MTL - God of Life and Death-Chapter 3946 The Origin of the Holy Grail of Death

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Chapter 3946: The Origin of the Holy Grail of Death

Fang Yue's expression changed slightly.

"My physical body has already reached the level of Heavenly Venerate, how can I improve? Ordinary secret methods are ineffective for me, after all, the base is too large!"

Fang Yue smiled wryly. He was worried that Master Tongtian would underestimate him.

The Lord Tongtian rolled his eyes.

"Although your physical body is not weak, it is considered average in the ancient heavenly court! In the ancient heavenly court, the real high-level people all started from the heavenly realm, and some real elites have comparable strength in the supreme realm or even the fairy realm. Because of the combat power of Tianzun, the ancient heavenly court has left behind some ancient secret methods, which can increase the physical strength and even strength of practitioners in a short period of time!"

"This body training method is the body training technique of Xuanhuang. It needs to refine a large amount of Xuanhuang's power to gradually increase the strength of the physical body! As for where the Xuanhuang's power comes from, you can figure it out yourself! In the realm of chaos, Although the power of Xuanhuang is rare, it can also be purchased with the power of calamity!"

Master Tongtian said.

"Emotionally, you just come up with a body secret technique, and the resources let me figure out a way myself!"

Fang Yue was speechless. At first he thought that the Master Tongtian would directly help him improve his physical level, but he didn't expect that he was just showing him a way.

"If I want to improve my basic physical strength and soul strength, I can adopt other methods, such as breaking through if I speak, or making progress in the way of the philosophers!"

Fang Yue said to Master Tongtian.

If he bears half of the ominous power just now, the pressure on Fang Yue will be great.

Now the ominous power he can bear has reached its peak! If it increases further, it will affect his normal strength.

"Is there still such a way? That's right, your realm is too low. As long as you continue to break through after the Tao is consummated in front of the Daluojin Wonderland, or choose the way of the masters, the improvement of each level of realm can bring you Let's take a look at the essence of the power of heaven and earth! This kind of promotion is more rapid and there is no hidden danger, but the question is where do you break through and improve now? Based on your current physical foundation, if you improve in the Chaos Territory, it is enough to overwhelm a territory. Ordinary fourth-class universe origins have been emptied!"

"The original strength of your body and soul is not free, it is provided by the surrounding world and even the universe you are in. Even if you break through the realm of chaos, it will consume a lot of power of chaos in the realm of chaos, and even Let the frontiers of the Chaos Territory be unstable, and be taken advantage of by the strong in the dimensional world!"

Master Tongtian said to Fang Yue ruthlessly.

"I have my own method. I can provide this source of power by myself, sacrifice a large amount of the world's source of power, fairy stones, and even the source of the universe to stabilize the source strength of one universe, and then choose to break through and use these sources of power Absorb, in this way, one out and one in can ensure a dynamic balance!"

Fang Yue said to Master Tongtian.

Fang Yue had already considered this question.

Based on the strength of his current physical body and soul, if he breaks through, the energy needed for the body to be converted into the original power of the universe is about 1,200 hours, and the accumulation in his current hands is almost 1,500 hours. , when the time comes to sacrifice to the will of the underworld universe, and then break through the absorption, one in and one out, the origin of the underworld universe will not lose anything, and he can also smoothly double the power of the body and soul again!

"In that case, the price is too high! It's not worth it! The power of the mysterious yellow that I teach you doesn't need so much power of the universe to exchange for it!"

A shrewd light shone in the eyes of the Master Tongtian.

"I remember that in the dark world, a ray of black and yellow energy is worth about ten or one hundred and twenty faces of the original power of the universe. The black and yellow pure body technique has a total of twelve levels. At one level, you only need to consume a hundred strands of black and yellow power, and your physical strength and strength can be increased by 30%! As for the soul, if I see it well, you should have a very deep understanding of the soul and heaven, right? !"

"You can improve the power of your soul by refining and strengthening your soul. You have countless powerful enemies from all sides. They are all your resources and treasure house. You don't need to consume the precious power of the universe to strengthen your soul!" Master Tongtian said earnestly, really Fang Yue was a little moved.

"But this extra ominous force will affect my strength. My understanding of the law of curses is limited, and it is not enough to control so many ominous forces."

Fang Yue was also in a dilemma.

Master Tongtian narrowed his eyes slightly.

"If what I expected is correct, you should have a Holy Grail of Death on your body!"

As soon as Master Tongtian said this, Fang Yue was also stunned.

"That's right, the Holy Grail of Death is indeed in my hands, how do you know? Do you know the origin of the Holy Grail of Death?"

Fang Yue asked.

"That is a special magic weapon jointly forged by the gods and demons when they fought against the ominous force last time, which can carry all negative energy. Of course, the negative power carried in each Holy Grail of Death is limited. I sensed a faint breath of that thing!"

"You take out the Holy Grail of Death and inject the refined ominous power into it. The volume of a Holy Grail of Death is enough to seal all the ominous power I released!"

Fang Yue was surprised by the words of Master Tongtian.

He finally knew the origin of the Holy Grail of Death!

He had never figured this out before.

Can absorb massive amounts of doomed power.

Now he understands that this is a container specially used to carry negative energy.

"Then why is it called the Holy Grail of Death?"

Fang Yue asked curiously.

"The Holy Grail of Death can gradually expand its volume by absorbing the power of death."

"Back then, in order to make the Holy Grail of Death in his hand carry more ominous power, he slaughtered three immortals in the dimensional world to absorb all the power of death as a sacrifice. But the effect of that time was not very good. The volume of the Holy Grail of Death It only increased the volume of less than three hundred sides.

In order to increase the volume of the Holy Grail of Death, it is not worth killing Xianjun! "

"Three hundred noodles, that's a lot!"

Fang Yue's eyes widened immediately upon hearing this.

"Over the years, there have been constant wars and chaos in the underworld, and the sky is full of death. Later, you will also tell me the method of expanding the volume of the Holy Grail of Death, and I will expand the volume of this thing!"

Fang Yue said to Master Tongtian, the expression on his face was quite excited.


Master Tongtian said.

If it was someone else, he would definitely not agree.

But in Fang Yue's words, a militant, an executioner who killed Ying Ye.

He tempered the power of death to expand the size of the Holy Grail of Death, which was just a matter of effort and would not affect him.

And because the number of Holy Grails of Death was sufficient, there was no need to deliberately use the power of death to expand the space in the Holy Grail of Death and seal more ominous forces.

But now that era has come to an end, even the old reincarnation has been completely broken, and the Holy Grail of Death is scattered all over the place.

Who the **** knows where the other Death's Grails are.

At this time, expanding the volume of the only Holy Grail of Death in Fang Yue's hands has become the most realistic choice.

"I want to refine all the power of doom in the Holy Grail of Death first, and then fill it with ominous power!"

Fang Yue said.

Afterwards, he realized that the word robbery in the sea was beating.

The power of doom in the Holy Grail is rapidly refined, like flowing water.

"What are you doing with so much power of doom? It's still unrefined. If this kind of power of doom is poured out, it will cause a lot of trouble, pollute the world, and even give people This universe brings disaster!"

Master Tongtian asked.

"This is what I left behind. If I really encounter a strong man, I will pour the power of doom into his group. If he wants to kill me, he will have to pay the price!"

Fang Yue said fiercely.

Master Tongtian felt the blood vessels on his temples bulge.

What the hell, this Fang Yue is really a bad guy.

Is this what people do?

Thinking about dying with others every day.

Is it the same way he collects ominous power? One day someone wants to kill him, and he will run to the door of someone's house to release ominous power?

Master Tongtian has a little understanding of Fang Yue's character.

This guy is the so-called typical example of harming others and not benefiting oneself. He is a dangerous element, not to mention killing people and getting more goods, and he wants to destroy the world and the world every day to die with his enemies!

In the future, I have to warn the people who come out of the ancient heaven, don't know their surnames.

The world has changed now.

Whoever provokes someone like Fang Yue, I'm afraid even Gu Tianting will be turned upside down!

Afterwards, Fang Yue put the refined ominous power into the Holy Grail of Death, and sure enough, those ominous powers became extremely peaceful after entering the Holy Grail of Death.

The current Holy Grail of Death can probably store the momentary ominous power.

Fang Yue's body can also suppress the ominous force for almost a moment.

"Teach me the Xuanhuang body training technique, release five hundred faces of unknown power, and I will suppress it!"

Fang Yue said to Master Tongtian.

Pay with one hand and deliver the goods with the other, this business is foolproof!

Master Tongtian took out a jade slip, the jade slip is simple and plain, and there is an eternal and immortal aura on it.

"The Xuanhuang Body Refining Technique is the foundation of the Xuanhuang World, and it is one of the three treasures. The Xuanhuang World is famous for the birth of the Xuanhuang Body Refining Technique! It has also produced a large amount of Xuanhuang Qi. When the universe was in its heyday, many great powers went down to the earth to pick the mysterious energy in person, but later, the sky changed greatly, the ancient heaven was self-proclaimed, and the main force of the universe was used to suppress the unknown force, and the world of Xuanhuang continued to fall. It is no longer possible to generate black and yellow aura!"

Master Tongtian said regretfully.

Fang Yue's eyebrows twitched.

"I suspect that you are fishing! You gave me the body training technique of Xuanhuang, but not the power of Xuanhuang. Do you want me to help the world of Xuanhuang gradually restore its former glory, give birth to the energy of Xuanhuang again, and temper the power of Xuanhuang? "

Fang Yue looked suspiciously at Master Tongtian, this old man is very bad!

A stomach full of bad water.

Who knows what kind of purpose he has for giving himself this mysterious and yellow body training technique.

Or do you want to kill two birds with one stone, so that you can not only suppress some of the unknown forces, but also give him the motivation to help the Xuanhuang world recover?

"Little guy, I don't want to think about it. How could I do such a thing with such a kind face? I'm just trying to popularize the origin of the Xuanhuang world for you, and I don't have any other ideas!"

Tongtian Cult Master Fang Yue said.

His serious expression made Fang Yue even more suspicious of fraud.

This kind of old guy, the more serious he speaks, the more he is fooling around.

Fang Yue has seen the person who performed the seal, as the leader of Jiejiao, the leader of Tongtian is definitely not a good stubble.

"Forget it, whether you're testing me or not, I'll just help you suppress some of the ominous forces! Letting the Myriad Realms Universe open a layer of seals and release some of the powerhouses in the Ancient Heavenly Court can be regarded as letting the Myriad Realms Universe In this chaotic realm, you have the power to protect yourself!"

Fang Yue no longer pursued it.

Master Tongtian smiled.

He opened the seal under Tongtianjiao again.

An ominous force quickly broke through the seal.


Fang Yue's actions to suppress the ominous force are more skillful this time!

There was a bang.

The original power responsible for suppressing the ominous power in the Ten Thousand Realms universe has been liberated and released.

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