MTL - God! I Turned Into a Turtle-Chapter 2213 calm before the storm

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The repulsive attitude of all beings towards the mysterious temple is getting higher and higher.

But it didn't work.

The Temple of Mystery can do whatever it wants.

Misleading sentient beings by reincarnation is nothing more than gaining a good reputation before starting the second dark war.

The mysterious temple is in decline, and I don't want to care about its reputation.

Cultivating new eternity and countering reincarnation is the most important thing.

However, the indifference and indifference of the mysterious temple angered all living beings.

"Let's go, let's go to the Western God Realm and destroy the place where the group of murderers recover."

On the side of reincarnation, there is Yuanshen, who secretly guides and leads a large group of Yuanshen masters to die.

"Mysterious Temple and Eternal Mountain, no matter which side of you makes a move, as long as you start killing, you will not be able to cleanse yourself by jumping into the Yellow River."

The source **** who guides all living beings sneered sinisterly.

But he underestimated the two behemoths of the heavens and the world.

On the same day, the White Jade Pagoda, the treasure of the Mystic Temple, and the pure-blooded creatures of the Eternal Mountain found the hidden source **** and suppressed it.

As for those Yuanzun and masters, they were forcibly driven away by them.

Although it aroused public anger again, no more intense conflicts occurred.

And this is just an ordinary day in the peaceful Yuanshen Realm.

In many places, the Mystic Temple, Eternal Mountain, and the source **** of Samsara have clashed, and large and small battles have broken out.

Most of them met on the way to search for resources, and they fought because of competing for resources or because they didn't like each other.

"We are collecting resources, and the reincarnation side is also collecting resources."

You Yuanzun sent the information collected by the Yuanshen bosses back to the Mystery Temple.

"What resource?"

In the Mysterious Starry Sky Hall, the Heavenly Sword Patriarch asked with a sullen face.

Yuan Zun truthfully reported: "Scorpion grass, obsidian **** stone, life-locking space fragments..."

The faces of the high-level people present gradually turned ugly.

"Azimuth, which is specially used to refine materials that forcibly increase strength, at the cost of halving lifespan or half-disabled body."

"The obsidian **** stone, life-locking space fragments... are the materials for summoning ancient war spirits, but in today's world, there are no ancient war spirits at all."

"Don't forget, that was reincarnation. In the dark war that year, countless souls died, and reincarnation may have secretly collected their souls."

"They may not be summoning the ancient battle spirit, but they may want to awaken the ancient source god."

Master Pei said with a gloomy face.

"They didn't excavate the tomb of the **** who buried the right foot of Taichu. They should have suffered the loss last time. Last time we snatched the right hand of Taichu, and Samsara was very angry."

"This time, they obviously have to make full preparations before digging the tomb of the gods to avoid being surrounded by us again."

Tianyuan Patriarch sighed.

Outside the hall, blue sky and white clouds.

Everyone knows that the second turmoil is coming.

The bad news will devour all worlds.

Although they can block it, everyone knows in their hearts that this is just a delay.

As Yuanshen, he can't stop the eternal plan, at most it will be delayed.

"The final battle is coming."

Someone murmured.

"We should also make similar preparations. There are also such souls in our temple. Although they are rare, they are not weak after awakening."

There are high-level roads.

"We are not reincarnated. Even if we collect resources, we cannot force resurrection."

"But we have the Son of God!"

"Try it."

"There is one more thing to pay attention to. All Yuanshen must practice the secret technique to avoid the soul being taken away by the enemy after death!"

"The collection of resources must also be comprehensive. We need to create a large number of Yuanshen-level formations and Yuanshen-level weapons."

"If conditions permit, send someone to restore the power of the eternal level left in the temple."

"The search for the eternal ancient road cannot be delayed."

Somewhere in a mysterious space.

Rumble! !

There is a terrible force bursting out, filling the space.

In the end, the entire mysterious space oscillated.

A force of eternity descended on this space.

Manshen, Dixu and Fayin were shocked by the force and fell to their knees, trembling uncontrollably.

"God, take out the eternal corpse you collected. In the next few days, I will cooperate with the autopsy technique to replace you with an eternal body!"

A deep and terrifying voice came from that eternal power.

"Yes! My lord, I still have the man-made Kaitian Zhiyao and the man-made eternal law. They were created by this eternal corpse during his lifetime, and I found them in a certain space in the Fallen Nine Heavens."

"Also please, my lord, implant the man-made sky-opening glory and the man-made eternal law into my body!"

Man Shen knelt on the ground and kowtowed, his voice couldn't hide his excitement.


"I will give you a heaven-defying opportunity. From then on, you will act outside. You must not conflict with the lives of the outside world, and concentrate on finding things in time and space."

This sound echoes in the space.

Dixu and Fayin watched with envy and excitement.

Mount Eternal.

In the deepest throne of the Eternal Temple, there is a regular turbulent space hidden.

The Eternal Ancestor of Shenhuo and the Eternal Ancestor of Artifact Refining separated to the left and right, staring at the crimson divine coffin below.

"You have stayed in the tomb of God of Absolute Beginning for many years, so the autopsy should have been successful?"

The Eternal Ancestor of Shenhuo said indifferently.

The corpse was dismantled and the coffin was shaken, and there was a violent roar inside, and traces of eternal pressure were constantly flowing out of the coffin.

The Eternal Ancestor of Shenhuo and the Eternal Ancestor of Artifact Refining felt the eternal coercion, and smiles appeared on their faces.

"A sea of ​​clouds."

The Eternal Ancestor of Shenhuo spoke.

Outside the Temple of Eternity, Yunhai stood with his fists folded.

"This seat has forcibly weakened the difficulty of the Eternal Ladder. Next, there will be a large number of strong people coming out of the ladder."

"At that time, you will send someone to appease them and recruit them into Eternal Mountain."

The eternal sound echoed in Yunhai's mind.

The Eternal Ancestor of Artifact Refining also made a voice: "Send people to the heavens and worlds to collect artefact refining resources. This seat will create Yuanshen level and eternal creator weapons."


Yun Hai received the order, turned and left.

The entire Yuanshen Realm fell into a rare peace.

Only the beings below Yuanshen are still quarreling to overthrow the mysterious temple, prevent the resurrection of the ancient **** of the beginning, and suppress the ancient **** Ye, the descendant of the beginning.

Under this seemingly peaceful surface environment, the powerhouses of all parties are intensively collecting resources and intelligence.

From time to time, there will be a source god-level battle in a certain realm, even the source **** level.

There are even such battles in the Realm of God.

But fortunately, all parties are restraining.

At this moment, the ideas of all parties are basically unified.

It's roughly the same: You fight back and you fight, and when I'm ready, I will take you all together.

a month later.

The ancient **** Ye Que walked out of the small world of time.

As soon as he came out, the lives of all levels of the mysterious temple were disturbed.

"Did you raise the Dou Zhan Eternal Law to the extreme level?"

"Have you finished absorbing Shen Yun?"

"Has the potential of the Nine Skymarks been fully tapped?"

Various voices came.

Ye Que shook his head.

Seeing his solemn expression, everyone's heart sank, and a thought popped up in their minds: Is there an accident? Don't lose the chain at the critical moment.

Suddenly, when they saw Ye Que open his mouth, they all looked intently.

I saw Ye Que looking at the sky melancholy, his actions touched everyone's hearts.

"I miss my wife and kids."

Ye Que sighed.

He had only hugged his baby once, and as a father, he really shouldn't.

Everyone: "..."

Master Pei turned black, and called the elders: "Dug out a direct passage between the mysterious temple and the real world where the ancient gods reside."

Create a channel between the two realms.

Contemporary forces and a single source **** cannot be built.

But for the mysterious temple, even if the mysterious temple is lonely, it still has the foundation to build.

"Boy Ye, practice hard, don't think about going to the lower world, we will arrange for them to come to see you directly."

Master Pei said.

Ye Que smiled and said: "Look at how nervous you are, I have one more thing to do when I come out, I'm going to visit the tomb of the gods, and dissect the star sea worm."

"You can't go to the tomb of the gods now, it will easily lead to a war between all parties, restraint, restraint!"

The ancestor of Tianjian hurriedly spoke.

"I don't go to the tomb of the gods that haven't been excavated. The tomb of the gods I want to go to has already been excavated and is empty. Don't be nervous."

Ye Que smiled faintly, thinking of the last time, when Samsara dug out the right foot of the beginning, leaving an empty tomb of the god, which is very suitable for the Xinghai insect's autopsy.


Modify a small BUG, ​​the reincarnation side has excavated the right foot of Taichu, only the left foot of Taichu has not been excavated, the previous few pictures are mixed, now correct it.

[Author's digression]: Good night, see you tomorrow

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