MTL - God Emperor-Chapter 3915 Came to have a wedding

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After handing over the life gate to the bone, Zhang Ruochen went straight to the Bone Temple.

The life bone itself is extremely cultivated, and there is the legacy of the ancestor in the bone, which can refine the part of the strange blood spring that he collected to a certain extent, and the possibility of rebirth, and the possibility of surviving the disaster of the Yuanhui is greatly increased. Into the help of immortal and boundless juniors.

As for Yuanhui's catastrophe, no one dared to get involved.

Since the death of "White Jade Red-eyed Lion", the master of the Bone Temple, the Bone Race has become more leaderless and scattered. The core territory where the temple is located is full of ruins, and a war of gods broke out not long ago.

In order to fight for power and profit, the Bone Race's Boundless Boundary cultivators naturally slaughtered constantly.

The patriarch of the Bone Clan, "Hui Ke", sits in command of the seven seas of bones and moved to the Starry Sky Battlefield. He has no skills at all, and his unrestrained cultivation can't hold back the ambitious **** kings and gods of the Bone Clan.

The arrival of Zhang Ruochen suppressed all the gods of the Bone Race. Without saying a word, there was a truce.

Even if he personally killed the Lord of the Bone God Hall before, none of the Bone Race gods dared to criticize him. In the face of absolute strength, no matter whether it is a human or a ghost, they are all dumbfounded.

This is an existence more terrifying than the heavens!

However, Zhang Ruochen didn't care so much about the future of the Bone Race, and he didn't take the opportunity to incorporate them into the Sword World. Thousand Bone Cave.

Looking at the void, looking through.

There, the black clouds of robbery were constantly gathering, and many Bone Race monks on the ground were running away.

The Yuanhui Tribulation of the Life Bone is indeed not as terrifying as the Yuanhui Tribulation of the Mingzu, but the breath released, spread three million miles away, is still suppressed and makes the monks of the Bone Temple tremble.


Zhang Ruochen was calm in his heart, watching the robbery thunder falling from the sky.

As long as the life bone can survive the catastrophe of Yuanhui, whether it has stepped into the Tianzun level or not, it will have great significance for the future of the **** world.

Zhang Ruochen predicted that when the three half-ancestors entered the Nether Dungeon, there would definitely be a big storm in the heavenly universe and the **** world.

Before that, he must improve his cultivation as much as possible, and the sword world's ability to deal with crises.

Even though he has stepped into Immortal Immortality now, the five clusters of Daoguang in Xiaoyan Central Palace are not stable, so they can only be stored in the Shura Battle Soul Sea to suppress its yang attribute power that can burn the Immortal Dharma Body.

If this hidden danger is not resolved, it is very likely that at a critical moment, he will fall into a situation beyond redemption.

What made Zhang Ruochen even more troublesome was that according to his understanding of "Hetu" and "Luoshu", there should be ten clusters of yang attribute Daoguang in Xiaoyan Zhonggong.

Zhang Ruochen's Immortal Dharma Body is a fusion of the Mingjingtai and the blood of the immortal who is suspected to be the blood of the Mingzu.

How strong does the physical body have to be to withstand ten **** of yang attribute Daoguang?

"Could it be necessary to refine the Xuan Embryo first?"

The yang attribute Daoguang is not located in the physical body, but inside the mysterious fetus, as long as the mysterious fetus is strong enough, it can carry it.

But how to cultivate the mysterious fetus?

The cultivators of this era all cultivated the sea of ​​qi, and only the ancient qi refiners cultivated the mysterious embryo.

Zhang Ruochen's current profound fetus was developed when he was practicing the fifth level of "Ming Wang Jing". In other words, as long as Zhang Ruochen re-practices the "Ming King Sutra" left by Fudo Ming Wang Dazun, he can strengthen the Xuantai.

This is the first way!

Practicing "Tianmo Stone Carvings" can also strengthen the Xuantai. Both Chi Xingtian and Mu Lingxi cultivated the Xuantai in order to cultivate the second divine source.

This is the second way!

These are two ways to treat the symptoms and cure the root cause, but it takes a lot of time.

Zhang Ruochen also thought of two ways to temporarily suppress the yang attribute Daoguang.

First, use enough ancestral aura and ancestral rules to protect Xuantai, like putting a layer of armor on Xuantai.

Second, use the cauldron of darkness with strong enough yin attributes to suppress the yang attribute Daoguang and reconcile yin and yang.

Of course, Zhang Ruochen could only think about the second way. Could it be that he really went to Empress Shiji to reconcile Yin and Yang?

It is feasible to protect the Xuantai with the spirit of the ancestors and the rules of the ancestors. Because, according to Zhang Ruochen's deduction, in addition to ten clusters of yang attribute dao lights in Xiaoyan Zhonggong, there are also ten clusters of yin attribute dao lights.

As long as ten **** of yin attribute dao light are cultivated and the number reaches twenty, Xiao Yan can temporarily balance yin and yang.

According to the evolution of the power level, Zhang Ruochen estimated that the number of Xiaoyan is five, which corresponds to the initial stage of Immortality and Infinity.

Dozens of Xiao Yan, corresponding to the middle stage of Immortality and Infinity.

The number twenty of Xiaoyan corresponds to the peak of Immortality and Infinity.

The number of Xiaoyan is perfect, which is what Taoism said, "the number of Xiaoyan is forty, and its use is thirty-seven", which corresponds to the level of Tianzun.

In other words, Zhang Ruochen had to find a way to strengthen the Xuan Embryo to support his cultivation to the peak of Immortality.

"In a short period of time, martial arts cultivation is unlikely to enter the middle stage of immortality. If you want to further improve your strength in a thousand years, it seems that you can only try to hit the ninety-first level of spiritual power. The three half-ancestors entered the dungeon of the nether world. I have to put all my energy into it."

Zhang Ruochen held the important treasure of the Emperor Talisman, and he could not fully use it with the spiritual power of the ninetieth rank.

But even so, it can already be used to compete against the monks in the middle stage of Immortality.

If the spiritual power goes further, and I spend more time studying Emperor Talisman and Dao Talisman, the future is worth looking forward to.

The Nine Dao Yuan Hui Tribulation of the Life Bone turned the Ten Thousand Bone Cave and the surrounding hundreds of thousands of miles into scorched earth.

On the ground, lava and remnants of lightning are everywhere, and ordinary gods dare not approach.

"The Ten Thousand Bone Cave has been destroyed like this. It is impossible for a new bone spirit to be born in this Yuanhui. Who, who is going to destroy my Bone Race?" A Bone Race monk looked up to the sky and screamed with hatred.

Under normal circumstances, the top gods will stay away from the big world and go to the desert of the universe when they cross the Yuanhui.

To survive the tribulation in the Ten Thousand Bone Cave, for the Bone Race, it is indeed a loss of conscience.

"If you don't want to die, you should suppress your hatred. With the horror of the Nine Dao Primordial Tribulation just now, the cultivation level of those who cross the tribulation is unimaginable, and no one in the Bone Race is their opponent." A Bone Race God Venerable said.

"Hmph! I hope he died under the tribulation thunder."

"Everyone, don't worry, the Ten Thousand Bone Cave has survived for countless billions of years, and the bottom is vast and boundless. It won't be destroyed in a single Yuan Hui."

"Where is the future of the Bone Race? If there is no Immortality and Infinity born, how can they stand among the top ten clans in the **** world?"

Zhang Ruochen entered the robbery area alone, stepped on the magma wasteland, and came to the edge of the dilapidated Ten Thousand Bone Cave.

The entrance of the cave, which was originally only ten thousand miles long and wide, was extended to more than one hundred thousand miles by the thunderstorm.

No bones could be seen, only a sea of ​​thunder full of destructive power.

Just when Zhang Ruochen was about to jump into the Ten Thousand Bone Cave, a black lacquered skeleton climbed up from below, lying motionless next to Zhang Ruochen with its legs upturned.

Zhang Ruochen laughed!

When he saw all the nine tribulation thunders fall, he had a premonition that the life bone might be able to hold it!

After lying down for a while, the black skin on the surface of the skeleton on the ground cracked like a layer of shell, and then fell off, revealing the almost jade-like white bones inside, emitting a bright glow of destiny.

The rays of light spread out from his body, covering the dilapidated earth with a layer of mist.

In the Santu River Basin, between the mountains and the great swamps, the auspicious light of fate erupted again, the holy spring flowed out, and the great medicine of Yuanhui grew.

The monks of the three clans were aroused by it, and they all speculated whether Mingzu had come back from the dead.

The monks who believed in fate wailed loudly, knelt down and kowtowed to the glow of the sky.

The Destiny Ruiguang that broke out in various places lasted for three full months, and during these three months, Minggu healed all the wounds caused by the Yuanhui Tribulation.

His bones changed strangely.

I don't know whether it was because of the fusion of the door of life, or the absorption of the blood of the immortal, and blood-like marks appeared inside the bones.

life bone spring breeze

I mean, I'm taking care of my ten-foot-long white hair and recombing it into a big ball head like a dandelion.

Zhang Ruochen said: "Senior, have you stepped into the Tianzun class?"

Minggu froze, shook his head and sighed: "Tianzun level, how can it be so easy? I don't know how many heroes have stopped here since ancient times! This time, if you can save your life, it is Amitabha! Zhang Ruochen, thank you, this time if not You sent the Mingzu Shengmen in time, the old man is dead!"

Zhang Ruochen said: "Didn't step into the Tianzun class, causing such a shocking phenomenon?"

"Hey! What is this little vision? Some people who have passed the heavens and the latitudes have stepped into the infinite realm, and the visions are more than that."

Ming Gu said solemnly: "Don't praise and kill this old man, I don't want to be pushed to the top of the limelight."

Zhang Ruochen didn't believe his words, so he sighed lightly: "Senior, have you cultivated the primordial spirit?"

Minggu lowered his head and glanced at the two rows of ribs, only to see that the inside of the chest cavity and abdominal cavity is indeed gorgeous, filled with innate aura, and said calmly: "Mingzu was born in the primordial creature of the Hongmeng tribe, and the old man is his bone, a bit of a primordial spirit Is it normal to be angry?"

"Of course it's normal!"

Zhang Ruochen nodded, and said, "The Bone Clan is weak now, and there are no strong men in the middle and three clans, and there are internal and external troubles, what are your plans, senior?"

Minggu said: "What can I plan? I plan to close a Yuanhui and hit the Tianzun level. There is a Banzu in the Santu River Basin, so nothing will happen. By the way, you have to take Fengdu back as soon as possible! Also, about As for the matter of the old man, try not to let the outside world know, and keep a low profile for a long time."

Zhang Ruochen thought for a moment, and asked, "Senior, can you revive some memories of your previous life?"

"No! How could there be? How many years have passed? My life bone is almost buried in stone. How can my newborn spirit remember my previous life?"

Minggu denied it, and then said: "Zhang Ruochen, what are you going to do? If you have any personal matters, I can still help you. Of course, if it is beyond the scope of my ability, I can only help you."

Wuwo Deng couldn't bear it anymore, rushed out, and said: "This old guy is talking nonsense! With his cultivation level, he can more or less awaken some memory fragments from his previous life. How can he not remember anything? I think He just wants to hide because he is afraid of Mingzu. This kind of thing is also worthy of owning the master's bone? Where did the master's spine and backbone go? I hate that the master gave him the door of life."

Minggu looked blank, and said: "What are you talking about, why can't you understand, Zhang Ruochen, what is it talking about?"

"I don't understand either."

Zhang Ruochen continued, "I don't know where senior is going to retreat?"

"This... it's inconvenient to disclose it! If you want to do well in safety, you have to find the hiding place immediately." Minggu said.

Zhang Ruochen said: "Oh! I just want to remind seniors that you are likely to be targeted by Barr! In the previous battle, although Barr escaped, he lost three thousand demon bones and lost a lot of blood. He was born in the Temple of Destiny. Quickly restore vitality and make up for the loss of three thousand demon bones, senior must be the first choice."

Wu Wu Deng said: "Isn't it? Although Barr is a half-ancestor, but this time he was injured, his strength must have seriously declined, and he may not be able to take down this old bone."

Zhang Ruochen shook his head and said, "You're wrong! How did Emperor Fengdu be exiled without a sound? If Barr made a move, he would definitely invite the seventy-two-rank lotus, the nine-death emperor, Gu Yanluo, and the mysterious sword cultivator and other strong people." Together."

Minggu's expression became tense, and he looked around the void.

"Let's go! Senior Minggu, farewell."

Zhang Ruochen was ready to leave with the selfless lamp.

"Zhang Ruochen, wait a minute, you...why don't you count what you say?" Minggu chased after him.

"Why don't my words count?"

"If the old man hadn't helped you restrain Yan Luo, you would have died! How did you agree then?"

"Didn't you survive the Yuanhui disaster?"

"But, what about the blood in the palm of the immortal you mentioned? You are the master of the sword world, you are immortal and boundless, and you have a promise."

Zhang Ruochen stopped and said, "It's not that I don't want to give it, but the power contained in the palm

The amount is terrifying. You also know the darkness and weirdness of the birth of the Sword God Palace, right? The three great ancestors teamed up and failed to take it down. This palm cannot be touched unless it is of the Tianzun class. "

Minggu said: "What if...what if after two days, the old man will step into the Tianzun class? You take it out and let me see it, and I will just take a look."

"No, the weird blood spring in the impermanent ghost city is still waiting for me to solve it. The matter over there is more important."

Zhang Ruochen turned into a streak of light and flew away.

"Wait a minute!"

Minggu chased after him.

The black and white Taoist obtained the decree of the Banzu from Empress Shiji, and with Fengtian's support, the matter of establishing the Transcendent God City in the World Tree went smoothly without any opposition.

In addition to the "Black and White Taoist", the new patriarch of the Corpse Clan "Shibra the Great". The God of War of the Bone Race "Eternal Day Mingsha" arrived at Fengdu Ghost City together to preside over the overall situation.

The migration plan of the **** city, shrine, ancestral world, great god, and young Tianjiao of the three tribes began.

Naturally, Zhang Ruochen didn't bother to pay attention to these matters. He was extremely busy now and had many things to do.

Move the Baiwuchang Temple to the vicinity of the Wuchang ghost city, while forging swords, refining the Moli corpse clan, and participating in the defensive formation that imprisoned the strange blood spring.

As for completely refining the strange power in the strange blood spring, it will not happen overnight at all, it will take at least hundreds of years.

After finally imprisoning the strange blood spring again, Zhang Ruochen was about to refine Kuilianghuang's spiritual power and thoughts, but Xiao Hei rushed to the Baiwuchang Temple.

"There is an important person who wants to see you." Xiao Hei said mysteriously.

Zhang Ruochen was thinking about it.


A corner of Xiao Hei's divine realm unfolded, and two figures, a man and a woman, came out of it.

That old man in a purple divine robe with a fairy air, who is not Jie Tian?

The person walking with Jie Tian was actually the great elder of the Yuan Dao Clan, Yuan Su Yin.

Jie Tian walked out of the world of gods with his hands behind his back, arrogant but calm, looked at Zhang Ruochen with piercing eyes, nodded and said: "Yes, as expected of the unicorn of my Zhang family, now he has stepped into the Immortal Realm, since the day when Gao Renniaofei .”

Zhang Ruochen said thoughtfully, "Lao Jie and Senior Su Yin will come to the Santu River Basin secretly, which is beyond my expectation."

"Didn't Yuan Sheng tell you? She invited us." Jie Tian arrived.

Zhang Ruochen realized instantly.

Finally, he knew the reason why Yuan Sheng refused to leave. It turned out that he was waiting for Jie Tian and Yuan Su Yin, and wanted to use them to put pressure on Zhang Ruochen to welcome back the Twelve Stone Men.

Jie Tian found a place to sit down, and calmly said: "We already knew it on the way here, boy, you didn't disappoint me! When you were in Chaos God Prison, you still pretended to be savage when Chi Yao was there. picture."

"Su Yin and I have already discussed this matter. We have no opinion on this matter. It is fine for you young people to decide for However, for such a big event, it is appropriate to invite the elders of both parties to witness."

"I don't even know, what do you know?"

Zhang Ruochen was too lazy to calculate, so he asked directly.

Jietian arrived: "The master of the sword world, the emperor of Yuan Dao. The ancestor of the future, the king of the upper realm. The son of Yuan Dao, the leader of the lower realm. The four realms and eight directions, the eternal river, all spirits and myriad ways, the emperor dust is the only one. These four The old man heard about the Cross God Ballad as soon as he entered Huangquan Xinghe! It is said that the half-ancestor Shiji Empress saw a corner of fate and made a prophecy. Moreover, a stone clan **** declared that you and Yuan Sheng were already in Shiji Empress engaged under the auspices of

"Yuan Sheng invited the two of us here, isn't it for this purpose?"

Zhang Ruochen knew that he was being tricked by Empress Shiji.

Apparently, Empress Shiji saw that Zhang Ruochen used the name of "fiancée" to deceive her in order to save Yuan Sheng. At the same time, this move of hers also forced Zhang Ruochen to the point where he had to deal with the Twelve Primordial Clans.

Both Empress Shiji and Yuan Sheng have their own goals, but the old man Jie doesn't know anything, and comes here cheerfully to prepare for the wedding.

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