MTL - God of War Dressed As a Weak Male-Chapter 147

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In the end, it was decided to let Seville take Duke to meet.

The message from Eli said that the guard was seriously injured, and taking Duke can guarantee the life of the guard with a high probability.

They didn't waste time. When Eli sent a message again, Seville took Duke and a small army of female soldiers and set off in the dark.

When he left, Li Zhou was in a coma. He asked Bowen to bring a few elites to stay in the villa before he came back to help him protect Li Zhou and Amos.

Ever stayed in the villa as early as after he came back to prevent Amos from having a temporary premature birth problem.

Shewell was afraid of problems, and contacted Casey and Taylor, who had completed the evolution, hoping that they could come to Isol as a guest these days.

Taylor, who has evolved wings and has reached the SS+ level of spiritual power, readily agreed, and came to Isol star with his kiss Casey.

It was a day later when Sheville received Eli and the guards.

I really hope that you will pay attention to him.

He gave Eli a reassuring look and immediately ordered to kill Jacob's female soldier.

After all the dust settled, Xavier gently hugged Eli: "Thank you, hard work."

Eli's eyes were shining brightly: "It's not hard, thank you for believing in me."

Duke, who had just connected the broken bones to the guard, answered: "Since we choose to cooperate with you, of course we trust you."

Speaking at the end, he suddenly opened his arms and hugged the newly grown female son: "You are amazing."

Eli smiled shyly and asked with concern: "Is Bessemer okay? Are his legs... okay?"

"Did you say that guard? It turns out that his name is Bessemer." Duke patted Eli's shoulder, "Don't worry, Li Zhou gave a special prescription for bone injuries, Chen Old age can be cured, Bessemer's injury is no problem."

"That's great." Eli laughed, "I'll go see Bessemer, by the way, can we go pick up his brother directly? Bessemer told me His younger brother is sane and doesn't hurt insects, so—"

Eli didn't say anything later. He pursed his lips and lowered his head nervously.

He felt that he might be embarrassed by Xavier, it was a combat experimental subject full of unknowns and dangers, and he did not know what attitude Xavier and the others had towards the experimental subject.

Jacob gave the order to kill the escaped experimental subjects. He knew that Jacob killed the experimental subjects not only for fear of leaking news, but also for fear of the experimental subjects making waves.

Their ability is too powerful, so the best way for the experimental body out of control is to destroy it.

But he doesn't think so. Besides he is also an experimenter, there is another reason that he learned from Bessemer that the combat experimenter is not an irrational monster, but because of the experimental torture and Since childhood, cannibalism has become extremely hate killing.

So he sincerely hoped that Xavier could accept Bessemer's younger brother, but Xavier was not only Xavier, he was also the future hope of the empire, Xavier needed to consider too much, he couldn't expect Xavier Be on his side.

But Xavier did not let him down, and he heard Xavier's affirmative answer.

"That's what I planned, since you say he's sane, that's great. I happen to ask him for help with something. If possible, I hope to cooperate with them. You can have a normal identity." Xavier said calmly.


Duke smiled and patted Eli's little head: "It's true, go and tell Bessemer the news, by the way, change your face back, and Bol doesn't have you. nice."

Eli blushed, replied softly, and ran like a happy little beast to find Bessemer.

Duke and Xavier looked at each other with a smile in their eyes.

Eli is just an adult, no matter how old he is, he will be forced. When he knows that there are insects for him to rely on, it is inevitable that he will reveal his nature a little.

But that's fine, and if possible, they want all the females in the world to show such a relaxed look.

"Come on, let's go see Bessemer too." Duke hooked Seville's shoulders and chased after Eli.

At this time, Isol Star, in the basement of the villa.

Ye Boer opened his eyes in the darkness and silence. He didn't know how long he had been arrested. The darkness and silence made him completely unable to feel the passage of time.

Sheville came in and questioned him since the first day, and never stepped into this place again. Only the regular feeding of nutrient solution let him know that they had not forgotten themselves.

He knew that he couldn't sit still, and after a long period of recharge, he felt that the moment had come.

When the nutrient solution feeding port was opened again, his wrist suddenly began to deform, and his right hand hooked his left hand with force!

A moment later, his left hand was torn off by him and fell to the ground.

He returned to his left wrist, then stood still, as if waiting for a miracle to happen.

From the sweat that kept slipping from him, it could be seen that he was not as relaxed as he appeared to be.

Soon, a miracle happened. The granulation between his wrist and his hand began to wriggle and connect, and in the blink of an eye, Bohr's mutilated left hand became complete.

Smiled, he followed suit and freed his feet.

After doing all this, he lay on the ground panting for a long time, when the feeding port was about to close, he stood up abruptly, and slipped out of the feeding port like a boneless..

Li Zhou accompanied Amos to school early in the morning, Xavier was not at home, he was bored.

Although he still had a low-grade fever, he felt that it would not affect his actions, so he begged Amos to take him there.

Amos was so annoyed by him that he had no choice but to take Li Zhou to school after talking to Xavier.

Aiville and Bowen also dutifully followed them to the school, but just after arriving at the school, Evil was taken away by the school doctor to ask for teaching questions, and Bowen stayed outside the classroom door to do his best guard.

They had a very fulfilling day, Amos once again started the live lecture, and this time the teacher was Li Zhou.

In the classroom and through the interstellar online class, all the worms stared at the two pairs of gorgeous and domineering wings behind Li Zhou, and when they saw the wings of Tyler who came to be a guest in a hurry, a piece of Applause came from the classroom.

It's not accidental.

Amos was very satisfied with the students' response, and he kept an eye on the messages in the live broadcast room of Star Network.

Sure enough, as he expected, the messages have already exploded, and all of them asked how much he cultivated before he could have wings.

Wings, now I can tell you clearly."

Amos' eyes glazed over each student's face, and he said word by word: "When a male cultivator's spiritual power level rises to SS+ level, he will enter a rebirth. evolution, and the same goes for females."

Amos’ words dropped a bomb!

What? When the male worm's mental strength rises to the SS+ level, it will be reborn and have wings, but the female worm will also be reborn, so what is the change of the female worm's rebirth?

A pair of eyes looking for knowledge turned to Amos, Amos smiled and did not answer, but turned to the side to sit and show his wings, but his thoughts did not know where to go Li Zhou.

"Let your Principal Li Zhou answer this question for you, okay?"


The students answered in unison, awakening Li Zhou, who was in a daze, he looked at Amos suspiciously, and saw Amos looking at him lovingly.

Li Zhou: ".."

Well, it seems that the female father is not satisfied that he is distracted in class, so let him concentrate.

With a light cough, he said slowly: "This is my first time at the school. Feel free to ask any questions you have, and those that can be answered will be answered for you."

A student couldn't wait to raise his hand to ask: "Principal Li Zhou, Marshal Amos just said that after the female worm's mental power level reaches the SS+ level, there will be a reborn change, what is the change? ?"

Li Zhou raised his eyebrows. Instead of answering the question immediately, he clicked on Star Brain to bring up a regular training video of Xavier adapting to the evolved wings.

He connected his star brain to the large-screen optical brain in the classroom, and Xavier's heroic appearance immediately appeared on the optical brain.

When the students saw Seville's fully evolved wings, a series of exclamations came from the students' mouths.

When he realized that he might disturb other students, he covered his mouth with red face, stared at Guangnao and didn't dare to blink. After the video ended, he slowly exhaled.

"This is this.."

The students were speechless, and they all pointed to the final picture with excitement, and it took a long while to organize the language.

"Wings evolve again?"

Li Zhou nodded lightly: "Yes, not only the wings have evolved again, after this rebirth, the dark wounds and scars of the past will all disappear, which is equivalent to a new life."

"Of course, this is the change of the female. I don't know the specific changes of the sub-female, but what is certain is that if it is not a low-level leapfrog cocooning, then the probability of the sub-female is more than 90%. Evolved into a full-body female. Or—"

"Or do not wait until the level of mental power is raised to SS+, it is possible for a female to evolve into a female, right?" A student answered positively.

"Yes, very correct." Li Zhou replied with a smile.

When the student heard Li Zhou's affirmation, he rubbed his head foolishly, and his eyes turned red after a while.

"What's the matter?" Li Zhou was stunned, how could he still cry.

A female student who is familiar with this student explained to Li Zhou.

"Headmaster, he has an older brother who is Yashe, who is of high rank and looks beautiful, and was divorced just because she was Yashe, but they refused to let his brother go. , wanted his brother to be a bug waiter, and said, and said—"

"What else?" Li Zhou asked with a frown.

The sub-female student said with difficulty: "They said, she is just a sub-female, and making him a bug waiter is already a compliment to him."

Li Zhou took a deep breath, suppressed his anger, retracted his wings, got up and walked to the crying student, looking at him softly.

"Don't be sad, the sub-girl is not inferior to anyone else, being divorced is their problem, it has nothing to do with your brother being a sub-female, don't let your gender bind you. Let your brother be decisive when you go back. Reject that male, and if they have objections, let him come to me."

The student nodded with a choked voice: "Thank you, thank you principal."

Li Zhou smiled slightly, looked at all the students in the classroom, and said loudly: "You remember, gender is never the original sin. I will teach you the exercises, Xavier and Marshal Amos are willing to Taking risks and testing the safety of the exercises is all to free you from the **** brought by your gender, so—"

"You can't belittle yourself. When you look down on yourself, how can you let other bugs look down on you? Understand?"

"Understood!" the students shouted in unison, as if this statement could vent all their grievances.

"Okay, okay, don't cry anymore, that's all for today's class, let's go home." After pouring a large bowl of chicken soup for the soul, Li Zhou ordered school to be dismissed .

The students got the order, got up and bowed to Li Zhou, and then withdrew from the classroom in an orderly manner.

After the students were gone, Li Zhou wiped his sweat exaggeratedly and muttered softly, "Why are you still crying?"

Amos laughed: "It's normal, just like females often wonder why they are not males, females will also wonder why they are not females."

Taylor on the side nodded and continued: "If they are females, they can join the army, have their own flesh and blood, or become the female king of males."

"I see, it's really hard for them."

Li Zhou looked at the energetic students outside the window with a bit of disappointment and thought: "No wonder Xavier is so eager to change the current status quo of the empire, not in a hurry, but in the male's affection for the female. The oppression has reached a more dangerous existence than the star beast."

He lived in a peaceful age since he was a child, and was taught to respect others. Although the etiquette in the last days was broken, there was no such oppression as it is now.

Taylor stepped forward and patted Li Zhou on the shoulder, jokingly said, "Now you know how happy we are as males."

Li Zhou smiled: "I see, I really know this time."

Although his expression was smiling, the smile didn't reach his eyes at all. Amos saw it, sighed secretly, and said, "Does it hurt?"

Li Yi was stunned, his smile froze on his face, and after a while, he nodded and asked softly, "Father, can you tell me something about Xavier's childhood?"

"Of course you can, let's go home, I'll show you the videos and photos of Sheville as a child when I get home, and tell you about Sheville's childhood, Tyler, come too, bring Kay West."

"Okay." Tyler stretched out his hand to lightly touch Amos's arm, and said with a smile, "Just as Casey was clamoring to thank Li Zhou, we'll have a cheeky meal."

Amos patted Tyler's arm and walked towards home with a heavy heart.

Along the way, Amos did not sit idle, quietly talking to Li Zhou about the naughty things that Xavier had when he was a child.

For example, Duke's bedwetting was taught a lesson by Shewell, and Brian felt sorry for Duke. Later, every time Duke fell asleep, he would secretly carry Duke to his bed, and finally he was taught by Duke Boy Blaine was the only one urinating.

After listening to the story, Li Zhou thought for a while and asked, "I didn't expect that Brian would dote on Duke so much at that time, it was Xavier who deliberately let Brian see him clean up Duke, right? ."

Bowen, who was very curious about the boss's embarrassment, also asked, "Is the boss really so black-bellied?"

Amos nodded: "Yes, this child Xavier looks righteous, but in fact it makes him very narrow, even Brian was cheated by him, of course Brian was cheated. Most of it was caused by Duke unilaterally provoking Seville."

"Yeah." Taylor also sighed, "My younger brother, the more frustrated he is, the more frustrated he is, the more frustrated he is, and he never tires of it. I admire his perseverance."

Li Zhou, Amos, and Bowen were all amused by Taylor's emotion, and the worms walked into the villa talking and laughing.

The moment he entered the villa, Li Zhou suddenly stopped and stopped Amos behind him.

"What's the matter?" asked Amos with a frown.

Li Zhou "shhh" and walked slowly into the courtyard. At the same time, his mental energy spread into a fine net, covering the whole villa. After a while, he suddenly said: "It's broken, it will also wave. Er ran away."

Amos couldn't believe it: "How is it possible? Isn't he detained in a tight basement? He has electromagnetic handcuffs on his hands and feet."

Li Zhou didn't answer, he walked quickly into the villa with a serious expression, and opened the basement of Guan Yeboer.

Sure enough, Boer has disappeared, and there is nothing in the basement except the blood on the beach, electromagnetic handcuffs and some minced meat.

He frowned and said: "Bowwen pay attention to his vigilance, and Boll may still be on the star of Isol. Father, don't go to school these days, I suspect Bohr also He was caught on purpose, and he may be the killer Jacob sent."

Amos nodded, and followed Bowen out of the basement.

After Amos left, he walked round and round in the empty basement, trying to find a route for Ye Boer to escape.

It wasn't until he set his sight on the only open nutrient solution feeding port that he understood how Ye Boer disappeared into the airtight basement.

"Is it possible? Such a small hole." Taylor also found the blood on the feeding mouth and asked suspiciously, "Is he confusing us."

"It shouldn't be. I designed the basement myself. After the door is closed, there is no place to open it except here. It seems that we have to re-evaluate the strength of Boll.."

When Chewell received the news of Ye Boer's escape, he had just arrived at Bessemer's younger brother's hideout.

Looking at Li Zhou's conjecture that Ye Boer was deliberately arrested, he pondered for a moment and asked Eli: "Does Ye Boer have any other abilities besides changing his face? Are you sure Jacob Didn't find your identity?"

Eli shook his head and said: "I don't know what abilities he has, he is the first generation of experimental subjects, and the experimental data and abilities are extremely secret, not my level can know. As for Jacob, I'm sure he didn't discover my identity."

Sevier nodded and looked at Duke again: "How did you catch him last time?"

Duke recalled for a moment: "After Eli and I found him, we directly activated the soil-type ability to bury him in the soil, and he was suffocated and fainted."

Shevell nodded knowingly, and asked Duke to bring Bessemer and Eli to pick up the experimental subject, while he himself fell into contemplation.

Ye Boer must have an ability that they don't know, and this ability should be very strong, which is the real reason why Jacob looks at him differently.

Boll also appeared near the M star. It should be to cut off the supply of their army. It may not be an accident to be caught.

However, his intentional arrest should not have been ordered by Jacob to let him infiltrate. Maybe he was just trying to figure it out, thinking about his disappearance, Jacob would understand his plan.

However, he didn't count Eli to join them, and Jacob didn't find him missing.

Then, then, what was the ability that allowed him to escape from that small feeding port? What about this kind of experimental body with superior combat power?

Until Duke and the others came back, Xavier didn't think of a reason.

He set his sights on the last small figure, that figure was a young female, who didn't seem to be an adult, a small one with three furry hairs dragging behind him The big tail, with a pale face, hid behind Eli.

Seeing Xavier looking at him, she ducked for a while, not knowing where she met, she suddenly cried out in pain, her face even paler.

Bessemer, who was in a wheelchair, looked at his brother distressedly, he knew that his brother's rejection had begun again.

Controlling the wheelchair to slide to his brother's side, he carefully took his brother's hand, and said distressedly: "Spencer, are you okay?"

Spencer, also Bessemer's younger brother, shook his head slightly, but judging from his trembling body, it was all to comfort his brother's lie.

How could Bessemer be deceived by his brother's poor performance, he looked at Duke earnestly: "Doctor Duke, can you help my brother?"

Duke affirmed: "Don't worry, I will definitely find a way to get him out of the rejection." Looking at Spencer's big tail behind him, he said, "Damn Jacob!"

Bessemer's eyes were red, holding his brother's hand, and choked: "Thank you, thank you."

Sheville didn't answer, looked at the two brothers, and said solemnly: "Go back as soon as possible, Duke, you must first find a way to relieve Spencer's pain, and then do it when you return to Isol Star. Intend."

Duke nodded and took the two brothers down, Eli did not follow, he looked at the backs of the three females and sighed: "I'm lucky, Speen It's so pathetic."

Cherville patted the sentimental Eli and comforted: "Trust us, we've done a lot of miracles, haven't we?"

Eli nodded fiercely and said, "I believe you, by the way, I suddenly remembered a strange thing Jacob said before I left."


"He said Bohr was his perfect work."

"The most perfect work.." Xavier's eyes lit up and muttered, "I see, no wonder he was able to escape that closed basement."

He turned his head to look at Eli, not knowing what was going on, every time he saw Eli and remembered what happened to Eli, he felt that he saw another struggling self.

It's just that he now has love, family and friendship, but Eli has always been alone.

Thinking of this, he asked softly: "Eli, I didn't ask you where you're going after you're done, but now I want to ask you, do you want to stay, stay in Isol star."

Stay? Eli thought, does staying mean that he has a home and doesn't have to wander?

He looked at Xavier hopefully, hoping that Xavier could give him a definite answer.

Xevier did not let him down, he said seriously to Eli: "If you stay on Isol, I will let Marshal Amos take you as a adopted son, and you will become my Xie Will's brother, no longer Jacob's child, and I, Xavier, will protect you."

"You, would you?"

"Yes! I do!" Eli cried, and big tears flowed from his eyes, but they were not tears of sadness but tears of joy.

He relied on his courage and hugged Xavier on his feet. When Xavier hugged him back, he finally changed from silent crying to howling.

He has a home, so he doesn't need to be wandering anymore, mother father, younger brother, have you seen it in the spirit of heaven?

The author has this to say:

Amos: Li Zhou, let me tell you, Xavier was balabalabalala when he was a child.

Li Zhou: Really? Did he wet the bed that day? Do you cry when you lose a fight?

Severe hurriedly answered: Duke was the one who wet the bed.

Li Zhou raised his eyebrows: So, you will cry when you lose a fight?

Chever: ..

Continue tomorrow.

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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