MTL - God of War Dressed As a Weak Male-Chapter 100

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I love watching the fun (make up for yesterday)

Although everyone resented Mandel's words in their hearts, and knew that Admiral Xavier was not the kind of bug that escaped, but it is the nature of all races to love to watch.

It's good to know Sheville's military females. The star police who came to work because of cooperation in security matters are really interested.

The Second Secretary of the Military Department pointed out that her boss and the Second Army Female of the Military Department were negligent and lecherous. This is a good show that I dare not write in the movie.

They moved slowly towards the center of the incident, trying to hear better.

When the female soldiers saw that Duval Ed's men, who had never been dealing with their boss, were surrounded by them, they were not to be outdone, and they were bound to squeeze the star police behind them. .

In the blink of an eye, Li Zhou, Xavier and Mandel were surrounded by a lot of lively bugs.

Mandel was very satisfied with the chaos he had created. He looked at Xavier and said with a smile: "Don't the general explain it? It seems that everyone wants to know where the general is going. ."

Cheville sneered, did not answer Mandel's words directly, but turned to look at Li Zhou, and said calmly and calmly: "Li Zhou, how long have you been in the military?"

Li Zhou looked at the time, understood what Xavier meant, and cooperated: "I entered the military at 11 am, now it is 4 pm, it has been five hours."

Mandel, who was waiting for him to make a fool of himself.

Mandel was taken aback by Xavier's gaze, Xavier's eyes were as sharp as knives, as soon as he touched it, he fell into an ice cellar, he didn't even hear what Xavier said, he forced himself calm.

For a moment, Li Zhou seemed to have thought of something, secretly adjusted his expression, and used his purest eyes to sweep around the worms watching the lively, and then, his innocent eyes were filled with doubts , fell on Mandel.

Mandel, who had just recovered, was taken aback by Li Zhou. He always felt that something was out of his control. He couldn't help but get nervous, and lowered his head to think about how he should deal with what he discovered next.

The worms, who were also bewitched by Li Zhou, were also surprised, and looked at Mandel with a bit of unkindness in their eyes, especially the female soldiers who had seen how Li Zhou treated the general.

"But during the four hours of work, I don't seem to have seen Mr. Mandel, who is the general's secretary?"

Mandel finally calmed down, and when he heard Li Zhou's questioning about him, he immediately retorted: "I'm not here because His Majesty called me because of the great court meeting—"

Mandel didn't say anything later, because he saw the smiles on the corners of Li Zhou and Xavier's mouth.

He finally realized that he was just a secretary. If the emperor really wanted to be summoned because of the big court meeting, it would be Xavier who was summoned, not Xavier's secretary, Xavier also more Impossible not to know.

He opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but before he could think of what to say, there were countless disdainful laughter from all directions, making him feel like he was being roasted on the fire.

Sheville didn't want to let him go at all, and then asked: "You are my secretary, you need to report to me when you enter and leave the military during work hours. But not only did you not report, but you left the military without authorization to be lazy. , and put the blame on His Majesty."

Shevell looked at Mandel coldly: "So duplicitous, how did you learn the rules when you were in the military school? Is that how the Guy family taught you?"

"You?" Mandel was impatient, but not completely lost.

He countered: "I was wrong, Admiral, don't you also make out with your hero during working hours, do you still want to escape from work and go home?"

Feeling that he had grasped the crux of the incident, Mandel continued: "It's fine in normal times, but during the great court meeting, everyone worked diligently, doesn't the general feel like a deserter?"

After saying this, Mandel turned to look at the worms around him. He was a little proud, and felt that what he said should be hitting the hearts of the military female and the star police who were working to death.

After all, they were always busy because of the great court meeting, so they didn't dare to slack off, but Xavier, who was the general, wanted to be lazy.

This is the most intolerable existence in their system!

However, when Mandelnan *Feng really looked over, the military female and the star police were indeed frowning, but it was not Xavier who frowned, but him.

Just when he was extremely puzzled and felt that these military females and star policemen were sick, he heard an ethereal and smiling voice ringing in his ears.

"I remember that the interstellar law stipulates that a married female son must obey his male master unconditionally, right?"

"Yes!" The female soldiers in the swarm roared, "Your Highness is right, the female king must put the male master first! Nothing can stop it!"

Li Zhou nodded with satisfaction, looked at Mandel with a bad face, and said calmly: "Let's not say that I forced Xavier to accompany me, I want to ask such a dedicated Mandel Sir, do you know the progress of your military department's work on the Great Court this time?"

Mandel sneered: "Of course I know, I don't know, do you know?"

Li Zhou shook his head and said sincerely, "I don't know."

Mandel got excited when Li Zhou said he didn't know.

"I know that His Royal Highness can take the general with him anytime, anywhere, but the military still has so much work waiting for the general to decide, so I will stop the general, otherwise how dare I."

He looked at the insects around him with some grievance, which meant that he did it all for everyone.

Seeing that the insects cast their eyes on Xavier because of his own words, Mandel was very happy.

He felt that this time, he should take care of Xavier's fault. After all, it was about the safety of the Imperial Star and the attribution of responsibility. He did so without fear of power.

However, before he could be complacent, Li Zhou's voice sounded again.

"I don't know the progress of the work, but I know that Xavier has been working without sleep for three days to catch up with the progress, and at the same time, there are colleagues who work together, but as far as I know, these sleepless nights Your colleagues at work don't seem to be without you - Mr. Mandel."

Li Zhou looked at Mandel with electric eyes, took a step forward, and said coldly: "You are Xavier's secretary, and the companion who should work with him the most, but in his Where were you working late at night?"

"Me!" Mandel wanted to say something, but what he could say, he couldn't say he would go to the palace and have a private meeting with Clyde after work.

But things have developed to this point, if he stops and admits his mistakes, then he will face the end of being isolated or even kicked out of the military.

He resented his impatience and should be more prepared to attack Xavier, but he could not admit defeat.

Thinking of this, Mandel was heartbroken, seized on Xavier's own early departure and continued to question: "Admiral can leave early after three days, what about my colleagues? I didn't accompany him. We'll get through it together, but I didn't leave early! I've fulfilled my responsibilities at work!"

"Really?" Li Zhou didn't say much, just looked at him with contempt.

In fact, here, the worms onlookers have fully understood what is going on, and they despise Mandel's rambunctious appearance.

So it was useless for Li Zhou and Xie Weier to speak again, the female soldier in the swarm who received the notice the day before yesterday said impatiently, "The day before yesterday, the admiral gave an order to forcibly work overtime for one day and one night in a row. The female soldiers went to rest, but the admiral did not rest for three consecutive days, and the admiral was still injured!"

"Then why didn't I—"

Before Mandel's words were finished, he was ruthlessly interrupted by the military female who had just spoken.

"You didn't receive it because you didn't work overtime. You don't know because the order was issued by the logistics department."

Speaking of this, the military female snorted coldly: "You should have given the order to write the admiral, but you can't find the insect shadow when the admiral needs you. Who are you talking about? Neglect of duty?"

Mandel's face was pale, and he didn't know how to answer the military female's question.

Shevell shook his head, not understanding why Clyde sent this stupid thing to him to monitor him.

Could it be that Mandel was deliberately placed in front of him by Clyde to attract his attention, and there was a real eyeliner behind his back watching him? If this is what he thinks, who is the eyeliner behind the scenes?

You are in the army, but you are not suitable to be my secretary anymore, go back to the logistics department and stand by."

"Yes, Admiral."

Mandel knew that he was shooting himself in the foot this time, but he didn't argue at this point, just gave Xavier a hateful look, turned and walked towards the military headquarters.

He thought that as long as he stayed in the army, one day he would be able to catch Xavier for His Majesty.

However, that is simply impossible, Xavier has already figured out how to completely remove this eyeliner, and now Mandel is kept just to draw out that eyeliner in the back.

Satisfied after watching the lively worms, they cheered collectively, making Mandel's face with his back to the worms even more ugly, and he ran into the army as if fleeing.

Li Zhou took Xavier's hand again, and said gently to the insects around him, "I'm going to take your generals home to rest now, do you have any opinions?"

"No opinion, no opinion, Your Highness has done a good job, we have never seen an admiral so good!" The military female who had just angered Mandel teased.

"Bowen, you little bastard, how dare you read Admiral Sheville's joke?"

Morey, who appeared out of nowhere, knocked the head of the military female and said with a smile.

Bowen touched the back of his head that was sore, and said with a smile: "It's a rare opportunity! Usually admirals have a straight face, and we don't dare to get close. It's still His Highness Li Zhou who is powerful, our general will soften when we meet him."

"It seems so." Morey touched his chin and looked at Bowen with a "really so" expression.

Other military females dared to make fun of Brigadier General Morey, and they all followed suit and asked the general to be gentle with them.

Chever: ".."

These **** are crazy.

However, Seville may not have noticed that, looking at these mischievous bastards, a faint smile hung on the corner of his mouth.

Li Zhou also looked at the booing military females with a smile, and whispered to Xavier: "They are very cute."

Sheville nodded and affirmed: "They are cute, I like them very much."

"So you can safely leave things to them and go home with us, my lady."

Xevier nodded obediently, and got on Li Zhoukai's aircraft amid the kind laughter of the female soldiers.

He was going home with his lover, and his comrades outside the aircraft were waving goodbye to him.

For some reason, Xavier suddenly felt very relaxed, so relaxed that he fell asleep before Li Zhou drove the aircraft home.

But what Xavier didn't know was that he slept for three days, so that he didn't frighten Evil who came to examine him to death..

The author has this to say:

Mandel: I'll be back, yes, yes (echo);

Cherville, Li Yiyi, the pan fan goes further: let's go!

There is a second watch, the second watch is 9 o'clock in the evening. Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2022-06-0220:00:47-2022-06-0415:25:26—

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

Read The Duke's Passion