a new life.

How much turmoil would this cause to the Rakshasa tribe?

In addition, Zhang Ruochen's spiritual power has reached the ninetieth rank, so if he wants to improve quickly, how can he not refine a batch of spiritual power pills? The idea of ​​the spiritual power of Emperor Kuiliang can be used as the main medicine.

Hearing this, Wuwo Deng's murderous aura increased greatly, and he said: "The Emperor Kuiliang must be wiped out, this is the last wish of the master. Also, the source of the ancestor of life must be recovered, and it must not fall into the hands of others again."

On the green wood boat, Empress Shiji lifted up the gauze curtain with slender fingers, and stepped out of the boat.

Pingting is like a fairy, her eyes are like clouds.

Her beauty brings together the beauty of heaven and earth, and the picture scrolls passed down from ancient to modern are not as good as her own.

Empress Shiji stared at the nether purgatory, and said: "Break through the netherworld with your body, and your ambition lies in the ancestor of the underworld. It's a pity that even if he was dying, he couldn't break through the eighteen layers of nether purgatory, and he couldn't break through the heart. The shackles, the resentment and unwillingness are still floating in the space. Did the ancestors just end up like this?"

There was only Empress Shiji on board, and the black-robed woman was nowhere to be seen.

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