MTL - God of Life and Death-Chapter 3938 Gu Tianbing

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Chapter 3938 Ancient Heavenly Soldiers

"How much worse?"

In the Xuanhuang world, in front of an ancient altar. Two heavenly soldiers and generals in silver armor were talking.

They are the real Heavenly Soldiers and Generals. They were left in the Universe of Ten Thousand Realms to sleep before the ancient heavenly court proclaimed themselves. Only when the Universe of Ten Thousand Realms recovers will they wake up from their slumber.

In the ancient heavenly court, their status is the lowest, and they only have the cultivation base of the real fairyland.

But looking at this era, their current strength is enough to be called ancestors in the Xuanhuang world.

A corpse of the ancient clan was carried to the altar, and sacrificed to the will of heaven in the Xuanhuang world in an ancient way.

The ones in the real fairyland and the spiritual fairyland are as worthless as livestock.

"The cultivators of this era have declined, and the original power in their bodies is not even one-tenth of that of our era in the same realm! The ancient true immortals of this era, I can beat ten of them without being injured. Injuries don't bring injuries!"

An ancient heavenly soldier said contemptuously.

"The battle back then was lost after all. Otherwise, the ancient heaven would not have fallen and many inheritances were gradually cut off. The inheritance of the Chaos Territory is getting weaker and weaker from generation to generation. Those people retreated behind the scenes and became invisible hands. Treat them as their pasture and raise all living beings in captivity."

Another ancient soldier said.

As people of that era, although their cultivation level was not high, they had personally participated in that protracted war after all.

They know a lot about the affairs of Gu Tianting.

They also knew a thing or two about the truth of that era.

The realm of chaos collided with that mysterious power, which eventually led to the complete collapse of the old reincarnation.

The land of chaos was devastated, and powerful civilization systems were wiped out one after another.

Even the ancient heaven was forced to proclaim itself in order to preserve the fire of civilization in the chaotic realm, and all the gods, demons, immortals and Buddhas fell into a deep sleep.

In the realm of chaos, there is only one Universe of Ten Thousand Realms left as the last bottom line for civilization to preserve the fire of civilization and the key to reopen the ancient heaven!

They are the hope left by the ancient heaven.

After the epoch of billions of civilizations, that mysterious force is busy fighting against the strongest calamity in history.

Under their guidance, the ancient heaven reappeared, regained control of the entire chaotic territory, and spread the fire of civilization.

"With ten more corpses of the ancient clan in the real fairyland, the first layer of seal in the Xuanhuang world can be opened."

An ancient heavenly soldier said.

"The cultivators of the Xuanhuang World in this civilized age are really weak, even dealing with the reptiles of the ancient race is so difficult!"

An ancient heavenly soldier said casually.

They are aloof, and have an attitude of examining any living beings in this era.

"Here we come! A strong man from the fifth floor of the True Wonderland of Tianyun Universe was killed just now, and his body is fresh!"

An old man walked to the altar with a corpse on his shoulders and said with a smile.

If Fang Yue was here, he would definitely recognize the identity of this person.

Master Yifan.

A talisman master at the leader level was once shocked to death with three talismans.

Fang Yue was once under his protection.

Unexpectedly, after not seeing him for so many years, Master Yifan has become a strong man at the level of the real fairyland, and his extraordinary attainments in runes have already stepped into the level of the grand master.

"Good job, a reward of a hundred low-grade immortal stones, and a rune manual at the level of the real fairyland!"

The eyes of an ancient immortal soldier lit up.

They were revived a hundred years ago. Over the years, they have been digging for geniuses in the Xuanhuang world, using some of the resources and classics left by the ancient heaven to cultivate them.

Master Yifan is the seed player they cultivated.

The attainments in practice and runes are extraordinary.

He hunted down the ancient clan or the intruders in the Tianyun universe, sacrificed the corpses, and the ancient heavenly soldiers would give him certain resources and classics as rewards.

"Thank you both!"

Master Yifan laughed.

"My cultivation has reached the bottleneck. I rushed to the real fairyland with the resources of the two adults in a short period of time and exhausted all the foundations I have accumulated over the years! Unless there is another big chance, I will at least be difficult to cultivate in a thousand years. There is an inch of progress, but Chu Mengying, the body of the **** of war, can give her some resources to help her break through, and add another master to my mysterious world!"

Master Yifan said muttering in his mouth.

There are not many top powerhouses of the human race left in their era, and most of the masters above the level of the real fairyland who are rampant in the Xuanhuang world today are the old antiques that have been sleeping in the major sects, or some older existences from the seal. wake up.

Although they are also maintaining the safety of Xuanhuang World, they are not the same people after all, and they cannot integrate into a circle with it.

The geniuses and masters in the mysterious world of this era form a circle, they hug each other, keep each other warm, and fight for resources.

"Chu Mengying's aptitude is good, and she has a special physique. It's a pity that he was attracted by the young master of the Heavenly Demon Clan. I'm afraid it will be difficult to save him!"

A heavenly soldier said regretfully.

"The Heavenly Demon Sect, the legacy of the ancient heavenly court, its young master was a first-class power when the ancient heavenly court was still prosperous. Who would have thought that this time, the young master of the heavenly demon would recover early. Memory, I am afraid that it will soon recover to the combat power of the supreme level."

Said the soldier that day.

"The young master of the Heavenly Demon Sect has a temperamental nature, and the woman who is favored in the end will not have a good end!"

"Forget it, these are matters between big shots and have nothing to do with us."

Gu Tianbing shook his head and stopped mentioning this matter.

"The young master of the Heavenly Demon Sect?!"

Master Yifan silently wrote down the matter in his heart, and he asked a lot, because he knew that although these two heavenly soldiers were polite to him, they looked down on him from the bottom of their hearts.

Even if I asked, I couldn't find out why, so I kept silent, there was no need to humiliate myself.

Chu Mengying needs to be reminded of this matter, lest he be caught off guard.

And the other side.

Fang Yue also began to make arrangements silently in the Xuanhuang world.

Nalan Ruoxian said that he was going out for a walk to see the customs in this mysterious world. Fang Yue did not stop him. The immortal clan will stand with him and become an ally who lives and dies together.

It is also a good thing for her to know more about Xuanhuang World.

"The Heavenly Will of the Xuanhuang World came out to see me!"

Fang Yue walked into a valley, and suddenly he yelled at the sky.

His rudimentary form of the universe descended, mighty and mighty.

The endless air of chaos spreads mistyly.

Let the surrounding world be under his control.

Ordinary strong men, no matter how high their cultivation base is, cannot summon the will of heaven.

But Fang Yue is different.

He himself is the master of the embryonic form of a seventh-class universe, and he is also the messenger of the will of chaos.

The will of chaos dominates all universes and all worlds.

Fang Yue came here on behalf of the will of chaos, and the will of heaven in the Xuanhuang world must also submit.

"I didn't know that the Messenger came, and I was far away to welcome him, but I still hope for atonement!"

The Heavenly Will of the Xuanhuang World came to Fang Yue very politely.

Xuanhuang's world-class Will of Heaven has turned into an old man with white beard and hair, and an amiable face. He is wearing a white robe, giving people the feeling of a neighbor's grandfather.

"The breath of the layers of Daluojin Wonderland."

Fang Yue took a look at the Will of Heaven in this mysterious and yellow world.

"You should be able to break through to a higher level by absorbing the origin of some strong people!"

Fang Yue said.

"It should be almost enough to absorb the origin of the ten true immortals. The Xuanhuang world is an ancient world with a vast territory. It breeds countless powerful creatures. There are a lot of seals. If you want to be promoted, you need more resources than other worlds. !"

The Will of Heaven in the Xuanhuang World said humblely.

"The current Xuanhuang world should be at the level of the Great Thousand World, and the next step of evolution is still the world, but its energy level can be comparable to the ninth-level universe!"

Fang Yue said.

In fact, the level of the world does not determine the strength of the universe.

Rather, it is its highest energy level.

In the Great Thousand World, it is reasonable to say that the highest level of energy that can be bred is only a high-grade source crystal, and even a low-grade immortal stone cannot be born.

But at the level of the ninth universe, the low-grade immortal stone can be born.

As for Fang Yue's seventh-level prototype of the universe, the space is too small, and no creatures have been born. Although the level is high, it is just an empty shelf.

But Fang Yue's seventh-class cosmic prototype can give birth to top-grade immortal stones.

And Fang Yue himself has mastered the manufacturing method of the original power, which can derive the energy of chaos and the power of the dimension.

If he wanted to, he could even raise his seventh-level cosmic prototype to the level of the Chaos Territory. Of course, the amount of energy contained in it was not at the same level as the real Chaos Territory.

It's like the difference between a vast ocean and a drop of water.

"The Myriad Realms universe is facing an unprecedented crisis today. Even the Xuanhuang world is doomed. Even if you are promoted to the ninth level of the universe, you can't control the fate, and you can't resist the devastation of the ancients. How about this, I will give you Some resources, when you are facing a crisis, you will instantly refine them, quickly increase the level of Xuanhuang World, open a large number of seals, and cause chaos to protect yourself, but you owe me a favor, stand by my side at the critical moment, and repay the favor!"

People cultivate power by forming cliques to find younger brothers.

And Fang Yue directly turned the will of heaven in the Xuanhuang world into his subordinates.

Hearing the words, the Will of Heaven in the Xuanhuang World revealed a look of hesitation.

Brother, is it really okay for you to win me over so directly?

"Our Heavenly Will has its own bottom line and principles, and we are not allowed to be biased!"

The will of heaven in the Xuanhuang world has not yet finished speaking.

There was a bang.

Zhuang Zhou directly revealed a hill-like high-grade crystallization of the origin of the universe.

"One billion high-grade world origin crystals, help you stabilize the power of space, and expand the area of ​​​​the Xuanhuang world by a thousand or eight hundred hectares!"


The Heavenly Will of the Xuanhuang World swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

He has seen the top-grade world origin crystallization before.

But he has never seen so many world origin crystals.

The crystallization of the origin of the world is the most basic energy crystallization that constitutes the world.

So many world source crystals can directly expand his world and increase his radiation range.

But face temptation.

The Heavenly Dao Will of the Xuanhuang World's Heavenly Dao World still resolutely rejected it.

Who do you think I am?

Can money buy my principles and dignity?

"Master Messenger, this is not a matter of origin crystallization, but a matter of my bottom line. As the will of the world, I cannot violate the rules!"

The will of Heaven in the Xuanhuang World refused.

Immediately afterwards.

Fang Yue took out another pile of low-grade fairy stones that looked like hills.

"Low-grade immortal stone, ten tons! After you are promoted to the ninth universe, you need a lot of immortal energy to stabilize it. Otherwise, there will be no rank and insufficient energy, which will easily lead to the collapse of the world!"

Fang Yue made a bold move.

The will of heaven in the Xuanhuang world is protruding from the temple.

Immortal stone, isn't it a very expensive resource?

People use blocks to calculate.

And have you all started measuring in tons? With these fairy stones, he still needs the corpse of the real fairyland as a sacrifice.

Absorbing these fairy stones is more than enough for him to be promoted to the ninth level of the universe, and it can even lay a good foundation for the next evolution.

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