MTL - God Emperor-Chapter 3951 to die

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Murong Yue was dressed in a black robe and a black veil, standing on the shore of Luoshui, looking at the sky, said: "Sure enough, Xingtian Mozun did not make a mistake, the catastrophe of annihilation has really come!"

A dark purple circular space door appeared behind her, and the mighty devilish energy was released, pulling the territory of millions of miles, including Luoshui, into the world of gods in an instant.

Then, rush to Wangshan at the fastest speed.

In the face of the destructive storm of the Tianzun level, perhaps only Wang Shan's defensive formation, and the ancestor Yuwei of the Tianzun's tomb in the depths of Wang Shan, can resist one or two.

The eastern region is vast, even if the destructive storm spreads at the speed of light, with the reaction speed of the gods, in some farther regions, it is possible to release the world of the gods and take away the creatures on some territories.

However, whether these gods can block the aftermath of the Tianzun-level destruction storm, and whether they can escape the attack range of the aftermath is still unknown.

After the explosion of Shenyuan, the seventy-two courtyards of the Sangong of Liangyizong were all covered by gray dust.


In the dust, a majestic eighteen-story tower flew out, heading straight for the world-protecting array in the sky.

"The Jiange has disappeared!"

An ancient palace master who looked like an ape with long white hair, his body swelled rapidly, and he stretched out a huge hand to grab the sword pavilion.

Standing outside the tower gate of the first floor of the Jiange, Princess Shenni is wearing a purple robe, with a wooden hairpin in her bun, and holding a divine staff, pushing her spiritual power to the extreme, so that the formation inscription engraved on the Jiange by the Supreme Master The pattern became extremely bright, and the speed increased greatly, avoiding the power of space storage in the palm of the ancient palace master.

After inheriting Murong Buhuo's divine heart, the spiritual power of Princess Shennu has already reached the point where a single thought determines the universe.

Only with a spiritual power **** like her sitting in Kunlun Realm can the formation arranged by the Supreme Being be brought into full play to a certain extent.

The Jiange is the eye of the world-protecting array, constantly jumping in space, avoiding the suppression of the ancient master of the space temple. At the same time, the formation inscription pattern on the tower body is closely connected with the World Protector God Formation, activating the World Protector God Formation step by step.

Princess Shennu said coldly: "You guys, don't be arrogant, when the protective array is fully activated, none of you will be able to escape."

Before the words were finished, Princess Shennu had already raised her divine scepter, attracted the power of the incomplete world-protecting array, and lowered a beam of lightning, repelling an ancient palace master who was chasing after her.

The ancient palace master's whole body became scorched black, emitting smoke, and the outer skin and flesh turned into fly ash.

The Divine Formation of Protecting the World contains not only the power of the formation, but also the power of all beings in the Kunlun Realm. It even connects the mountains and rivers, the holy mountains and the gods, and the ancient city of Canghai through formations, thereby mobilizing the power of the big world itself.

It can also connect to the veins of the universe, the stars outside the sky, and attract the continuous power of heaven and earth.

This is why no one dares to easily break into the Kunlun Realm!

If you want to enter the world of inner destruction, you must be mentally prepared to die in the Kunlun world.

Unless you have full confidence, you can guarantee that you can destroy the World Protector God Array or destroy the entire world before the World Protector God Array is fully opened.


The seventy-two-rank lotus stepped through the space and appeared in front of the Jiange. The aura and power on her body made the formation inscriptions in the sky and the earth confused. Dare to have such self-confidence. Relying on a formation, do you think that the world is invincible?"

"Everything is invisible."

She raised her right arm and pressed her five fingers out into the void.

The Jiange is fixed in the space.

Even with the spiritual power of the concubine, she couldn't move her whole body. Even the spiritual power seemed to be condensed, unable to be manipulated, stimulated, or used.

The formation inscription pattern arranged by the Supreme Master on the periphery of the Jiange was quickly obliterated by the invisible force of Vientiane.

Raising land, the seventy-two-rank lotus felt extremely dangerous, and burst out backwards.


As her neck cooled, a streak of blood spilled out in front of her eyes.

Half of her neck was cut off by the Demon Ancestor Ziwu Axe, and the divine blood continued to spill out, dyeing the white clothes red, as gorgeous as plum blossoms.

Covering the blurred afterimage, grabbing the Demon Ancestor Ziwu Yue, and struck out the second blow.

After the seventy-two-grade lotus stabilized her figure, she went up to meet it with both hands, turning into thousands of hand shadows, and directly collided with the demon ancestor Ziwu axe.

"Bang bang!"

I don't know how many blows they fought, and the two flew out.

The seventy-two-rank lotus touched the wound on her neck with her fingers, and the wound healed automatically. She said calmly, "It's no wonder that all the strong people in the Kunlun realm dared to go out. It turned out that you were to ambush me in the Kunlun realm. However, the so-called Supreme Pillar , that's all!"

Gai Mie laughed loudly: "Being the daughter of the first ancestor, she also has the intangible power of all things cultivated by the true inheritance of the immortal, but I don't think it's that strong, it's a lot worse than the Heavenly Demon back then!"

Gai Mie was hiding in the Jiange, just waiting for the rabbit, ready to strike the winner unexpectedly and cut off the head of the seventy-two-rank lotus.

As long as the body and head are separated and she is not given a chance to reunite with her divine body, her combat power will inevitably drop severely.

However, the seventy-two rank lotus's attainments in time and space are unpredictable, and it avoided half of the thunderbolt blow that would destroy it.

Her combat power was too terrifying, and she received Gai Mie's follow-up attack with her bare hands, making the ambush fall short.

Among Gai Mie's old friends, only the Heavenly Demon of the Tianzun-level period was better than the seventy-two-rank lotus.

Gai Mie raised his head, glanced at the sword pavilion that ascended into the sky and disappeared into the world-protecting array, and said, "The world-protecting array is about to open! With me here, do you still think that you can get out of the Kunlun world?" ?”

In addition to Jiange, there are five important formation foundations in Kunlun Realm: Tianmo Mountain, Tongtian Temple, Peach Tree, Dragon Temple, and Central Imperial City.

Chi Xingtian and the eight-winged Yachalong stood on the top of Tianmo Mountain.

The three elders of Shengu Nest and Chi Yao walked out from the Tongtian Temple, the Peach Tree, the Dragon Temple, and the Central Imperial City respectively.

The seventy-two rank lotus could sense their aura, so of course they understood that the Kunlun Realm was well prepared, and said: "Is this inviting you into the urn? Unfortunately, the Kunlun Realm, which was dilapidated before the Yuanhui, couldn't keep the Tianzun class. It will only usher in the end of destruction."

Jie Tian felt a sense, looked at the starry sky, and said, "Something happened in the Kunlun Realm!"

"This is expected in itself, the star field teleportation array has been set up, and grandfather will definitely rush back as quickly as possible." Empress Qiangu said.

Jie Tian said: "If he rushes back, maybe it's just in his favor."

Empress Qiangu also had a feeling, and said: "The Eastern Territory is destroyed, how can Jietian be so peaceful?"

"I've already experienced a catastrophe before the Yuanhui. What else is unbearable? The casualties in the battle back then were several times more severe than today's, right? Don't worry about the Kunlun Realm, the crisis in front of you is even more terrifying."

Jie Tian's teeth were about to gnaw into pieces before he spoke such calm words, and said in a deep voice, "It's starting to move again, **** it."


Below Jiuchongtianyu, in the first ancestor realm of the second Confucian ancestor, the power of darkness continued to escape, impacting the world of Jiuchongtianyu.

Zhang Ruochen, who was standing inside the Sea of ​​Asura's Battle Soul, of course sensed some situation in the Kunlun Realm, his eyes became blurred and deep.

But, as Jie Tian said, they can't do anything now!

It's too late to rush back, and solving the current crisis is the most important thing.

As the heavens, as a strong man holding up a piece of heaven and earth, sometimes you need to control your emotions, no matter how sad, angry, or painful, you have to stay calm.

Not only is the darkness and weirdness in the world of the second Confucian ancestor impacting the seal, but also the stone man in Zhang Ruochen's divine world, whether stimulated by some unknown force, has also changed.

The stone skins on their bodies kept falling off.

The cracks on the stone skin are getting bigger and bigger.

Fortunately, when Zhang Ruochen left Wuding Shenhai, he decided to divide the danger, and handed over six of the eleven stone figures to Tai Shifu for suppression. Otherwise, he couldn't hold back at this moment.

"I don't know if the six stone men in Wuding Shenhai have also changed?" Zhang Ruochen became more and more depressed.


There is no moment like this time when I truly feel the precariousness of the universe, and feel that the catastrophe of heaven and earth has really come!

The turmoil before the catastrophe, the struggle before the destruction, all stability will be destroyed, no matter how high the cultivation level is, it may be wiped out in the next moment.

"There is a situation."

Xiuchen Tianshen's voice pulled Zhang Ruochen back to reality from his grief.

I saw a purple-black sacred car, led by two white deer-like beasts, heading straight for the Academy of Heaven and Man, which was incompatible with the dark and strange atmosphere of the heavenly court where all the monks were fighting together.

On the wall of the sacred chariot, there is a branded "Heaven" character.

This is the frame of the "Angel" under the seat of the Lord of the Temple of Death.

This **** of death is not the temple of the **** of death, but the largest killer organization in the universe today. After being subdued by Zhang Ruochen, Afuya served as the master of the hall, and Han Qiu and A Le served as the second envoys of heaven and earth, respectively, taking charge of the power of the heaven and the region.

In other words, this is Han Qiu's frame.

Xiuchen Tianshen said: "I have an ominous premonition! Zhang Ruochen, no matter what happens, you have to calm down, otherwise the dark rules will be broken, and the five stone men will be born, and everyone will die."

Han Qiu and Qing Su sat calmly on the left and right sides of the frame, and in their eyes, there was not only unwillingness to face the end of life, but also relief after figuring out the inevitability of life and death.

Jianxiu, who looked exactly like Shangqing, sat on the innermost side of the frame in an even and stable manner, and said, "You are so calm and calm, beyond my expectations, no wonder you were entrusted with important tasks by Zhang Ruochen. But, have you ever thought about it? Why are you sitting in the Temple of the Death God and the Twelve Goddess Square? And women like Bai Qing'er and Wuyue were placed in the safest place by Zhang Ruochen to protect them."

Han Qiu recalled every detail of Zhang Ruochen, when they first met in Yunwu Commandery, when Zhang Ruochen taught her sword skills when they fled together, and when they joined the Liangyi sect together...

After so many years, everything is like a dream.

From the beginning, she persistently wanted to marry Zhang Ruochen and become Shengming's concubine.

Up to now, she has seen clearly the gap between herself and Zhang Ruochen, and even the gap with women like Chi Yao, Wu Yue, and Bai Qing'er. Now Han Qiu only wants to go further on the road of practice, if he can... he can leave something in Zhang Ruochen's heart, then he will be content!

It's not fair to love someone. Some things can't be obtained even if you work hard for them.

But at least you have worked hard and worked hard, and you will not regret it.

Withdrawing from the memory, Han Qiu smiled fearlessly: "To sow dissension at this time is inconsistent with the identity of the senior, right?"

Qing Su said: "If he had great courage, he wouldn't use us two little girls to threaten Master. From this we can see that high cultivation is not necessarily worthy of admiration."

The sword cultivator with the appearance of Shangqing was not angry, and said: "Zhang Ruochen used the most beloved woman of this seat to deal with this seat, is it bold? Isn't it good to use you to deal with him? It's a pity, UU Reading He failed to capture the woman Zhang Ruochen cared about the most."

Han Qiu and Qing Su also showed an unbelievable look, and the same doubts emerged in their hearts: "What is the relationship between the ancestor Luo Weiluo and him?"

The sword cultivator with a clear appearance said, "Whether you can live or not depends on Zhang Ruochen's choice!"

A sneer appeared on Han Qiu's face: "If senior releases me to see Zhang Ruochen, I will be sure to persuade him to release Luo Ailuo and release the real body of senior who was suppressed under the world of Jiuchong Tianyu."

The sword repairer with a clear appearance saw her through, and said, "Are you trying to kill yourself? Young man, your life and death are no longer yours, and now they are in my hands... no, it's in Zhang Ruochen's hands."

The smile on Han Qiu's face gradually disappeared.

The sword cultivator with the appearance of Shangqing suddenly said quietly: "If you really have the courage to kill yourself, I can also help you. After all, this will make Zhang Ruochen feel the cruelty of being my enemy, and he will have a long memory in the future. , but it has some value. I'm just worried, you don't have any weight in his heart, which makes it look like I'm wasting my time!"

Han Qiu's eyes became sad.

Qing Su knew that Han Qiu was no match for this person at all, and said: "The moment I fell into the hands of senior, I knew that our lives were meaningless. But, as long as Master can unswervingly refine and kill Luo Aoluo , to suppress the darkness and weirdness, if you don’t let you succeed, even if I lose my life, I will be very happy.”

Han Qiu recovered, and said, "It's an honor in itself to be able to die at the hands of someone like Senior. At the same time, it also proves our value in Dichen's heart. Isn't it?"

The sword cultivator who looked like Shangqing laughed, and said: "Interesting, I hope you can be so calm when death is imminent. Tianren Academy is here!"

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