MTL - God of War Dressed As a Weak Male-Chapter 97

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A real family dinner

This is also a way for Xavier to comfort Li Zhou.

Amos finally did not agree to live in Li Zhou and Xavier's house, but he promised to come to Xavier to give birth in the last two months of pregnancy, when it was the most dangerous time.

Because the cub in his womb is Archie's, but he is also his, he is looking forward to this child, so he will do everything possible to make him born safely.

He knew that he had put Clyde together, and it was impossible for Clyde not to retaliate against him. He originally decided to go back to his home when he was in the last two months of pregnancy.

His eldest brother is the head of the Horatio family, and he knows that his life is useful to the Horatio family, so he will do his best to protect him. But now it seems that there is no need. His students not only solved the problem of his lack of mental strength when he was pregnant, but also solved the follow-up problems for him.

Cheville is very satisfied. He knows his teacher, and he knows that the always strong teacher can promise him that coming home to give birth is the teacher's limit. He is very happy that the teacher can choose to rely on him at the most dangerous time.

Li Zhou sensed Xavier's happy mood, patted Xavier and held his hand, whispering in a low voice: "I'll go to the kitchen to prepare some food for you, the marshal is here today, I will personally order The chef pleases him, and you urge Brian to see where he is."

Sheville nodded first, and when Li Zhou got up, he dragged Li Zhou back again.

Li Zhou did not stand firm and threw himself into Xavier's arms, and was directly locked in his arms by Xavier, unable to move.

Li Zhou himself was right, but he really wanted to show in front of Xavier's real elders that he could take good care of Xavier, so he lay in Xavier's arms and begged for mercy in a low voice.

But no matter what he said, Xavier didn't agree. Even when he made Xavier's worst expression of his grievances, Xavier gritted his teeth and didn't agree.

Finally, he bowed his head and said to Xavier: "I don't want to do anything, I will tell the bug waiter what to do, okay?"

Severe thought for a while before reluctantly nodded in agreement.

But he knew Li Zhou too well and knew that if he didn't look at Li Zhou, Li Zhou would definitely do it himself.

But he couldn't leave the teacher behind and follow Li Zhou into the kitchen, so he asked Morey to follow Li Zhou to the kitchen to watch Li Zhou.

Li Zhou pursed his lips and whispered, "I'm not a child, you still look at me."

Sheville replied: "You are a child, twenty-two years younger than me."

He got up from Xavier's arms, snapped his fingers at Morey, and said, "Let's go, Steward Morey, follow the teacher to the kitchen."

Morey quickly got up and followed Li Zhou towards the kitchen. To be honest, Marshal Amos was here, he was a little uncomfortable, and Xavier asked him to look at Li Zhou, which was exactly what he wanted.

The old ambassador gave his old ambassador a look of "I will do things, don't worry", Morey ran after Li Zhou, and Xavier kept watching Li Zhou, It was not until Li Zhou's back disappeared that he turned around.

However, as soon as he turned his head, he saw his teacher who was chatting hotly just now, and his three teenage boys all looking at him with a smile.

I don't know what's going on, he suddenly felt a chill down his spine, something was out of his control, and he asked carefully, "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing, nothing." Amos said with a smile: "I just found out that my student Xavier is still so domineering and unreasonable! Li Zhou is so weak, pitiful, and unreasonable. help."

Chever: ".."

It's embarrassing, he and Li Zhou are used to playing like this, forgetting that not only Duke and the others are here today, but also the teacher. But the teacher has never been like this before, they are all very strict, who can return the strict teacher in the past to him!

Amos seemed to see his thoughts from Xavier's embarrassed expression, sighed deliberately, and said, "You are all grown up, and you can be on your own, teacher, I am very pleased , why does the boss make you dislike you with a face? You say yes, my students?"

This time, not only Xavier, but Duke and Elver brothers who watched Xavier's jokes together were also embarrassed, hesitatingly and unevenly said: "Teacher, we don't hate you."

Amos raised his eyebrows, sat back and looked at the four students who were blushing, smiled wickedly, and continued: "Don't you hate it? Do you need me to chat with Li Zhou? Chat, who secretly broke the flowers I planted in the yard before? Who filled the water glass in the gym to soak in urine, and—”

"No, no more." Duke hurriedly stopped his teacher who was about to shake off their childhood embarrassment.

Cherville, Evel, and Azer also quickly helped, saying that they were very good when they were children, and that those naughty things were not theirs to do.

For a time, Amos was full of students trying to change the subject and interrupting.

Seeing the anxious look of Xavier and the others, Marshal Amos said that it is the most fun to tease the adult students, and he will tease when Li Zhou comes back.

However, he really did not expect that the hero of Xavier was actually such a strange male, so strange that he could tolerate Xevier's unbridled supervision of him.

He wanted to know what kind of family could educate such a different male, and also wanted to know why Li Zhou had these special abilities.

But he didn't ask anything, he saw that Li Zhou's background was different, Xavier knew it, but Duke and the others didn't.

He didn't want to embarrass Xavier. Besides, the appearance of Li Zhou solved their problems for ten thousand years. He didn't need to understand the origin of Li Zhou, which hurt the relationship between Xavier and Li Zhou. Feelings.

He only needs to know that Li Zhou treats Xavier sincerely, and he is behind the rest.

If someone in the rebel army really makes a fuss about Li Zhou's origin in the future and threatens the safety of Xavier and Li Zhou, he doesn't mind directly dealing with the bug who raised the question.

As their teacher, protecting the students from harm is what he should do.

Because of his indecision, Brian has suffered for so many years, and now he doesn't want any of his students to have an accident again.

He touched the heads of the students sitting beside him and squatting beside him one by one, Amos turned the topic to Xavier and asked, "Xavier, when are you going to have children? Li Zhou's The mental power level is already SS+ level, it should be easy for you to get pregnant."

Cheville was suddenly asked by his own teacher, his face flushed, and he said: "Li, Li Zhou said that he doesn't want children for the time being, he, he said that he will talk after everything is settled. , it would be too dangerous for me to have children now."

Amos was even more satisfied with Li Zhou when he heard it. He brought this up today because he wanted Xavier to find a way to delay the pregnancy, but Li Zhou thought the same as him.

He was finally relieved to give Xavier to Li Zhou, and he was glad that he was a step slower.

Seeing the students who were very energetic, he thanked Li Zhou for his trust and dedication from the bottom of his heart.

Take Xavier's hand, Amos said in a gentle tone: "Li Zhou is not in good health, let him be more in everything. The male is very squeamish, since you recognize him, take good care of him Him. He's still so many years younger than you, don't bully him just because he loves you."

Sheville nodded and said without hesitation: "Teacher, I understand that Li Zhou is my life, and I really love him. I will protect him and will not let anything, Any worm hurts him."

Amos was very pleased, and gently stroked Xavier's already long hair, and said, "Then love as much as you want, the teacher will be your backing and protect you."

Hearing the teacher's words to protect him, Xavier's eyes flooded with enthusiasm for a moment, he knew that the teacher heard his meaning.

After a few seconds of calm, he asked the teacher in a low voice, "Teacher, don't you doubt it?"

"Doubt what? Li Zhou's background?" Amerst deliberately replaced his background with his background. Seeing Xavier nod, he said softly, "I don't care about his background, I only care about his knowledge. won't hurt you."

Severe moved: "Teacher, thank you."

Duke and Evel on the side did not understand the riddle between Xavier and Amos. The two curious bugs immediately wanted to ask Li Zhou what his life background was, but were caught Azel stopped.

Although Azel didn't know what Li Zhou's background was, he knew that the teacher and Xavier were actually talking about Li Zhou's different origins.

Because Xavier once asked him to compare Li Zhou's genes with all the genes in the gene bank, he knew better than any bug that Li Zhou's origin was unknown.

Although Li Zhou's genes are no different from other males, he has something in his heart that he didn't tell Xavier.

He found a male gene with a 100% overlap with the Lizhou gene in the most ancient gene bank!

But those genes were collected when the gene bank was just established thousands of years ago.

Because the average lifespan of the Zerg is only 350 years, so when he first collected Li Zhou's genes, he did not consider the gene pool beyond 500 years. He has Li Zhou's genes.

At first, he thought he had made a mistake, so he spent two days to do the comparative analysis again. The analysis result told him that he was not mistaken. Li Zhou's genes were exactly the same as those of ten thousand years ago. .

He can be sure that Li Zhou is not the descendant of that gene, because after so many generations of genetic dilution, even the descendants have long overlapped, and the ancestors can't find the same gene. insect.

Of course, cloning is also not feasible, because the Zerg gene is special, the clone will be eroded by the culture medium, and the gene will mutate a little.

So, after removing the impossible answer, there is only one answer left, and that is—Li Zhou is the genetic bug.

But he checked Li Zhou's bone age, and it was indeed only 43 years old, and there was no insect that could live for 10,000 years, and Li Zhou's behavior was not abnormal at all.

Seeing that Xavier loves Li Zhou more and more, and Li Zhou cares more and more about Xavier, after hesitating for a long time, he decides to bury this question in his heart without telling anyone, so when he listens Only when Li Zhou has a physical problem will he be so concerned.

He is really afraid that Li Zhou is a worm from ten thousand years ago, and that Li Zhou is sick because of the aging of his body organs, such a result is unacceptable to Xavier.

However, now it seems that Xavier has long known that Li Zhou's origin is different, and is afraid that Li Zhou's origin will bring danger to Li Zhou, so he will say that to the teacher, Hope the teacher can help him protect Li Zhou together.

Duke and Evil are not fools. After being stopped by Azer, they did not ask any further questions.

Seeing that Xavier's eyes were reddish, Duke laughed and teased Xavier: "Your heart, your life has been in the kitchen for so long, don't you go and see him? All thinking about it I'm going to cry."

The messed up Xavier, who was touched by his teacher just now, was "killed" by Duke's arousal.

He got up and rushed towards Duke, muttering: "Duke, let's settle the previous account."

Duke hurriedly ran away, but he was no match for Xavier. He was restrained by Xavier just two steps away and repaired.

He screamed in pain and begged for mercy, but Xavier just didn't let him go, and in desperation he dragged Aivil directly into the water, saying: "Aivil also has a share, you can't just fix me ."

Of course, Iwell couldn't let Duke's trick succeed, he shook his head quickly, and said, "The medical cabin is what I asked Duke to use for clinical experiments, and all volunteers who participated in the experiment were recruited. Well, who knows he will move it to Li Zhou."

Duke was stabbed in the back by Aivil, and immediately panicked, taking advantage of Xavier's stunned moment, he rushed out and threw Aivil on the sofa.

Azer saw that his stupid brother was "bullied" by Duke and quickly joined the battle, and rolled into a ball with Duke and Evel.

And the first initiator of the war, Xavier, retreated. After glancing at the time, he smiled mysteriously. The old **** helped the teacher to sit down beside him, looking in a very good mood. entangled with three worms.

Amos knew Xavier very well. As soon as he saw Xavier's expression, he knew what Xavier was planning behind his back, and 80% had something to do with Duke.

Just as he was about to ask, he heard the sound of the big copper door of the villa being opened, and the insects in the living room reflexively looked towards the door. Brian walked in.

Amos who understands: ".."

Duke, Aivil, and Azer who were tangled together and played hot: ".."

Brian who saw it all: ".."

Seville was very satisfied with the current result, and got up to greet Brian with a rare smile.

Seeing Brian looking at him helplessly, he said: "It seems that you are not by Duke's side, Duke just can't stand loneliness, and he needs to fight to vent when he is so energetic. "

Brian did not respond to Xavier, but respectfully said hello to his teacher, went directly to the three entangled females, stretched out his hand and smashed his lover out of it came out.

Duke stood beside Brian as obediently as a chicken, and said in surprise, "Why are you back?"

Avier pouted and said, "You're stupid, it looks like Xavier called it back, otherwise how would Brian know we're here."

"You!" Duke was angry, and wanted to fight Evil for 300 rounds, but Brian hugged him by the waist.

Amos looked at the noisy Duke and Evil and other insects, and then looked at Xavier, who was causing trouble and hidden, and smiled from his heart.

His students are still as good as they were when they were young, and Brian has come out of the haze and regained his former brilliance.

He beckoned to Xavier, and when Xavier squatted in front of him, he gently said: "Go back to find Li Zhou, Brian is here, you don't have to worry about Duke and the others being rash I can't take care of me anymore."

Severe did not refuse, nodded, got up and walked towards the kitchen.

Brian was very stable. Seeing Xavier leaving, he let go of Duke, who wanted to "desperate" with Evil, and stopped worrying about his lover and friends. He took off his coat and sat down. Next to Marshal Amos.

Amos reached out and squeezed Brian's arm, and said with relief, "It's stronger and more majestic."

Brian took off all his defenses, looked at the teacher who he hadn't seen for several years, and choked up: "Teacher, it's my fault, I should have come back to see you earlier."

Amos patted Brian on the shoulder and said, "Just come back, just come back."

At this time, Xavier had reached the kitchen door.

He looked inside and found that there was not a single bug waiter, and Li Zhou, who had promised him to be only the commander, was busy in the kitchen, and Morey was also instructed by him.

He knew that Li Zhou wanted the teacher to eat something good, so he deliberately took away the insect servant who didn't know anything, leaving Morey to fight, he had a fever, and insisted on staying in Busy in the smoky kitchen.

To drive away Morey who had found him, he walked into the kitchen and hugged Li Zhou's waist from behind, and said softly, "Thank you."

Li Zhou was extremely vigilant due to fever, physical examination, physical strength, and safe environment, and did not find Xavier coming in. Being hugged by Xavier, he almost hit him with a spoon.

After realizing that it was Xavier, she leaned back in peace and said softly, "Aren't you angry, I'm not keeping your word?"

Cheville buried his head on Li Zhou's shoulder and said sullenly, "Don't be angry, I feel bad."

Li Zhou sighed, put down the spoon in his hand, touched Xavier's head on his shoulder, and said warmly: "Don't worry, didn't I say it can be solved? Don't you believe me? ?"

"I believe you." Xavier hugged Li Zhou's waist and said, "But you are not feeling well now, I feel bad."

Li Zhou was amused by Xavier's rare childish tone, and held Xavier's hand on his waist, motioning him to relax.

When Xavier's arms were loosened, he turned directly in Xavier's arms and faced Xavier face to face.

Putting Xieweier's depressed face up, Li Zhou teased: "Who is this poor kid bullied by? His eyes are red."

Sheville pursed her lips and whispered: "No worm dares to bully me, and I didn't cry."

"Okay, I didn't cry, I didn't cry." Li Zhou coaxed Xieweier into the child's tone: "Can such a strong general help me make this dinner? There is no shortage of family dinners."

Cheville smiled and took the initiative to kiss Li Zhou's lips, which had become redder due to the fever, very gentlemanly released the hand that held Li Zhou, and gave an elegant bow. , said: "Of course, my hero."

Li Zhou was fascinated by Xavier's bow, and directly pulled Xavier, who was about to help cook after the ceremony, pressed him on the marble-paved cooking table, and kissed deeply down.

Because of the high fever, Li Zhou's lips were even hotter than before, so hot that Xievil, who was still rational, was willing to give up his reason completely and sink into it.

After a long time, Li Zhou let go of Xavier, looked at Xavier's clear eyes soaked in water, and couldn't help but lowered his head and bit his mark on Xavier's collarbone.

Xevier raised his head slightly and put his hand on the back of Li Zhou's head, letting Li Zhou treat him like this.

After waiting for his mark on Xavier's collarbone again, Li Zhou loosened his teeth, and gently passed his fingers through Xavier's hair, and said softly: "It's longer, it will be longer. ."

Sheville nodded obediently, and when Li Zhou had admired his hair enough, he nudged Li Zhou to stand up straight.

"This is the banquet you gave me. If there is anything else to do, I will help."

Li Zhou pointed to the beans that had not been picked on the cooking table. Thinking of the first time Xavier helped him to cook the beans, he blinked and smiled: "Beans, beans have not been picked yet. ."

Severe obviously also thought of how clumsy he looked at that time, and smiled.

Clearly picked the beans and handed them to Li Zhou, and Xavier turned his attention to the unpeeled sweet potatoes.

In this way, the little husband tacitly cooperated with the preparation of dinner in an orderly manner.

Morey, who was kicked out of the kitchen by Xavier, was miserable. As soon as he returned to the living room, he found that there was a female in the living room. When he walked in, it was actually Brian, who had not been seen for a long time.

Although Xavier and Brian are in the same class, and he is Xavier's lieutenant, he and Brian are actually very familiar.

In his impression, Brian has done nothing but find fault with his boss, so when he saw Brian here, he was all alert and very afraid of Brian Will rush into the kitchen to fight with the boss.

Brian was not stupid, he felt Morey's hostility to him directly.

With a sigh, Brian knew that his previous behavior had misunderstood Morey, so he wanted to explain.

However, before Brian could say anything, Duke, who was on the side, froze, and he went up and slapped Morey on the back of the head, saying, "Why are you doing this to Brian? Great hostility?"

Morey was staggered by Duke's shot, almost fell to the ground, and when he stood firm, he realized that he might have made a mistake.

Because today is the first day Sheville moved here, if Brian is really here to find fault, it is impossible to appear here, he will most likely go to Sheville's former home, Or the military looking for Xavier.

Being here means that Xavier and Brian are not the incompatible relationship he imagined, and Duke's attitude has explained everything.

Touched the back of his head that was sore from the beating, and Morey muttered, "You can't blame me, Major General Brian used to make trouble for my boss."

"You said it!" Duke's voice was raised by Morey.

He stared at Morey, so that if Morey talked more, he would destroy Morey's worms, and directly made all the worms laugh, including the Morey threatened by Duke.

Apologized to Brian with a smile, and was forgiven by Brian. Morey, who thought he was completely fine, sat beside Azel. The group who was instructed by Li Zhou in the kitchen just now was thirsty.

He picked up the water glass and put it to his mouth, just as he drank the water in his mouth, Duke suddenly opened his mouth.

"Morey, I heard that you took Li Zhou as your teacher, so do you have to call me uncle now?"

Morey: "Pfft..cough..!"

Seeing that Morey was choking badly, Azel hurried to help Morey get better.

However, after Morey finally recovered, Duke said again: "Don't you take Li Zhou as your teacher, when are you going to go to the Imperial Star Plaza to run naked? I'll bring an ultra-high-definition Go to the camera, be sure to set aside your most "prestigious" moments! "

Morey: ".."

Let me go, I know I'm wrong, don't torture me anymore, burst into tears.

The author has this to say:

much later;

The new army females saw the mark on Xavier's collarbone, and asked the old army females in horror, what kind of insects can be so powerful that they can leave scars on the vital position of Marshal Xavier.

The old army women shook their heads, patted the little army women who had never seen the world, and left a sentence, there is indeed a bug that can hurt our invincible marshal, then waved away .

As a result, it was later spread out from the military that Marshal Cheville was seriously injured by enemy insects to the vital part as soon as he left for the expedition!

Chever: ..

Jiageng, thank you for your continued support and Happy Children's Day tomorrow.

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

Read The Duke's Passion