MTL - God of War Dressed As a Weak Male-Chapter 111

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Li Zhou's heart is warm, and he has more nostalgia for this interstellar.

Li Zhou used the ability to coax Xavier to play in the cloakroom upstairs, and it turned into an arc cloud, and a rose with electric light, and also controlled the arc Xiao Li Zhou to hold a large Roses are given to Arc Jr. Sheville.

Cherville likes Li Zhou's vitality now, and is also very interested in Li Zhou's abilities. He regrets that he does not have such abilities.

Li Zhou doesn't see it that way, because his supernatural powers are acquired by cultivating his family's ancestral practice.

Shevell also practiced, but the time was short, and the effects of the exercises were all reflected in the comfort and control of mental power.

Over time, the ability may not be generated.

He told Xavier his guess, and saw Xavier's eyes suddenly looking at him, as if asking "Is it true?"

Li Zhou smiled and scratched Xavier's nose, pampered: "The probability is more than 50%.

Severe is not bothered, there is a 50% probability that it is already very good.

If he really had the ability, he would be more powerful to protect Li Zhou and everything he wanted to protect.

Li Zhou knew what he was thinking when he saw Xavier's expression.

Somewhat angrily, she lowered her head and bit Seville's ear, whispering: "I said, don't carry everything by yourself."

"Don't worry, I won't carry it by myself, I will tell you everything in the future."

Li Zhou smiled: "Hurry up and help me get dressed, my father and the others are still waiting downstairs."

"Well, it looks good in this, I'll take you to buy clothes tomorrow."

"Okay, it's up to you, I'll spend your money."

"It's our money."

They all have wings, but the wings of Li Zhou and Xavier just opened their eyes.

Li Zhou's wings are not bad, mainly Li Zhou is the first male to evolve wings in these tens of thousands of years, so it is strange enough, but Xavier's wings are their surprise.

This allows them to see their future.

Evel even forgot about calling Azel to ask about the secret, and said excitedly: "Have you seen it? Sheville's wings actually gave birth to a phoenix, and six more. I dare to For sure, his quality in all aspects has definitely been greatly improved, and I must give him and Li Zhou a comprehensive medical examination before leaving."

Duke, who is also an expert on this subject, was equally excited, chatting with Evel.

Brian and Amos looked at each other, smiled and did not stop the two researchers from talking like a book, but focused their attention on the wings that became extremely On the quiet Azer.

"What's wrong with you?" Brian patted Azel on the shoulder and asked with concern.

Azel came back to his senses, and saw Brian and his teacher both looking at him with a smile.

He was a little confused at this time, opened his mouth, and wanted to say something, but when he thought that it might involve Li Zhou's privacy, he swallowed the words.

"No, it's fine, just a little shocked."

"Yeah, yeah!" Hearing that, Evil turned his head to look at his younger brother, eloquent, and said: "Ezel, come to the hospital for a medical examination tomorrow, and I'll check your spirit. Whether the strength and physical fitness have increased, whether Brian can also test before leaving, I want to leave these materials."

Of course Azel and Brian would not refuse, nodding in agreement.

Iville then continued to discuss various evolutionary directions and possibilities with Duke contentedly.

Amos looked at Azel who had agreed and started to be in a daze, and called him softly.

After Azel walked up to him and squatted down, he lovingly stroked Azel's hair and said softly, "Did you think of something?"

Azel pursed her lips and nodded in the warm eyes of Amos.

"Can't tell?"

Aizel shook his head and whispered: "No, it's just with the consent of Li Zhou and Xavier before I can say." Although I didn't tell Xavier the results of the comparison, Ai Zell thought to himself.

Amos was not surprised by Azer's attitude. He should do what he should do to protect the secrets of other insects, which is good.

Drawing Azel to sit beside him, Amos said: "Then wait until Li Zhou and Xavier agree."

"Agree with what?" Xavier asked Li Zhou curiously as soon as he came downstairs while holding Li Zhou's hand.

Amos smiled slightly, looked at the handsome young couple, did not hide it, and said directly: "We belong to the line of monarch butterflies to Li Zhou, but the genes and the royal family have nothing in common. , I'm a little curious. So I wanted to ask Azel, but Azel said it might involve Li Zhou's privacy."

"My privacy? Why don't I know what privacy I have?" Li Zhou scratched his head, not quite understanding what was going on.

Sheville had a guess in his heart, but he couldn't figure out what was going on, so he said, "It's okay, Azel, tell me."

Azel looked at Li Zhou, and after Li Zhou nodded, he spoke slowly.

He first reported the results of the gene comparison, and then said that he had checked the records of the male son with the same gene as Li Zhou and ten thousand years ago.

I didn't hold out hope, but I didn't expect him to find the record about this male.

This male name was originally called Fielding Nelger, and he was the bloodline of the royal family. He was very adventurous when he grew up.

After being recognized as the royal family, she changed her surname to Veblen, and her name was Veblen Nelger.

After he returned to the royal family, he did not participate in the competition for the crown prince, but braved the unexplored planet. The last record was that he disappeared near a black hole.

Hearing Azel say this, Amos and other insects understood why Li Zhou clearly had the blood of a monarch butterfly, but there was no similarity with the royal family gene.

Ten thousand years have passed, and the genes of this generation of monarch butterflies have evolved over ten thousand years, and they have long been different from ten thousand years ago.

How can Li Zhou's genes overlap with the prince ten thousand years ago?

Li Zhou and Xavier are not concerned about this issue, they are concerned about the black hole mentioned by Azer.

Yes, a black hole!

Hearing this word, Li Zhou and Xieweier raised their heads at the same time and looked at Aizer with burning eyes, but Azel, who was speaking seriously, was startled, thinking that he said something inappropriate said.

Just as he was about to ask himself whether he wanted to say anything, he heard Li Zhou ask him, "Aizel, did you find out which black hole he disappeared into?"

Izel didn't expect Li Zhou not only to not stop him, but to ask him more deeply.

Think about it, click on Star Brain, call up the picture, and say: "I have compared it, it should be this star field."

Looking at Li Zhouyi, chaotic memories surged up, a flash of lightning flashed in his mind, his whole body staggered, and Xieweier hugged him.

"Li Zhou, what's the matter with you? What's wrong with you?" Xie Weir helped Li Zhou to sit on the sofa and asked anxiously.

Iver and Duke also gathered around, wanting to check for Li Zhou.

Li Zhou waved his hand, took a deep breath, and said, "I'm fine, Azel, have you seen the record about that male's appearance?"

Izel didn't understand why Li Zhou asked this, but he still clicked on his star brain and found a picture that was not very clear.

"This is Nerge's photo. It was taken at the dinner party on the day he recognized the royal family. Although it is not very clear, if you want to see high-definition, I can try to restore it."

"No." Li Zhou breathed a sigh of relief, having read all the features of the male in the photo during Azer's introduction.

Not like him, not like him at all, the male eyes in the photo are black, and his facial contours are also different from him.

Most importantly, the male in the photo has a clear birthmark on his earlobe, which he does not.

This proves that he did not transmigrate to Nerz, nor did he take Nerz away, he was himself.

As for how he is exactly the same as Nergen's gene, this may be related to the black hole and that cosmic torrent.

After all, the first black hole photo of Azel was the perspective he remembered.

He didn't explain anything, but asked Azer to pull out the location map and take a closer look.

Shevell also seemed to have discovered this, and hesitated: "Is this the place in your memory?"

Li Zhou nodded, looked up at the females who were confused by his series of reactions, and explained, "I should have existed ten thousand years ago."

"How is that possible?" Duke and Evel asked in unison.

Li Zhou didn't know how to explain it, so he said all the dreams he had before and the things that he had thought of intermittently these days.

The insects fell silent after hearing this, and after a long time, Amos spoke.

"Don't tell anyone about today's affairs, and don't tell other bugs about Li Zhou."

"Yes, daddy, I understand."

Amos set his sights on Azel again, and exhorted: "Azel, when you hand over work tomorrow, think of a way to do something so that other insects can't be found. These."

Azel nodded and said, "Teacher, don't worry, when I found out, I made a hidden program, and no other bugs will find it."

"You are all my children, no matter what Li Zhou's background is, you should treat him as a brother, protect him, love him, and help him. Similarly, Li Zhou will in turn protect you and help him. You, he has always done that."

Amos finally set his sights on Li Zhou and Xavier, and said solemnly: "So, I don't want to see any distrust between you, understand?"

"Yes, Marshal." The insects responded in unison.

Actually, Amos believed in the character of the children, but it was the way he used to teach the students whether to beat or beat.

Hearing the unanimous answers of the children, Amos softened his expression and said to Aivil and Duke: "About Li Zhou's memory, you still have to help him find a solution. "

Duke said: "Ever and I have some eyebrows, but there is a certain risk, I want to find a more secure way to help Li Zhou recover his memory. "

Ever said: "When Jane is finished, I will find a way to resign to find you, even if I still can't find a way, then I will concentrate on finding a way to restore Li Zhou's memory. "

"Thank you." Li Zhou said gratefully, and he was very warm to hear this.

He found that he had a sense of belonging here, and now it is not only Xavier who made him miss him, but also these friends who worried about him and helped him.

He smiled and looked back at Xavier, who was holding him, and saw Xavier also smiling at him.

After looking at each other for a few seconds, he rubbed Chewell's face happily.

Amos and other insects all laughed and watched the sweet and interactive young couple, Duke even whistled coaxingly.

He clamored for Li Zhou to cook for him, saying that after they left, he and Morey would be left in the Imperial City, and this time they must eat enough.

Of course Li Zhou readily agreed, leaving the steady Brian to take care of Amos, and went to the kitchen to help with the booing worms.

Different from the happy atmosphere in the manor, in the palace, Clyde was about to be mad at Archie.

Not only did he disregard his orders and bravely entered the palace gate, he also shouted that he wanted to kill Amos, who was plotting against him.

Although Clyde also wants to kill Amos, but the wall has ears, and those hidden eyeliners hear it, tomorrow's front page headline is that Clyde has nowhere to go, insulting meritorious people at will minister.

He slapped Archie twice in a row in anger, and said, "I will send you to the Imperial Capital Star tomorrow, so that you can save trouble."

Archie panicked when he heard this, kneeling and hugging Clyde's thigh, crying breathlessly, begging for mercy.

He also said that if he hadn't tipped off at that time, Clyde would have died at Jacob's hands.

Clyde was aroused by Archie's words, and he helped Archie who was crying uncontrollably.


Archie also showed a hateful expression and said, "Then just let him out of the Imperial City and kill him directly."

Clyde didn't want to, but he felt that Amos could play a greater role in the Imperial Capital Star, and he could contain Xavier, who had gone far away.

Archie didn't think so, he squinted his eyes and said, "Brother, Amos is in the Imperial Capital for a day, and Welbo doesn't want to really control the military."

"You promoted Morey to check and balance Welbo, but Morey is from Xavier's line. Amos is still the imperial marshal in name. Without my checks and balances, he can use Mole Ray and Xavier regained control of the army, and our plan to use Xavier to leave the Imperial City to take control of the army fell through."

Clyde took a deep breath, so many things happened recently, he really ignored this problem.

Archie saw that Clyde was a little shaken, and continued to say: "Brother, I can think of problems, why did you ignore them? As long as we can control the military and get military power, Amos It doesn't matter whether you stay in the Imperial City or not, on the contrary—"

"What?" Clyde asked.

Archie smiled and said: "On the contrary, after Amos stays in the Imperial Capital, Xavier will pay more attention to the living environment of Amos. He will try his best to control the generals in his own hands, With the cooperation of Amos, we won't be able to get military power at all."

"Besides, we can't let Amos die on the Imperial Capital Star, so we just do a good job and let Amos and Xavier go. Anyway, without my comfort, even if they survived on the way. If you come down, you will have to die at the time of giving birth.”

Clyde was persuaded by Archie, he nodded, waved Archie away, and hid in the darkness thinking about Archie's words.

I didn't see it at all. Archie, who turned his back to him, showed an inevitable smile, showing his fangs in the dark.

The author has this to say:

Once upon a time;

Amos taught the students who were incapable of fighting: You have to trust each other, and if you fight again, I will not want you.

Five radish heads: woo woo woo, teacher, woo woo woo, don't want us.

Amos was one big and two big, and he hurriedly hugged him in his arms.

The next chapter opens the copy of life on alien planets, and this article also begins to end, there are about 100,000 words left to finish, buried in the article about Li Zhou's life experience, dream voice, star beast mutation, Foreshadowings such as the accident of the descendants of the monarch butterfly lineage will also be announced one after another.

Please stay tuned.

I once again express my support for my friends, the friends who leave a message before tomorrow's update will all have red envelopes, don't dive anymore, QAQ;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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