MTL - God of War Dressed As a Weak Male-Chapter 141

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Mystery Mail

Family portrait, family portrait belonging only to Cheville

After hanging up the communication, Archie sneered twice, his good eldest brother was still as arrogant as ever, and was brought into the trap by himself in a few words.

Of course, I can't blame him, after all, my own clumsiness for so many years is still useful, and what he said is not all made up, but it is not that he wants to do it, but Clyde wants to do it. Do.

To be honest, he was shocked by Clyde's idea at the time, after all, this one was bad, and Amos escaped, with the ability and prestige of Amos and Xavier, Coupled with the troublesome princes, it is easy to overthrow the current dynasty.

He couldn't think of why his shrewd and good brother would do this!

Do you want to take a video to threaten Amos?

It should be, after all, he had worked so hard to find a female prostitute who looked like Xavier, and wanted to frame Xavier, but in the end he failed to do so, but instead shot himself in the foot .

However, his good brother underestimated Amos too much, and Amos, who had already been calculated once, was very vigilant, and Clyde had no way to start.

So, he took the second place, let himself restrain Amos as the hero, and pulled Amos away from the army little by little.

He will bring Shevil, who is not yet an adult, to the battlefield, and experience him, so that he can be on his own as soon as possible, and let the female army surrender.

His good brother's plan to take control of the military failed, so he had been dormant for many years, just to wait for Xavier to be 66 years old, so that he could force a marriage.

Clyde's plan failed again, he wanted to divide Xavier and his hero, but the hero named Li Zhou didn't eat his trick at all, but used Clyde to get it Quite a few good things that are good for Seville.

Thinking of Clyde's stinking face when he knew the truth, he still wants to laugh now.

However, when it comes to Li Zhou's words, Archie admits that he has also misunderstood.

Thinking of the recent interstellar training exercise, Archie squinted his eyes, and always felt that something was wrong.

He thought of Quincy, not just Quincy. All his daughters and sons learned from their teachers a method of controlling mental violence called Gongfa.

But the set of exercises about Professor Li Zhou that is circulating on the Interstellar Internet is not the same, Xiongzi can also practice.

The most important thing is that he asked his subordinates, and his subordinates said that Professor Li Zhou's exercises looked roughly the same as what they were practicing now, but they were completely different in nature.

One is too explosive to damage the body, and the other is very soft and strong. They tried it secretly, and Li Zhou's exercises were not only gentle, but the effect was more than twice that of their current exercises.

They have become accustomed to the explosion of the previous exercise, and the meridians are more or less damaged, but after practicing this exercise, the originally damaged meridians began to recover slowly.

Although it is very slow, it is really recovering, and they think that this method can also be practiced by males.

After all, there are already male sons following the practice on the interstellar network, so far there is no abnormality.

Besides, Li Zhou himself is a male, he can't harm himself, so the exercises should be for both sexes.

As for the rumors that Li Zhou cultivated wings and that Li Zhou is the purest blood of the monarch butterfly, they don't believe it, they only allegiance to His Royal Highness Archie.

Archie still believes that his subordinates are only loyal to himself. The brainwashing after so many years is not in vain.

Even if they wanted to betray, they had to weigh the consequences of betrayal, but he was interested in that exercise.

Also, what does Li Zhou have to do with his good teacher? In other words, his good teacher should have an indissoluble bond with Li Zhou.

And this indissoluble bond, 80% is a bad bond, or the problem of my good teacher.

Otherwise, it's not that his skills are rough, but Li Zhou's skills are rough. As for Li Zhou being a descendant of Monarch Butterfly, he really doesn't doubt it.

His good father was always showing mercy back then, maybe this Li Zhou was really his brother.

Since Li Zhou is likely to be his good emperor brother, then he should give him a big gift as a big brother, as a greeting gift, otherwise, wouldn't it be too stingy?

How about a gift? Archie's eyes flickered, and he chuckled.

He knows what gift to give, and he guarantees that his good brother will be satisfied.

By the way, he has to ask the commander to send the edict to the Star Side of the Imperial Capital as soon as possible, so as not to have too many dreams at night.

Thinking of this, Archie recruited the commander, and handed him the edict of abdication that he had drawn up early in the morning and sealed it in a small anti-explosion and pressure-resistant box to the commander.

In the commander's puzzled eyes, he said coldly: "You must hand this thing over to the highest commander of the Imperial Capital Star."

When the commander heard that he was going to deliver the letter to the Imperial Capital Star, which was occupied by Prince Jacob, his face turned pale with fright, and the thing was almost still on the ground.

Archie coldly looked at the timid appearance of the commander, snorted coldly, and said: "What are you afraid of, I have already coordinated, you will be fine when you get there, and you don't have to rush back Be smart, understand?"

The commander with a sweaty head took the box tremblingly, knelt down and trembled: "Yes, yes, Your Majesty. Minister, minister..Understand, understand.."

Archie interrupted the commander impatiently: "Other ministers, ministers, you do as I say, there will be no worries about your life, go on. I'm annoyed by being a fool."

The commander had no choice but to give Archie a non-standard salute, and stumbled out of the palace with something.

Archie looked at the back of the commander who was about to fall, and sneered: "Trash! It's all trash!"

Then, he got up leisurely, and was supported by the bug attendant and walked towards the harem.

He has to go see his brother's good concubine Jane, after all, the baby in Jane's womb is the most important **** in the Bloomfield family.

He has to make sure that Jane will be able to produce smoothly. Otherwise, let Evel stay in the palace, I believe Jane will be very happy, won't she?

At this time, the imperial capital star side star.

Brian and Lu are discussing how to strengthen the guard of the side star again, they have contacted Azer, and Azer has remotely instructed them how to strengthen the planet's defense network.

They have no shortage of energy stones now, so a total of three layers of defense net have been built.

They also got in touch with Morey, and they were waiting for Jacob's order, so they could pretend to be Jacob's army and cooperate with Moreli to log in to the Imperial City directly.

Before that, however, he had to do something to restore Shevel's reputation.

Although it is said that the more grievances Seville is now, the higher his reputation will rebound in the future, but they also have to prevent insects from taking advantage of this to shake the hearts of the people.

After all, the spring can withstand the pressure, and if the pressure is too high, it will directly break and cannot rebound.

For this reason, he specially discussed with his teacher Amos, in fact, he wanted to find Xavier.

But he hit Xavier's star brain, Xevier didn't answer, he had no choice but to disturb his teacher.

The teacher thought the same as him, and felt that Xavier's reputation could not be allowed to decline, so he told Clyde what he wanted to do against him before, and also took out the evidence.

It was a few conversations between Clyde and Archie at the palace. The content of the conversation was Clyde calculating his own plan, and roaring to shorten the army when the calculation failed. Expenses and Calculations Shewell's rants.

This dialogue is that Amos put a tape recorder in Archie's pocket in order to protect himself.

It was this recording that allowed him to escape Clyde's second calculation. He didn't want to take this recording out, and he didn't want to tell Xavier them.

He was afraid that Xavier and the others would not be able to control it when they found out, but in this situation, this recording is just right, not only to let the people know the faces of Clyde and Archie, but also indirectly "Whitewash" Shevel.

After all, no matter how powerful Xavier is, he can't defeat a well-equipped army with his bare hands.

Amos normally passed the recording of the conversation to Brian, and Brian listened to the entire recording with a livid face, and his teeth were about to bite.

He said fiercely: "Teacher, you have suffered. Don't worry, after breaking the Imperial Capital Star, I will make Archie kneel in front of you to repent."

Amos looked at Brian's ugly face and felt warm in his heart.

He said softly: "I'm fine, and they didn't succeed. You don't have to make Archie kneel in front of me to repent, I see him disgusting."

"Okay, I see." Brian said softly, "Teacher, thank you."

Now he finally understands the pain of the teacher. When he was forced to marry Grover, he resented the teacher for not helping him.

Now that I think about it, the teacher was already living in dire straits, but even though it was so difficult, he still helped him escape from the Imperial Capital and Grover, and himself? I still blame the teacher in my heart.

Although he had already thought about it later, but today, this incident was like a slap that directly inflamed his face, except for the pain, there was only shame.

Amos saw Brian's self-blame, smiled, and said, "You are all my best children, and it's not entirely a bad thing to marry Archie."

He pointed to his bulging belly: "Look, little Leizhe is the best gift."

Brian nodded, and then hung up the communication after chatting with Amos for some small things.

Looking at the two recordings on Xing's brain, Brian thought about it and edited it, hiding the part where Clyde wanted to find Yuko to persecute the teacher, only the rest The recording of Clyde was cut and released with the one in which Clyde ranted about the cost of Shevell and the army.

Anyway, the people know that Clyde's plot against Xavier did not succeed. After all, who can find a female prostitute as a substitute after success.

The release of this recording can not only make the people feel more sympathetic to Xavier, but also let the people know that no matter how ridiculous the royal family is and the lack of materials, Xavier has never given up on them.

It just happened to promote the wave of Sheville for free, and it also prevented the teacher from being known to the people.

Although the teacher has not suffered this kind of damage at all, there is no guarantee that some insects will take the opportunity to make a fuss and lead public opinion in a bad direction.

After doing all this, Brian contacted Aizel and asked him to keep an eye on the trend of public opinion to avoid problems.

Azel nodded: "I understand, by the way, is Avel coming to you soon?"

Bryan said: "I have already sent the female to pick it up, but I didn't expect him to take Jane out of the palace."

"What can't you do, since Jacob and the princes were stationed near the side star, the palace is now in a panic, and the defense is loose, plus Jane's support in the palace, It's not hard to get out."

"That's true." Brian nodded, "Your newly upgraded star brain is good, the camouflage is in place, and the shielding function is very powerful."

Azel smiled slightly: "Of course, but this thing must be sealed after we succeed, and can only be used when needed, otherwise the males will be in danger."

"I don't understand this. You can discuss it with Li Zhou. He has many ideas and should give you good advice."

"Well, then you pay attention to safety." Azel said, "After receiving Evil safely, let me know."

"Okay, I'll let Aivil talk to you hologram."

The two worms hung up the communication after speaking.

While Brian and Aivil were talking on the phone, there was another uproar on Interstellar because of a recording.

Netizens were all furious after hearing the recording, and the group was furious for a while.

It turns out that their **** of war, Xavier, is not in vain, but is tired of the royal family.

Clyde, the disgusting man who haunts, actually treats Xavier's deputy commander like this, no wonder Xavier has no way to resist Jacob's rebels.

And I heard that on the way to the rescue, they had already encountered a volley, maybe not many weapons were consumed again, so they lost to the well-equipped rebels.

The thought of this is the reason, the hearts of netizens are broken, all the people who have scolded Xavier before slipped to kneel and apologized, I hope Xavier can escape from this war and make a comeback.

They can no longer believe in any insect in the royal family, but they believe in Xavier, and also believe in his hero Li Zhou, because the benefits brought by the exercises are obvious.

There are already mentally violent females who live on pacifiers, and they show up to talk about the benefits of the exercises.

But he also said a problem, that is, after he can gradually control his mental power, he can't get rid of the mental power pacifier.

As long as he doesn't use sedatives within the specified time, he will be extremely uncomfortable. This kind of discomfort is not spiritual, but purely physical.

As soon as these words came out, many females who had the same experience responded, but the degree of discomfort was different.

On the contrary, the female worms who have not taken the psychostimulant have no such feeling at all.

In the past, they thought it might be a side effect of the exercises. Not all females are like this. It may be due to different physiques and different ages.

But they don't think so now, because the question of potions is vaguely mentioned in the recording.

Although it is not a mental sedative, but with the despicability of the royal family, they are now very suspicious of the problem with the mental sedative.

Izel also saw it, he raised his eyebrows, and a confident smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and fixed the post discussing this matter directly, so that the technicians of the Royal Family Propaganda Department could not delete it.

When Norman saw his teacher showing such a smile, he knew there was a good show to watch. He rested his head on his teacher's shoulder and looked at the teacher's screen.

"Teacher, what are you looking at?"

Izel felt the weight on his shoulders and moved the screen in Norman's direction, allowing him to see better.

"Li Zhou's prediction was very accurate. He said that after the people practiced the exercises, they would find the problem of sedatives, and now the spark is burning."

"Then can we send out Li Zhou's research results and experimental videos?" Norman asked lazily.

Azel didn't answer right away, but looked sideways at Norman, who was slouching on his shoulders and sighed.

"Are you staying up late again? Your body is not as good as before. The sequelae left by the wound on your wings cannot be healed after a few days of practice."

"Well, I know." Norman replied obediently, smiling ingratiatingly.

Aizel really can't do anything about his little apprentice. After checking the time, he patted his head and picked up his coat.

"That's it for today, I'll take you home, and I'll stay at your place at night, see if you dare to stay up late."

"I see, teacher, I haven't answered my question yet."

"You are really getting smaller and smaller, go home quickly, and I will tell you when you get home."

After he finished speaking, he put the scarf on Norman's neck and pushed the workaholic apprentice out the door.

At the same time, Xavier, who had fallen asleep with Li Zhou happily, slowly woke up.

Glancing at the darkening sky, Seville got up and put on his pajamas.

It's dinner time, he has to prepare dinner, and the female father should be back soon, but he can't let him find himself and Li Zhou promiscuous.

Touched Li Zhou, who was blushing in sleep, and after making sure he had no fever, tucked him in the quilt before walking out.

Just two steps, he silently supported his waist, a little sore.

Remembering that Li Zhou would not let Li Zhou move after once, but Li Zhou said to him with a smile several times, and when his fever subsided, Xavier's cheeks flushed red.

He looked back and saw that the fever had really subsided. Li Zhou, who was sleeping soundly, couldn't help but whisper, "It's really useful!"

Li Zhou seemed to have heard Xavier's self-talk, and suddenly moved, so frightened that Xavier ran out of the bedroom, thinking that if Li Zhou heard this, his No need for a waist.

However, as soon as he ran downstairs, he met Amos who came back from get out of class.

Amos was surprised to see Xavier, who didn't even greet him, ran into the kitchen like a gust of wind, and smiled.

He saw the red marks on Xavier's neck, and when he thought of Xavier's reddish cheeks, he fully understood what was going on.

Lightly took off her coat and placed it on the sofa, Amos walked slowly into the kitchen. Looking at Xavier who was busy in the kitchen, he suddenly felt a little teasing.

"When are you and Li Zhou going to have a baby?"

Sheville didn't understand at first, frowned and said, "Father, didn't you say we were born later? Why—"

Severe didn't say anything later, because he saw the teasing smile on Amos's face, he immediately understood what was going on, and his face turned even redder.

He hesitated: "I, I..."

Amos didn't know what to say when he saw Xavier, so he laughed out loud.

Although it is a bit disrespectful to live as a husband who is an elder and gossips about his husband, but seeing Xievil's particularly cute appearance, he still asked.

"Does it hurt in the back? Li Zhou is too ruthless, and his neck is red."

"I, I..." Shevir covered his neck, and for a long while he choked out a sentence that made Amos almost laugh at the premature birth.

"Li Zhou didn't mean it."

"Hahaha, Xavier, you're too honest." Amos held his stomach and couldn't stop laughing.

Seeing this, Xavier hurried over to help Amos sit down and complained in a low voice, "Father, is it so funny? You laugh so loudly."

Amos was supported by Xavier on the chair, with a smile on his face, looking at Xavier who was becoming more and more vivid, he petted: "It's the female father who is wrong, the female father should not laugh at you, but The mother-in-law really couldn't help it."

Chevir was attracted by Amos' smiling eyes with kindness, and couldn't help laughing.

It's just a father and a son, one is laughing for their children to find happiness, and the other is laughing because they are in happiness.

Woke up and didn't see Xavier, looking for Li Zhou who came downstairs, what he saw was a warm picture of father and son smiling at each other.

He clicked on the star brain to freeze the moment, and the father and son who heard the voice tilted their heads to look at him at the same time, he couldn't help but freeze again.

Cheville was very curious, he walked over, looked at Li Zhou's screen, and saw two photos of him and his female father printed on it.

Li Zhou gently kissed the side face of Xavier, who was looking at the screen curiously, and said: "The picture just now is really beautiful, I want to record it and give it to our baby and little Leizhe in the future. Look."

When Li Zhou said this, Amos was also interested, and he beckoned the husband to come over.

When he saw the photo taken by Li Zhou, he gently said to Li Zhou: "There should be you in this picture too, there are Brian, Duke, Azer and Evel. Wait for them. Come back, let's take a family photo, okay?"

"Of course, there will be little Lei Zhe and my babies in the photos in the future." Xavier was a little happy. He looked at himself and his mother who were smiling happily on the screen, and his heart was warm. of.

This is home, this is the feeling that home brings to him, he likes this feeling, and is looking forward to a family photo that belongs to him.

He will develop the photo, enlarge it, and hang it in the most conspicuous place in the living room, and take it with him when he moves.

Li Zhou embraced Xieweier, who was as happy as a grown child, and said softly, "In the future, we will accompany you."

"Yeah." Xavier nodded and smiled at Li Zhou.

At this moment, an anonymous email popped up from Xavier's star brain, along with the email, Brian's request for a call.

The author has this to say:

Archie: Everyone is in my calculations, none of you want to run.

Seville: Do you think I'm stupid?

Li Zhou: Do you think I'm stupid?

Brian, Lu, Morey: Do you think we are stupid?

Jacob: Do you think I'm stupid?

Everyone except Archie looked at Jacob at the same time: stupid, Clyde is the first stupid, you are the second stupid, Archie is the third stupid, you are the three royal family.

Archie, Jacob, Clyde dead: ..

The plot is normal. Tomorrow, the main character will have more scenes.

Read The Duke's Passion