MTL - God of Life and Death-Chapter 1 Crossing the compensation office

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"Special code, missed again!"

Fang Yue walked well on the street. A bucket-thick lightning flashed across the clear sky, and unfortunately fell on Classmate Fang Yue.

Student Fang Yue felt a silvery white in front of him, and then pitch black!

When I opened my eyes again, the scene in front of me changed, and a half-person-high wooden sign came into view. There are five big characters "crossing the compensation office" crookedly written on it! There is an old tortoise behind the wooden sign. The tortoise shell on its body is as big as a millstone. Its eyes are slightly squinted, and it seems to be dozing off in the afternoon.

"Where is this?" Fang Yue said to himself subconsciously.

The old turtle's head slowly lifted, and he stretched out a paw and rubbed his sleepy eyes.

"Is the traverser this time an illiterate? Don't you know the Chinese characters of Zhenger Bajing?"

The old turtle glanced at Fang Yue with contempt. Fang Yue was speechless, and was despised by a bastard.

"I can read, go through the compensation office! I know all these words. But I don't know why I appeared here. Didn't I just walk on the road well?"

Fang Yue asked the doubt in his heart.

The old tortoise man repaired the long nails on his paws and said: "You forgot, have you been struck to death by lightning?"

"Is this the netherworld?" Fang Yue was horrified, looking around nervously. Looking around, the endless white fog, there is no such ghostly feeling of the underworld in myths and legends.

"It's not the netherworld, it's the heaven! To be precise, this is a branch of the heaven, passing through the compensation office." The old turtle said lazily and weakly. It didn't know where it came out of a round eye, put it on its head, and then took out a blue book from the ground.

Wow, the pages are turning. The old turtle twisted the pages of the book and said: "Because in the Thunder Heavenly Sovereign, in the process of carrying out official duties, unfortunately, he can cut the wrong person. According to the regulations of the heavenly court, Chapter 327, Article 8, Subparagraph 4, You can get the right to free compensation once, and then take your memory with your soul to travel to another world."

Lao Gui's business style, and that kind of lazy and undisciplined manner.

Fang Yue immediately understood the true identity of this old turtle-a small civil servant in the heavenly court!

As soon as he rolled his eyes, Fang Yueji came to his mind. As a serious and disciple, he had his own way of dealing with such public officials.

"Then what compensation are you going to give me?" Fang Yue asked Laogui.

Laogui took out three more golden leaves from under him without any hurries, weighed Fang Yue and said, "This time you count your life! I encountered a group of hard-to-reach compensations for thousands of years, these three golden leaves. Inside, they are "The True Scriptures of Life", "The True Scriptures of Death" and "The True Scriptures of Soul"! The three exercises, no matter which one is the supreme scripture.

"The Scriptures of Life", shaping a peerless body, immortal and rebirth!

"The Book of Death", enslaves the dead, manipulates zombies, destroys the world with one thought, and ruins the ages.

"Soul Truth", peek through the rules, point to the great road, eternal and immortal, and exist with the sky!

And the combination of the three can display the world's invincible super magic power-do you know the great resurrection technique? "

The old tortoise's saliva flew wildly, his expression excited, and he suddenly changed from a civil servant who was just being passive and became a salesperson selling pots and pans in a TV shopping program.

Under the reading glasses, a pair of small eyes immediately rounded.

A pair of front paws dancing and dancing, it seems that if Fang Yue really missed this compensation, it would be a great regret in his life!

"Something's wrong! Quite something wrong! Just now I still had that kind of unhurried expression, how come I have changed into this attitude now?" As a marketer, Fang Yue is a human being, and his observant expression has been tempered to the extreme. .

Fang Yue understood a truth deeply. If something goes wrong, there must be a demon!

"I want to inspect the goods!" Fang Yue said vigilantly.

The old tortoise glared small eyes and slapped the ground: "You still don't believe me when I speak?"

"I don't believe it!" Fang Yue was sure, taking advantage of the old turtle not paying attention, he grabbed three golden leaves in one hand.

The golden leaf was stained with his palm, and immediately released bright light. Three golden leaves fell on his forehead and shoulders! The green, gray, and white aura flowed, and Fang Yue's body was indeed surrounded by a trace of ancient and desolate reincarnation!

The old turtle was shocked, and muttered: "Isn't it said that the scriptures on these three golden leaves are fake? No one has practiced the three techniques for millions of years!"

Fang Yue immediately stared: "It turns out that the compensation you gave me is fake! I want to complain!"

The old turtle covered his mouth with a stunned expression. The first time he encountered Heavenly Court, it was so horrible!