MTL - God Emperor-Chapter 3918 encounter strange beast

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Blood Jue God of War's trip is to lead a group of god-level monks of the undead blood clan to garrison in the abyss of darkness.

In the current situation, it is clear that Haotian has reached some kind of agreement with Grandma Tian and Empress Shiji. Under normal circumstances, there will be no war between the heavenly universe and the **** world, and the pressure on the starry sky battlefield has dropped sharply.

In contrast to the Abyss of Darkness, in recent years, there have been constant conflicts between the **** world and ancient creatures, and the risk of an all-out war has increased dramatically.

All the clans in the **** world are dispatching troops to reinforce the upper three clans who built the defense line of the dark abyss.

The sundial has been opened on Bai Cangxing for 900 years. In other words, more than 300,000 years have passed under the sundial.

The strength of the Blood Jue God of War and the Undead Blood Race has both developed rapidly.

"The blood of the immortal you sent is really a rare and good thing in the world. If it weren't for its help, your grandfather might still be wandering in the early days of the infinite freedom."

"However, it's too wasteful for you to give the Purple Heart Celestial God Pill to Binghuang and Luo Yan! One of them is the master of the Immortal Temple, and the other is the Supreme Emperor of the Raksha clan. There are hundreds of thousands of magic medicines in their own clan. It must have been fully prepared to break through the situation in the past few years. Besides, it is already a great favor to let them enter the sundial to practice."

Xuejue God of War continued: "The two great favors you gave, how can they repay them? They can't repay them!"

It was indeed Zhang Ruochen who snatched the Purple Heart Celestial Zunlan from Buzhou Mountain in the Temple of Space, and used many rare auxiliary materials to refine it into ten pills.

Three of them were given to the Dragon Lord, the Five Dragon God Emperor, and the Thousand Star God Ancestor respectively, to help them indestructible.

However, the Qianxing God Ancestor knew that he was old, and there was little hope of breaking through, so he did not swallow the Purple Heart Celestial God Pill, and prepared to leave it to the potentials of the Qianxing Civilization.

Both Ice Emperor and Emperor Luo Yan have reached the peak of Dazi Wuliang for many years, and they have accumulated a lot. Therefore, Zhang Ruochen gave them the Zixin Tianzun pill to help them.

The Purple Heart Celestial Orchid is the top magic medicine that all cultivators at the Celestial Venerable level desire to obtain. With half of the seventy-two-grade lotus, they can reach the Celestial Venerable rank in a short period of time.

Fengtian and Xutian were able to break through quickly, and Zixintian Zunlan also played a vital role.

It is already a bit of a waste to use the magic pill refined by Zixin Tianzunlan to help the already accumulated abundant Dazizai Wuliang to break through the peak! In this era when the rules of heaven and earth are loose, how can it be impossible to break through?

Zhang Ruochen and Xuejue God of War walked at the forefront side by side.

Zhang Ruochen said: "The Ice Emperor's talent is extremely rare in ancient times. Even if there is no Zixin Tianzun pill, it is only a matter of time before it can be broken. In the future, Tianzun level, half-ancestor, and even the first ancestor are all possible. I just I am using the resources I have at my disposal to push the boat smoothly. Ice King is such a proud and arrogant person, he will not owe favors, and he will definitely repay you twice in the future."

"Ice Emperor, I will bear it! What about Luo Yan? What qualifications does he have to reach Immortality? To be honest, in terms of talent potential, he can only reach the position of my knee at most. The Ice Emperor is not bad, he can reach my chest." .”

Blood Jue God of War is wearing heavy armor, but his hands are constantly moving, first touching his knees, then his chest.

Zhang Ruochen said: "This... who told him to have a good son-in-law who is called the future ancestor?"

Blood Jue God of War was speechless and unable to refute.

Zhang Ruochen said: "However, it's been so long. Logically speaking, even if Emperor Luo Yan didn't succeed in breaking through, the Ice Emperor should have already broken through. Why didn't I hear the news?"

"Of course you can't receive the news, because the news is blocked!"

Xuejue God of War whispered: "It's the Immortal God of War and Patriarch Yan Luo who took them to the frontier universe outside the Great Wall of Beize, where all the secrets of heaven were covered up."

Suddenly, Zhang Ruochen said: "It's good to succeed in breaking through! It's also right to hide your strength. Only in this way can you better deal with sudden changes."

Zhang Ruochen could understand the mood of the Blood Jue God of War. Over the years, with the help of the sundial and the blood of the immortal, his cultivation base has improved rapidly, and he is expected to catch up with the Ice Emperor and Emperor Luo Yan, and leave Huang Tian behind.

However, with the full support of Empress Shiji, Huangtian refined the spirit of the world and became the ruler of the **** star, one step at a time.

ascend to heaven.

The Ice Emperor and Emperor Luo Yan also both broke Immortal Indestructible, the **** of war who has always regarded himself very high, and it is already very good if he doesn't scold his mother!

How long does it take to get a head?

Zhang Ruochen said: "Grandpa, don't worry, I will always keep your copy of the Purple Heart Celestial Alchemy."

"You are my grandson of Xuejue, outsiders have it, how can I not have it?" Then, the God of War Xuejue said again: "However, anyone can have it, you have to promise me, Huangtian can't have it."

Zhang Ruochen showed a clear expression, and said, "Since grandpa said it, I will do it myself, we are a family no matter who tells you."

"The favor owed by the Ice Emperor and Luo Yan must be returned. The two Immortals licked their big faces and rubbed against the sundial, and then rubbed the pill. Thanks to their kindness. If you don't want to lose face, I'll go get it..."

"There is a situation."

Zhang Ruochen narrowed his eyes slightly and looked forward.

With a swish, Zhang Ruochen's figure blurred and disappeared in place.

Blood Jue God of War immediately summoned the Blood Dragon War Halberd, and shouted: "The gods of the undead blood clan obey the order, form an array!"

Zhang Ruochen appeared again, and he had come to a strange star field.

Here, the ancient **** path was broken and the void was shattered.

The corpses of the gods and saints of the Raksha tribe floated in the broken space. The corpses were already cold, but they were still well preserved.

Zhang Ruochen came to the body of a middle **** of the Raksha clan, and found that his soul had been lost, his source of **** had been dug away, and his blood had frozen into ice.

"What happened?"

The voice of the Bloody God of War came.

The corpse of the **** half-ancestor flew here like a humanoid warship, with its head in front and feet behind.

All the gods of the undead blood race stood on the corpse, and the Blood God of War stood between the eyebrows of the corpse. Everyone urged the inscription pattern of the formation together, so that the battleship of Banzu's corpse was wrapped in a layer of **** cloud.

The ancestors were not benevolent, and they were the food of future generations.

The God of War of Xuejue considered himself unfilial, and made his ancestors into battleships to continue to protect the Xuejue family and the undead blood clan.

There is no way to do this, the current universe is too dangerous, if there is no means of self-protection, no one will know how to die. Just like this group of Raksha monks!

They obviously also rushed to the Abyss of Darkness to support them, but they didn't know who attacked them, and they all fell here.

The star field chosen by the other party happens to be hundreds of trillions of miles away, and there are no powerful people from the **** world.

Qi Sheng dragged the corpses of all the Raksha monks whose bodies could still be found back to the half-ancestor corpse battleship, saying: "There are five true gods, twenty-seven false gods, eighty-four great saints, and no bones left for other monks. , whose identity has been confirmed, he is a cultivator of the Raksha Clan in the Yuegu Kingdom.”

"This group of Rakshasa monks doesn't have a single great god, it doesn't look like those few." Prajna said.

"Those people, if they don't make a move, it's fine. If they make a move, they will all go to the heavens and exterminate the clan."

Blood Jue God of War looked cold, and immediately ordered to repair the ancient **** road.

Xuejue God of War, Banruo, Qi Sheng, Ying Huo and others stared at Zhang Ruochen who was floating in the void.

I saw that Zhang Ruochen spread his hands slightly, and a gorgeous sea of ​​truth and stars appeared under his feet.


Countless rays of spiritual power, like the sun shining all over, spread out in all directions.

After a while, Zhang Ruochen calculated the result.

With a wave of his finger, he cut through layers of space.

Each layer of space is as thick as a **** step, 129,600 miles.

But at this moment, one divine step was compressed into the thickness of a sheet of paper. With a wave of Zhang Ruochen's finger, he cut through tens of thousands of layers of space.

Two ghost-like beasts hiding on a small rocky planet tens of billions of miles away were digesting and devouring their souls when suddenly, a breath and pressure that made their hair stand on end fell on them.

As soon as they rushed out of the planet's ground, they saw a big five-fingered hand breaking through the space and falling from the sky.

Zhang Ruochen traveled tens of billions of miles to capture the rocky planet and the two ghostly beasts, even

I didn't even bother to interrogate, so I searched for the soul directly.

Such a method shocked all the gods present, and the awe of Zhang Ruochen increased more than ten times.

Seeing eyes is worse than hearing a thousand words.

This is the sky is perfect, once the calculation is carried out, everything in the world will be invisible. Unless the cultivation base is high enough!

After searching for the soul, Zhang Ruochen threw the two ghost-like beasts to the gods of the undead blood clan, and said, "They sneaked in from the north of the defense line, and their purpose is to destroy the ancient **** road."

Xue Jue God of War's eyes froze: "Even if the ancient **** road is damaged, it can be repaired quickly. Could it be that the ancient creatures are preparing to launch an all-out war?"

Prajna said: "It should be like this. Destroying the ancient **** road is to delay the assistance of other races in the **** world to the defense line of the dark abyss, and it is also to cut off the delivery of cultivation resources. However, there is more than one ancient **** road. Those who sneaked through the defense line , certainly not just them.”

Blood Jue Zhan Shen said: "If there are a large number of powerful monsters sneaking into the **** world, causing trouble everywhere, destroying the ancient **** road. It may not affect monks like Ruochen and me, but the transportation of resources will definitely be greatly affected. If there is a problem with the delivery of resources, it will be difficult for the formation of the defense line to last, and the healing pills and holy weapon soldiers will also be in a hurry.”

"If the **** world mobilizes powerful people from the divine realm to inspect the various ancient **** paths, it will be in their favor. First, the defense line of the Abyss of Darkness is already tense. If there is one less strong man, the defense line will have one more weak point."

"Secondly, the god-level powerhouses are patrolling the ancient gods' roads. Why don't taboo figures like the seventy-two rank lotus and the nine-death emperor don't do it? Even if they don't do it, they will send the remnant souls of the ancient powerhouses to do it."

"Primeval creature kills two birds with one stone! Maybe it was discussed with Seventy-two Pinlian and Nine Dead Emperors."

The gods of the undead blood clan present all had ugly faces.

Having gone through one after another of devastating wars, they are no longer as belligerent as the previous wars of merit and virtue in the heavenly court. Once the current battle of gods breaks out, Immortal Wuliang will definitely participate in it, and ordinary gods will die.

No matter how belligerent a monk is in this kind of war, he has to calm down.

What's more, in the past against Heaven, Hell has always had the upper hand. But now, there are internal and external troubles in the **** world, which is an absolute disadvantage to the ancient creatures.

With the wind blowing, the more you fight, the braver you are.

Against the wind, everyone is at course, none of the monks who are willing to rush to the defense line of the Abyss of Darkness are afraid of death. What I'm afraid of is dying meaninglessly, and also afraid of being crushed to death like an ant, that would be too aggrieved!

Prajna said: "That's not right! Although the Abyss of Darkness has a wide defense line, it is not easy for a large number of strange beasts to sneak past without a sound. Not to mention the Tianmu who sits there, it is the "Book of Destiny" that Fengtian brought over. "The Great Wall of the Book of Heaven is also infinitely mysterious, once a strange beast passes by, it will manifest on the Book of Heaven."

Zhang Ruochen said: "Someone took over the line of defense for these ancient creatures. In the memory of these two ghost-like ancient creatures, I saw a corner of the world of the gods, like a piece of hell. Their memories have been chopped off. I use fate to The way is restored again.”

Blood Jue Zhan Shendao: "There is a traitor among the Hades?"

"Not necessarily! There is a piece of Netherland in the world of gods. It doesn't mean that the other party is a Nadir monk. Maybe this is a trap set by the other party. Of course, it cannot be ruled out. The other party has predicted my prediction." Zhang Ruochen smiled wryly.

Blood Jue Zhan Shendao: "Then there are two possibilities! One, there are traitors in hell. Second, the monks who sent these ancient creatures over the defense line are so powerful that even the Great Wall of Heavenly Books cannot capture them."

"Maybe Tianmao can give us the answer. After all, she is sitting there. Let's go, we have to rush to the defense line of the Abyss of Darkness."

Zhang Ruochen's expression was serious, because he didn't say anything. These two ghost-like ancient creatures seemed to know that the top powerhouses in heaven and **** would enter the Nether Dungeon in the near future.

Is it a calculation made based on the situation of the Soul Realm Starfield? Or did someone actually leak the information?

There are very few people who know this secret, at least they have to be the top five giants of a family.


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