MTL - God Emperor-Chapter 3960 Responses to Woe of the Primordials

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The children of the Zhang family returned from all walks of life one after another, and entered the world of Jiuchong Tianyu through the entrance of Wangshan.

After tens of thousands of years of reproduction, there are countless descendants. Even in the catastrophe of the Eastern Territory, with countless casualties, there are still hundreds of millions of survivors.

Such a family is not that huge in the universe.

Any family with a **** who is willing to cultivate future generations can reach this scale.

And the ethnic groups at the level of the nine major families control at least dozens of large worlds, hundreds of thousands of living planets, and their descendants are all counted in tens of trillions or trillions, distributed in various planets, ruins, and great worlds. world.

It's just that mediocre people are marginalized, no different from ordinary people, they are just blood carriers!

After Zhang Ruochen brought Patriarch Taiqing and Patriarch Yuqing to see Shangqing who was suppressed under the jade tree of time, he came to the entrance of Tianyu World, and happened to see this scene in front of him.

The disciples of the Zhang family lined up to enter, like a long dragon with no tail in sight.

Patriarch Taiqing said: "Kong Fanning has a deep hatred for the Zhang family in the Kunlun Realm, and is good at cursing. Ruochen must protect the monks with the highest blood."

Patriarch Yuqing snorted: "How can it be so easy to cast the Bloodline Curse? Although Kong Fanning is strong, he is not yet invincible. Once the children of the Zhang family enter the world of the Nine Heavens, they will be protected by the power of the ancestor of Fudo Ming Wang Dazun. The curse does not threaten them yet."

Zhang Ruochen said: "Ruochen remembers the words of the patriarch! However, the Dao-cutting Curse has cursed the Zhang family in the Kunlun realm for millions of years, but it has not destroyed us. Now that the Zhang family has me, it is even more impossible for her to do it!"

Zhang Ruochen's spiritual power has reached the ninety-first level, and he can perceive the subtle secrets of the universe with infinite power.

If the seventy-two lotus really wants to cast a curse to kill the monks related to him, Zhang Ruochen can naturally see it immediately, and then fight against the seventy-two lotus in the vast void to break the curse.

With the mani beads in his hand, he has the ability to cross space and break curses.

Of course, if Zhang Ruochen's mental strength and cultivation level can be improved, the threat caused by the curse of the seventy-two rank lotus will be even smaller!

Today's Zhang Ruochen can only protect the monks in Kunlun Realm from being threatened by the curse.

If the monks leave the Kunlun Realm, or if Zhang Ruochen leaves the Kunlun Realm, it will be very difficult to stop the seventy-two rank lotus.

If Zhang Ruochen's spiritual power reaches the ninety-third level, or his cultivation level reaches the level of Tianzun, he can completely ignore the threat of the curse. Once the seventy-two grade lotus casts the curse, Zhang Ruochen can even find her and appear in front of her before the curse takes effect.

Patriarch Taiqing glanced back at the jade tree of time that was high into the clouds, and sighed: "He is no longer Shangqing, can figure it out! Yuqing and I, first go back to Liangyizong to have a look, After so many years, it's finally back!"

The southern universe dominates the world, the world of demons and gods.

Legend has it that Yaozu Ridge is the place where Yaozu became enlightened. In his later years, he merged the Ancestral Realm he cultivated with Yaozu Ridge.

After Yaozu died, Yaozu Ridge disappeared into the world.

Now that Yaozu Ridge reappeared, it was an earth-shattering event for the entire Yaozu and the entire southern universe.

"After Yaozu Ridge was born, the cultivation speed of all Yaozu cultivators who entered it increased by several times. According to legend, there are several great gods who broke through to infinity and became **** kings and gods."

On the shore of the South China Sea, a high **** with a squirrel head, vividly told Yan Wushen about all the things in recent years.

The waves crashed against the rocks, roaring loudly.

Yan Wushen stood facing the wind, looking at the mountain suspended in the sky above the South China Sea, which looked like an independent world. All I saw was that the mountain released ten thousand kinds of rays of light, and it rained blue light all the year round, and huge demon ancestor monks came in and out.

"Your Excellency is so courageous that you dare to break into the Demon God Realm alone."

In the void, an old voice sounded.

In the next moment, Grandma Xue, the contemporary patriarch of the Chongming Bird Clan, appeared on the surface of the South China Sea, staring at Yan Wushen on the shore.

The highgod on the squirrel's head was instantly crushed by its divine power and knelt down on the ground.

Yan Wushen carries double

Arm, smiled faintly: "The Demon God Realm is not a dragon's pond and a tiger's lair, why can't I come? Take me to see Patriarch Chongming."

Grandma Xue said, "Old Ancestor, you can see him whenever you want?"

Yan Wushen said: "In that case... I'll go."

"Come when you want, leave when you want, what kind of place do you think the Demon God Realm is?"

Grandma Xue let out her air, and suddenly it was snowing all over the sky.

Every snowflake has the power to cut space, flying towards Yan Wushen, impenetrable.


Yan Wushen's eyes froze, and a burst of space power broke out, shaking all the flying snow away.

Even Grandma Xue, who was dozens of miles away, was also sent flying by the force of space, and blood flowed from all seven orifices.

Such a strong behavior, as if he is the master of the demon **** world.

Grandma Xue was so furious that she was about to summon the gods of the monster clan through sound transmission, but she heard the voice of Chongming ancestor above her head: "Bring him to Taibai Peak!"

Yan Wushen showed a smile: "Please!"

Feng Yan, Qingsixue, and Xiang Chunan were sitting in a gazebo in the back garden of the Zhang Family Mansion, received by Chi Yao personally, drinking tea and chatting about homework.

Zhang Yuyan was playing the piano not far away on Zhu Tower, the sound of the piano was melodious.

Such an arrangement is by no means to receive the Patriarch of the Feng Family or the Young Master of the Temple of Truth, but rather like a family banquet, with a sense of intimacy in it.

After Zhang Ruochen came, he showed a rare smile on his face, and said, "Second brother, third brother, younger brother and sister, I kept you waiting for a long time, did you not take good care of me?"

Feng Yan became more mature, with an emperor-like temperament, and said: "The queen personally received us, we are flattered."

Qing Sixue smiled and said: "Yan'er's piano skills have become more advanced, and she may be able to prove the Confucianism in the future."

Xiang Chunan said: "Confucian ancestors? How can it be so easy for Confucian ancestors? However, it is not a big problem if the spiritual power reaches the eightieth level, or even the eighty-fifth level."

"Go ahead and drink your tea!"

Qing Sixue almost kicked Xiang Chunan into the pool.

After Zhang Ruochen sat down, he looked at Feng Yan and said, "The Feng family is fine now, do you need my help?"

The seventy-two-grade lotus broke into the Pangu Realm and captured the colorful clay figurines from the Feng family. In order to prevent her from taking away Wa Palace, Feng Tian blew himself up and forced her to retreat.

It is conceivable that the Feng family will be in a very difficult situation after losing the Zhutian seat.

Feng Yan shook his head lightly, and said: "The Ancient God Panyuan, the Master of the Palace of Truth, and the Temple of the Five Elements have been protecting the Feng family, and no Xiaoxiao dares to take advantage of the fire to rob them. Besides, these years, the island owner and the queen have taken good care of the Feng family. Don’t worry about little things, big brother!”

Zhang Ruochen glanced at Chi Yao, and continued: "Back in the Temple of Time, with the help of the sundial, you have made great progress in cultivation, and strive to enter Wuliang as soon as possible, and truly support the overall situation of the Feng family."

As a monk of the same generation as Zhang Ruochen, Feng Yan's cultivation speed is already very fast, only one step away from Wuliang.

The monks around Zhang Ruochen who have entered the infinite realm, such as Qingsu, Chi Xingtian, Xuanyuanlian, Luna, Wuyue, Xiaohei, Wonderful Channv, Haishang Youruo, Yanxuan Beishi, Xuejue God of War, Huangtian... at least all It is a person before Yuanhui, or even several people before Yuanhui.

These people have their own time background, and they don't just rely on the sundial to backfire.

Even Bai Qinger, a Yuanhui-level genius, was born thousands of years earlier than Zhang Ruochen and Feng Yan.

Other cultivation monsters, such as Zhang Ruochen, Yan Wushen, Givenchy, and Chi Yao, each have their own defying features, and Fengyan is naturally incomparable!

Qing Sixue began to talk about serious matters, and said: "The Great Tribulation of the Eastern Territory and the death of Han Qiu and Xuanji Sword God, I know that my brother must be deeply saddened, and I shouldn't have bothered you. But, there is one thing that is imminent and must be resolved as soon as possible. "

Xiang Chunan had a loud voice, and said: "Darkness is weird. Before leaving, he said that before the calamity is measured, there must be the disaster of the ancestors. The prison of the netherworld will be broken, and the heaven and **** will be destroyed. Teacher Niang thinks that this is by no means a scare statement. We must rush to the netherworld Find a countermeasure before the dungeon breaks."

Qing Sixue said: "After the discussions among the heavens, there are three completely different

decision. First, learn from the stone clan in the **** world, select ten great monks with unlimited potential, and integrate the world of the stone **** galaxy and the **** realm. In this way, Stone God is no longer a fixed target and can be better hidden. "

"Although the monks on the Heavenly Court cannot refine the world spirits of the Great World like the Stone Clan, they can bring the Great World into the God Realm and hide it temporarily."

Empress Chi Yao said: "If this is the case, the big world must be cut off from the universe, and it will no longer be able to obtain the energy of heaven and earth from the universe. In other words, if you want to hide completely, the monks in the whole big world, including the monks themselves, can no longer practice. Everything will come to a standstill."

Qingsixue showed a distressed look on her face, and said: "Yes, but the ancestor was born, who can stop it in the universe today? No matter what, let's avoid this catastrophe first. What if... there is no disaster from the ancestor?"

"Everyone is forced to stop practicing, but it is what the Destroyer wants to see the most. In this way, they only need to spend more time hunting and killing them one by one! This can only be a temporary strategy!"

Zhang Ruochen asked, "What about the second strategy?"

Qingsixue said: "The second strategy was proposed by Taizu Xuanyuan, to gather all the monks above the holy realm from the eight thousand great worlds of the heavenly universe and the ancient civilization factions to the heavenly court, and at the same time, refine all the great worlds into formations, Surrounding the four sides of the heavenly court, forming a grand formation of ten thousand realms, to fight decisively with the ancestors, and fight to the death with the immortals to the end."

Chi Yao's eyes showed a look of praise, and said: "It is Xuanyuan Taizhen's style to be so tough. Combining the power of all beings, we will surely be able to fight against the ancestor."

Zhang Ruochen said: "Doing this is too much a test of the unity of the monks. I can suppress the mysterious sword cultivator because the monks who support me are all of one mind, so they can be invincible. However, there are many factions and complex beliefs in the Heavenly Court, and no one can The banner figures who can suppress everyone may be able to unite in a short period of time, but after a long time, many conflicts will inevitably arise due to the increasingly scarce cultivation resources."

"I'm afraid that before the scourge of the ancestors, the heavenly court has already started a civil war."

"Besides, the Ten Thousand Realms gather together, and once they collapse, they will really die together, and it is almost impossible to disperse and escape."

Zhang Ruochen asked, "What's the third strategy?"

Feng Yan said: "Look for the power that can fight against the ancestor."

Zhang Ruochen said, "Is there such a power?"

Feng Yan said: "Yes! It's like the mysterious and unpredictable God Realm, like the Yuhuang Realm of prehistoric civilization, like the Tianyu World of Fudo Mingwang Dazun, like the Jiuding, and like the darkness and weirdness."

Chi Yao wondered: "Dark and weird?"

Feng Yan nodded and said: "The analysis of the heavens in the heavenly court shows that the darkness and weirdness and the next scourge of the ancestors are probably not the same faction. Otherwise, he would not tell us about this in advance, but there is a kind of help from the monks in the world. The idea of ​​using the power to deal with the woe of the ancestors."

Zhang Ruochen said, "I'm afraid the Great Master's Tianyu World can't deal with the First Ancestor."

"What if the world of the twenty-seven heavens is complete?" Feng Yan asked.

Qing Sixue said: "Similarly, if the nine tripods are complete, there is a chance to compete against the ancestor. According to the legend, isn't the Great Bright Marr relying on the crown of victory to have the power of the ancestor in World War I?"

"In ancient times there was Mal, and today there is Master Candeng. Even if Haotian, Tianmu, and Lady Shiji cannot come back, we still have the strength to fight."

Zhang Ruochen said: "The power of the first battle does not mean that you can compete with the ancestor. Even if you fight against the ancestor, it does not mean that you can defeat the ancestor. These are three different levels of power! Don't be too optimistic!"

Chi Yao said: "The other nine worlds of heaven, the great lord, is still unknown!"

Feng Yan pondered for a moment, and said: "Actually, elder brother may not know that Wa Palace, Dragon Nest, and Yaozu Ridge may also have hidden powers that can fight against the ancestors."

Zhang Ruochen was very moved, and said, "What did you find in Wa Palace?"

Feng Yan said: "Back then, Feng Tian couldn't stop the seventy-two lotus from breaking into Wa's palace. He couldn't even blew himself up. A terrific aura was released, shaking the seventy-two-grade lotus back."

"What kind of power is that?" Chi Yao asked.

Feng Yan shook his head, and said, "I went into Wa Palace to investigate, but I didn't find that power."

Zhang Ruochen said: "The Wa Palace disappeared in the ancient times. If it was hidden in the Pangu Realm, it would have been dug out by the half-ancestors and ancestors of the later eras. The rebirth of the Wa Palace in the Pangu Realm itself means that it contains extraordinary With the power, you can avoid the probing and searching of the ancestors."

"Heavenly Court wants us to enter the dragon's lair to investigate? Looking for the power to deal with the scourge of the ancestor?"

Qing Sixue nodded and said: "The scourge of the ancestors mentioned by the dark and weird is probably the Great Demon God. However, even if the Great Demon God is born, it is impossible to be at the peak state, so we have the power to fight. Tian, ​​Tianmu, and Shiji clearly have full confidence, even if they die in battle, they will definitely explode their gods and inflict heavy damage on the Great Demon God."

At this point, Zhang Ruochen couldn't help worrying about Tian Lao, and wanted to rush to Nether Dungeon immediately.

Zhang Ruochen glanced at Feng Yan and said, "Second Brother hesitates to speak, what secret is this hiding?"

Xiang Chunan pushed Feng Yan's shoulder, and said, "What are you hiding, brothers, what can we say?"

Feng Yan finally shook his head.


The figure of Xian Chaoji appeared outside the pavilion, and said: "Lord Dichen, the news from the heavenly court and the universe, the ancient master of the space temple has appeared frequently, and he has sacrificed three big worlds. I am afraid that he is collecting blood and souls. , to help the darkness recover its strength."

Qing Sixue was furious, and said: "Damn it, they are not afraid of being punished by heaven for committing such a heinous killing."

Chi Yao frowned, and said, "The heavens are perfect, didn't you kill them?"

Xian Chaoji said: "These ancient palace masters are all extraordinary in space, they can cross the star field in an instant, and the universe is vast, even if the sky is perfect, it will take time and it is difficult to intercept and kill."

Zhang Ruochen said: "I've wanted to deal with them for a long Since I took the initiative to send them to my door, I will get rid of these minions first."

Chi Yao said: "In the vast universe, even if we can lock them for a moment, when we arrive, they must be far away."

"Many of them came to this era with colorful clay figurines as their bodies. I just want to take some colorful clay figurines!"

Zhang Ruochen stared at Feng Yan and said, "Second brother, will you walk with me?"

Xiang Chunan was afraid of his thighs, and said with a smile: "Yes, the second brother is the body of a colorful clay figurine, and he has the same origin as the ancient palace masters with colorful clay figurines. With the cultivation base of the eldest brother, it can be based on this point. , deduced to their position.”

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