MTL - God Level Farm-Chapter 1 Return of the soldier

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Sanshan City, Southeast Province, winter afternoon.

Sanshan Square in the southern suburbs of the city.

In the rush of people, a young man with a pale face is walking at a steady pace.

His name is Xia Ruofei. He is 21 years old and is a veteran who has just left the military camp.

Xia Ruofei's body is not tall, about one meter seven or five, the body is slightly thin.

He has a fine round short hair, wearing a brown 07-style winter camouflage training suit, and a pair of black high-top combat boots on his feet.

However, there were no military ranks and military emblems on the very old-fashioned camouflage training uniforms. The combat boots were also very damaged. Several patent leathers were worn out, as if they were ugly.

Although Xia Ruofei’s clothes are old, they are very clean and give a refreshing feeling.

But in any case, this dress makes him seem a bit out of place in the urban crowd, and even attracts some curious and even contemptuous eyes.

However, Xia Ruofei has turned a blind eye, and his waist is still quite straight. He walks forward with a standard step of 75 centimeters per step. He walks between the tigers and the wind, and his body radiates a strong military atmosphere.

Xia Ruofei's hand was holding a remittance receipt, and his pale face was full of sorrow.

"Tiger, the brothers can do so much, but even the house that my grandfather left is sold..." Xia Ruofei said softly to himself, "With this money, my aunt is at least not Even the dialysis can't afford it... As for the kidney, the brothers are really powerless, hey, I hope you understand... After some time, our brothers will meet each other below, and then I will face you again. Apologize..."

After that, Xia Ruofei sighed long and his heart groaned.

The tiger is the best comrade-in-arms and brother of Xia Ruofei in the army. He was shot and killed in order to cover him in a border battle.

Two years after the tiger's sacrifice, Xia Ruofei was diagnosed with motor neuron disease during the routine physical examination, which is commonly known as the gradual freezing of human disease. Early symptoms of this disease are mild, and the patient may only feel some weakness, flesh, fatigue, etc., but gradually progress to muscle atrophy and difficulty swallowing.

Under current medical conditions, motor neuron disease is still an incurable disease. It is a few months old and lasts for two or three years. Most patients will die of respiratory failure.

After understanding the situation of the disease, Xia Ruofei resolutely asked to leave the team and was unwilling to trouble the organization.

Of course, more importantly, Xia Ruofei is a proud person in his bones. He has always been a top-notch backbone in the Lone Wolf Commando. He does not want his comrades to see that his last move is difficult. He can only see in bed. Death looks like a wolverine.

Xia Ruofei went to the tiger's house to visit his old mother the first time after retiring, but suddenly learned that the mother of the tiger had uremia, and the few martyr's pensions had already been spent, but the condition did not improve.

Xia Ruofei did not hesitate to sell a small house left by his grandfather at the fastest speed. He just went to the bank to sell more than 400,000 yuan and his own retired placement fee of more than 80,000. Fifty thousand dollars were remitted to the account of the tiger's mother.

But he himself is poor and sound, and he is penniless.

Nowadays, in addition to the prepaid two-month rent, the living expenses of hundreds of pieces in the pocket are all the assets of Xia Ruofei.

Bypassing the Xinyi Road next to the Sanshan Square, the scenery in front of it suddenly changed. The bustling city was suddenly left behind, and the low-rise bungalows were infiltrated, and all kinds of private wires were pulled and broken. The buildings are cluttered with trees, and there are stinks in the ditch along the roadside. Various kinds of household garbage can be seen everywhere.

Here is a shanty town in the urban-rural fringe, which exudes a decadent and decadent atmosphere in this ever-changing era. Fortunately, this shantytown is said to have been demolished within a year or two.

After Xia Ruofei sold the house, he rented the cheapest single room here as his own place.

Quickly passing through the street, he didn't even wrinkle his brows for the odor of getting into his nostrils from time to time. In his military career, he experienced more than one time in this harsh environment. This is nothing.

"Let me!"

In the distance, a voice faintly came, his brow wrinkled and followed the direction of the sound.

Usually, Xia Ruofei is not a person who likes to be nosy, but the security situation in the shantytown is very poor. The three religions are mixed, but the cry for help is like a young woman with a strong horror in her tone, whether it is a big event.

Stepping through the narrow alley, in front of an abandoned house, Xia Ruofei saw three drunken punks, hippies and smiling faces around a panicked girl.

The girl is wearing a white short down jacket and water-brushed blue jeans. She has a pair of straight and slender legs, and her slightly bloated dress in winter is still difficult to hide her tall and tall figure.

She has a standard and delicate face, and the big eyes that should have been full of horror at this time, her hair is also a bit messy, and the body shivers involuntarily, adding a bit of pity.

Xia Ruofei thought, how can such a beautiful little girl run here alone, are you not asking for trouble?

"Help! Big me save..." The girl saw Xia Ruofei as if she had caught the straw and quickly pleaded.

Here is a remote place, it is rare for someone to pass, and it is just like this, the three gangsters dare to be so unscrupulous by the wine.

They obviously did not expect someone to come over, watching Xia Ruofei standing in the alley, they screamed.

The head of the yellow-haired punk looked up at Xia Ruofei and smiled:

"Hey! It’s still a soldier brother! You shouldn’t think of a hero to save the beauty? Grandpa, I’m in a good mood today, don’t care about you, know how to get rid of yourself!”

Xia Ruofei looked at the yellow hair calmly:

"Give you three seconds, let go of the girl, I can do nothing that happens."

Huang Mao squatted down and looked at himself with his two accomplices. The three men burst into laughter at the same time.

Yellow hair pointed at the nose of Xia Ruofei:

"Grandson! You are a fool when you are a soldier! Dare to talk to your grandfather..."

"Time is up!" Xia Ruofei spit out a few words.

When the voice just fell, the yellow hair felt a flower in front of him, and Xia Ruofei, who was still two meters away, came to him.

Then Huang Mao felt a strong attack on the chest and abdomen. The whole person flew involuntarily, and his buttocks were in a puddle. The dirty and dirty sewage suddenly splashed him.

His movements were too fast, and he didn't have time to react with three small punks.

Xia Ruofei’s skill was so powerful that he scared the three people and showed a trace of fear in his eyes.

Xia Ruofei himself frowned slightly, and his heart was dark:

"This **** disease is getting worse..."

At the moment of the shot, he had already felt that his limbs were weak. The original reason was that he should completely lose his mobility. But now Huang Mao is very dirty and full of dirty water, but he will soon stand. It’s up.

On the other end, the wine is strong and bold, the yellow hair puts his hand to the waist, touches the guy who picks up his hand, the fear in his eyes gradually converges, then he glares at Xia Ruofei, and pulls the dagger from the waist. The tongue licked his lips, and the yin test said:

"Kid, you are looking for death..."

The other two gangsters also took out the dagger and left the woman. The three men gathered around Xia Ruofei.

The girl was so scared that her mouth was stunned.

Xia Ruofei calmly put the girl behind him, and gnawed his teeth toward the three people who formed the encirclement.

The girl looked at Xia Ruofei's slightly slim figure, and the eyes were covered with a mist, and the back shadow seemed to become taller in an instant.

Xia Ruofei had a beautiful whip leg on the shoulder of Huang Mao, only to hear a bang, Huang Mao painfully fell to the ground, and stunned on the ground - facing the three daggers, Xia Ruofei did not spare any effort .

After the yellow hair was put down, Xia Ruofei had a sideways body, and he would escape another punk and face a thorn. The cold dagger crossed from his eyes. The situation was extremely thrilling, and the girl was scared and screamed.

The two gangsters glanced at each other and rushed up with a dagger and a dagger.

Xia Ruofei stepped forward very calmly, took the opportunity to grab the ball, and the butterfly stepped through the flowers, always intentionally or unintentionally blocking the mix between the girl and the girl.

Caught an opportunity, Xia Ruofei deceived himself, and accurately caught a mixed wrist in the knife shadow.

If in the past, the wrist of the next second mix will be pinched off, but at this time, Xia Ruofei once again felt the limbs weak.

He screamed in his heart, squeezing his teeth and pulling the smack to the side.

However, his movements were still slower than half a beat, and Sen Han’s ray crossed, only to hear a slap, another mischievous dagger broke through Xia Ruofei’s camouflage training suit, leaving a long mouth on his arm, blood. I also took it out.

Xia Ruofei, who was accidentally injured, but did not change his face and hit an elbow on the corner of the mixed-faced door. He directly stunned him, and then he grabbed another half of his wrist and fell over his shoulder. On the ground, there was a loud noise.

The punk turned his eyes and fainted.

The girl has already seen it. She didn't think that this man, who looks a little thin, is so strong. In the face of three knives, it takes ten to twenty seconds before and after, and they all put them down with bare hands. !

Xia Ruofei frowned slightly - if it wasn't the **** disease, this completely untrained street cellar, only need one face to be able to fall down, and now he was actually scratched, this is simply the Dart Group face!

He smiled and shook his head, looking down at his slightly trembling hand, really no way?

Converging, he turned and walked to the girl and said:

"Let's go! This kind of place is not very good. You should not come out alone after a girl..."

"Thank you! I know..." the girl said with gratitude.

Then she screamed again:

"Oh! Your arm is bleeding..."

Xia Ruofei looked down at the wound on his arm as if nothing had happened.

"It's okay, a little hurt."

"I... I will accompany you to the hospital to dress up!" said the girl. "You are hurt to save me!"

"No, you are going! I should go back." Xia Ruofei shook his head.

"This can't be done! What if I get infected?" The girl said, pulling the sleeves of Xia Ruofei, "Let's go to the hospital to see it! I will go with you!"

Xia Ruofei gently broke away from the girl’s hand and said:

"No, no, goodbye!"

After that, Xia Ruofei strode forward and the girl wanted to catch up, but she had just sprained her foot in the tears of the three gangsters. She couldn’t keep up with the rushing Xia Ruofei. Shouting behind him:

"Hey! I don't know your name yet..."

Xia Ruofei did not answer, but his head did not return to wave, and soon disappeared at the corner of the house.

The girl looked at the horrible yellow hair and the unconscious two gangsters. She was very scared. She didn’t dare to stay here for a long time. She could only look deep in the direction of Xia Ruofei’s disappearance, and then glanced at it. I left the scene in a hurry.

Xia Ruofei soon returned to his new residence. This is a small room of less than 10 square meters. Apart from a bed and a table, there is almost no place to settle.

He pulled out a box from the bottom of the bed and flipped it inside to find it.

When Xia Ruofei just moved in and had not had time to organize things, he ran to the mother of the tiger.

He remembered that when he moved, he put the first aid kit in the storage box. The wound on his arm was quite long and deep and must be dealt with in time.

There was a bit of chaos in the box. There were military medals brought back from the troops and some gadgets given by the comrades, as well as some old things left by the grandparents who had passed away. It was obviously difficult to find a small first aid kit at once.

Xia Ruofei did not realize that he was dripping on the wound in his arm during the process of rummaging. He was falling on the quaint scroll that looked very inconspicuous in the box.

Blood falls on the surface of the scroll, as if the snow fell on the boiling water, and the blink of an eye disappeared without a trace.

After the scroll absorbed the blood of Xia Ruofei, it suddenly burst into a pale golden light, and suddenly attracted the eyes of Xia Ruofei.

Xia Ruofei stunned, what is the situation?


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