MTL - God! I Turned Into a Turtle-Chapter 2196 homeland

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The empress separated half of her soul, controlled the three forms of one body, and brought the ancient god, stick and giant turtle into the air.

The original form of the system is the stick, and the woman in red is just a transformed form. Not long after she died, she reappeared in her original form.

And in the air, there is an ancient **** of reincarnation who is almost the same as Ye Que, who is Ye Que's back-up, and is using his soul to summon his soul.

Everyone was shocked when they saw this scene.


It's alive!

There were so many mourners this time that they surrounded the city of God.

There are countless people related to Ye Que.

Now, they saw that Jin Duande played a suona, which actually made the ancient **** come alive!



This is a spectacle that the world has witnessed!

Everyone's scalp was numb from the shock, and the way they looked at Jin Duande was like looking at an omnipotent **** again.

Di Xiwei, Gu Fayue, Xueyatou and others all stared at Jin Duande dumbfounded.

Even Bai Yechen, who was always calm, stared at Jin Duande in disbelief.

Don't mention them, Jin Duande is still in a daze.

"Live! He's alive!"

Di Xiwei quickly came back to her senses, trembling her voice, and all the girls were also very excited.

A person's life is full of ups and downs.

The life of the ancient **** was also the ups and downs of many people.

His life and death are related to too many people.

"Not alive yet, calling for souls!"

The Empress opened her mouth, and her voice echoed across the world.

Suddenly, everyone froze for a moment, and then became nervous.

Also at this moment, the entire sky trembled, and a corner collapsed, and there was a rumbling sound outside the boundary, as if some terrible existence was about to come.

The Empress, Master Pei, and all the bosses of the Mysterious Temple all looked in a certain direction with sharp eyes.

Then, they saw a source **** appearing from nothingness.

"The old man has been traveling in various realms for many years, but he has never been to this realm. It seems that there was something that covered this place before."

That Yuanshen descended proudly with his hands behind his back, dazzling.

Every time he went to the Realm of the True Gods, he had to show off his might and make all living beings tremble and surrender.

"All living beings and ants, I am the number one source **** of the heavens and myriad realms, so hurry up and kneel..."

Before the source myth was finished, I saw Shuiyuejing, the bosses, and the empress looking at him expressionlessly with indifferent eyes.

This situation is very embarrassing.

His brain was buzzing all of a sudden...

what's the situation?

How could there be so many source gods in a True God Realm?

When he saw Shuiyue Jing, this terrifying figure who slaughtered Yuanshen in Yuanshen Realm not long ago, he almost peed.

He is just an ordinary source god, knowing that there is no hope for eternity, he runs to the Realm of True Gods every day, and his favorite thing to do is pretend to be aggressive.

And because he didn't take part in the battle of Nine Desolation Pagoda, he was not slaughtered by Shuiyuejing, but it also scared him a lot.

"Hi... I'm bothering you..."

The Yuanshen turned around and slipped away.

How lazy she was before, how cowardly she is now.

Fortunately, this kind of thing did not continue to appear.

On the contrary, the Gods of All Sources thought that the process of summoning souls might be full of difficulties.

Unexpectedly, the process turned out to be extremely smooth.

Yes, less than fifteen minutes later, there was a sensation in the Realm of God, and then a humanoid soul was summoned here from a certain position.

"It's coming! I didn't expect it to be so smooth, there is no eternal obstacle at all!"

Grandpa Pei said excitedly.

"Master Pei, it seems that before you woke up, you didn't know that Gu Haochen was protected by the rules, right?"

Gu Yuexi saw that the summoning of souls went so smoothly without being hindered by eternity, and immediately remembered that Gu Haochen had already been protected by the Eternal Ancestor of Artifact Refining.

She was too nervous before, afraid that Gu Haochen would not come back, worried about this and that, so she didn't think about Gu Haochen's eternal protection.

"As long as Gu Haochen does not reach eternity, the power of eternity will have no effect on him. Even if it is a strand of soul, eternity will have nothing to do with him, so it is useless for those eternities to hinder him."

"As for Yuanshen, he was basically killed by Master Pei and hid. How dare he show up at this time, so Haochen's soul came back very smoothly."

Gu Yuexi smiled, and heaved a sigh of relief. It seems that there is no problem in the step of summoning the soul.

"As for the matter of him being sheltered, I have already guessed in my heart, but the old man thought it was fake, so I didn't think much about it. Unexpectedly, Ye Xiaozi has great luck!"

Grandpa Pei exclaimed.

The ancient **** of reincarnation is using a ray of soul to summon the main soul.

At this moment, Ye Que's soul had already descended. As soon as he arrived in the Realm of God, the realm began to shake, as if it couldn't bear the existence of this soul.

Fortunately, Master Pei and others forcibly consolidated this world.

Gradually, Ye Que's soul was attracted by the split soul and kept approaching.

"The ancient **** of reincarnation is just Ye Xiaozi's backhand. He has no spiritual intelligence. He only knows how to summon souls, but he doesn't know how to enter the body."

"Empress, absorb the divided soul into the body of the ancient god, and Ye Que's soul will naturally follow."

Grandpa Pei spoke.

The empress nodded, controlled the ancient god's body, opened her mouth to inhale, and sucked the soul into her body. Immediately, Gu Haochen's soul turned and approached the ancient god's body she controlled.

She was excited for a while, but immediately worried about another thing.

She anxiously asked Pei Ye: "If the body-soul integration doesn't succeed..."

Master Pei said indifferently: "I'll go to the Zixian doctor."

He is already prepared, if he can't say anything to the other party, then don't blame him for killing him, just kill the other party in seconds, and forcibly dig Shen Yun.

Gu Yuexi opened her mouth, but finally fell silent.

Next, everyone stared at Ye Que's soul, approaching the ancient god's body.

At this tense moment, the True God Realm shook violently again, and a familiar figure descended here.

Man God stared at Ye Que's soul with hatred in his eyes, and said with a sneer, "Give me a good meal! I still want to be resurrected, have you asked me?"

He hid in that adult's space before, and escaped from Shui Yuejing's pursuit.

Later, the adult said that someone was summoning the soul of the ancient god, and the barbarian took the risk to find it, and finally came here, unexpectedly, he found it.

However, the good times didn't last long.

As soon as he finished speaking, he felt several strong murderous intentions coming.

The Man God suddenly turned his head, and saw Shuiyuejing, the Empress, and many bosses from the mysterious temple staring at him coldly.

The Mysterious Temple and the Primal God are old enemies.

In the past, the Mystic Temple did not dare to appear in the world, because once it appeared, it would be suppressed forever.

Only by escaping to the Realm of the True Gods will Eternity not make a move.

After all, the creatures who have gone to the Realm of God will lose the opportunity to find the opportunity of eternity, and will not pose a threat to eternity.

Eternity generally does not attack the Realm of God.

If the True God Realm is forcibly suppressed, it will cause panic in all realms, and make the future Yuanshen feel insecure wherever they go. This is something that I will never want to see.

As for the barbarian, they dared to challenge the Mystic Temple because they knew that the Mystic Temple would not dare to appear in the world, and even hunted down and killed the Tianyuan Patriarch, and tried to seize the corpse to explain the book.

Knowing that he was wreaking havoc, the Mystic Temple could only hold back.

Now, Eternal can't take action at will, and the barbarian **** comes out to be a monster again, how can the bosses here continue to bear him!

"Man God, you escaped the old man's suppression in the Nine Desolation Pagoda by chance, and you dare to come now, have you asked me?"

Master Pei slapped the barbarian's body with a slap, causing cracks in the body of the barbarian, and blood spilled into the void.

All the bosses in the Mystic Temple snorted coldly, and all shot.

Manshen endured the pain, looked at Yuanshen present, including Ye Que's soul, with resentment, and said with a smile, "I'm bothering everyone!"

With one swipe, he ran away.

"Don't chase, the resurrection is important!"

Master Pei said in a deep voice, and the other Yuanshen stopped.

No accident, under the attention of many source gods and the world, Ye Que's soul entered the body of the ancient god.

At this moment, everything is quiet.

Everything was silent.

Everyone stared at Ye Gushen's body.

half a moment.

One hour.

an hour.

long time.

one day.

Night falls and day appears.

two days later.

The empress controlled the ancient god's body, and said sadly: "The body and soul have failed to unite, and the three forms of one body have not been revived, so they cannot be resurrected."

With only a 10% chance, they didn't win the bet.

"Let's go, follow me to Yuanshen Realm."

Master Pei had already turned into a human form, with his hands behind his back, he spoke indifferently.

"Master Pei, Haochen is not affected by eternity, and the power of eternal reincarnation should not affect him, why is his resurrection still implicated?"

The empress knew what was going to happen next, but she didn't know what to do, so after much deliberation, she could only ask this question.

"The eternal ancestor of reincarnation controls the reincarnation of the heavens and myriad realms. After the death of the living, it is under his control. This is a rule that does not conflict with the definitions of other rules. Therefore, the resurrection of Ye Xiaozi can be used by the eternity." reincarnation effect."

Master Pei said indifferently, paused for a moment, turned to look at the Empress, and said indifferently: "Next, don't worry too much, and prevent his soul from running around. I will take care of the matter of Shen Yun myself!"

He had already heard the empress talk about the relationship between Zixian doctor and Ye Que, but at the moment, he didn't care.

If he can't talk to the other party, then he will kill Zixian doctor and **** Shen Yun, even if he becomes a villain.

"Although the three-year period will only arrive next year, there is no harm in returning to the Mystic Temple now."

"Bad old man, if you want to get Shen Yun, I'll come and help you."

All the bosses of the Mystic Temple, leave with Master Pei.


Eternal Ancestor of Weapon = Eternal Ancestor of Artifact Refining = Eternal Creator of Artifact Refining = Eternal Creator of Weapon, different names but same identity

[Author's Digression]: And

Read The Duke's Passion