MTL - God Emperor-Chapter 3945 inside the car

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"Dichen is not in the Temple of Time. If Mr. Lian wants to find him, he can go to Wuding Shenhai."

Empress Qiangu is extremely talented, she doesn't transfuse blood, she is desolate, and hides in **** all year round, facing enemies ten times or a hundred times stronger than her. Naturally, her state of mind is comparable to that of ordinary monks, and she does not show any flaws.

Xuanyuan Lian's green lotus imprint flickered on the center of his brows, and his body was covered with blue light. He said, "It's okay for the empress to deceive others with her words, but how can she deceive me? Now is the most critical moment for Wuding Shenhai. Why did you return to the Temple of Time?"

Xuanyuan Lian looked strong and fierce, and directly released one after another divine thoughts, which turned into strands of light and shadow, and flew to all sides of the Temple of Time to search for them.

Empress Qiangu's eyes were as bright as sword energy, and then converged into the invisible, saying: "Young Master Lian is worthy of being the daughter of Tianzun, and he didn't pay attention to me, the Great Elder of the Temple of Time. Since I am so disrespected, this Great Elder I don't care if I don't!"

"This time I came to Heaven, this is also for this purpose."

Empress Qiangu found an appropriate reason for her return to Heaven.

After the investigation, Xuanyuan Lian withdrew his soul, and there was a ray of desperation and helplessness in the depths of his pupils, and said: "The empress is so eager to cut off contact with the heavens? The Kunlun realm is still in the heaven universe, and the Kunlun realm is still there. Many monks are cultivating in all walks of life in the heavenly court and the universe, and some things cannot be broken."

Xuanyuan Lian's different attitude made Qiangu Empress believe in Zhang Ruochen's judgment.

Could it be that Xuanyuanlian's world of gods, or the golden frame, hides a strong man who can threaten Zhang Ruochen's life?

However, this is heaven!

With Zhang Ruochen's current cultivation level, who can kill him silently?

Now that Xuanyuanlian's attitude has changed, it means that the enemies hiding in the dark have let down their guard.

Covered by the God Realm World of Empress Qiangu, coupled with Zhang Ruochen's perfect spiritual power, this kind of concealment, even if Ban Zu didn't release his soul and forcibly enter the God Realm World to investigate, it would be impossible to discover Zhang Ruochen's breath and secrets .

"So far, all walks of life in Wuding Shenhai still belong to the Heavenly Court universe, guarding the western defense line for Heavenly Court. However, Mr. Lian should be able to understand that this Emperor will probably not return to the Temple of Time in the future. Continuing to be the Great Elder of the Temple of Time will only attract The monstrous controversy made it difficult for Tiangong to handle."


Empress Qiangu sorted out all the items she had left in the Temple of Time, put them in the bracelet-shaped space on her wrist to store treasures, and walked out of the temple in a free and easy manner.

Xuanyuan Lian said: "Empress, let me give you a ride! Please get in the car."

"No need!" Qiangu Empress said.

Xuanyuan Lian grabbed Empress Qiangu's wrist, wisps of air flowed through her fingertips, and repeated with firm eyes: "Please get in the car."

At this moment, even Empress Qiangu sensed the strangeness and invisible danger in Xuanyuanlian's attitude, and was about to call out the Wujian Excalibur to forcefully break out of the Temple of Time.

As long as you leave the Temple of Time and release your breath, the gods of heaven will rush over immediately.

Empress Qiangu dared to conclude that it was definitely not Tiangong who wanted to deal with them.

No matter how dissatisfied Tiangong is, it is impossible to use such a stupid method.

"Get in the car with her, and then... go to Tianren Academy." Zhang Ruochen sent a voice transmission.

Of course Empress Qiangu knew that Jietian was in Tianren Academy, and she also knew that there was a powerful hidden Buddhist cultivator in Tianren Academy. But, will the secret enemy give them a chance to go to Tianren Academy?

I am afraid that if you enter the gold frame, you will be suppressed.

No one knows what kind of net has been laid in the car?

She wanted to make a move right now, and didn't want to become passive after getting into the car.

However, she couldn't take the initiative to ask Zhang Ruochen. Once she interrogated Zhang Ruochen for the reason, she would definitely be noticed. If Zhang Ruochen's hole card is exposed, they will never have a chance to win by surprise.

Zhang Ruochen saw through Empress Qiangu's thoughts, and sent another voice transmission: "I probably guessed who the person who threatened Xuanyuan Lian to come to the Temple of Time. We have almost no chance of winning in the Temple of Time."

Just now, Zhang Ruochen's sound transmission and Qiangu Empress' thoughts all happened in the flashlight.


Empress Qiangu was still looking at Xuanyuanlian, and said: "Then respect is worse than obeying orders! But before leaving, I want to go to Tianren Academy to meet Jietian and discuss important matters with him."

"I'll take you there!"

Xuanyuan Lian made a gesture of invitation.

Empress Qiangu walked into the car, and immediately felt the active space rules, as if stepping over a chaotic boundary wall, the space inside the car became wider.

The surroundings are resplendent and golden, and the golden mist blows towards the face, accompanied by the sound of spring water.

Xuanyuan Lian didn't follow, and actually drove the three-foot-high golden frame, rushed out of the Temple of Time, and flew towards the Tianren Academy in Hezhou, Xiniu.

Empress Qiangu turned around to open the car curtain, but her fingers were blocked by a translucent boundary wall.

The burst of divine power at the fingertips only created circles of ripples on the boundary wall.


Empress Qiangu didn't panic, her body was circulating, and the Wujian Excalibur flew out, suspended behind her, condensing thousands of lights and shadows of sword energy.

The golden **** mist was blown away by the sword energy, and a purple **** spring pool appeared in front of it.

Above the water pool, purple clouds and golden mist blend together, and a lotus flower can be vaguely seen floating on the water.

The lotus flower is white and crystal clear, like a jade carved from ice, escaping grains of time imprinted light rain and circles of space ripples.

In the water, the roots of the lotus are densely packed, like countless lightning filaments. On every root, there is a mass of gray dead air, and inside the dead air are rotting **** corpses.

Who would have thought that such a bright and holy lotus flower would absorb the nutrients of a god's corpse?

These divine corpses were the corpses of the successive masters of the Space Temple who were not taken away by the seventy-two lotuses in the Battle of Buzhou Mountain.

And this lotus, which contains the power of time and space at the same time, is the space-time chaos lotus that Zhang Ruochen placed with Xuanyuan Lian.

Empress Qiangu stared at the woman in white who was sitting cross-legged in the center of the lotus, and said calmly, "Seventy-two grade lotus."

The seventy-two-grade lotus bears a Buddha ring on her back, and there is a blue lotus imprint on the center of her brow that is exactly the same as Xuanyuan Lian's. She slowly opened her eyes and said, "As expected of the most outstanding daughter of heaven in this era, she is so calm when she sees me. Come to expect it before you get into the gold frame."

Empress Qiangu was tall and heroic, and said: "I'm curious, what is the relationship between you and Xuanyuan Lian? It's really like the legend, she is your daughter with Haotian?"

"You shouldn't be so curious." Seventy-two-pin lotus said.

Empress Qiangu showed a bright smile, as if she was not afraid of everything in the world, and said: "I'm already dying, can't I still be a ghost who understands?"

"You're wrong, it doesn't make sense for me to kill you." Seventy-two-pin lotus said.

Empress Qiangu said: "You won't kill me? I understand. You want to capture me as a bargaining chip against grandfather and Di Chen. However, seniors are too underestimating people. It is still possible to use my spiritual will to blew up the source of God. some."

"It's absolutely impossible for you to be sure if your cultivation base has not reached Immortality and Infinity." Seventy-two-rank lotus said.

Empress Qiangu's eyes turned cold, and the Wujian Excalibur flew out at will, drawing ripples in the space, and slashed towards the seventy-two-rank lotus.

At the same time, the Thousand Bone Empress triggered the profound meaning of time, and a large number of time imprinted light spots erupted on her body, retreating sharply towards the door of the frame, and crashing into the chaotic boundary wall.

"not good!"


It was the Qiangu Empress who had slammed into the wall of the chaotic world, but she couldn't control her figure at all. Instead, she changed direction and rushed into the purple divine spring pool.

At that moment, the space is distorted!

The incomparable sword slashed by the Wujian Divine Sword, the power dissipated into the invisible, and fell into the hands of the seventy-two-rank lotus as light as a leaf.

Holding the Wujian Excalibur, she looked at the wisps of space power on the sword, and said, "Using the two ways of time and space in front of me, you have to practice at least another half a million years to be qualified."

Although Empress Qiangu was only born more than 100,000 years ago, she has cultivated with the help of the Time Origin Bead and the Profound Truth of Time, and also entered the sundial practice. Her real age is close to 500,000 years old, otherwise she would not be

It may have the current cultivation base combat power.

Zhang Ruochen and Chi Yao, who survived the catastrophe of the Second Yuanhui through practicing with the help of a sundial, are also close to 300,000 years old.

The true ages of the Xuejue Patriarch and the Desolate God of War are also close to 400,000 years old, and they have already passed the third dimension.

At this age, it is quite scary to catch up with those old guys who have practiced for over a million years.

Empress Qiangu was drenched all over, her long hair fell into the water, and there were lavender drops of water on her snowy cheeks.

She wanted to fly out of the purple divine spring pool, but found that her body was tightly suppressed by an invisible force, and every grain of water in her body was as heavy as a planet.

The seventy-two-rank lotus sealed the sword spirit of the Wujian Excalibur, and said, "Zhang Ruochen, you are number one now, representing the face of the ancestor family of the Zhang family in the Kunlun realm. Why, are you planning to hide behind a woman?" In the divine realm world, you are too far behind Sumi!"

The Thousand Bone Empress in the water slowly flew up.

Under her feet, the space oscillated, and a corner of the divine realm opened.

Zhang Ruochen walked out slowly, but he did not leave the world of Goddess Qiangu Empress. He stopped at the entrance of the world and said, "You are also qualified to mention the name of the holy monk? Kong Fanning, the holy monk couldn't wake up even with his life." Your conscience. You have already distorted love and hatred, have you looked in the mirror to see your current face?"

"It was really the fault of the lord back then? The death is definitely the curse of the lord? The lord has been making up for the debts owed to you, but you have killed the Zhang family in the Kunlun realm, and you have never let it go."

The seventy-two-rank lotus had a calm face, with the calmness of a Buddhist Bodhisattva, and said: "I can understand, are you begging me to let you go? If you kneel on the ground to repent instead of Fudo Mingwang, I will consider it, go around Pass you and the Zhang Family in Kunlun Realm."

"Are you really Fanning?"

Chan Bing walked out of the divine world of Empress Qiangu with disbelief written all over her face.

The seventy-two-rank lotus stared at Chan Bing, and said, "You actually walked with Zhang Ruochen. It seems that Kong Fannu also handed over the Xueyu Xinghai Shenjun to him. Are all of you so forgetful? Are you so easy to forget what you used to do?" Shame and misery?"

Zen Bing said nothing.

"Kong Fanning, it's not us who changed, but you. You can only see the mistakes of others, but you can't see that you have changed beyond recognition. How many people have you used to take advantage of their feelings for you in order to take revenge on the Zhang family in Kunlun Realm?" God Xiuchen walked out.

The seventy-two-pin lotus said calmly and leisurely, "I didn't hear you wrong, did you have a piece of bloodless time jade, and you actually talked with me? No, that's not right, I should call you Sundial now."

Hearing these words, Xiuchen Tian was heartbroken.

Every knife cut off the relationship between her and Kong Fanning!

Zhang Ruochen said: "Kong Fanning, you are deliberately cutting off all your previous emotions, trying to be a monk without any flaws. But why is Xuanyuan Lian still alive? You are reluctant to kill her?"

Zhang Ruochen had already seen through the means of the seventy-two-rank lotus. He should have controlled Xuanyuanlian through the green lotus mark between her brows, and this just showed that the relationship between her and Xuanyuanlian was unusual.

There is a high probability that she is Xuanyuan Lian's biological mother.

If she killed Xuanyuan Lian, obliterated her spiritual consciousness, and turned her into a puppet, it would be impossible for Zhang Ruochen to detect something wrong in advance.

If Zhang Ruochen hadn't been aware of the surprise attack of the seventy-two lotus in advance, Zhang Ruochen would have been unable to prepare in advance, and there would be no chance of fighting back.

In other words, it was because the seventy-two rank lotus did not kill Xuanyuan Lian that she exposed her flaws.

When Zhang Ruochen said this, he was attacking Seventy-two Pinlian's self-righteous heart. It would be best to let her fall into self-doubt.

That is, her combat power is naturally greatly reduced.

Mood, momentum, and will can affect 20-30% of combat power.

The three are strong, and their combat power has increased by 20 to 30%. The three are weak, and their combat power has dropped by 20 to 30%.

After all this, once a life-and-death battle breaks out, Zhang Ruochen's chances of surviving will increase many times.

The seventy-two-rank lotus said: "Zhang Ruochen, you know why I can conclude that you are hiding in the divine realm of Huaying Qingchan

In the world, but not in the Temple of Time? Based on my attainments in the Way of Time, the Temple of Time is my home field for me. "

Zhang Ruochen thought for a moment, and said, "I would like to hear the details."


The momentum is weak!

Empress Qiangu sighed secretly, knowing that the seventy-two-rank lotus had taken the initiative again, causing Zhang Ruochen to fall into thinking about the unknown.

Because of the unknown, Zhang Ruochen must be worried and think about the deeper purpose of the seventy-two-pin lotus.

Doesn't Zhang Ruochen know?

he knows.

However, there is no way to do this, the cultivation base of the seventy-two grade lotus is much higher than them.

Any abnormality can be fatal.

Seventy-two-pin lotus did not answer Zhang Ruochen, UU reading www. uukanshu. com said: "You know, why I still let Xuanyuan Lian drive to Tianren Academy when I knew your purpose?"

Zhang Ruochen said: "You want to obtain the Nine Heavens World of the Great Master, and you want to release the dark and weird part of the body sealed in the world of the second Confucian ancestor. Isn't that the purpose you killed the fourth Confucian ancestor in Tianren Academy? ?”

"Unfortunately, you didn't expect that the Fourth Confucian Patriarch had long been suspicious, and left the Hunyuan Brush that opened the Ancestral Realm in the Kunlun Realm, which made you fall short."

The seventy-two-rank lotus said: "What you said is correct, but not complete. I must use the blood of you and Zhang Jie to infect the world of the Nine Heavens, so that I can control the Nine Heavens."

"Because you gave up your former physical body, now you are just a lotus, right?"

Zhang Ruochen laughed loudly: "Seventy-two lotus, do you think you can beat me again? In today's battle, you will definitely lose."


"River Map" flew out and hovered above Zhang Ruochen's head, and wisps of the half-ancestor demonic energy that overwhelmed the Galaxy escaped from it.

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