MTL - God of Life and Death-Chapter 3948 one touch

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Chapter 3948 Imminent

Even if the leader of Tongtian is only partially recovered, he is still an invincible existence.

At his level of cultivation, a strand of hair can cut off a world.

Cultivation and realm don't mean anything, the key is that Emperor Zun's means are still there.

Gu Ling looked at Fang Yue again with a slight fear in his eyes.

"Little friend Fang Yue, if I am rude, I will invite Haihan!"

Gu Ling clasped his fists.

He knew how thick Fang Yue's thigh was.

If it was really the Master Tongtian, a single leg hair would be enough to chop him into ashes.

Fang Yue smiled.

This is what he wanted.

The ancient spirit has the combat power to kill Tianzun, and it is definitely a ceiling-level existence in today's underworld.

If such a person can be a friend, it is best to be a friend!

If he can't be a friend, let him be afraid of himself!

"Senior, you are welcome! My wish is that there are 300 million ancient people in my Yongfeng country. There was a misunderstanding between them and me because of something before. If possible, I hope to hand them over to the ancient spirits. My lord, teach me, and solve the misunderstanding between us by the way! If Master Gu Ling is willing to teach them some exercises from the ancient Tianting era, that would be even better!"

Didn't the ancient spirit want to pass on the ancient clan's skills?

Gu clan, I have it!

Before Fang Yue killed many strong men of the ancient tribe in the process of fighting with the ancient tribe, but there were still some ordinary soldiers of the ancient tribe. execute.

Now these 300 million ancient races came in handy.

Give them to the old spirits and grant the old spirits' wishes.

Anyway, they are all members of the ancient clan, so whoever is passed on is not passed on!

Most of the ancient people are unwilling to let this ancient spirit go back and rob them of their resources and status.

It's better to let Gu Ling open another branch in Yongfeng Kingdom.

Fang Yue had a crazy and bold idea in his mind.

"Misunderstanding? Misunderstood ass!"

Fang Yue didn't deliberately lower his voice.

Xu Qing who was standing beside Fang Yue was stunned!

This Fang Yue really dare to say it!

Is that a little misunderstanding between you and the ancient clan?

If it weren't for the suppression of the powerful people at the level of Tianzun in the ancient clan, the ancient clan would have been wiped out by you, okay?

When others kill, they kill one by one.

If you kill the ancient clan, it is in units of billions, and the clan will be wiped out at every turn.

"Leave this to me!"

"Fangyue Daoist is so friendly, misunderstanding with my ancient clan must be my ancient clan's doing too much!"

Gu Ling was full of affection for Fang Yue.

He had just recovered, and was rejected by the ancient clan, and even the clan wouldn't let him return.

And Fang Yue helped him, not only providing him with the original power for free, but even giving him 300 million people of the ancient clan to let him leave inheritance and orthodoxy.

Such a kind person is not common in this age of sinister and cunning, full of distrust between people!

Gu Ling secretly sighed in his heart.

Fang Yue secretly asked Xuan Zhen who was in charge of the ancient captives.

"These ancient tribes won't report me to the ancient spirits!"

As a Buddhist cultivator, Xuanzhen has now reached the level of the Immortal Monarch Realm. He is a master of brainwashing, and he always pays attention to convincing people with virtue.

"No problem, now the people of the ancient tribe listen to my teachings every day, and now they have recognized themselves as residents of Yongfeng country! Moreover, they can get resources for cultivation by working, and they can live a stable life. Much stronger! If you give me another year, I'm afraid you will let them return to the ancient clan, and they will not be willing!"

Xuan Zhen said.

Hearing this, Fang Yue immediately felt relieved.

That's good!

"I'll leave the ancient spirit to you! Later, you will post a recruitment notice. If there are ancient tribes who are wandering outside the ten thousand tribes and want to get a job and shelter, you can also come to my Yongfeng country. You are in charge. Brainwashing, and then handing over people to the ancient spirits! We can solve the problem of the ancients with no bloodshed!"

Fang Yue said confidently.

"Leave this to me! But what about the matter of Yunyi City? The time is coming, and the altar of origin will be unsealed soon. Could it be that we just watched the altar of origin being taken away by people from the dimensional world?"

Xuan Zhen said anxiously.

As a creature of the underworld, he is really unwilling. This is obviously a treasure born in the underworld, but because of the lack of strength of their descendants, they are taken away by outsiders!

If they fall in the future, if they can enter the underworld, how will they explain to their ancestors in the underworld!

"The altar of origin is very involved. It is impossible for people in the dimensional world to take away the altar of origin without paying a price!"

"You and I are not allowed to participate in this matter of Yunyi City! This altar of origin is even a bait in essence, waiting for the fish to take the bait!"

Fang Yue said with a sinister face.

As soon as his voice came out.

Xuan Zhen's eyes suddenly brightened.

"Could it be that there are other powerhouses lurking in the underworld universe?"

"Hidden dragons, crouching tigers, countless! It depends on how long those people can survive!"

Fang Yue said with a sneer.

The direction of Yunyi City.

The Nirvana King sat quietly beside the original altar, and the channel of the dimensional world was opened. They invited five half-step Tianzun level powerhouses to guard them at no cost. With unique skills, it really explodes, and the ordinary Tianzun is definitely not their opponent!

The people in Yunyi City have been cleaned up by them.

In the huge Yunyi City, and within the 800-kilometer radius of Yunyi City, except for the soldiers from the Dimensional World, there are no other living beings.

The large formations are arranged one after another, all of which are formations that can trap and kill Tianzun.

The imaginary enemy of the Nirvana King this time is a strong man at the level of the heavenly realm in the universe of the underworld.

Combat strength below this level is not even eligible to enter the game!

"The time has come!"

King Nirvana suddenly opened his eyes.

Beside him, the altar of origin, which was originally somewhat illusory, suddenly solidified.

This is what the original altar should look like.

This is the treasure that the will of heaven in the dimensional world will covet.

"Time is up!"

at the same time.

The will of heaven in the underworld dropped his voice, Fang Yue said.

"Fight for at least 500 hours of original power for me in the next melee. As long as I have 500 hours of original power, I can go one step further and step into a higher level!"

The will of heaven in the underworld said.

"I am now on the thirtieth step of the ninth-class universe. If I take another step, I can protect the underworld universe from being destroyed by the power of calamity for three thousand years!"

"I'm trying to buy a buffer time for the ten thousand races in the underworld, and I'm also buying a buffer time for you, Fang Yue, if you have another three thousand years of growth, you can definitely become the top powerhouse in the realm of chaos. Whether you protect Yongfeng Kingdom or protect the human race, no one will dare to take action against you!"

The will of heaven in the underworld is drawing cakes for Fang Yue.

But Fang Yue really needs a more powerful underworld universe.

In the future, he will spend more energy on the Universe of Ten Thousand Realms. If one day, his avatar is not in the Underworld Universe, he needs the will of Heaven from the Underworld Universe to protect Yongfeng Kingdom.

A powerful underworld is more in his favor.

"Let's play by ear! If I know I can't do it, I won't make a move!"

Fang Yue did not agree to the will of heaven in the underworld universe.

Fang Yue's voice just fell.

Suddenly something happened in Yunyi City.

"This Yunyi city belongs to my underworld universe, and this origin altar also belongs to my underworld universe! You are all invaders, what right do you have to take away the treasures of my underworld universe?"

That voice was heavy and thick.

Taking a closer look, it turned out to be a strong man on the third level of the Heavenly Exalted Realm appearing.

"Moon worship leader! It's him!"

Zhang Sanfeng exclaimed, and there was a complex look in his eyes.

In the realm of chaos, the Moon Worship Sect is a cult.

They advocate killing, and they are always unscrupulous when doing things.

But when the treasure of the underworld universe is about to be snatched by others, all the strong men of the underworld universe lose their voices, and no one dares to step forward to fight.

It happened that this Moon Worshiper stood up on behalf of the underworld universe.

"With my Ten Thousand Races Alliance here, it's not my turn for the Moon Worshiper to represent my underworld universe!"

Another strong man from the third level of the Heavenly Exalted Realm appeared.

He is a young son, dressed in white clothes like a fairy, with a folding fan in his hand, and a pair of eyes that are as bright as stars.

"Master Shui, the mainstream of the Three Leagues of the Underworld League of Ten Thousand Races!"

City Master Yunyi said to Fang Yue.

"The third level of Tianzun Realm is a hurdle. Before crossing this hurdle, it is a low-level cultivation in Tianzun Realm!"

Yunyi City added.

A low-level Heavenly Exalted Realm may be killed by a powerhouse at the Supreme Realm or half-step Heavenly Exalted Realm level.

But once that step is taken, the only enemy of the Celestial Realm is the Celestial Realm!

City Lord Yunyi said.

"Fang Yue, don't underestimate this Mr. Flowing Water. He has brilliant achievements in the past. At the end of the last civilization era, he blocked a space passage between the dimensional world and the underworld with his own power, and slaughtered three dimensional worlds. The Heavenly Venerable, won thousands of years for the continuation of the underworld universe! It's a pity that the will of heaven in that generation of underworld universe failed to live up to expectations. In the end, it was not defeated by the creatures of the dimensional world. Instead, it was eroded in the struggle against the power of doom, and finally Fall. Otherwise, with a strong man like Mr. Liushui, maybe that era of civilization can continue to the present!"

City Lord Yunyi was full of admiration for Mr. Liushui when he spoke.

At the level of Tianzunjing, everyone is a figurehead.

The contradictions and conflicts among some internal forces are weakening and becoming very weak!

Their enemies are the same, they are all the power of doom and foreign invaders like the Dimensional World.

Of course, the will of heaven in the underworld does not have any good impressions of the Wanzumeng and the Moon Worship Sect, because in this era of civilization, they always want to slaughter it and absorb its origin to try to break through to a higher level.

The boy who once slayed the dragon has now become a ferocious dragon.

Although this story is old-fashioned, it keeps happening every moment in the underworld universe!

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