MTL - God Emperor-Chapter 3934 5-color glazed cover

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The **** soil outside the Xiongxiao Demon God's Temple was lifted up layer by layer, lightning flashed and thunder rumbled, and the space swayed.

The tyrannical ancestor's power fluctuated, as if he wanted to destroy everything in the world, and beat the old emperor Yuandao who was chasing him until his body exploded, completely turning him into an invisible state according to the rules of heaven and earth.

Even the blood-soil storm a hundred miles away was affected, and it retreated hundreds of miles, and many formations and killing lights were shattered.

However, they quickly gathered again.

"It's so powerful, it's worthy of being the descendant and successor of Fudo Myo-sama."

Gai Mie was so excited that he laughed wildly, and pushed his palms forward, propping up two black holes in the form of vortexes, devouring the rules of heaven and earth outside.

Zhang Ruochen pressed his palm on the tripod, creating a prehistoric world. The light and shadow of the world's boundary walls are constantly expanding, and they want to collect and suppress the Yuan Dao old clan emperor who has turned into a regular state of heaven and earth.


As soon as the power of the two was released, they were scattered by the Huangquan seal and the victory crown flying out of the rules of heaven and earth, and they retreated back and forth.

The body of Yuan Dao's old clan emperor slowly condensed behind the Huangquan seal and the victory crown.

At the same time, an invisible Blood-devouring Curse poured out from the Styx River, falling on Zhang Ruochen and Gai Mie.

The divine blood in the two of them continued to drain.

Zhang Ruochen was fine, protected by the power of the Mirror Platform and resisted by the Mani Beads, the divine blood drained very slowly.

However, Ge Mie couldn't bear it anymore, and said: "Leave him alone, enter the Xiongxiao Demon Temple, activate the defensive formation of the Demon Temple, and resist the curse."

Before the words were finished, Gai Mie had disappeared.

Zhang Ruochen glanced at Chi Yao beside him.

She suffered serious internal injuries and her body was crumbling, but she still cast a firm look at Zhang Ruochen, showing no intention of retreating.

Although the blow that blasted Yuan Dao's old clan emperor just now was strong, but with Chi Yao's cultivation level, he couldn't control it at all. It exceeded the limit of the divine body and caused serious self-injury.

The burial gold white tiger rushed out from the world of the gods and carried Chi Yao on its back.

"You take her into the palace first!"

Zhang Ruochen stared at the old emperor Yuan Dao whose body was not fully solidified, and was very unwilling. He planned to use Hetu to give him another blow, or he could severely damage him to the point where he could not recover the battle strength of Tianzun level in a short time.

On the Styx River, waves were set off, and a thick blue fog appeared, heading straight for the Xiongxiao Demon Temple.

This is the power of the curse, which has been enriched and materialized.

Obviously, someone was secretly helping the old emperor Yuandao to prevent Zhang Ruochen from attacking him.

Thinking of the fate of Yuzhuan, and thinking of Yuan Dao's old emperor who was far superior to his cultivation level by several levels, Zhang Ruochen didn't risk his life to gamble, and stuffed "River Picture" back to his neckline.

Zhang Ruochen chose to hide his cards before he knew the enemy's state.

Gai Mie had a deep understanding of the Xiongxiao Demon God's Temple, so he came under the stone gate and looked up at the strange engraving on the gate.

The engraved picture is called "Purgatory on Earth", and the pictures and texts on the top corners are like storytelling, telling about all kinds of misfortunes in the world, greed, killing, war, desire, disease, hunger...

He formed seals with both hands, mobilized the magic energy in his whole body, and hit the engraved picture.

The world in the engraved picture actually "live".

In the world, there are all kinds of miserable voices, including men, women and children, and the whole world is filled with sadness, which makes people infinitely depressed.

"Great, the old formation is still there." Gai Mie laughed.

"Purgatory on Earth" turned into a large formation, and countless formation patterns appeared and spread out, blocking the dark blue curse mist outside the palace.

Gai Mie sat down on the ground, and with two bangs, threw the Demon Ancestor Ziwu Yue and the Demon God Stone Pillar aside, gasping for breath.

After a while, he looked strangely at Zhang Ruochen who was walking towards him, and said, "Just now, you seemed to want to continue attacking that guy, why, Tianlao and Shiji empress left you a half-ancestor method?"

"If there was a half-ancestor's method, I would have used it long ago. As for making myself so miserable?"

Zhang Ruochen put the Shen Yuan Excalibur aside, sat on the right side of Gai Mie, and looked at the formation light.

The thick blue fog outside the screen asked, "How is the injury?"

Gai Mie said: "I can't die, but I can't recover my vitality in a short time. If you have the blood of the immortal, you can try it."

"Don't count on me, my blood energy and five fingers of the gods are also seriously lost. If there is still blood of the immortal, will I not use it?" Zhang Ruochen said.

Gai Mie said: "Your cultivation base is only in the early stage of Immortal Immortality. Your blood energy is comparable to that in the middle stage of Immortality Infinity. The spiritual matter and immortal matter are comparable to the peak of Immortal Infinite. Losing this bit of blood energy and spiritual matter is nothing at all."

Zhang Ruochen's eyes suddenly became serious, and he said, "Actually, you were seriously injured and your vitality was injured, so I feel a lot more at ease."

Gai Mie lowered his head and smiled, and said, "Your thinking is wrong, you should expect me to be strong enough so that we can fight out."

"No! According to the magic way you said, after the death of Yuzhuan, the first thing you do must be to devour the cultivation base of me and Chi Yao, so as to quickly restore the cultivation base combat power of the peak period. At the same time, you can also seize our Taoism And the various weapons and treasures on his body, the combat power will be further improved."

Zhang Ruochen looked into his eyes, and continued calmly, "Based on your prestige as the supreme pillar, once your cultivation level recovers, Yuan Dao's old clan emperor may not be your opponent. You have the final say on the entire Chaotian Tower?"

"As for the Supreme Pillar, how dare I take it lightly?"

Gai Mie did not deny it, touched the stubble on his lips, and said, "There is still a terrifying existence hidden in the Styx River. Who knows what level of monster it is?"

"You and I both know that He can't get out of the Styx. Otherwise, we would have died long ago!" Zhang Ruochen said.

"You are too cautious, no wonder it is Yuzhuan who died, not you."

Gai Mie smiled and reprimanded Zhang Ruochen, then mentioned the Demon Ancestor Ziwu Yue and the Demon God Stone Pillar, got up and walked towards the gate of the Demon God Temple, saying, "I'll go into the palace to look for the Great Demon God and Fudo Mingwang Great Venerable Have you left any magic medicine for healing, you can keep an eye on it outside."

Zhang Ruochen was worried that the formation of "Purgatory on Earth" on the gate of the palace would not be able to stop Yuan Dao's old clan emperor, so he didn't follow up.

Coming to Chi Yao's side, making sure she was fine, Zhang Ruochen took out a magic pill and fed it into her lips.

Chi Yao's face was as white as porcelain, without a trace of blood.

With vigilant eyes, she glanced at the opened palace door in the distance, and secretly transmitted a voice: "Gai Mie is too familiar with the Xiongxiao Demon Temple, once he is allowed to control this demon palace, we must be the first to die. At no time should we underestimate a supreme pillar."

"If he has this thought, he must be the first to die."

Zhang Ruochen looked back confidently, not wanting Chi Yao to worry at all, and said, "Heal well, I'm here!"

"Brother Dust."


"And one more thing."

Chi Yao hesitated for a moment, and said via voice transmission: "Actually, I'm not sure, but I seem to have sensed the aura of Fudo Mingwang's real body."

Zhang Ruochen shrank his pupils and asked, "What do you mean, the real body of the great lord?"

Chi Yao said: "When the twenty-fold sky resonated with the secret pattern and order outside, I sensed the ancestor breath of Fudo Mingwang Dazun. It is very powerful, and it is true."

"Where is it?" Zhang Ruochen asked.

Chi Yao looked around and said, "It's nearby, it seems to be everywhere."

Zhang Ruochen clasped his palms together, spun around, and then separated his palms.

On the palms of the left and right palms, a Tai Chi four-image seal appeared, centered on the body, and the two seals spread out.

Part of the power penetrates time and space, looking for the real and not the ancestral breath that Chi Yao said.

Zhang Ruochen suspected that Fudo Mingwang Dazun left a time mark here.

What Chi Yao sensed was likely to be the great elders before the ten Yuanhui.


Huang Quanyin exuded a dazzling divine light, hitting the formation light curtain of "Purgatory on Earth".

The earth trembled.

The entire Xiongxiao Demon Temple was shaking violently.

The large expanse of blood and soil outside the hall was cracked, making it difficult to bear the power of Huangquan Seal.

Zhang Ruochen had no choice but to fly to the gate of the Demon God's Temple first, release the 91st level of spiritual power, enter the engraving pattern of "Purgatory on Earth", and control the formation defense.

The voice of the old clan emperor Yuan Dao came from outside the palace: "Before I changed, I didn't have the confidence to break the defense of the Demon Palace and the order of the secret lines of Fudo Mingwang Dazun. But now, the old man has mastered the Yellow Spring Seal and the Victory Crown at the same time. How can a male Xiaomo **** temple stop it? You can catch it as soon as possible, or there is still a way out."

Zhang Ruochen frowned deeply.

The seal of Huangquan and the crown of victory are the strongest fighters forged by Emperor Huangquan and Da Guangming respectively. With their powerful power and the cultivation level of the emperor of the Yuandao clan, it is indeed impossible to break the demon palace left by the great demon god. Just a matter of time.

To be exact, if the Ban-Ancestor does not come out, it will be difficult for any place in the world to stop him.

Sure enough, their intrusion changed many results that should not have been changed.

However, Zhang Ruochen also had a keen insight into one thing from Yuan Dao's words.

The reason why the old clan emperor appeared here was to break the Xiongxiao Demon Temple.

In other words, it was a method arranged by Dazun Mingwang ten times before the meeting.

Zhang Ruochen seemed to understand something when he thought of Styx being crushed under the Xiongxiao Demon Temple.

Zhang Ruochen said loudly, "I don't know what the old emperor said about this way of life?"

"Dedicate your soul and surrender to the great Styx to gain the power of eternal life." The old emperor Yuandao said in a very bewitching voice.

Zhang Ruochen said: "Back then, you donated your souls, so you have obtained such a powerful cultivation base, right? That's why you were sealed by the Great Master."

"The ten yuanhui promises mentioned by Shenyue and Xianyue are purely a trick of using Yuansheng to deceive me. It really is too young to beat you old guys."

"However, the ancient creatures of your generation are all weak bones, so what if you are strong? You have completely lost the pride of the ancient creatures, but you are just slaves of the sixteenth day!"

The sixteenth day and the beginning of the month's loss is for the nether world.

This is the taboo name of Mingzu.

Zhang Ruochen successfully angered the old emperor of Yuandao, Huang Quanyin and Victory Crown bombarded the formation together.

At the same time, Ming Zu Guangying, who was as tall as a mountain, held a bright war halberd and chopped it down from the sky.

A series of majestic forces even penetrated the light curtain of the formation, and continuously impacted on Zhang Ruochen, Chi Yao, and the golden white tiger.

Behind the Demon Temple, the Styx River set off huge waves, and the water roared.

"It's really good."

Zhang Ruochen thought about using "River Map" again.

Gai Mie walked out of the hall quickly, and said: "The "Purgatory Map on Earth" is the passive defense formation of the Xiongxiao Demon Temple. You don't need to use mental power to activate it. Follow me into the hall. I already have a countermeasure."

Zhang Ruochen kept an eye out, put the selfless lamp outside, and then walked into the hall with Chi Yao and the funeral gold white tiger.

Inside the Xiongxiao Demon God's Temple, there is no space to fold, and no small world, just a dark and solemn hall.

There are seventy-two copper pillars supporting the temple, and the bodies of seventy-two demon gods are cast on the copper pillars.

On each copper pillar, there is a skull lamp.

Not only human skulls, but also skulls of other races. The same thing is that the bones are all shining with gods, obviously they were not ordinary gods in life.

In the lamp, what burns is the lamp oil of divine blood.

Gai Mie walked ahead and led the way.

The hall was extremely quiet, only the sound of their footsteps and the flickering lights could be heard.

"I think back then, under the leadership of the Great Demon God, the Demon Dao occupied the Heavenly Court, and controlled the Temple of Destiny, the Temple of Light, and the ghost town of Fengdu... No monk in the world would dare not follow. Seventy-two demon heads gathered here, how prosperous and lively, and now Entering this hall, it is empty, like a lifetime away." Gai Mie said.

Zhang Ruochen said, "You seem to miss those years very much?"


Gai Mie smiled sarcastically: "It is said that it is the head of the seventy-two roads, but in fact, it is just the eagle dog under the seat of the Great Demon God. I really envy the Haotian back then. With the cultivation base of Tianzun level, he can be invincible for an era."

Walking to the end of the main hall, the bronze statue of the four pillars on top appeared in front of several people.

In order, they are: Heavenly Demon, Barr, Gaimie, and Qiang Shake.

Gai Mie first looked at his own bronze statue, then at the demon, and said, "Now I understand that the Great Demon God is not invincible. If I prove the ancestor of Taoism, I will do what the demon does. You see, that is Temple soul fire!"

Zhang Ruochen looked up along the seventy-two steps.

All I saw was a mass of black flames suspended in mid-air, surrounded by a multicolored glazed cover.

As the flame danced, the light of the colorful glazed cover also changed in strength and weakness.

Gai Mie said: "On this five-colored glass cover, there are the ancestor **** patterns and the power of order left by Fudo Mingwang, help me to wipe them out. The five-colored glass cover belongs to you, and the soul fire of the palace belongs to me. How about it?"

"With the soul fire of the palace, can we break today's situation?" Zhang Ruochen said.

Gai Mie said: "I won't hide it from you, my cultivation will definitely recover after absorbing the palace soul fire. At that time, will it be difficult to deal with an injured old guy?"

"Wouldn't it be easier to kill me?" Zhang Ruochen said.

Ge Mie smiled and asked back, "Is it really that easy to kill you?"

More than Gai Mie, Zhang Ruochen wanted to break through the ancestral divine patterns and the power of order left by King Ming Wang, not because he wanted to get the temple soul fire, but because he wanted to get the five-color glazed cover.

He knew that the five-color glazed cover was made by the Five Patriarchs using one of the seven treasures of Buddhism, the "Lamp-burning Glass Cup" and the treasure of Qi Refiners, the "Heaven-Mending Five-colored Stone".

There are many amazing legends about the burning lamp glass cup and the sky-filling multicolored stone. Among them, the sky-filling five-color stone is said to be left by Xi, the daughter of Emperor Wa, and it is even rumored to be her ancestor Shenyuan.

The treasures refined by fusing them, UU reading www. uukanshu. One can imagine how precious com is.

And this is exactly what Zhang Ruochen has been looking for, something to strengthen the mysterious embryo. With it, Zhang Ruochen can begin to condense more yang attribute Daoguang, impacting the middle stage of Immortality.

With the inclusiveness of the sky-filling multicolored stones, it is entirely possible that even the burning lamps and glazed cups can be fused into the mysterious fetus and protect the mysterious fetus.

Legend has it that an ancient qi refiner once placed the sky-replenishing five-colored stones in the Xuantai. The speed of cultivation can reach several times that of ordinary people. The Xuantu is firm and unbroken. An unmatched height.



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