MTL - God of War Dressed As a Weak Male-Chapter 126

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Hidden away

They underestimate Archie

"Teleport! You mean—" Xavier looked at Li Zhou in surprise.

"Well." Li Zhou squeezed Xavier's finger, "Teleportation is a variant of space ability, which can ignore the block and move instantaneously, so he will be locked in the medical warehouse. Appearing in front of me is also for this reason, so you didn't stop him immediately."

Li Zhou moved his body with difficulty, and let himself face Xavier sideways. When Xavier quickly embraced him, he pressed his forehead against Xavier's forehead, his eyes were extremely gentle look at him.

"Stop blaming yourself, it really has nothing to do with you."

Xevier didn't answer right away, and quietly looked at Li Zhou's green eyes full of vitality again.

After a long time, he stretched out his hand and pressed the back of Li Zhou's head, making him stick closer to him, his Adam's apple rolled up and down, and replied in a choked and hoarse voice: "Yeah."

Li Zhou seemed to be tired, after hearing Xavier's reply, his eyes closed slightly, like a coquettish, vaguely said: "Xavier, sleep with me for a while, I want to go home tomorrow ."

"Okay, okay, we'll go home when we wake up."

Xevier patted Li Zhou on the back, coaxed softly, and sent a text message to Brian before closing his eyes next to Li Zhou.

Brian and Bowen, who received the text message, continued to pry Quincy's words.

Quincy is a tough guy, because he is seriously injured now, Brian and the others can't torture him, full of nonsense.

Sometimes he said that he was sent by Clyde, and then he said that he wanted Xavier to die, obviously they are all SS+ level females, why Xavier is two levels higher than him , and later said that he was controlled by other insects, so he would assassinate Xavier.

In the final analysis, there is no truth!

The previous interrogation gave Brian and Bowen a headache and wanted to kill Quincy directly.

But today was different, Brian looked at the text message Sheville sent him, and walked into the heavily guarded ward with Bowen and Duke.

Quincy thought that Brian and the others would still interrogate him with the same method that they kept asking him and not letting him rest.

He was ready to laugh at them, but today they changed the way, and this way suddenly made him feel lost.

While Quincy was shaken for a moment, Brian spoke up.

He said in an extremely indifferent, as if three-point smiley voice, "Teleportation is a really good ability."

All that fell flew towards Duke's fingers.

In the blink of an eye, the soil in the flowerpot was all forming shapes along Duke's waving fingers.

"You!" Quincy's eyes widened immediately, looking ugly at Duke and Brian and Bowen who were not surprised at Duke's ability.

, or that your IQ is finally on the line, discovering—"

Speaking of this, Duke deliberately stopped, and moved his fingers lightly, the soil gradually formed a flower with the movement of his fingers, and then became his own appearance, and then became The appearance of Brian and Bowen beside him.

He didn't talk about the follow-up, just focused on showing off his ability to control the power. Just hanging Quincy, who had become an ant on a hot pan, the soil in his hands kept changing, now flowers and plants, now mountains, and now the portraits of various insects.

Brian and Bowen didn't speak either, as if they were focusing on Duke's "magic", but smiled occasionally to express an appreciation for Duke's control.

Quincy, who had been talking nonsense to Brian and the others two days ago, looked extremely ugly at this time.

When Brian said "teleport" and Duke showed his ability, it caused a lot of shock to him.

He had seen the earth wall on the barren star, but at that time he thought it was the wall formed by Xavier using his own mental power to forcibly vibrate the soil, and he didn't think about Duke at all.

Besides, he never dreamed that Duke would have powers, it was absolutely impossible!

Could it be that Xavier and the others defected to his boss long ago, but if they defected, how could the boss still use his trump card?

Quincy's heart was very messy, he began to list all kinds of possibilities, just when he couldn't figure it out, an idea suddenly flashed in his mind.

The boss wouldn't want to get rid of himself, otherwise, he wouldn't be able to explain that Duke and the others knew what his abilities were, but he didn't know that Duke and the others had abilities.

The more I thought about it, the more likely it was, Quincy gradually became irritable, and at this moment, the soil in Duke's hands once again formed a portrait.

No, not one, but two portraits.

When Quincy saw the two portraits, his pupils shrank uncontrollably for a moment, and Brian, who was secretly observing, was staring at him.

He held back his shock and winked at Duke.

Duke didn't move, the two soil portraits fell to the ground instantly without Duke's control, shattering.

Quincy's pupils shrank again as the portrait shattered.

Just before Quincy could react, Duke pointed to the small mound on the ground that had no shape at all, and said, "Your Excellency Lieutenant General, do you understand now? Are you moving? The worm that should move, you say that he, they know that you are still alive, will you feel at ease? Or are you still counting on them to save you?"

Quincy certainly thought so, after all, he is one of the best females in evolution, and he is the most important experimental subject, so it should not be so easy to give up.

But when he heard Duke's words, he hesitated again.

Maybe his hesitant expression was too obvious, and Bowen's words, who had been serving as the background board, directly shattered his dream.

"Dream! Don't think that your rank SS+ will be taken seriously. You know, as long as you are qualified, we can all advance. Besides, if you are really that important, they will not send you to assassinate Sheville."


Quincy has been completely confused by Duke and the others, and panicked: "They asked me to do this, I didn't kill Xavier, but I killed that male wisely, Xie Will is broken, he is broken, I clearly-"

Quincy suddenly stopped, and the word "success" was stunned.

Because he saw Brian and the others smiling, and they laughed very happily, not sad at all.

"That male is not dead! You cheated me!" Quincy reacted suddenly.

"Yeah! We're just cheating you." Brian said leisurely, "You don't really think that Xavier has collapsed, and we couldn't do anything to you two days ago, so you can only Will I interrogate you in a way that boils you?"

Brian looked at the furious Quincy with mocking eyes, and his tone was soft, but what he said made Quincy unable to refute.

"You are too naive, Your Excellency Lieutenant General. Have you been silenced for so many years and become a waste that can't think?"


What am I? Quincy knew that this time he had planted it, in the hands of a few juniors.

Brian took advantage of his serious injury and lack of energy, coupled with the failure of the mission and was captured in a trance, and after he woke up, he kept him from resting, and when he was exhausted to the extreme, he suddenly exposed Duke knows supernatural powers, and they know exactly what kind of superpowers they have and what kind of superpowers they are, and they say some plausible words to guide him, thus completely destroying his psychological defense.

Although Brian and the others don't know everything, the most important thing is that they have obtained the information about who instructed him to assassinate Xavier.

He is useless, and the only thing waiting for him is Xavier's crazy revenge.

Sure enough, Brian didn't ask him anything, but texted Seville.

While waiting for Xavier to come over, Brian looked at Quincy with a gloomy face and said softly, "Good luck, Your Excellency."

As soon as he finished speaking, Xavier pushed open the door and entered without a word of nonsense. He walked directly to Quincy and put a hand between Quincy's eyebrows.

I just heard Quincy screaming, and she was instantly tired on the bed, looking at Xavier in disbelief.

"You actually abolished my spiritual sea, you, how could you—"

Cherville sneered: "I was treated as a lackey by the superiors, as a scapegoat, and delusional that the superiors would be kind to tell you everything, Quincy, I never knew you were so naive."

Twice in one day, Quincy, who was considered innocent, grabbed the corner of Xavier's shirt, who was about to leave, and said anxiously: "You, you can kill me, but you tell me , tell me, why can you abolish my spiritual sea, and why does Duke have powers!"

Shevell looked at Quincy in the ice, and after a while, he reached out and broke his hand, leaving Quincy without even looking at him, turned and left.

When he reached the door, he stopped, turned to look at Quincy with a hopeful face, and said coldly, "Don't think about it!"

Brian, Duke and Bowen looked at each other, tsk tsk, gave Quincy a pitiful look, and went out with Shevel.

Now they are not afraid of Quincy running away, but they are very interested in the reason why Sheville did not kill Quincy.

Duke jumped to stop Xavier, who wanted to return to Li Zhou, and asked curiously, "How did you hold back not killing Quincy?"

Xevier glanced at Duke, he knew that Duke couldn't stop him if he didn't explain, so he leaned against the wall of the corridor and said slowly: "Li Zhou won't let me kill him , said he was still useful."

Duke nodded. Although he didn't know what the use of this waste bug was, Li Zhou was always right.

He patted Xavier on the shoulder, and said: "I'm amazing, if I hadn't suddenly thought of Archie, I really couldn't figure out that the insect behind Quincy was actually the two of them. ."

Xevier was also an accident. He thought that Quincy was related to the star beast, but he didn't think that Quincy was actually related to Archie.

It was he who underestimated Archie, Archie was not a boy who only knew how to play, but a boy who was so daring and meticulous that he dared to collude with the King of Star Beasts for Clyde.

Ryder's wariness.

If Duke had not thought of Archie at the last minute and composed a portrait with soil, he would have escaped.

This also shows that Archie doesn't want Quincy alive at all.

He asked Quincy to assassinate himself, but he never thought it would be successful, he just wanted the news of "Sherville was assassinated" flying all over the sky, using this news to make Clyde further chaotic, fortunately the most suitable The opportunity is a hit.

It seems that when they released news to force Clyde to cut off his tail to survive, they actually helped Archie invisibly.

The lab is probably in Archie's hands now.

Archie, who has benefited, is in the dark, and he must not want to be exposed now.

As long as they release the news that Quincy is still alive, Archie will 100% send the elite of the elite to assassinate Quincy in order not to expose himself.

Li Zhou didn't let him kill Quincy because he wanted to sit back and wait for Archie to throw himself into the net, but they wanted to see how many worms with supernatural abilities were in Archie's hands.

Li Zhou and Xavier expected it to be good. When Archie, who was far away in the imperial capital, learned that Quincy was still alive but was in a coma, he immediately contacted the star beast emperor Carl and asked him to help Assassinate Quincy.

Carl looked at Archie with a funny look, and said mercilessly: "We don't have this item in our contract, you can solve it yourself! Also, don't contact me if you have anything."

After speaking, I hung up the communication.


Archie frowned, he didn't expect Carl to reject him so directly.

After thinking about it, he dialed another number.

After waiting anxiously for a while, a figure wearing a black cloak and a hood, whose face could not be seen clearly appeared in the air...

The author has this to say:

Seville: I didn't expect Clyde to be a clown so much.

Li Zhou: It's alright, let's make Archie a clown too.

Clyde, Archie: ..

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