MTL - God of War Dressed As a Weak Male-Chapter 92

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Li Zhou: I have seen this face-changing monster

Starship, in the restaurant;

Morey and Lu watched Xieweier and Li Zhou dine quietly, and when they finished eating, Morey cautiously said, "Is that still to your taste?"

Li Zhou wiped his mouth, looked at Morey who was looking forward to it, and nodded: "It's delicious, thank you. You are Sheville's comrades in arms, don't be so polite, call me by my name Just fine."

"Okay, okay." Morley breathed a sigh of relief, and glanced at his boss secretly, thinking, the boss really knows his hero, I didn't expect that Li Zhou would really not use his identity as a teacher to press him.

I don't know anything about the road on the side. After seeing Morey's inexplicable respect for the hero of Xavier, and willing to cook for him, he was very confused.

However, he thought that he had more important things to report, so he temporarily left Morey's abnormality behind, looked at Xieweier who took the napkin in Li Zhou's hand, and said: " Admiral, I have been calculated, and now Y Star is no longer under the control of the military."

Sheville said calmly: "I know, about your stand-in, Duke will send me a detailed report tomorrow, and now tell me how you ended up here."

"Yes." Lu began to tell what had happened to him.

That was more than half a month ago, after he sent Morey away.

That day was a holiday. Except for the military females who stayed on duty and lived in the military headquarters, the rest of the military females went home to rest.

At that time, he returned to the military just to get a document. However, soon after entering his office, he smelled a strange smell.

He was also alert, he immediately closed his breath, and wanted to go out to check, by the way, he informed the military female on duty to be alert, but before he could go out, Morey, who he had just sent away the day before, actually opened the door and came in.

"What, how could it be me? I had already arrived at the side star of the imperial capital at that time, the boss can testify." Morey was surprised.

Lu patted Morey's shoulder soothingly, and said, "Quiet, I know it's not you, then listen to me."

Morey said with some grievance: "Well, I'll see who dares to pretend to be me."

Appease Morey, Lu continued to tell: "After the fake Morey came in, he took my hand and walked out, saying as he walked, "On the way back, he found that the mutant star beast is about to invade the Y star, protect the There was a loophole in the establishment of the network, and he hurriedly returned to report." and so on. "

"I didn't suspect him at the time, after all, the protective net was built with the help of Morey, and I also noticed something was wrong, so I quickly followed the fake Morey to control the most important main control room of the defense net Go, but—"

"You see something wrong?" Shever asked.

Lu nodded, recalling the scene at that time.

Actually, at the beginning, he didn't realize that Morey was fake. He followed the footsteps of the fake Morey to the main control room, and all the females on duty he met on the road calmly talked to him. The two greeted each other, without the slightest sense of nervousness that the star beasts were about to invade.

Some military females even teased them, so are they going to fall in love in such a hurry. He remembered that he wanted the female soldier to notify the patrol team to step up their vigilance, but he was dragged away by Morey before he could say anything.

It was at this moment that he had doubts. If Morey really found signs of the invasion of mutant star beasts and happened to have a loophole in the defense network, why didn't Morey directly use the terminal to warn? Wouldn't this be much faster than when he came back to report directly?

Moreover, Morey was instructed to go to the Imperial Capital Star Side Star to perform a defensive mission. Such a direct return is AWOL and will be subject to a military court. With Morey's IQ and experience, it is impossible to get it wrong. understand this.

Thinking of this, he instantly shook off Morey's hand and asked this question vigilantly.

Morey smiled, and actually changed his appearance directly in front of him, and said in his voice: "As expected of the Brigadier General Cronin Road who climbed up from the lowest floor, be alert Sex is high, I thought you could fool you directly, open the main control room, and you will find out that it is wrong."

"Who are you and why are you changing? What is your purpose?" Lu asked cautiously.

"Me?" The fake Morey, who had turned into a road, changed again, this time he turned into the face of the military female who made fun of them, and said lazily: "I can be any insect."

At this time, Lu already fully understood the seriousness of the matter. He wanted to take down this monster that could change its appearance at will, but found that his hands and feet began to lose strength.

The monster also discovered this, and approached him little by little, saying: "You are very smart, when you find something wrong, you know to hold your breath, but it's useless, holding your breath can only delay the poisoning, it can't guarantee you It's alright. You said it's not good for you to open the main control room obediently? I have to cut off your hand, gouge out your eyes, and drain your blood before opening the main control room."

Of course, Lu couldn't let him succeed. With the last of his strength, he escaped, and he was also injured.

During the pursuit, he was deliberately forced into this area by the monsters and his accomplices, who wanted to catch him.

But at a critical juncture, he turned on the starship's self-destruction system. The strange insects saw that things were not good, and they might think that he would not survive, so they dispersed and escaped from the explosion center.

"They don't know, I escaped in the rescue capsule under the cover of the explosion during their last attack, so I was not killed."

"But you're too dangerous, why didn't you ask for help? If I didn't come here to investigate, and the boss didn't come to me, you'd be dead." Morey frowned.

Lu didn't know the danger. It wasn't that he didn't want to ask for help, but he found that all his devices were disconnected, and there was no way to communicate with the outside world.

That's why he took the risk and would rather die than let the monsters capture him alive, otherwise the blow they will face will be devastating.

Cheville was calm, he knew from Lu's description that Lu was forced to make this move.

However, Lu is also good news for him. This fake is only similar in appearance. The pupil membrane, fingerprints, genes, including blood type cannot be imitated. Otherwise, he will not have to go to the main control room. The door, he can go by himself.

patted Lu on the shoulder, Xavier said solemnly: "Thank you, this monster is estimated to have entered the large-scale invasion of mutant star beasts before and the defense network was not upgraded. He has no The way to open the defense network, their forces should not be able to successfully take over the Y star."

Lu nodded, got up and knelt in front of Xavier, bowed his head and respectfully said: "It should be like this, but I'm not sure how many such monsters have sneaked into the Y star, this is my dereliction of duty , Admiral please punish."

Of course, it is impossible for Xavier to make mistakes. The monsters can change their appearance at will. They can directly become Y star residents and sneak in, or they can fake the identity of tourists and become local insects to cover their eyes and ears. , No matter how powerful the road is, it is impossible to detect it.

He helped the road and comforted: "It's not your fault, you have done a very good job. Now they think you are dead, the plan will not be known to me, and they will definitely find a way to open it The defensive net, we just need to guard and wait for them to reveal their own flaws."

"Yes, the boss is right." Morey hooked Lu's shoulder and comforted: "You can't show up during this time, just find a remote and suitable small planet for a vacation, ID proof Just let Azel do it for you."

"But?" Lu wanted to say something, but Xavier interrupted him.

Shewell said: "Morey is right, you can't appear on the bright side for the time being, but there is no need to rest, I have other things for you. When I finish this On the side, let Casey take you to the KS star thief base camp, where you are just needed."

Lu nodded, he just didn't want to stay, he wanted to make up for his fault. He also understands that he can't appear on the bright side. Although he doesn't know what Xavier sent him to the star thief base camp, as long as he doesn't let him idle, everything will be fine.

After arranging all this, Xavier turned back to see Li Zhou, who was too quiet.

When he saw Li Zhou frowning and his eyes were dull, he thought that Li Zhou was uncomfortable again, so he reached out and touched Li Zhou's forehead, his hand was just on Li Zhou's forehead, Li Zhou back to God.

"What's the matter? Are you sick?"

"Don't worry, I'm not uncomfortable." Li Zhou shook his head, he took Xavier's hand off his forehead, put it in his hand and played with it, glanced at the worried face Xavier, said softly: "I just remembered some past events, I seem to have seen this face-changing insect."

"Have you seen it? Where have you seen it?" Lu grabbed Li Zhou's wrist and asked excitedly.

Li Zhou's wrist was suddenly grasped by Lu, and it was visibly red and swollen to the naked eye.

At this time, Xavier also found that Lu was so excited that he couldn't control his strength, and he held Li Zhou's wrist red and swollen. After stepping up to see Li Zhou's injury in Morey's arms, he took Li Zhou into his arms.

Lu was stunned for a moment. Seeing Li Zhou's red and swollen wrist, he knew that he had gone too far. He wanted to come forward to apologize, but was locked in his arms by Morey behind him and couldn't move.

"Hey, hey, Lu, don't be impulsive, Li Zhou is a hero, you can't stand your violence, you have something to say."

At this time, Xavier, who had checked Li Zhou's wrist, said coldly, "Morey, let him go, I want to see what else he dares to do."

Morey gave Lu a "I can't save you" look and let go of Lu's hand.

Lu knew he was wrong, walked to Li Zhou, knelt down without saying a word, and said respectfully, "His Royal Highness, I offended you, you can beat or scold you, but please Don't take your anger off the admiral."

Li Zhou was taken aback by Lu and wondered why he wanted to anger Xavier, but he did not show kindness to give way.

After all, if he is really just a weak man who can't protect himself, Lu Gang will break his wrist immediately.

He is not a saint. He has to teach a lesson to the bugs that hurt him. Although he is a subordinate of Sheville, he can be forgiven.

Looking at the road kneeling on the ground waiting for punishment, Li Zhou snorted coldly and said, "Your Excellency Brigadier General also knows that this will bring trouble to your beloved general? I thought you didn't know. , in such a reckless situation, there is no brigadier general demeanor at all."

Lu bowed his head guiltily as Li Zhou said, and apologized again: "Your Highness, you can punish me."

Seeing Lu admitting his mistake so readily, Li Zhou sneered: "Okay, then I'll let you have a long memory today and stretch out your right hand."

Lu Er stretched out his right hand without saying a word and said, "You can interrupt my right hand to calm your anger."

Li Zhou and Xie Weir walked in front of Lu, Xie Weir held Lu's wrist, and when he was about to force, Morey suddenly said, "Teacher, can you..."

However, before he could say the next sentence, he was frozen in place by the sight shot by Xavier.

Li Zhou turned his head to look at Morey, and asked coldly, "Do you remember what you said when you took me as your teacher?"

Morey paused, but still had the courage to say what he thought: "Teacher, I did not let you punish him, but Lu's right hand has an old injury. If it breaks this time, his The right hand may be really useless. Can you punish him in another way, or break my right hand."

He also knelt in front of Li Zhou, lowered his head, and stretched out his right hand.

Li Zhou looked back at Xavier, and both worms saw satisfaction in each other's eyes. Morey was very good, even if he and Xavier were double threats, he couldn't let him down.

He put down Lu's hand and continued to threaten: "Are you sure?"

Morey closed his eyes and said firmly: "I'm sure."

"Okay, I'll do it for you." Li Zhou made Seville break Morey's wrist.

How could Lu allow Morey to take him through it? He hurriedly stopped him: "Admiral, Your Highness, this matter has nothing to do with Morey, you broke my right hand, I have no complaints, I will never do it again next time.”

Morey blocked the road behind him and hurriedly said, "Teacher, don't listen to him."

Although Lu couldn't beat Morey, he also burst out with unprecedented power at this time. He directly picked up Morey and threw it aside, saying: "Don't make trouble, just play."

Morey: ".."

Li Zhou smiled, and Xavier also smiled, looking at the two insects who were protecting each other, and nodded in appreciation.

Although they would be willing to die to protect each other on the battlefield, but seeing this kind of brotherhood now makes Li Zhou and Xavier happy.

Li Zhou pretended to hold Ludi's right wrist, while Xavier controlled Morey who wanted to come forward again.

Just when Morey thought that Lu couldn't escape this disaster and his right hand was about to die, he heard Lu softly "ah".

Morey knew Lu was fine as soon as he heard the sound, he quickly pulled away his boss and ran to Lu, and saw that Lu was slightly deformed. It seems to be normal.

He looked at Li Zhou with puzzled eyes.

Li Zhou put down the hand holding Lu, staggered and was caught by Xavier.

He looked at the two surprised worms on the ground, calmed his breath slightly, and said, "You old wound, I will correct it for you, with your female worm's recovery ability, It will be fully recovered tomorrow, and it will not hurt again on rainy days in the future."

"Why, why? How could it be?" Lu looked at his intact right hand and said incoherently, "His Royal Highness, you don't punish me, don't punish the general."

Li Zhou was speechless, and he didn't know how scared he was. He hasn't forgotten about the whole journey.

He deliberately frightened Lu, saying: "I punish your general every day, you can't control it."

"Then your Highness should punish me."

Li Zhou: ".."

Seeing that his little hero was almost losing his temper, he quickly comforted Shun Li Zhou's back and reprimanded Lu, who was still kneeling on the ground: "I didn't see Li Zhou. Is Zhou Zaihe joking? He didn't want to punish you at first, he just wanted you to have a long memory. Li Zhou said you were stupid, and he was right. "

At this time, Morey, who had reacted, said happily: "Thank you Li Zhou for curing your wrist."

Lu was pressed down by Morey and thanked Li Zhou ignorantly, but he didn't respond when Li Zhou left.

At this time, Li Zhou had been brought back to the bedroom by Xavier, and took off the uniform that Li Zhou had put on himself before. Xie Weier didn't put Li Zhou in pajamas, avoided Li Zhou's injured right hand, hugged Li Zhou in his arms, and covered the quilt.

After a long time, he said: "It takes a lot of time to heal the wrist for Lu?"

It's the right hand."

Xieweier did not expect Li Zhou to observe so carefully. He was moved and said softly, "Thank you, Li Zhou."

"No thanks, although you didn't say it, but I can see that you treat Lu as a student, and your student is my student." Li Zhou patted Xavier like a puppy. On the top of his head, he continued: "I just focused my mental power on one point and pulled his dislocated bones back to their original position, but it's not completely good now."

"Huh?" Xavier wondered: "Didn't you say it will be fine tomorrow?"

Li Zhou smiled: "It's not a lie to him, it's just saying that it won't hurt anymore in rainy days, but if you want to be as good as not injured, you have to use medicine, after I feel comfortable I will give him some medicine for bone strengthening and apply it for a period of time, and you can also use this medicine for other military females with broken bones."

Xevier hugged Li Zhou tightly, and his heart was filled with infinite moving. He found that Li Zhou always did things that moved him even more when he was about to get used to being moved.

Li Zhou felt the ups and downs of Xavier's mood, and chuckled: "Don't be in a hurry to be moved, I have conditions, and you know the conditions."

Shevell silently looked at Li Zhou, who disturbed his mood, and returned to the topic: "What do you think you've seen that face-changing bug?"

Li Zhou pondered for a moment and said, "Beside you."

"What did you say?" Xavier was really shocked.

Li Zhou recalled with difficulty: "I can't remember the specific situation, but I am sure that he has appeared by your side."

"Do you remember Casey inviting you to KS?"

Severe nodded: "What does it have to do with this?"

"It's not related." Li Zhou frowned: "That day, after Kathy left, you stood there for a long time. Do you remember who called you?"

"Yes, Bol! Is it?"

Xevier suddenly had a cold war, thinking that it was only the Y star that was infiltrated, but if Li Zhou remembered correctly, the Imperial City star was infiltrated more than 20 years ago.

Thinking of this terrifying possibility, Xavier clicked on the star brain, found a photo and pointed to one of the military females, and said: "Look at him?"

Saw his profile-"


Li Zhou didn't sell anything, and said directly: "It's Casey, I'm sure it's Casey's face, so I started to restore my previous memory when I saw Casey for the "first time". "Because the two Caseys impressed him so much.

Seville realized the seriousness of the problem, he got up and dressed up and said to Li Zhou on the bed: "You rest first, I will contact Duke and Azer, and let them get a general female gene as soon as possible. Together with the fusion of the , pupil membrane, etc., a chip that can identify the identity of the military female, and when the chip is implanted in the military female, it should be able to eliminate the possibility of being replaced."

Li Zhou also knew that the matter was urgent, and told Xavier: "Come on, remember to let Morey take us to find the possible location of the secret research institute, and after we find it, we will return to the Imperial City immediately. "

Sheville nodded, turned and pushed the door out.

The next morning, Imperial Star, Military Department;

Ye Boer, as usual, brought a thermos cup of tea to work in the military department. He just sat in the office when he saw Duke staggering in.

He asked curiously, "Duke, aren't you going to Star Y today?"

Duke scratched his face, did not go back to Yeboer directly, but asked, "This is the first time our admiral goes out on an expedition, are you his personal guard?"

Boer didn't know why Duke asked this question, but he answered truthfully: "Of course, I was with the admiral at the time and witnessed all the growth of the admiral. Why are you asking this? "

"Oh!" Duke nodded, pulled up a chair and sat beside Ye Boer.

Boer was also very puzzled. He felt that Duke today was abnormal. Yesterday, he handed over everything to him, saying that he wanted to go to the Y star, and it would be fine if he didn’t go today. He also asked himself as a thank you. What happened when Weil was a soldier.

Just as he asked the question, he felt dark and didn't know anything.

Duke looked at Ye Boll who was dazed by him, and after whispering something to get it done, he directly contacted Xavier.

At this time, Seville and the others just completed a jump.

As soon as he settled Li Zhou, who had a severe transition reaction, the star brain rang. Seeing that it was Duke, he quickly clicked to accept.

As soon as the call was connected, Duke didn't talk nonsense, and said directly: "I tested it, and this is the one that Boll has been following you. I'm dizzy now, you quickly log in to the army The net assigned the task you sent yesterday to Yeboer."

"I know, I'll do it right away, you pay attention to safety."

"Okay, I will, you try to come back as soon as possible."

"I understand, you hold on first, if you can't, ask Big Brother Taylor for help."

"Okay, I see, you go, I'll hang up." Duke simply hung up the communication.

Shewell didn't delay. After logging in to the military network with the terminal, he directly assigned tasks with the highest authority. The place to place this unknown is also Pol.

Several breathed a sigh of relief when Duke answered affirmatively.

At this time, Morey drove the starship and landed on a hidden flat ground. The destination of their trip arrived..

The author has this to say:

Road: Morey, you are not loyal.

Morey: Why am I not being righteous? I gave up my hands for you.

Lu: Why didn't you tell me, the boss has become like this?

Morey: You are blind! How can you be fooled by staying in the life-saving capsule for half a month?

Road: ..

Let's see, catch the bug tomorrow.

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

Read The Duke's Passion