MTL - God of Life and Death-Chapter 3920 It's none of my business!

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Chapter 3920 It's none of my business!

"This city is ominous?!"

King Nirvana couldn't help being slightly shocked when he heard this.

An Feng's words seemed to vaguely refer to something.

What exactly does this Yunyi City represent?

Among them, could there be other mysteries?

Nirvana King secretly thought in his heart!

At this time, Fang Yue suddenly remembered something.

"This dark wind probably knows something!"

He stayed in Yunyi City for a long time, and he also heard about some things in Yunyi City.

It was because of those rumors that he let the owner of Yunyi City lead the people of Yunyi City to leave.

"Dark Wind is the proud son of this era in the underworld universe! He knows what's going on, and it's normal!"

The voice of the will of the underworld and heaven came from Fang Yue's ears.

"Don't think that this underworld is full of fools. The underworld you see is just the tip of the iceberg of the overall strength of the underworld! In the outer domain of the underworld, Anfeng is the spokesperson of the Sky Demon Clan. It can be said that the slightest sign of trouble can be said to be well known!"

The will of heaven and **** said to Fang Yue.

"I have also heard some rumors in Yunyi City!"

Nangong Shouyue said beside him.

"Every thousand years, there will be a weirdness in this Yunyi City. When this strangeness comes, no one can escape. The residents in Yunyi City are fine, because they use the branded breath of Yunyi City, so this kind of strange breath is not strong, but Non-residents of Yunyi City, if they did not leave when the strangeness came, they would encounter some unspeakable things! After calculation, it has been about a thousand years since the last time the strangeness came to this Yunyi City. It's been two days!"

Nangong Shouyue said.

A weird smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Fang Yue patted his forehead, and it turned out that the clown was himself.

The details that he thought no one had noticed, in fact, some bigwigs had already paid attention to them.

While they were chatting, something happened again in Yunyi City.

Behind a Daluo Jinxian in the dimensional world, a female ghost dressed in white appeared. Her face was as pale as paper, and her bright red lips seemed to be stained with blood.

A pale hand slowly pressed down on the head of the Da Luo Jinxian in the dimensional world!

A force suddenly fell.

With a click, the skull shattered and brain matter splashed out.

The female ghost rolled out a foot-long tongue, and actually licked up the blood and swept it away.


The female ghost said with a smile.

Her eyes had no whites, just black eyeballs.

The next moment, the body of Daluo Jinxian in the dimensional world was sacrificed by the altar of origin, turning it into a massive amount of original power, which was extremely pure.

"Who the **** is this?"

The Night King collapsed a bit.

What the **** is this underworld?

It was just a mere Yunyi City, how many experts and elites would they lose!

Their men, these masters, are enough to conquer the general universe!

And up to now, how many soldiers, how many strong men they have lost in order to conquer this Yunyi City!

It was Fang Yue who caused the trouble before.

Later, it was discovered that City Lord Yunyi could actually hang and beat a half-step Tianzun.

Later, it was Taotie who claimed their supremacy, and an old Taotie was actually stronger than them all!

The Tianzun of the Tianmozu didn't hesitate to face himself to ask for the original power.

Now a female ghost popped out again.

Is this Ni Ma fighting the underworld universe or falling into the bandit's den? No matter how random a place is, the strong people who jump out make them feel scared.

"The thousand-year-old peach wood sword, kill me!"

At this time, a fairy from the dimensional world stabbed at the female ghost with his sword.

The female ghost's heart was pierced, and it immediately turned into a raging fire.

"How dare a mere female ghost be presumptuous?!"

The fairy in the dimensional world has not had time to be proud.

A scream came.

I saw that a black wind whizzed towards the fairy in the dimensional world.

The qi and blood in the body of the fairy in the dimensional world was consumed in an instant, turning into a piece of human skin.

The fairy fell, and even the murderer was unknown!

And the woman in white who was burning in the raging fire did not disappear, but shrank by a size. She pressed the mahogany sword on her chest with one hand and pulled it out suddenly. The flames were extinguished, and her face grew even paler.

"The fairy is gone!"

Tianye Wang said in a daze.

These days, are the strong at the Immortal Monarch Realm level necessary consumables for war?

One after another died!

Heavenly Night King felt uncomfortable!

His heart hurts.

Fang Yue captured the three thousand immortals before, and the dimensional world was already seriously injured. Now every time there is a loss of immortals, he will think of the three thousand immortals captured by Fang Yue, and his heart will be twisted like a knife.

"Fang Yue, you and I cannot live together!"

The Night King roared.

Fang Yue was stunned.

"Nani? I eat melons in Jiuxiao, and I am the fairy king of your clan who is the black wind. Why are you and I at odds? Let me take the blame?!"

Fang Yue was stunned.

This is really melons are eaten in the sky, and pots come from the void!


Seeing Fang Yue's smug smile, the will of heaven in the underworld couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear.

For the first time, I discovered that something as serious as war can be so funny!

This Fang Yue is really an interesting person, many things will be different where he is around.

"No, I can't bear this matter. It's clear that this matter has nothing to do with me, so why do you want to involve me in it!"

Fang Yue said suddenly.

The will of heaven in the underworld froze.

"What do you want?"

Before the voice of the will of the underworld and heaven fell.

Outside Yunyi City, the ground cracked open.

A series of formations manifested.

Space split.

The space with a radius of twenty kilometers disappeared directly. Among them, the creatures in the dimensional world also evaporated.

"What's going on here? Why are there traps on the periphery of Yunyi City?"

King Nirvana couldn't help being taken aback.

He didn't even discover this formation.

Spatial splitting, at first glance, is Fang Yue's usual trick.

The three immortal monarchs, the ten Daluo Jinxians, and the military elites from the Thousand Void Immortal Realm to the Spiritual Immortal Realm just disappeared.

"Fang Yue, you don't talk about credibility, didn't you say you would withdraw from the dispute in Yunyi City?"

The King of Heaven and Night roared loudly.

This Fang Yue is not human.

It was agreed that he would no longer participate in the alliance, but as soon as he made a move, he directly took away so many powerful people in the multi-dimensional world.

"Who told you to scold me first! Did I offend you?"

Fang Yue's voice was faint and full of resentment.


Tianye Wang slapped himself.

He is too much of Fang Yue's character, and this guy always finds ways to find fault when he is free.

Scolding him himself, doesn't that give him an excuse to make a move?

Damn, careless!


Fang Yue laughed out loud.

His laugh was smug.

"Missing you this time is the first offense, so I won't pursue it any further. If there is another time, I will take away the Supreme in your dimensional world army!"

Fang Yue's voice was faint, rippling in the void.

The King of Heaven and Night was not reconciled.

He led the army of the Dimensional World to fight north and south, and he has never suffered such a big loss for so many years.

"Fang Yue, just wait, something happened to Yunyi City, my dimensional world will definitely go to Yongfeng Kingdom to ask for an explanation!"

The King of Heaven and Night threatened.

This has been bullied to the top of their heads. If they don't say a few harsh words, what will be the face of their army in the dimensional world.

Those who didn't know really thought that the people in the dimensional world were afraid of him, Fang Yue would fail.

Fang Yue smiled slightly.

"Waiting to come! I just don't know how many of these powerful people in the dimensional world in Yunyi City will be left after this incident!"

"I don't bother you to worry about this. My dimensional world is bound to win the original altar this time. Our reinforcements will arrive soon. Fang Yue, don't think that there is the will of heaven in the underworld to protect you, so you can do whatever you want. This book Even in the era of doom, the power of doom is flooding, weakening the original power of the will of the underworld, the invasion of the dimensional world, internal and external troubles, and the will of the underworld will not last long!"

The King of Heaven and Night threatened again.

"Do the creatures in the Yuan World have no idea about my strength this time?"

The will of heaven in the underworld said quietly.

"Bully me because you can't shoot directly because of the rules?"

The Will of the Underworld and the Heavenly Dao experienced the feeling of Fang Yue just lying on the gun.

Fang Yue thought to himself.

It's over, this Heavenly Night King is an offending mouth, you don't know how to speak, you don't need to say anything, first spray me, then turn your head and pull the will of the underworld into it!

The will of the underworld and heaven in this generation is a narrow-minded one.

Suddenly, something happened in Yunyi City.

A wisp of the will of the underworld and heaven in Yunyi City dissipated.

Wisps of doomed power surged out.

In Yunyi City, there is an entrance to the imaginary world, which has always been suppressed and sealed by the will of the underworld and heaven.

After hearing King Tianye's provocation, she felt displeased.

I can't directly toss you, but it's okay to cause you some trouble!

"what is this?!"

King Tianye was stunned.

He felt the concentration of the power of doom in this city increase rapidly, and a chill that penetrated deep into the bone marrow hit him.

Tianye Wang felt a little bad in his heart.

At the entrance of the imaginary world, dozens of doomed creatures at the level of the Immortal Monarch Realm jumped out.

"Hahahaha, after being sealed for so many years, I can finally reappear!"

one of the doomed creatures laughs

"It's the entrance to the imaginary world! The will of heaven in the underworld removed the seal and opened the entrance to the imaginary world! You bastard, Tianye Wang, if you can't speak, don't talk about it. If you talk about Fang Yue, why did Fang Yue take away the will of heaven in the underworld?" Pull it! This time, the entrance to the imaginary world is opened. The will of the underworld and heaven directly retaliated, how will this end in the future?"

King Nirvana looked angry.

The will of the underworld and heaven in this generation is not very upright, and they are not the type of law-abiding.

It's fine if you don't make a move, but if you make a move, you will hit the vital point!

The fairy king with dozens of doomed creatures is okay.

Killed something.

The key is the massive power of doom gushing from the entrance of the virtual world, who will deal with it?

The power of doom is invisible, and ordinary people cannot absorb and join hands. The stronger the power of doom, the more able it is to suppress their cultivation.

If one lives in a place where the power of calamity is strong for a long time, a certain amount of power of calamity will permeate the body, repelling the power of heaven and earth, which is not good for practice.

It's not that you'll be fine if you don't mutate after absorbing the power of doom.

When you don't mutate, you must also ensure that there is no remnant of the power of doom in your body.

Even a trace of it is a hidden danger!

"Hahaha! So many creatures, so much plump flesh and blood are all ours!"

A doomed creature laughed.

He jumped and killed one of the strong men in the dimensional world at the level of Da Luojin's fairyland.

The strong man in the dimensional world couldn't help being stunned.

Are the doomed creatures already so arrogant?


The doomed creature at the Immortal King Realm level was blown away by the King of Heaven and Night.

He is making a mistake.

These doomed creatures were released by the will of the underworld because of his mouth.

He did something wrong, and it should be his own responsibility.

However, at the time when the doomed creature at the level of the Immortal Monarch Realm fell.

The power of luck was born and blended into the heaven and earth.

The other side of calamity is luck.

Moreover, the underworld luck represented by this luck can protect the will of heaven in the underworld.

"Damn it! Killing doomed creatures is tantamount to working for the will of the underworld, but if you don't kill them, these creatures in the dimensional world that have just been released will not be clear-headed and will kill randomly!"

King Tianye gritted his teeth, in a dilemma.

The will of heaven and **** is not a good bird either!

Read The Duke's Passion