MTL - God Emperor-Chapter 3930 The true body of the ancestor

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Although the killing array left by the ancestor is infinitely powerful, no one can analyze and control it. Yuzhuan and Gai Mie use their own methods to shuttle between them, but they can handle it with ease.

The wings on the back of the jade seal spread out, and the divine power of light bursts out. The power is holy and pure, purifying evil and gray dead energy.

Snowflake-like feathers flew out, like thousands of divine swords, smashing the bone-faced woman wearing a veil to pieces, and the spirit matter flew away.

Gai Mie manipulated the Demon Ancestor Ziwu Axe, which caused a huge earthquake in the space, and cut a golden toad that was flying towards him in half with just one blow.

The golden toad was hundreds of meters long, like it was made of pure gold.

After being cut in half, the body strangely condensed again, and red-gold divine flames spit out from its mouth.

Gai Mie laughed all over, and spread his hands apart. In front of the chest, a rapidly rotating black hole appeared, swallowing the golden toad into it.

In that black hole, Zhang Ruochen sensed the powerful fluctuation of the profound meaning of devouring the way of heaven.

Zhang Ruochen said.

Chi Yao, standing in the world of the gods, said:

Zhang Ruochen shook his head and chuckled:

There is only a difference of 10% between 40% and 50% of the mysteries, but it is the difference between the main **** and the master, which is not the same.

However, 40% of the profound meanings devoured by the Dao of Heaven are enough to destroy his current cultivation base, and it can be regarded as making up for his last weakness in combat power.

Today's Gai Mie displayed a combat power far superior to that of nine hundred years ago.

Of course, using esoteric meanings in the lower realm would not be as beneficial to combat power as in the upper realm.

Yuzhuan and Gai Mie were speeding across the **** land.

This **** and demon, while avoiding the killing array and the ancestor's divine light, crushed and killed the ancient corpses that blocked their progress.

They have the method of thunderbolt, and their moves are world-destroying moves and world-shocking supernatural powers. Even though these ancient corpses came with a lot of background, the corpses were harder than divine iron and stronger than the power contained in stars, but they were all swept away.

The only troublesome thing is that even if these ancient corpses are smashed, the corpses can quickly recondense.

They have no soul consciousness.

It was the wisps of gray fog of death in the space that were affecting them.

Standing on the edge of the **** soil, Zhang Ruochen took out the selfless lamp and held it in his hand.

As the dim light came on, it continued to spread deep into the **** soil.

Darkness is illuminated.

Zhang Ruochen released his spiritual power, and whispered from his mouth, as if reciting ancient scriptures, or chanting mysterious spells.

Yu Zhuan and Gai Mie were surprised to find that once illuminated by the light, these powerful ancient corpses immediately stopped, the flames in their eyes went out, and they returned to death.

Zhang Ruochen stepped forward step by step, stepped on the cracks in the ground, turned up the red soil, and buried the ancient corpses one after another.

The world returns to peace.

Yuzhuan put away the bright light and wings, looked at Zhang Ruochen who was walking slowly like an old monk in bitter Zen, moved his eyes to the bright lamp in his hand, and sighed:

No self light cold road.

Of course, only Zhang Ruochen could hear this voice.

Zhang Ruochen said:

After Yuzhuan said this, he turned into a white light first, and disappeared in the **** storm.

Zhang Ruochen and Gai Mie followed closely.

This piece of blood is very

It is vast, it has been around for tens of thousands of years, and it is full of dangers. If your cultivation base is not up to date, it will definitely be a dead end if you break into it.

Zhang Ruochen's thinking is completely different from Gai Mie's. He doesn't think that those ancient strong men who buried their bones here are stupid people blinded by the obsession with longevity.

So many people buried themselves in the **** soil, there must be something unusual about this piece of **** soil.

Along the way, Zhang Ruochen released his mental power to explore the blood and soil under his feet, trying to find the mystery. However, there are countless secret patterns intertwined in the depths of the blood soil, which contain the terrifying aura left by the ancestors, blocking the spiritual power.

The dust was crimson, and the hurricane howled.

The three traveled thousands of miles.

Suddenly, Yuzhuan, who was walking in the front, had a stern look in his eyes, and when he flexed and stretched his right arm, a finger light cut through the void and hit a 10,000-meter-high hill in the shape of a bull's back in front of him.

The finger light is bright and divides the space.

However, before the light beam reached Qiuyue, a coffin flew out from the ground behind Qiuyue first, and fled to the deeper part of Chaotian Tower.

Suddenly, Qiu Yue was collapsed by the light beam, and countless ancient killing forces gushed out from the ground.

The coffin that was fleeing was cylindrical in shape, with a skull on the front and back.

The coffin was entangled with strings of strings.

It is the double coffin of life and death of Emperor Huang Quan!

Gai Mie's arms rotated like a windmill, and a mighty demonic energy gushed out from his body, hitting the demon ancestor Ziwu's axe.

The Demon Ancestor Ziwu Ax erupted with the power to devour the heavens and the earth, spun extremely fast, and flew towards the double coffin of life and death. A moment later, the two artifacts collided in mid-air tens of feet above the ground.

The **** soil shook violently, the space shook violently, and waves of destructive energy spread in all directions.

More ancient destructive forces from the bottom of the **** land were stimulated and flooded for thousands of miles. With Zhang Ruochen and Yuzhuan's cultivation base, they were forced to use protective means to resist.

The jade seal angel's wings spread out, and her speed was extremely fast, catching up with the double coffin of life and death in an instant, drawing the light and divine power of the victory crown, exerting supernatural powers, and striking down hard.

The coffins of Yuzhuan, Gai Mie, and life and death fought together, setting off an endless storm of destruction.

Fortunately, there is no killing formation left by the ancestors under this **** soil.

Zhang Ruochen's figure flashed, and he came to the edge of the collapsed Qiuyue, shining the selfless lamp on the ground, and using the power of fate to explore the internal situation.

It was discovered that the ground was actually hollowed out by the Emperor of the Underworld, and a large amount of blood and soil was secretly taken away.

No self light.

Zhang Ruochen grabbed a handful of blood and soil on the ground, and said:

Lifting the blood in his hand, Zhang Ruochen looked at the battlefield in the distance.

I saw that Gai Mie showed a vast magic land of hundreds of millions of miles, organized order, and trapped the double coffin of life and death in his own warfare field.

Emperor Huang Quan didn't know what kind of opportunity he got, his combat power increased sharply, and Gai Mie and Yu Zhuan failed to suppress them in a short period of time.

The thick divine voice of Emperor Huang Quan came from the coffin.

Gai Mi laughed and said:

Before the words were finished, the Demon Ancestor Ziwu's ax fell heavily on the top of the coffin of life and death, cutting off all the ropes that wrapped around the coffin.

The double coffin of life and death was dented and deformed by Gong Nanfeng, but it was even more deformed after this blow. After falling onto the demonic soil below, the deformed coffin lid flew out directly.

On the surface of the coffin lid, countless cyan lines flowed, converging to form a domineering picture of the emperor of the underworld.

The statue of Emperor Huangquan is displayed in many temples of the ghost clan.

There are offerings, green face and red eyes, thick beard and long ears, and three arms.

The palm of the left hand is a character, the palm of the right arm is a character, and the arm on the chest holds the seal of Huangquan.

This is the image on the statue!

Ben was rushing towards the cover of the double coffin of life and death, when he saw the coffin cover flying towards him, his eyes froze slightly, and at the same time he waved his palm to push back the coffin cover, his figure also retreated into the distance.

The emperor of Huangquan, who was lying in the double coffin of life and death, already possessed the combat power of indestructible and infinite mid-term. In this fight, the combat power has been improved to a higher level, and it is close to the peak of Immortality.

Now that the coffin lid is opened, and the real body is about to be revealed, no matter how arrogant Gai Mie is, he becomes cautious.

The jade seal landed on the other side of the double coffin of life and death, hundreds of feet away, and called out a spear from the void, saying:

Emperor Huang Quan's long voice came from the coffin:

Yuzhuan said:


Ge Mie shouted loudly:

Zhang Ruochen flew into the magic soil world with the selfless lamp, stepped on a cloud of light, suspended in mid-air, and said:

Gai Mie seemed to have hundreds of millions of rivers of demonic energy flowing in his body, bold and heroic, striding towards the double coffin of life and death.

He has the cultivation level of Tianzun level, but he has not fully recovered! However, the realm of cultivation is his confidence, how can he be afraid of a dead ancestor?

Suddenly, the double coffin of life and death stood up.

Inside the coffin, it is filled with four kinds of brilliance: red, blue, black, and yellow, which are vast and indistinct, blocking all exploration of the soul and spiritual power.

Gai Mie's footsteps did not stop at all, one hundred, ninety, eighty steps away from the coffin...

When ten steps apart.

The coffin trembled, and the dense ancestor's spirit and ancestor's rules gushed out from inside, rushing towards Gaimi.

At the forefront of these ancestor spirits and ancestor rules is a bright yellow copper seal.

Huang Quanyin!

Huang Quanyin and the Demon Ancestor Ziwu Yue collided together, like two big worlds colliding, the sound was sonorous, the power could destroy the world, and set off ripples of destruction.

Gai Mie flew backwards, immediately attracted and devoured the profound meaning of heaven, condensed and devoured the black hole, and would continue to attack his ancestor spirit and ancestor rules to devour.

In the confrontation on the first day of junior high school, although Gai Mie was at a disadvantage, he was not injured.

Zhang Ruochen said the word New Year.

A figure that was so fast that it could escape Zhang Ruochen's vision, rushed into the double coffin of life and death, and collided with Gaimie.

Gai Mie bowed his body, spat out blood, and flew out like a cannonball.

Emperor Huang Quan was about to take advantage of the victory to pursue and completely injure and wipe out, but he saw the jade seal appearing in front of him at a faster speed, and the spear pierced out.

Zhang Ruochen mobilized the power of the heart of truth and transported it to his eyes, and finally he could clearly see the figure and moves of Emperor Huangquan and Yuzhuan.

Zhang Ruochen secretly thought.

Gai Mi wiped away the bloodstains at the corners of his mouth, spread his arms out, and black magic flames emerged from his body.

The barren moon bloomed in his body, and its brilliance could be seen through the magic flame and the physical body.

Gai Mie joins the battle circle and joins forces with Yuzhuan, defeating Huangquan Emperor steadily.

Huang Quanyin is indeed infinitely powerful and contains the ability to break through the sky, but it is suppressed by the crown of victory.

The Emperor Huang Quan held the lid of the coffin with two layers of life and death, slashed horizontally, and collided with the demon ancestor Ziwu ax shot by Gai Mie, forming an earth-shattering energy wave.

Yuzhuan's combat power is more than a notch higher than the two, seize the opportunity, UU reading www. The spear hit the forehead of Emperor Huangquan.

At the center of Emperor Huangquan's eyebrows, many ancestor gods appeared.

The spear couldn't break it open!

Emperor Huang Quan shouted angrily, stood upside down with his long hair, and clapped his left and right palms together:

The palms of the palms, the words and the words burst out with the divine light of the ancestors, releasing two completely different powers.

The jade seal did not dodge or dodge, abandoning the spear, and struck out with both palms, the light and divine brilliance pushed back the two of life and death.

Four palms clashed, Emperor Huangquan was defeated by Yuzhuan, and he retreated hundreds of miles.

Gai Mie appeared beside him as fast as lightning, and swung the Demon Ancestor Ziwu Ax to slash at his neck, drawing a light white mark on his blue skin.

Emperor Huang Quan's hand hit Gai Mie's chest hard.

A devouring black hole appeared in Gai Mie's chest, and the power of countless mysteries and order suppressed the palm of Huang Quan Emperor in the black hole and could not be retracted.

Yuzhuan appeared to Huangquan Emperor's left side and grabbed his left arm.

The palm on Emperor Huangquan's chest counterattacked, fighting with Yuzhuan for dozens of moves, but in the end, Yuzhuan still grabbed his wrist.

Yu Zhuan shouted.

There was no need for him to shout, and the sound of the sword sounded.

Holding Shen Yuan Excalibur, Zhang Ruochen stabbed down from the sky like an immortal, and dragged out a bright tail of sword light.

The tip of the sword hit the top of Emperor Huangquan's head.

The powerful ancestor's spirit erupted from the top of Huangquan Emperor's head, almost knocking all three of them into the air.

Emperor Huangquan said in a deep voice:

Following Zhang Ruochen's voice, Shen Yuan's Excalibur radiated purple light.

Inside the sword, the power of the anti-god monument erupted, and the tip of the sword sank into Huangquan Emperor's head little by little. The ancestral divine pattern and ancestral spirit of the body protector continued to dissipate.

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