MTL - God of War Dressed As a Weak Male-Chapter 143

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Broken images and sounds flashed in Li Zhou's mind

As soon as the killer landed on Isol, Xavier was notified.

Li Zhou looked at the killers who were already under surveillance, and said with a smile, "I really can't wait."

"No, if this is successful, you will get the position of the emperor without much effort." Bowen clicked on the killer who was walking by the night on the virtual screen, slightly surprised, "Yo , they are all masters.”

"How do you say?" Li Zhou was a little curious, the killer was wrapped in a zongzi, how did Bowen see it?

Bowen is happy, he can be considered a place to show off.

He said earnestly: "These insects are strong and agile, and they can't hear the sound during the rise and fall. When they move, they know that they use the night and the shadow of the building to hide their figure. You know, you must be strong and well-trained, and you see—"

Bowen pointed at the leading killer: "Look carefully at the back of this leading killer."

Li Zhou followed Bowen's fingers and found that the back of the lead killer was faintly glowing with invisible light spots, he turned his head to look at Bowen in surprise.

“He’s actually a female with S+ mental power!”

Bowen nodded and said: "It seems that the boss has given you some things that are not in the textbook. The worms on the interstellar know that to determine the level of mental power, a mental power test is required. But it's not."

Pointing at the light spot on the back of the lead killer, Bowen continued: "The precise mental power level does need to be tested, but females with a mental power level of S rank and above are highly concentrated in mental power. At some point, that might happen.”

"When the mental power level reaches the SS+ level, you can freely control this kind of light spot. You don't see that there is no light spot when we walk at night, because we have focused on training." Xavier added.

Li Zhou understood and made inferences: "In other words, these are indeed elites, and they are indeed well-trained, but they are much worse than you, at least there is no way to hide this" nature". "

"That's right, very correct." Shevell admired, "We just need to monitor them now to see who they are hooking up with, and when the bait is thrown by the female father tomorrow, they will find it themselves. Take the chance and bite the hook."

"The plan is perfect, I'll see how my father and I perform tomorrow." Li Zhou raised his eyes and smiled wickedly, "You should also show up to put some pressure on Jacob, otherwise he will keep huddled in Side star, it's not good to not attack, is it?"

Xevier also smiled, very similar to Li Zhou: "You're right, it's time for Jacob to move."

Bowen on the side looked at the husband and wife who looked at each other affectionately with a belly of bad water, he couldn't help shivering, and whispered, "Jacob is a little miserable."

"What did you say?" The husband and wife looked at Bowen together.

"Nothing, nothing..." Bowen secretly wiped his sweat and said: "I mean, Jacob saw the boss appear safe and sound, and he also killed all the killers and undercover agents he sent. , I guess it will be **** off."

Sheville sneered: "This is the effect I want. Without a sense of crisis, he won't move, won't move, how can we use strength?"

Bowen was choked by Xavier and changed the subject: "Are Quincy and Star Beast to be interrogated separately now, or together?"

Xevier turned to look at Li Zhou, Li Zhou thought for a while and said, "Separate and see if there is any overlap between what they said, and send me a copy of the video."

"Okay, then you put on your headphones, we can hear the other party's voice through the headphones, and we can coordinate the interrogation method."

"Okay." Li Zhou responded;

After receiving the video and putting on the headphones, Li Zhou and Xavier both ignored Bowen's curious eyes, entered one of the basements respectively, and slammed the person who wanted to follow up at the same time. Bowen shut the door.

Bowen: ".."

But he didn't dare to leave, lamented his life, and fell on the sofa to catch up sleep.

Imperial Star, the palace of the palace.

Archie stood in front of the throne angrily, looked at the worm attendants kneeling all over the hall, and shouted sharply: лf: "Tell me, where is the female concubine you are watching?"

"Your Majesty, spare your life!" The insect servants knelt and kowtowed, begging for mercy.

"You don't know? Ha-" Archie laughed angrily, squinting at the black head underneath.

"He is a woman with a big belly and is getting weaker and weaker and can't hide without your help. Tell me, you don't know?"

The insect servants were trembling with fear, and said nothing.

They don't know how the precious female concubine who was resting in the bedroom disappeared into the palace, so they couldn't find it after digging three feet.

Now that the female concubines are gone, they will also be sacrifices to the wrath of the male emperor.

Just as they closed their eyes in despair, Bloomfield Byron's request for an audience came from outside the hall.

Archie looked at the insect servants on the ground and suppressed the anger in his heart.

He can't kill this gang of insect servants, it is impossible to kill such a large number of insect servants without revealing the wind, it would be bad for Byron to hear the wind.

I winked at the valet and asked them to take all the worms down to watch the escort, and I sorted out my clothes and expressions to prepare for Byron who came to the palace to see Jane.

He had to suppress the news of Jane's disappearance, or Byron, who was on his side, would immediately turn his back.

Isol Star, in the villa.

Bowen sat obediently on a single sofa and looked at the husband and wife sitting on the long sofa tremblingly.

Sheville was fine, his face was as usual. Li Zhou's face was frightened, his face was ashen, his brows were furrowed, and his thin lips were tightly pursed.

This frightened Bowen, he had never seen Li Zhou's face like this, and even when he woke up from a serious injury, he comforted his boss with a smile.

He couldn't help but think, Li Zhou is already very scary if he doesn't keep his face straight, is the black belly with a straight face worth it to rise?

In order not to bring harm to his innocent pond fish, he wisely stayed away, and after Xieweier calmed Li Zhou's emotions, he asked carefully.

"What's wrong? Quincy and Star Beast don't cooperate?"

Sheville shook his head and said, "They are very cooperative this time."

"Then why?"

Bo Wen's eyes fell on Li Zhou, whose face was still not good, and asked carefully, "Aren't you happy with your cooperation?"

Li Zhou raised his eyes and looked at Bowen coldly, so scared that Bowen almost jumped off the sofa.

"Don't look at me like that? I didn't mess with you, you, you can't take revenge on me."

Li Zhou did not speak, but looked at him. Just when Bowen was about to flee, Xavier reached out and covered Li Zhou's green eyes.

Then, he turned Li Zhou's head to his side and took him into his arms.

You go to Duke."

"Well." Li Zhou said dullly: "Now my guess has been confirmed, we have to prepare in advance, and the memory that flashed in my mind just now—"

"Shh—" Xavier interrupted Li Zhou's next words, his tone was extremely gentle, "Be obedient, don't think about it, I'll take you to rest, dear—"

Bowen shuddered again at the gentle dripping sound of his boss. His boss's voice was much more frightening than Li Zhou's.

He hurriedly covered his eyes, for fear that his eyes would be gouged out by his boss.

However, the eldest of his family is also very powerful. After such a coax, Li Zhou's complexion visibly improved, and he was sent back to the bedroom by his eldest brother to rest.

When his boss came down, he couldn't help but ask: "Boss, what just happened?"

Shevell's eyes flickered, he didn't tell Bowen everything, he said everything he could.

He had to tell his subordinates some truth, otherwise the inaccurate news they got from other places would easily shake the military's heart, but he couldn't tell the truth, Li Zhou's identity was a secret forever.

After telling Bowen what he had made up temporarily, Seville asked, "What do you think?"

Bowen was silent for a moment, then said: "You said you received a mysterious email, from the email you learned about the former traitors of the Li Zhou family, who stole the unfinished exercises and taught them to Star Orcs and Quincy?"

"Yes, that's why the star beast mutates, and Quincy has the ability. What do you think about this?"

"What are your thoughts?" Bowen looked at Xavier suspiciously, and understood after a while.

"Are you afraid that I will blame Li Zhou?"

Sheville was silent for a moment, then nodded: "After all, this matter is related to Li Zhou."

Bowen was a little angry, he got up, and his voice rose unconsciously;

"Boss, in your heart, are we such ungrateful worms? The Li Zhou family invented the exercises with good intentions, and he did it for our whole zerg. It should be blamed, and the traitor should be blamed, What does it have to do with Li Zhou, let's say—"

Bowen's voice lowered a lot, as if afraid that someone would hear it, and whispered: "I now suspect that Li Zhou's relatives were all killed by this traitor's killer."

"You said, did he discover the flaws in the practice technique and killed the entire Li Zhou family just because he wanted to obtain the perfect technique?"

Seeing Xieweier looking at him in surprise, he felt that he was right, so he continued: "The whole Li Zhou clan is practicing the exercises, but the number of the whole clan should be small, right?"

Sevier nodded, confirming Bowen's statement.

He didn't expect that he just said a little vaguely, Bowen thought so much, but he didn't need to continue to make up nonsense.

Bowen was sure of himself when he saw his boss, and said confidently: "You think, they are powerful, but they can't stand the army who also practiced the exercises. The sacrifice of the Li Zhouquan family. It's for us, isn't it?"

"Yes." Xavier continued affirming.

"Then how could we resent Li Zhou? But we really have to tell the females about this, otherwise it will be bad for them to hear news from elsewhere. Otherwise, I will to arrange?"

"Go," Xavier agreed, stopping Bowen when he turned to leave.

"You take Quincy and the star beasts back to take care of them. Also, this matter can't be told to the military females rigidly, remember to pay attention to methods."

Bowen gave a military salute casually, but his tone was very serious: "Boss, don't worry, I know how to do it, just lend me this Quincy."

After he finished speaking, he called the military female outside the door and walked out of the villa with Quincy and the star beast.

Shevell looked at Bowen's back and suddenly said, "Are you okay?"

Hidden at the corner of the stairs all the time, Li Zhou walked out of the shadows, he walked down the stairs step by step, walked to Xavier sitting on the sofa, crossed the back of the sofa and hugged Xavier from behind neck.

"I'm fine, but my head hurts."

Xevier reached out and stroked Li Zhou's head buried in his neck, and said softly, "Headache? I'm going to get you medicine, you're a little hot again."

Li Zhou hummed and didn't let Xavier stand up, Xavier couldn't do anything about him, it was rare that Li Zhou was really coquettish with him, not to comfort him or want to sleep with him So made out of coquettish.

He felt a little distressed, so he didn't move, he followed Li Zhou's hair, and after Li Zhou's mood stabilized, he said: "I will take you to rest, take the medicine, and I will hold you sleep, okay?"

"Yes." Li Zhou replied softly.

Then, when Xavier stood up, he hugged Xavier from behind Xavier, and walked towards the upstairs bedroom like a conjoined baby.

He was really uncomfortable. When he learned from Quincy and Star Beast that the mysterious figure who taught the Star Orc and Zerg exercises was the same mysterious figure, he began to frantically flash through his mind. picture and sound.

These pictures are extremely messy, the sound is not correct, and the timeline is even more unconnected, but the content is so huge that he has a splitting headache, his veins burst out in an instant, and he is sweating coldly.

The most important thing is that he seems to see two blurred faces and two different voices in the picture.

However, there is only one mysterious figure, could it be that his memory is wrong?

No, this figure has been hidden under a wide cloak and can't see anything. It can be said that there is no distinction between human and animal, and even the voice is synthesized.

In other words, whether the figure under the cloak is the same is still up for debate. Quincy and the star beast both think they are the same, and it is very likely that they are just preconceived.

But in any case, there must be some connection between the two faces and the masters of the two voices, and there should be no doubt that they are one side.

He stayed in the basement for a while, trying to understand these doubts and make himself look less embarrassed before going out to find Xavier.

But as soon as he met Xavier, Xavier found out what was wrong with him, and patted his head with concern before taking him to sit down on the sofa.

After hearing that he had recovered some memories, he did not rush to ask him what was going on, but sent him back to his room and stayed in the living room to test Bowen's tone.

It warmed his heart and moved him very much.

His Xavier was thinking about him, testing his confidence in his subordinates.

Seeing Xavier's calm expression with tension, he felt for a moment that if Bowen showed a resentful expression, Xavier might alienate Bowen.

Even lock up Bowen and let Bowen out when the dust settles.

But Bowen didn't, and he didn't doubt Bowen at all, because he was Sheville's subordinate.

Cherville has such an upright character, and the subordinates he took a fancy to and brought out with his own hands must be full of integrity.

He read it right, Bowen not only did not blame him, but also actively helped them find a way, not only that, but also thoughtfully completed the story.

But he who was hiding in the corner admired him, and he was resigned to the ability of this brain supplement.

After returning to the room, he was changed into pajamas by Xavier, helped him to the bed, and watched Xavier walking around the room, helping him pour water and medicine.

He suddenly became curious about what Xavier wanted to do just now.

"What would you do if Bowen was really mean to me?"

Shevell paused for a while, sat by the bed with medicine and water, waited for Li Zhou to take the medicine, his eyes wandered, and said: "Li Zhou, I may not have what you imagined. So perfect."

"Why do you say that?" Li Zhou took Xavier's hand and leaned over to look at Xavier's eyes.

Cheville was forced to keep his eyes on Li Zhou's face, and said, "I, I—"

"What's the matter? Don't be afraid, I love you whatever you are. You forget that I am the bad worm."

Xie Weir was appeased by Li Zhou, took a deep breath, and said, "The moment he was silent, I had the intention to kill him."

"But you quickly restrained yourself, didn't you?" Li Zhou looked at Xavier's dark eyes and said softly, "Otherwise, Bowen couldn't have found it."

"Yeah, I got over it quickly, but—"

Li Zhou gently covered Xavier's mouth and said softly: "No but, it's very good, very good. You love me, so you care so much about whether other insects have anything to do with me. Malicious, it's not your fault."

Xevier closed his eyes slightly, was successfully comforted by Li Zhou, and laid down beside Li Zhou, took him in his arms, and kissed the top of his head.

"Sleep, your head won't hurt when you fall asleep, I'll take you to Duke when you wake up."

"Well, okay, but Duke's in the lab in our backyard, did you forget?"

"I don't forget, he probably won't sleep tonight, and we won't let him sleep tomorrow. We'll take you to find him early in the morning. It won't delay you to accompany your mother to school."

"Hahaha.." Li Zhou couldn't help laughing, "You are too bad, Duke is going to die of anger."

"He doesn't dare, and he will be very interested in your memory." Xavier and Li Zhou faced each other, "He will thank me for not letting him sleep."

"Well, I hope he can help me solve the problem."

"Don't worry, he can't do it, there's Evel, and I will help you solve the mystery of memory when Evel comes back, so—"

Xevier looked at Li Zhou with affectionate eyes: "My little hero, can you sleep?"

Li Zhou stared at Xavier for a long time before slowly closing his eyes.

Cherville hugged Li Zhou tightly and fell asleep face to face with Li Zhou.

Duke, who was working hard to test the unknown medicine in the backyard, sneezed several times in succession, causing his head to buzz and his ears to be blocked.

If he didn't have a high fever or other symptoms, he would have thought he had a cold.

Shaking his head, he returned to work.

However, just as he put the medicine drop in the petri dish, a loud sneeze snorted directly, and the snot fell on the petri dish he had worked so hard to cultivate.


"Ah! Who is it? Who is talking about me? Let me know I have to kill him!"

In their sleep, Li Zhou and Xavier seemed to sense Duke's anger, and after shivering, they hugged tighter.

Duke, who had just vented his emotions, stuffed his nostrils with two **** of paper and continued his work..

At the same time, Bowen, who returned to the military headquarters, has been monitoring the movements of the killers. He smiled happily when he saw the picture of the killers coming towards the prisoner of war dormitory behind.

He knew that his chance to kill the chicken and show the monkey came. After this time, the prisoners of war could have their regular army number, and he was looking forward to it.

After all, the more combat power they have, the better the success rate of their battles.

Although Eli has gone to Jacob to help them find flaws in the experimental body other than ultra-low temperature, they can't pin all their hopes on Eli.

If Eli fails, with their current technology, cryogenic weapons will not be developed at all.

Because all kinds of materials that can be used for weapon production are also afraid of ultra-low temperature, so they have to rely on themselves.

This is the cruelty of war and the final destination of most of their military females.

However, he still hopes that Eli can succeed.

Eli, who was expected to succeed by Bowen, was also in crisis at this time. Jacob actually ignored his cold body and wanted to force it..

The author has this to say:

Duke was about to rest with his nostrils blocked and two big dark circles under his eyes, when Xavier rushed in with Li Zhou.

Duke: ..for what?

Li Zhou was taken aback: Huh, have you turned into a panda?

Duke: What is a panda?

Li Zhou thought for a while: I'll take you into the space later, and now help me sort out my memory.

Duke: ..I want to see the panda first.

Cheville, Li Zhou: Sort out the memory first!

Du is weak, pitiful and helpless: QAQ, I want to see Panda first..

Let's see first, I have time to catch bugs, I'm not very comfortable today, I haven't written 6,000, and there will be more tomorrow.

The secret is about to be solved. I believe some friends have guessed that there is Baifeng, so why not guess who else?

Love you all—

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

Read The Duke's Passion