MTL - God of War Dressed As a Weak Male-Chapter 66

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Duke: Seville, can't you let me go? !

Seeing the text message from Xavier to him, Evil released his hand on the doorbell and sent a text message asking Xavier to open the door for him, then he waited obediently in front of the door .

However, what he waited for was not Xavier, but the housekeeping machine Xiaowu. Thinking that Li Zhou was seriously ill, he hurriedly entered the door and ran towards Li Zhou's room.

As soon as I got to the door, I saw Xavier sitting on the bed leaning against the head of the bed, Li Zhou resting his head on Xavier's chest, frowning and half lying in Xavier's arms with his eyes closed and sleeping soundly, If you look closely, you can see that Li Zhou's forehead is full of thin beads of sweat.

Aivil was stunned for a moment, wondering if he should go in or not, after all, this picture looks quite warm now.

He subconsciously "hey" and stepped into Li Zhou's bedroom.

Cheville carefully took Li Zhou into his arms, and was wiping Li Zhou's forehead, chest and back with a towel, he found that as long as he stopped for a while, Li Zhou would soon be called Wet with sweat.

Seeing Aiweier come in obediently, he did not dare to put Li Zhou down, but helped Li Zhou adjust his posture so that Aiville could see the doctor in a low voice: "You Come check it out, he's been sweating like this since an hour ago."

Aivil stepped forward to observe Li Zhou carefully, thought about it and ran down, took down a large medicine box from his aircraft, and then flew back upstairs.

Open the medicine box, take out a small detector, and scan Li Zhou's whole body.

After a while, he said softly: "Although the instrument is relatively simple, based on the results of the inspection and my experience, Li Zhou is so weak because of excessive mental power consumption and damage to the body. Sweat profusely."

"Then what should I do?" When Xavier heard that Li Zhou had injured his body, he was a little anxious, and even his voice was a little unstable.

Seeing that there was a trace of fear in Xavier's expression, Evel quickly comforted him: "Don't worry, it's not a big problem, I'll leave him some nutrients for his body. When he wakes up, you Let him pay more attention, and don't use it indiscriminately until his mental power is recovered."

"Okay." Xavier nodded casually, put his attention back on Li Zhou, and continued to gently wipe the sweat off Li Zhou.

Looking at Li Zhou's pale face and frowning because of discomfort, he kissed Li Zhou's forehead distressedly and said, "I will supervise him."

"Also," Evil paused, and after seeing Xavier turn his attention to him, he continued: "Then don't do anything for the next two days."

"What can't be done?" Xavier didn't respond.

Ever pointed to the red mark on Xavier's neck and said, "Just that kind of thing."

Severe looked in the direction Evel pointed, and after a while, he understood and calmly said, "I know, I will pay attention."

I know that the two of you are newly married, and you are in love with each other, but you must pay more attention to be happier."

"Why did you arrive so soon?" Seeing that Evel was talking nonstop, Xavier wanted to continue talking, so he interrupted quickly: "Did you come to me on purpose?"

Iville then remembered the business and frowned: "Did you know that Clyde found a female very similar to you to kill you?"

Sheville shook his head and said: "I only know that he collected a lot of females and kept them in the innermost clubhouse on Neil Street. The specific situation is unknown, Li Zhou I got hurt because I went to the clubhouse to inquire, how did you know?"

"Jane told me."


"Yes, it's Jane. He pretended to be uncomfortable and told me when I entered the palace to examine him." Evel said: "Because Jane is "pregnant", so Clyde Tian often went to Jane's bedroom, and under Jane's intention to please, Clyde allowed the bug waiter beside Jane to move freely in the palace. "

"You also know that the bug waiters in the palace have their own unique sources of information, so the news that Jane passed on should be true. Clyde finds a female child similar to you to raise in The club, I don't believe it's just to satisfy his selfish desires, we have to think about what to do."

Xevier nodded, just about to say something, Li Zhou in his arms woke up in a daze, he first rubbed on Xavier's neck before speaking comfortably Said: "Xavier, don't be afraid."

Li Zhou shook his head, and after trying to wake himself up, he continued: "I'll keep a backhand, you will contact Casey later and ask him to send a bug to the back alley of the clubhouse at noon every day. , if Clyde's conspiracy moves, the female will notify us."

Seeing that she was almost unable to hold on, she was still trying to comfort Li Zhou, touched his side face distressedly, and said: "This is not urgent, you have already stayed. Backhand? I'm not afraid, you sleep for a while, and then tell me when you wake up."

Li Zhou's eyes were slightly opened, and he took a last look at Xavier, unable to hold on any longer, and closed his eyes to sleep. Confused, he touched Xavier's face gropingly, and said vaguely, "Don't worry... I, I'm just a little tired, just wake up and it'll be fine..."

"Okay," Xavier took Li Zhou's hand and said softly, "I'm right here, you can see me when you wake up."

Aiweier looked at this warm scene, and felt a little emotional. She felt that the always cold and hard Xevier also turned into a soft day, but Li Zhou was worth it.

From the beginning of Li Zhou's unconditional support and help to them, he felt that Li Zhou was worthy of Xievil's love.

But today he found out that Li Zhou also loves Xavier so much that he is willing to take risks in the clubhouse for Xavier.

Although he didn't know how Li Zhou managed to see the female son under Clyde's strict guard, and reached a cooperation with the female son to let the female fall to him However, judging from Li Zhou's mental energy consumption, the process should be extremely thrilling.

The male is different from the female. The more the female's mental power is used, the easier it is to riot. Of course, now they know that this is because the female can't use the mental power.

However, this kind of exercise is different from Li Zhou's situation. Xiongzi's mental power exercise needs to be carried out step by step so as not to hurt the root. Li Zhou's type obviously consumes a lot of mental power in a short period of time. caused physical weakness.

He doubted whether Li Zhou relied on himself to be the male of S+, and directly controlled the guard Clyde left there, and only saw the female.

But it is impossible to think about it. Although the male can control the female and the female with mental power, it is also conditional.

You need to look at each other without speaking. Even if it is powerful enough to control the females without looking into the eyes of the females, the females will report to Clyde after they react, and the clubhouse is invaded by unknown males enter.

At that time, even if they knew what the female child was for, it was useless, Clyde would definitely transfer the female child away secretly, or just deal with it and find it again.

Judging from the current calm situation, Li Zhou's infiltration was not discovered at all.

He actually suspected that Li Zhou still had some secrets that he didn't tell them, and these secrets were the reason why he sneaked in without being discovered, but so what? Anyway, with Xavier here, Li Zhou will always be on their side.

Looking at Xavier who was completely focused on Li Zhou, Aiweier silently exited Li Zhou's room, leaving the space for Xavier and Li Zhou.

Cheville didn't keep Aivil, but told him not to leave first.

Iville nodded, went downstairs and sat on the sofa in the living room, pondering on another thing Jane had entrusted to him. On the note, it was written specifically not to tell any bugs, and he swallowed the words again.

In fact, he really wanted to help Jane realize her wish, but he was afraid that Jane would be in danger, so he was very confused about whether to help Jane.

Just as he was fascinated, after an unknown time, the doorbell rang, he opened the door and looked out, and found that Duke had arrived.

He put Duke in, and before he could tell Duke to be quiet, Duke had already shouted as he walked: "Xavier, Xavier, how is Li Zhou? I He came with professional equipment, and gave him a good physical examination. If you want me to say, you can just get a medical room in your home. "

Iville smiled wryly, praying in her heart, Duke, I can't save you, please pray for yourself.

However, before his prayers were completed, he heard Duke's "Ow" exclamation, followed by Duke's begging for mercy.

"It hurts.. Xavier, keep your hands down, your arm is about to break, it's about to break!"

Severe snorted coldly: "Don't be afraid, Aivil is downstairs, let him connect it to you, it is guaranteed to be stronger than now."

Duke: ".."

He collapsed, who can save him! He won't be reckless next time, it hurts, ah ah!

Maybe hearing Duke's plea in his heart, Aivil ran up and pointed at Li Zhou in Xavier's arms: "Li Zhou seems to be waking up."

Cheville hurriedly turned his attention back to Li Zhou, saw that Li Zhou had really woken up, let go and cut Duke's right hand, touched Li Zhou's forehead, and said: "Also Is there anything uncomfortable?"

Li Zhou closed his eyes, took a long time to react, and said, "I'm fine, just rest for two more days, don't be afraid."

"Okay, I'm not afraid, do you want to sleep a little longer?"

Li Zhou shook his head: "I won't sleep, you can accompany me to practice for a while tonight. Help me get up."

Cheville nodded, gently propped Li Zhou up against the head of the bed, put a pillow behind Li Zhou to make him more comfortable, and pulled the quilt up to ensure that Li Zhou would not After he caught a cold, he opened his mouth and said, "Are you hungry, thirsty or not? I'll go get you some food and water."

He got up and walked outside.

Li Zhou grabbed the hem of Xavier's clothes and said gently, "I'm not hungry or thirsty, you sit down, I have something to tell you, Evil and Duke also sit down."

Iville and Duke smiled awkwardly. They didn't want to disturb the sweet time of the couple, and they were curious about what happened to Li Zhou.

When Li Zhou told them to sit down, they sat down cheekily.

Li Zhou told what happened in the club and his conjecture one by one, looked at the three frowning faces, and comforted: "Don't worry, I have left it on that female. When ordering something, he would never dare to violate yin and yang."

"I'm not worried about this," Xavier held Li Zhou's hand and said softly, "I'm just worried about you, don't do this again next time, I don't want you to be in danger."

Li Zhou smiled, took Xavier's hand back, and said, "I don't want any danger to approach you, so next time I encounter such a thing, I will still do it. But There really is a next time, I won't hide it from you, and I will discuss with you a good way to act."

Cheville knew that Li Zhou was right, he didn't want Li Zhou to be in danger, and Li Zhou also didn't want him to be in danger.

If today's matter was on Li Zhou, he would do the same, but even if he understood and understood, he still couldn't agree, he just didn't want Li Zhou to have an accident, nothing at all. , he could not bear the risk of losing Li Zhou.

But he still chooses to respect Li Zhou, because Li Zhou is not his pet, but a comrade who can fight side by side with him.

Fortunately, Li Zhou promised to discuss with him in the future. With his strength, he can definitely protect Li Zhou and prevent Li Zhou from being hurt a little more.

Xevier, who wanted to understand, looked at Li Zhou's eyes that were soaked in water because of poor rest, and confirmed: "Then you must remember, next time you can't hide it from me. "

"Yes, I promise!"

Li Zhou promised Xavier that he would not do it again next time, and thought that Xavier was so coaxing, he thought Xavier would ignore him, but he did As soon as he made a promise, he was forgiven so easily.

No, it's not that I forgive him, it's that Xavier is not angry at all, and has always only worried about his safety.

He suddenly felt a little guilty. He only cared about his own thoughts and ignored Xavier's feelings, which made Xavier worry about him for nothing.

After all, Xavier was not his companion in his previous life, and he did not know his true strength, and his body was indeed too weak. Will was horrified.

He touched Xavier's face distressedly, and said, "It's good for me to let my mental power empty this time. After I cultivate my mental power again, my level will probably rise."


Li Zhou said with certainty: "Really, this can be considered as unbreakable, but this method can't be used too much, too much use will damage the spiritual sea, then the gain is not worth the loss."

Sheville then calmed down and thought about what Li Zhou said about the clubhouse.

He thought for a while, then said: "If it's really like you guessed, he shouldn't spread the video immediately, this is his trump card, he won't be rash, he will Plan to release it at the most appropriate time."

Li Zhou nodded and said, "I think so too, but to prevent him from being hopelessly stupid, we still have to prepare with both hands."

At this time, Evel said: "This is actually not difficult, you can hand it over to Ezel, let him find a way to keep an eye on the interstellar network, and grab this kind of thing directly to prevent spread over a large area."

Duke also said: "Since we already know Clyde's next plan, then we will simply come up with a plan. Let Azel keep his eyes and replace the video. As for the video Source, you don't have to worry, I will ask my brother to help me find a way to definitely get the most real and eye-opening video of Clyde."

Severe nodded and said thank you.

Duke said with a "we are brothers" expression on his face, "You are polite to me, as long as you don't bully me in the future, you just pinch your hands."

Xevier didn't answer Duke's words, and Iville couldn't help but said: "If you weren't rash, could Xavier hit you? Have you finished the review I asked you to write?"

"Hey, have you finished writing?" When Duke saw that something was wrong, he wanted to smear the soles of his feet to escape, but was quickly dragged back by Xavier and placed in front of Evel.

Ever put his hand on Duke's shoulder to prevent him from escaping, with a gloomy tone: "Are you asking me?"

Duke grimaced: "No, no, me, I'll go back tonight and stay up late to finish writing."

"It's almost the same," Evil let go of Duke's hand and said bitterly, "I don't want you to write a review, I just don't want you to regret your decision. "

Duke nodded and said with some guilt: "I see, Evel, I won't do it in the future. The review will be handed over to you tomorrow."

On hearing Duke say this, Aivil smiled, pushed Duke, and said, "Didn't you bring good equipment? Let Li Zhou check again."

"Well, Evil, please help me go down and move things."


The two worms walked downstairs chatting and laughing, Li Zhou looked at Xavier who was also ready to go down with a smile, and said: "You stay with me, they need you Help will come to call you, don't forget, you are still on the side of the imperial capital."

Xevier nodded, sat beside Li Zhou, Li Zhou took advantage of the situation to lie on Xavier's lap, looked at Xavier's dark eyes from bottom to top, and said softly: "You Was it just intentional?"

"Huh? What on purpose?"

Li Zhou rolled the corner of Xavier's shirt with his hands and said, "Deliberately grab Duke back and ask Evil to train him."

Xevier raised his eyebrows slightly, snorted coldly, and said: "Who made him always so rash, I just disturbed your rest, I just started lightly, I should be more serious, Let him have a long memory."

Li Zhou looked at Xavier's small expression and thought, Xevier is really a black belly, and the iceberg is just a disguise on his surface. If you really believe that Xavier is such a cold-hearted character that doesn't know how to turn around, then it's a big mistake, and there will be no scum that will be calculated by Xavier.

Looking at Xavier, who didn't hide his emotions in front of him, and was a little indignant, he couldn't help laughing: "He is such a straightforward character, and it is precisely because of this that you like him, right? It's also because of him that you can get through those days without me, right?"

Hearing Li Zhou say this, Xie Weil seemed to think of the past, his eyebrows softened, he looked at Li Zhou looking at his gentle eyes, and said softly, "Well, Du Ke is indeed like a little sun, he can make the worms around him like him, and he can't help but tease him and watch him fry."

"I see. Except for Brian, you all like to bully him."

Sheville shook his head, his voice smiled, and said: "You are wrong, Brian is the one of us who loves Duke the most."

"Oh? Is that so?" Li Zhou thought about the relationship between Brian and Duke, but he didn't see that Brian likes to bully Duke. Under normal circumstances, he is Go with the flow, and don't say anything to help when Sheville and the others are teasing Duke.

Shevell looked at Li Zhou with a "you're too naive" expression, and didn't explain too much, just said: "You'll know when you get along with them for a long time."

Seeing that Xavier was cheating and not telling him, Li Zhou raised his eyebrows, grabbed Xavier's collar, forced him to bow his head, raised his head and kissed his lips, the gap between lips and teeth intertwined, Li Zhou Zhou said in an ambiguous tone: "I don't need to know how they are, I just need to understand you from the inside out."

Hearing Li Zhou say from the inside to the outside, a touch of red quietly climbed up Seville's earlobe and cheek.

Li Zhou looked at the rosy ear bead, couldn't help but shift position, put the round ear bead in his mouth and nibbled lightly, whispering: "Where did my general go, Why are your ears so red? Are you thinking of something that shouldn't be?"

Chever: ".."

This Li Zhou is not honest when he is ill, and will bully him.

However, when he remembered the text message that Casey was unwilling to send after being blocked by him, he smiled slightly, and said to Li Yijun, "I heard that a certain bug was in the clubhouse. She was blushing all over by a female named Lan Yi, and she wouldn't even touch her clothes..."

Li Zhou, who was quietly putting his hand into Xavier's arms: ".."

Xevier was too unlovable, to actually expose his shortcoming, he raised his head angrily and bit on Xavier's collarbone.

Cherville held the back of Li Zhou's head and raised his head dotingly, so that his little hero could bite him and let out his breath. Li Zhou was reluctant to bite him anyway, even if he did bite him, with Xiongzi's strength, he would leave more marks on his body at most.

Duke and Evel moved the medical cabin to the door panting, and what they saw was the picture of two insects in the room chatting with each other, and they stood there immediately.

For a long time, Duke, who had eaten enough dog food, was the first to react, looking at the two worms who were making out in front of them without any scruples, and said, "You two are too much? You don't care so much. How do we singles feel?"

Xevier picked up Li Zhou, who was completely weak, and looked at Duke, who was screaming outside the door, and said, "I know that Aivil is single, you are not now, I It's not clear."

"You, you, me, me, oops!" Looking at Xavier's "I know everything" expression, Duke was like a cat biting his tongue. Unable to speak.

Li Zhou and Aiweier saw Duke faltering and hesitating, and at the same time they felt that Xavier was right. They looked at Duke, whose face was beginning to turn red, and asked in unison: " Who is it? Which male is so special that can impress you?"

Duke: ".."

Cherville, can't you let me go? I know I'm wrong, I won't bother you and Li Zhou again!

The author has this to say:

Li Zhou and Aiweier stared at Duke: Come on, who do you like? When did you get divorced?

Duke: &@#¥¥

Today there is a special giveaway, which will be updated around 9:00. Don't forget to watch the special episode.

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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