MTL - God Rank Hero-Chapter 1987 No matter how many, the emperor is saying!

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Da Fei was already satisfied with the current harvest, but never expected that a mission to emperor would be burst out. This is simply too difficult for himself, "Baron of the Barren Island, Window Baron of the World". Not dare to think?

In short, this kind of big ask about Luna Night beforehand. .

Needless to say, when Da Fei sent the screenshot of the mission to Lunar Night, Lunar Night was also screamed: "Fei, this is the mission of emperor you pulled out?"

Dafei couldn't help crying: "In my opinion, this seems to have no direct relationship with Zha Zha. I just want to know what kind of influence the Zha Symmetry Emperor has. Will there be any loopholes in logical confusion? When Yuan Shu was beaten by the whole world. "

Luna Ye was excited: "The premise of logical chaos is asymmetric power! From the perspective of God, God's power has been unlocked. Those gods who may first oppose you as emperor may be tolerated because of insufficient power. The existence of Fei Ge has led to the fait accompli of Fei Ge. As long as the Fei Ge is acquiesced, even if the gate is opened, as long as Fei Ge does not touch the mold of the other party, there should be no problem. "

Dafei thought so: "What then?"

Luna Ye laughed and said, "Then it ’s Fei Ge's own thing. What kind of np does Fei Ge think you have? Go ask me anyway. Anyway, I personally suggest that I do n’t know how many people have wanted to be emperors since ancient times. The emperor's exaggeration is even more exaggerated than becoming a god. Regardless of his being called emperor, let's talk about it! "

Da Fei laughed in surprise: "Brother first ask ..."

Luna night laughed: "Don't ask, lest you ask the US Emperor to open the gate, and become emperor's concubine like a cloud ~"

That's dying to death! After the conversation, Fei immediately found Alicia and asked, "If I became the emperor, what would the kingdom of the elves think of it?"

Alicia was quite shocked: "Proclaim the emperor? I don't think there will be a special opinion, after all, the Lord Lord is already a centaur king, and I have not seen any foreign guests treated by the kingdom."

Da Fei suddenly hesitated, and immediately remembered that this was a big mistake: "That's what I said, I'm obviously a king, this is obviously looking down on my chief? This is a problem!"

Alicia laughed: "However, I think the words of the Lord of the City Lord should not touch the interests of the Elven Kingdom, but there is another benefit, that is, there is an additional diplomatic choice, and certain things do not need to look at the face of the human empire. In short, it should be the human empire that responds most? "

Dafei nodded: "That makes sense!"

In the words of the human empire, Duke William need not say, himself. Makar's words were also short-circuited by the brakes, and after the brakes were opened, as long as he didn't go to him for pain, there was no problem. Then Katerina's mother was also her own. In short, everyone else does not know, it is the existence of the task of the Duke William and Katerina to confront, ignore it.

Then there was the Holy See, and the brothers have developed into the divine realm. This Holy See or whatever, anyway, there is also a Archbishop John Paul, who has a good relationship, anyway ... I don't want that much! Any Queen Syrena and the underworld forces are all their own, so I will call him an emperor, and I will arrange a consultant for the prince so that he can return to his hometown. That's it!

Da Fei who wants to understand has no tangles, and chooses to be the emperor directly!

System Tip: You have accepted the epic quest "Fresh Dynasty" of the "Falcon Flag". You are officially named emperor. Please give your new empire a new name and confirm the location of your capital.

Da Fei didn't even want to say: "Eagle Empire, Emperor Flying!"!

System Tip: Your dynasty is officially born. You are currently a level 1 emperor. You can appoint 100 officials to players or np. You can establish a concubine marriage relationship with 10 female players or np. As your merits grow, your emperor level will increase, you can release more official positions and titles, while increasing your concubine count.

China World Announcement: Congratulations! The Chinese player "Da Fei" established the "Eagle Empire" and became the emperor of the "Eagle Empire"! Da Fei's battleship "Fei Xiang" has become the capital of the eagle empire as a mobile territory. Da Fei's world reputation is +100,000.

World Channel: Congratulations! Chinese player "Daei" set up "lyeagleempire" ...


Let me go! This sudden world announcement caught Da Fei off guard. Is it okay to be the emperor during this period? What's wrong with this concubine system? Let my brother choke to death? That brother's concubine candidate ~ At this moment, Alicia, Tamilia, Serbia, Elena, the key is the already independent Deirdre, Katrina ~ haha, wow hahaha ~ all returned to the brother Is in control!

The next moment, the messages of friends from Dafei flashed wildly, Luna Night, the ancient stars, all the emperors of the Emperor gave a congratulatory speech, and then said a thousand words: "Fei, what is the emperor doing?"

What does the emperor do?

This question is ridiculous, but it is not ridiculous at all in the game. Even high-end professional players will never think that players can actually become emperors! That's the position of np. The actual power is much greater than those rare gods. The player can be a baron, the Viscount is nothing, how can it be an emperor? Who knows what the emperor can do in the game? This is completely unknown to players!

In the face of this problem, Da Fei also pretended to be calm and calm: "Brother is also researching, after the research is done, brother, will you seal the office?"

The celebrities exclaimed: "Sure enough, can they be closed?"

God Emperor distressed: "Fei Ge, I don't want to mingle with Lion Heart Empire, I want to mingle with Fei Ge!"

Xuewei Rose laughed: "Feige, does the emperor have a three thousand harem? We don't want official positions, as long as there are dozens of places for Feige in the three thousand harems for us."

The big guys laughed: "You guys are trying to make Feige ****!"

Dafei was so excited! Three thousand harems, compared to np, who can only see and can't pop, this blood wei studio is a real group pop, brother is not choking, that is to be calm!

Da Fei regained his sanity: "Calm! Brother doesn't know if the emperor will be beaten by the whole world, so don't rush to block it first, so as not to drag everyone down, let brother study it first!"

The big brothers laughed: "Feige rest assured, even if Feige is beaten by the whole world, we will carry it with Feige!"

At this time, Da Fei can already imagine how exciting his title will be to the players in the world, especially to the United States. This is not the time when he is busy closing the harem. What is the key now?

Looks like it is still the harem? The harem is unstable and the court is turbulent! Is a queen or concubine as simple as a woman? Wrong, that's the family power behind them!

Brother first proposed to Alicia, wow ha ha ha

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