MTL - God Of Soul System-v3 Chapter 82 Urahara Kisuke

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"A monster like you can't cause the attention of the corpse, and someone must hide your existence... Who is the instruction?!"

In the fierce battle, Zhibo faintly thought of something. When he fell down, he asked questions to the virtual white. However, the response was only a series of meaningless cicadas.

"Don't answer me? It doesn't matter, whether you say it or not, just pick it up here and you can."

"Burn it, brake the moon!"

With the hands of the slashing knife, Zhibo was stunned, and after a sigh of anger, a hot pressure broke out from his body, and the sickle in his hand suddenly changed into a liberating form!


Just as Zhibo rushed to the virtual white, and intended to use the strength of the liberation of the slashing knife to directly defeat it, his back was cold and lingering, and the blood flashed in an instant!


When Zhibo was aware that the back was wrong, it was too late, and there was already a sneak attack on the back. He was attacked by a special black cloak that could hide the pressure and shape.

Blue dye can easily be silently attacked by the mirror flower water, but he still uses the special cloak that Pu Yuanxi helped to study.


Behind the sword in the middle of the knife, the body swayed, fell to the roof below, a strong cough, a ugly expression on his face, the heart is very clear, the knife in the back is not a virtual, is caused by a sickle.

At this moment, he also directly determined that there is a **** of death behind this, and things are not as simple as they seem.

"Who is it?! Where are you hiding, get out of me!"

Zhibo turned his heart and looked at the empty sky, holding a sickle and angering.

Also dressed in a black special cloak, the same as the completely invisible city of Pills Silver, is also staring at the likes of the clown like a joke, and squinted and said: "Oh, he actually found that the blow was not a virtual one." Yay."

Blue dyed a smile and said: "It seems to be, let's go."

When the voice fell, the blue dye turned directly and was ready to leave.

City Marubeni looked at the bottom, and after being traumatized, once again, Zhibo, who was entangled in vain, said: "Is it enough? No more..."

"His relief will put a lot of burden on the body. Under that kind of injury, it has been impossible to use it. If it is to be killed by the captain of the original solution, it can only be regarded as a failed experiment."

Blue dye interrupted the city of the pill silver, it is very casual and casual.

boom! ! !

There is no self-conscious whiteness, waving like a blade, and attacking Zhibo with a heart, and a sword is falling, and Zhibo can only greet with the sword, the two swords meet, and suddenly a roar .

Zhibo sighed with a sigh of relief. Because of the injury behind him, the vibration caused by this hard fight directly caused the wound behind him to be torn again, and blood poured out.

Just as Zhibo’s heart was struggling because of the blue-stained sneak attack, under the building not far away, an umbrella man was looking at the battlefield where Zhibo’s heart was, and seemed to be considering whether to go forward. .

"If you don't feel wrong, that should be the hidden coat I studied, and the illusion that I have never seen before. It seems to be the blue dyed guy."

Puyuan’s expression of helplessness was indulgent. He and the blue dyed handed over, and the understanding of blue dyeing was not deep. A hundred years ago, he and the captain of the team, such as the captain of the son, and the big ghost of the year, held the Ritti Zhai, etc. Everyone has been subjected to blue-dyed calculations and forced to leave the corpse and come to the world.

The concealed Hiroko has fallen into an irreversible state of illusion and has become a fake face. For many years, he has been studying how to reverse the illusion, but his progress has not been great.

As for the root cause of all this, the collapse of jade is hidden by him. He guessed that blue dye is likely to want to get collapsed jade, naturally it will not let the other party easily get it.

Seeing that Zhibo was in a crisis and entered the situation of life and death, Puyuan hi helped lift the umbrella in his hand. When he planned to save, he suddenly paused and his posture was slightly loose.

"Oh, it seems that I don't have to shoot."

As in the original plot, when Zhibo was in an absolute crisis, the mother of Kurosaki Ishiguro, who was the teacher of Kurosaki, debuted and saved the heart.

I don’t know when I came to Puyuan’s help, Shen Shen said: “Well, if you take the shot now, it’s very likely to be directly against the blue dye. It’s not a good choice.”


Puyuan liked to nod, but at this moment, he suddenly looked like a move, suddenly turned his head and looked at the roadway to the side, and shouted: "Who?!"

After a quiet silence in the roadway, a figure slowly walked out and applauded: "I am not the captain of the former 12th team, the director of the Technology Development Bureau, how did I find out?"

The person who came out was Luo Ya. When Zhibo broke out of the spiritual pressure, he directly opened the door to the world. If it was a heart of the Zhibo and the virtual war, Puyuan Xizhu also went to watch the battle. .

For Puyuan, who helped the creator of the collapsed jade, the highest IQ of the corpse, Luo Ya still paid attention to it, and he did not expect that he would be hidden in the side and would be discovered by Puyuan.

"you are……"

Puyuan liked to see that Luo Ya came out, the hostility disappeared, but still kept a bit of vigilance, and looking at the white feather weaving on Luo Ya, he showed a thoughtful expression.

Luo Ya smiled at Pu Yuanxi and smiled. He looked at the seriousness of the look. He seemed to be ready to shoot the predecessor of the big ghost, and he held the Ling Tie Zhai, saying: "I am the current big ghost leader Luo Ya."

"The current big ghost?"

Grip Tie Tie Zhai showed a hint of color. When he and the devil's gangster were blue-stained and forced to leave the corpse of the corpse, the successor of the big ghost should be the three-seat official Fujiwara.

Luo Ya did not know him in front of him. He thought that it should replace Fujiwara Liuzhai and become the new character of the big ghost.

Puyuan liked to look at Luo Ya deeply. The expression calmly pointed to the roadway and the underground rain that Luoya came out before. He said: "I brought a substance detection device, which uses rainwater to capture, and can bypass the sense of pressure and Visual perception."

"It turned out to be."

Luo Ya nodded. For the blue dye and others who were hiding somewhere in the sky, he was naturally aware of it, and Puyuan’s help in front of him, with such a device, I also knew that blue dyeing, etc. People are here.

Read The Duke's Passion