MTL - God! I Turned Into a Turtle-Chapter 2250 Ancient God Resurrection

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The indifferent and majestic voice of the ancient **** in the early days echoed in the heavens and the world.

All source gods and eternity were shocked.

For the first time, all eternity, regardless of enemy or friend, all looked at the mysterious temple that had been reduced to ruins.

There, the resurrection formation has been broken.

However, the scattered limbs of the primordial being nearby burst out with azure blue light, spreading across the world, triggering thousands of laws and millions of orders.

A large number of turbulent rules came here, surrounded and intertwined.

boom! !

The terrifying power of eternity exploded from the blue light, and this world could hardly bear it, and afterimages of shaking began to appear.

All life was intimidated, and I only felt my scalp numb and my whole body chill.

The eternity headed by reincarnation changed greatly.

Almost at the same time, they rushed to the limbs of Taichu, and their shots were streaks of regular divine light, trying to wipe them out.

"After I buried myself back then, although I couldn't be resurrected, after tens of billions of years of relief, I was still able to get out of trouble."

boom! !

In the azure blue light, there is a terrifying power, shaking the eternity headed by reincarnation.

"But you reincarnated, but you didn't want me to be resurrected. You deliberately sealed me, ruined my resurrection plan, and let me sleep again for endless years."

Indifferent as the voice of the sky, majestic as the realm of the gods, these words echoed in the heavens and all realms, and lingered for a long time.

"However, you corrupt eternity, have you ever thought about it, I am the ancient **** of the beginning, how can you hinder my resurrection?"

Within the azure blue light, a burly man dressed in rules, with a burly figure and rule runes flowing all over his body, stepped out.

"I have never needed any resurrection formations. As long as I am dug out, I can be resurrected on my own."

The ancient **** of the beginning, with loose black hair, the hair flows regularly, and one strand of hair can collapse the world.

Surrounded by rules, he stepped on the long river of time and space, with the turbulent flow of rules on his head, overlooking the regressive reincarnation.

"In this case, you, why didn't you resurrect early?"

Samsara yelled in horror, stepped back, his expression was full of fear, and the other eternities who were with him were not much better.

"This seat can't see the experiment of combining the twenty-seven sky marks, and I always feel a little unwilling, so I want to ask you to force me. Is this reason appropriate?"

The divine voice of the ancient gods in the early days echoed through the heavens and the earth, piercing through time and space.

clang! !

In the beginning, the eternal clock flew out of his eyes, hung in the air, and communicated with the rules between heaven and earth, as if trying to reverse the world, it is a supreme god.

I saw the ancient gods in the early days, one step at a time, and everything in the world is surrendering.

He overlooked the reincarnation below, and said coldly: "It's time to end! Everything decays, ashes to ashes, dust to dust, and the heavens and worlds will be reborn!"

The big reckoning is coming.

In the beginning, the Eternal Universe Clock seemed to be the clock of annihilation, but it suddenly grew bigger, covering the entire Yuanshen Realm, reincarnation and other eternity, and underneath it, it was like an ant.

Samsara's expression was pale, and he never thought about a battle at all. When he saw Hengyu Bell lowering the rule **** pattern and sealing off this world, he knew that he would suffer.

Without hesitation, he turned around to tear apart nothingness, and got into the turbulent flow of rules.

"Unseal all Eternal Annihilation Beasts."

Samsara wants to borrow strength.

Other eternities, such as the wind of the sky, the void, etc., all left with him.

However, the process was not so smooth.

boom! !

In the turbulent flow of rules, it is filled with golden brilliance, which shakes the killing, the void and the eternity of the sword into the Yuanshen Realm.

The ancient god, whose body was covered with golden and regular light, stepped on the long river of time and space, and walked out of the regular turbulent flow.

He held back three eternities.

"The eternal ancestor of time and space."

Void Eternal swallowed his saliva.

This is the head of the three eternal gods.

Back then, they framed and joined forces to kill Eternal Time and Space.

Know the eternal power of time and space.

Now, the newly born Eternal Ancestor of Time and Space is their sworn enemy.

"It's over."

Sword of Eternity murmured.

"It's just become eternity, let's kill him together!"

Killing Eternal said coldly.

Time and Space Eternity pierced Killing Eternal's head with just one glance, and Killing Eternal screamed in pain.

"Today's ending is all caused by you. Next, let's go."

The eternal ancestor of time and space, with an opening full of years, with a long and smooth divine voice, moves time and space.

Before the eternal coercion of the universe clock descended from the beginning of time, the long river of time and space appeared from the distant past, present and future, swallowing up the killing forever.

"No! Help! Help me!"

Killing Eternal screamed in horror, with despair in his eyes.

But no one could save him, and he was eventually swallowed by the long river of time and space.

"You will be completely obliterated by the long river of time and space, and become the nutrient of the past, the present and the future."

Time and space eternity sent down an oracle, announcing the end of killing eternity.

Void and Eternal Sword are experienced and experienced, avoiding the suppression of the long river of time and space in advance.

They escaped in a dangerous situation and wanted to enter the turbulent flow of rules.

However, there is another eternity waiting for them.

It's not Young Zhibai, it's not Shenhuo, it's not refining weapons, it's not New Eternity.

Instead, strike back against the Eternal Ones.

The giant tortoise crawled out of the regular turbulent flow, with regular runes flowing from its body, rippling with a destructive aura.

He roared up to the sky, shaking forever.

Void and Eternity of the Sword, seeing the giant turtle blocking the way, immediately shot.

They avoided the turtle shell and shot to cut off the giant turtle's limbs and neck.

But they never thought that the giant tortoise was covered by counterattack rules, and all their attacks were returned by the rules.

The counterattack rule cannot be avoided.

The power that falls on the giant tortoise will absolutely counterattack back, and absolutely eat the counterattack damage.

The divine sound of colliding rules exploded like a world exploding.

The void and the eternity of the sword are torn apart by the counterattack rules.

They were left in Yuanshen Realm.


Fight back against the Eternal Ones, roaring at them.

As the giant tortoise counterattacking the eternal ancestor, its own combat power, no matter how strong or weak, has lost all meaning.

"This time it's really over."

Void Eternal paled and murmured in despair. He saw the Eternal Clock of Absolute Beginning and lowered a rule rune to obliterate himself.

Eternal Sword still wanted to escape, but was stopped by Eternal Time and Space, and suppressed with the long river of Time and Space.

It's almost effortless.

Void, sword and slaughter, the three eternities, were wiped out by the constant clock, time and space and counterattack in less than half a moment.

It was quicker than killing Yuanshen.

This scene is really shocking.

You Zhibai waited for eternity, but she has not recovered yet.

Suddenly, the Ancient God of Absolute Beginning, who was hanging in the air, turned around, and his eyes fell on the source gods.

"It's time to come."

"It's time to liquidate us."

The source **** of the mysterious temple and Eternal Mountain suddenly murmured calmly.

The hostile source gods scattered and fled.

"Big dreams come to nothing."

The ancient **** of the beginning said leisurely, all the hostile source gods, their bodies fell apart, like sand, dissipating little by little.

In the end, more than three hundred source gods all died.

After finishing this matter, he turned his attention to time and space and countering eternity.

You Zhibai became nervous.

The ancient **** stood on top of the giant tortoise, looked at the ancient **** of the beginning, was not afraid, neither humble nor overbearing, calmly said: "You and I have an eternal contract."

The ancient **** of the beginning is immortal, staring at the ancient god, said leisurely: "Even if I violate the eternal contract, nothing will happen, but I will still fulfill the promise."

The topic changed, and he said again: "But before that, I want to go to the chaotic flow of rules to wipe out the eternal annihilation beast and the remnants of reincarnation. Are you going?"

